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Teacher´s name: Ethel Daniela Tello Villatoro

Time: min Year: 2022 Program: SEAL Unit: 1 Teaching Day:

Framework: PDP Skill: Listening Reading

Show understanding of: Civil war and post-war reconstruction (Page 36 to 41 on the book U.S.A History in Brief.)

By: Answering three questions (Quiz page 41)

So that: They will share 3 facts, stories, memories that they heard about civil war and post- war in Guatemala.

Key words: War, slavery, pardons, oath, laws, battlefields bloodiest deprive.

Stage & Procedure/Steps for the STUDENTS and Teacher: What will the Ss/teacher do?
Time: objective for Interaction
Statement of Aim: VAKT
each activity

Warm up

4 T will ask to the Ss the following 2 questions, Ss will think their answers for 1 minute. T – Ss - Presentatio
min Ss n.
 what is a civil war?
 How do you think a civil war could affect you?

T will select 2 ss to answers the questions.

2 Introduce the topic T. will tell students: “today we will read a part of the U.S.A history, this is about the war and T - Ss presentatio
or set up
min the post war”. n
knowledge of it:

2 T will show in the screen the words in the left side and in the right side the concepts, Ss will T - Ss Presentatio
match the correct word in the screen with the option annotate. n
Introduce key ANSWERS:
1. War - a state of armed conflict between different nations or
states or different groups within a nation or state.
2. Slavery: the state of being a slave.
3. Pardons: the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or
4. Oath: a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding
one's future action or behavior.
5. Laws: the system of rules which a particular country or community
recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it
may enforce by the imposition of penalties.
6. Battlefields: the piece of ground on which a battle is or was fought.
7. Bloodiest: a swear word that many people find offensive that is
used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement
8. Deprive: deny (a person or place) the possession or use of
min T will show the answers and an image for each word.

6 Ss will write in their notebook a prediction about the text using at least 3 words of the TL.
min Predicting
Ss will share in breakout rooms their predictions.
8 During T will project the question: What is the main topic in the text? and two options on the screen
min to answer.
Understand the gist
of the text A. The U.S. Civil War and what came next
(general/superficial B. how the civil war adversely affected the U.S.A.
The correct answer is A.

Ss will read from page 37 to page 41 on the book U.S.A History in Brief. (T will show the
text in the screen)

Ss will answer the question that is on the screen in the chat box in a private message.

T will ask that ss think in the main idea of the text. (Only think)
8 Understand general Ss will read from page 37 to page 41 on the book U.S.A History in Brief. (T will show the
min detail:
text in the screen)

Ss will write the main idea of the text in their notebook.

T will select a student to share with the class his/her answer.

Ss will read the quiz in the page 41. (Only read)

Ss will read from page 37 to page 41 on the book U.S.A History in Brief. (T will show the
8 text in the screen)
concrete (specific)
min Ss will answer the three questions in the page 41

3 volunteers will answer the questions (1 question per student)

5 Checking Preditions Ss will read their prediction and will answer:

- From 1 to 100, how correct was your prediction?

Ss will share their answer in the chat box.

T will select a student to share her/his answer.

9 Post-Listening/ Ss will write 3 facts, stories, memories that they heard about civil war and post- war in
min Guatemala. (In their notebook)
Expand on the
topic: They will share their facts in breakout rooms.

In the main room 2 ss will share their facts.


the topic:

Expand and use

FMU Component
Topic: Civil war and post-war reconstruction key words Unit # 1 Level: A1


1. War: /wôr/ -

2. Slavery: /ˈslāv(ə)rē/ -
3. Pardons: /ˈpärdn/
4. Oath: /ōTH/
5. Laws: /lô/
6. Battlefields: / ˈbadlˌfēld/
7. Bloodiest/ bloody: /ˈblʌdi/
8. Deprive: /dɪˈpraɪv/

9. War: a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a
nation or state.
10. Slavery: the state of being a slave.
11. Pardons: the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense.
12. Oath: a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior.
13. Laws: the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the
actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.
14. Battlefields: the piece of ground on which a battle is or was fought.
15. Bloodiest: a swear word that many people find offensive that is used to emphasize a comment or
an angry statement
16. Deprive: deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

T will show in the screen the words in a list in
To understand the text Civil war and post-war the left side, and in the right side the meanings.
reconstruction (Page 36 to 41 on the book U.S.A History in Ss will match the words with the meanings.
More Activities (Remember activities)
Write facts
Write memories

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