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AIA 2022-23 Faits de langue (L.


Exemples classés de problématiques (2018, 2019, 2021)

I. Domaine nominal

Il s’agit ici d’une proposition de classement selon différentes problématiques. Plusieurs

exemples entrent dans différentes problématiques et il n’est pas toujours facile de faire des

A. Déterminants (dont articles et quantifieurs) : voir aussi générique

‘There wasn’t a tree here when we first came. We planted every one, and used to carry water
for them, too (2018) vs. any tree, no tree, any trees, (even) one tree; en lien avec la négation

You would think that any president, whatever his party, would make job creation, and
nothing else, his first order of economic business. (2021)

The BBC does not exist to shape society to some pre- determined pattern. (2021)

The proof of a decent reaction in him against so much passivity was, with no great richness,
that he at least knew—knew, that is, how he was, and how little he liked it as a thing accepted
in mere helplessness. (2021)

This is no flattery, (2018)

B. This/That (déterminant / pronom / adverbe)

I scream for him to run, but he just hit and hit that snake like he was crazy.’ (2018)

This is the latest parle we will admit, / Therefore to our best mercy give yourselves, (2021)

C. Constructions à plusieurs noms (relation internominale : N of N, N’s N, NN)

[the Parliament Bill] was carried in order that the Government might be able to force /../
Home Rule Proposals which /.../ were carefully hidden from the people of this country /.../ -
proposals which they are trying to carry, not only without the consent , but /.../ against the
will of the people of this country. (2019)

Never was a consciousness more rounded and fastened down over what filled it; which is
precisely what we have spoken of as, in its degree, the oppression of success, the somewhat
chilled state— tending to the solitary—of supreme recognition. (2021)

A young gentleman with a swan-neck, wearing a lady-like open shirt collar, thrown back,
and tied with a black ribbon. (2019)

He had come to thank us for the presents, and for all grandmother’s kindness to his family.
D. GN complexe (avec adjectifs composés ou non et potentiellement adverbes ;
inclut les noms propres précédés d’un déterminants ; les noms en -ING)

The bride is slain accidentally by viciously marauding whites. (2019) composition du GN,
formation de l’adjectif (marauding), adjectif substantivé (whites) + détermination

Henry Fonda, as the tobaccochewing Frank James, is a beautiful characterization, (2018):

determinant + nom propre (& rôle adjectif)

The ameliorative measures /.../ have created a new Ireland. (2019) id.

Manchel’s misunderstanding of history and its relation to art forms is complete. (2018) :
nominalisation / nom verbal

E. Le générique (inclut adjectifs substantivés ; à noter les trois types d’articles)

I never knew man and beast, of a horse and a knight, So weary of each other (2019)

Well, that’s the drum the Democrats should have been pounding in the earliest days of the
Obama administration, and they should have backed it up with a dramatic rebuild America
infrastructure campaign and every other job-creation measure they could think of, including
public works projects for the young and the poor and the hard-core unemployed. (2021)

Of course it can be argued that if such an amalgamation of the factual and the imagined makes
a greater impact on the television audience there is no reason why it should not be used, and
that television is actually only achieving more successfully and more easily what the
fashionable “theatre of fact” is trying to do—that is, look at the events of the real world
through the eyes of a dramatist and supplement the known with the imagined. (2021)

But beyond and above this, the peculiar nature of Broadcasting – open to all to hear, yet
individual and intimate in its approach – inevitably transfers the choice, within the stock of
available and technically manageable material, from the listener himself to the broadcaster.

But granting that the Indian is not to be exterminated, (2018)

In short, tho’ I was a Whore, yet I was a Protestant Whore, and could not act as if I was
Popish (2018) création d’une sous-classe

F. Morphologie (adjectifs/noms/adverbes)

Voir GN complexe

G. Pronoms (inclut this/that, one, some/any…)

Otto Fuchs was the first one we met. (2018)

H. Types de N

Not only is education irrelevant to the poor, and nasty medicine when at last you do take a
sip, but expensive too. (2018) nom dérivé d’un V mais non dénombrable ; renvoie à l’action

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