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LING 1100

Assignment 1
Due Jan 22nd , 23:59pm, in pdf format on Brightspace

The following questions relate to the lectures for the first two weeks, up to Friday, Jan 20th. Please
keep your answer to one page.

1. Write your full name as best you can using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
Please do not use an automatic converter, transcriber or translator—I would like you to
try to write it out yourself.

As an example, my name looks like this: [ɹəbɛkə iŋɹəm]. You can try out this IPA

(Think really carefully about your vowels and what they sound like, not what they look

2. When I was getting my MA in an English-speaking country, I also worked in an office with

a man whose name was "Mr. Sklar". When people called for Mr. Sklar, they would often
ask for "Mr. Skylar" or Mr. "Syklar". What are some possible explanations for why this is?

3. Please give me an example of two closed class words and four open class words. For the
open class words, please break these down into their individual morphemes, label each
morpheme as a prefix, suffix, root, infix, etc., and indicate if the affixes are derivational
or inflectional. Feel free to create your own words or to use words from your own
language if English is your second (or third, or fourth, etc.) language.

4. Please explain why the question "Is the rhinoceros in your crawlspace wearing shoes?" is
problematic to answer (assuming that there is, in fact, no rhinoceros in the crawlspace).

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