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Database models define the logical structure of a database and how data is organized and accessed.

There are several types of database models:

 Hierarchical Model: Organizes data in a tree-like structure with parent-child relationships. Data
is represented in a top-down structure where each child record has only one parent record. IMS
(Information Management System) is an example of a hierarchical database.
 Network Model: Similar to the hierarchical model but allows many-to-many relationships
between records. It uses a graph structure where each record can have multiple parent and
child records. CODASYL databases (such as IDMS and DMS-1100) follow the network model.
 Relational Model: Organizes data into tables (relations) with rows and columns, where each row
represents a record and each column represents an attribute. Relationships between tables are
established using keys. This model forms the basis of relational databases managed using SQL
(Structured Query Language).
 Object-Oriented Model: Represents data in the form of objects, similar to object-oriented
programming languages. It supports complex data types, encapsulation, inheritance, and
polymorphism. Object-oriented databases (OODBMS) are based on this model.
 Entity-Relationship Model: Focuses on entities (things of significance, such as people, places, or
objects) and their relationships. It uses entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) to visualize and
design databases, identifying entities, attributes, and relationships between entities.
 Document Model: Stores data in documents (e.g., JSON or XML), allowing flexibility in the
structure and supporting semi-structured and unstructured data. Document-oriented databases
like MongoDB and Couchbase follow this model.
 Graph Model: Represents data as entities (nodes) and relationships (edges) between those
entities. This model is suitable for highly interconnected data, such as social networks, network
topologies, and recommendation systems. Graph databases like Neo4j and Amazon Neptune are
based on this model.
 Each database model has its own advantages and use cases. The choice of a model depends on
factors such as data structure, relationships, scalability, and the specific requirements of the
application or system being developed.

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