204 - Formatting An Essay

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Format for setting up an academic assignment according to AP A

1. Make sure you put appropriate identifying information [DOUBLE SPACED]
at the top right or top left side of all your assignments—like the

Mary Jane (Your name)

ID # 000000 (Your Id #)

Prof. Evadne Anderson (professor’s name)

ESL 204/Term [use a #]/Section (Course information)

Month Date, Year (Date)

Cause /Effect Essay: Draft 2 (<- adjust this for subsequent essays)

(Centre the title of the assignment)

(Indent the 1st line->) Wchshsh sksje eeheh hehehe bsbsb heheuss hd jwnv

hhcacjco oklp we w w ffvvv-v vvv[v[v[vpvp vhagib vbhbh gubhhi

Vbpibbbi. Chhgaarm ndjr ndhpa dkli dcudyp, ccnsp,kk, afgha vjhhc vv etc.

NOTE: Do NOT justify the right margin!—i.e. it should be a ’ragged’ margin –as above.


1.No TITLE PAGE please. This is a short essay. Place the identifying info. etc
and Title of your essay above the 1st paragraph of your essay.
2. Double space all work[handwritten or typed]. that is to be responded to.
Do not triple space between paragraphs.
3. Do not leave blank spaces within a paragraph when you proceed to
another point within the same paragraph (Francophone style).
4. Indent the first line of each paragraph
5. Leave a left margin of 1.5” approximately
6. All work done at home is word processed [typed]—double-spaced—Use
fonts like Times New Roman [standard APA choice] 12 points—no smaller or
6b. A typed WORD doc.--Never Pdf!
7. Do NOT justify the right margin in academic writing
8. Underline the title of a book [ if your work is handwritten/if typed, the title is
in italics]---Put the title of a chapter, an article or a poem in quotation
marks [“The Dying Lake ”]
9. Include a separate Reference page.
10. Please do not hyphenate words. [MY request]. Some francophone writers
like to do this, and it is a valid writing technique. However, it is totally
unnecessary and can cause unnecessary linguistic problems!
11. For MY essay assignments, underline your thesis statement (paragraph 1)
topic sentences (paragraphs 2, 3, 4), and the restated thesis statement
(concluding paragraph). This is not an APA requirement but is good practice
for keeping you alert and accountable as a writer. Do NOT use a highlighter to
underline your thesis statement and topic sentences.
12. Draft #2 of any essay will not be accepted unless Draft #1 is STAPLED in
the back of it [when you submit in person]. –
* Send me a photo of Draft 1 if Draft 2 is submitted electronically

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