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The Dangers of Crystal Meth

By: Dylan and Caroline

Caroline is sitting at an office. Dylan enters.
Couple of moments later….
Caroline: (looks up from desk) Hello. How are you?
Dylan: Hi.
Caroline: How may I help you today?
Dylan: (mumbles under breath)
Caroline: Well, I guess I could give you a checkup.
Checks Dylan’s entire body
A while later…
Caroline: You seem quite healthy, physically. I don’t see anything wrong…
Dylan: Doctor, I’ve been thinking that I should take crystal meth. It seems so cool! Half of my friends
are doing it, and it does amazing things to them. I’ve decided to come for a checkup to see if I can do
it. And apparently I am healthy, so thanks a lot! Bye!
Dylan starts to leave. Caroline is shocked.
Caroline: Wait! Don’t leave.
Dylan: Why not?
Caroline: I want to know. Why do you want to take meth?
Dylan: I’ve told you. It makes me look COOL.
Caroline: Well, you really shouldn’t be taking crystal meth, or any kind of drug. Do you know why?
Dylan: No.
Caroline: Well, crystal meth may be “cool” among your friends. But trust me, in reality it isn’t cool at
all. Crystal meth can do dangerous things to your brain. It has very dangerous effects that you really
don’t want to deal with. And most importantly, it’s ILLEGAL.
Dylan:Wait. It’s illegal? So my friends are breaking the law?
Caroline: Yes. And it’s not just that. Did you know that it’s even made illegally? Meth is made out of
common over-the-counter drugs and household chemicals, like rubbing alcohol and cold remedies.
Dylan: Eww. I don’t want to eat that.
Caroline: It’s not just ea ng. The drug can be snorted, swallowed, smoked or injected. It is a
s mulant, which is a category of drugs that can make you feel more “high”.
Dylan: If it does all that, then why do people even take it?
Caroline: Mainly for one reason; to make themselves happier. But it comes at a heavy price. Crystal
meth can cause loss of appe te, irrita on, and even breathing problems. In the long run, it can cause
depression, severe tooth decay, and damage to the brain.
Dylan: Wow. That’s really stupid. Seriously, why did I even think about taking meth?
Caroline: You must have fallen under peer pressure. That means that your friends influenced you to
take meth.
Dylan: Peer pressure? That sounds bad. I’m never going to trust my friends again!
Caroline: Good decision, But not all friends are like that.
Dylan: Now, I promise that I will never take drugs again. I think that I am also going to help my friends
quit. How should I do that?
Caroline: Well, there are many organiza ons out there that are trying to help people to quit drugs
and not take them in the first place. I’m sure they’ll be happy to help you and your friends.
Dylan: Thank you, Doctor. I shall never consider taking drugs again!

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