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1 KELVIN TUKAE MSOSSY 230222452613
5 EUNICE EDWIN RWEBU 23022349874
6 MPOKI NOEL 230222431393
1. Using diagram, explain the information flow from the CPU to the main memory in managing
computer functionalities
The information flow from CPU to main memory in managing computer functionalities is a complex
process that involves various components and operations. Here is a simplified explanation of how it

 The CPU is the brain of the computer that executes instructions and performs calculations.
The main memory, also known as RAM, is the temporary storage area that holds data and
programs that are currently in use. The CPU and the main memory communicate through a
data bus, which is a set of wires that can transfer bits of information in parallel.
 The CPU consists of three main parts: the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and
the registers. The control unit is responsible for fetching, decoding, and executing instructions
from the main memory. The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations on the data. The
registers are small and fast memory units that store intermediate results, operands, and
 The CPU also has a memory management unit (MMU) that manages the data flow between
the main memory and the CPU. It also provides memory protection and virtual memory
 The CPU follows a basic cycle of fetch, decode, execute, and store. In the fetch phase, the
control unit sends the address of the next instruction to the main memory through the address
bus, and receives the instruction from the main memory through the data bus. The instruction
is then stored in the instruction register (IR).
 In the decode phase, the control unit analyzes the instruction and determines what operation to
perform and what operands to use. The operands may be stored in the registers, the main
memory, or the instruction itself. The control unit may also update the program counter (PC),
which holds the address of the next instruction.
 In the execute phase, the control unit sends the appropriate signals to the ALU and the
registers to perform the operation. The ALU may use the data from the registers or the main
memory as inputs, and send the result to a register or the main memory as output. The control
unit may also set some flags in the status register (SR) to indicate the outcome of the
 In the store phase, the control unit may write the result of the operation to the main memory or
another register, depending on the instruction. The cycle then repeats until the program is
completed or interrupted.
The following diagram shows an example of the information flow from CPU to main memory in
managing computer functionalities.
2. With examples, describe the operating system and its main components.
An operating system is a system software that manages the hardware and software resources of a
computer, and provides common services for the programs that run on it. The main components of an
operating system are:
 Kernel: The kernel is the core component of the operating system that controls most of the
operating system tasks, such as memory and process management, as well as any interaction
between installed software and the device's hardware. The kernel can be classified into two
types monolithic and microkernel. A monolithic kernel contains all the operating system
functions in one large program, while a microkernel only contains the essential functions and
relies on other programs to provide additional services.
 Shell: The shell is the component of the operating system that provides a user interface to
interact with the operating system. The shell can be either graphical or command-line based.
A graphical shell uses windows, icons, menus, and pointers to allow the user to perform tasks
using a mouse and keyboard. A command-line shell uses text commands and responses to
allow the user to perform tasks using a keyboard. For example, a shell is a command
interpreter under UNIX.
 File system: The file system is the component of the operating system that organizes and
manages the data stored on the secondary storage devices, such as hard disks, flash drives, or
optical disks. The file system provides a logical structure for the files and directories, and
allows the user to create, delete, read, and write files. The file system also maintains the
security and integrity of the files and directories. For example, FAT, NTFS, and ext4 are
some of the common file systems used by different operating systems.
 Device drivers: Device drivers are the component of the operating system that communicate
with the hardware devices, such as printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, monitors, or network
cards. Device drivers translate the requests from the operating system or the programs into
commands that the hardware devices can understand and execute. Device drivers also handle
the errors and interruptions that may occur during the communication.
 System calls: System calls are the component of the operating system that provide a
standardized interface for the programs to access the services and resources of the operating
system. System calls allow the programs to request the operating system to perform tasks
such as creating or killing processes, reading or writing files, allocating or freeing memory,
or sending or receiving messages. System calls are usually implemented as software
interrupts that transfer the control from the program to the operating system.
 Other components: Depending on the type and purpose of the operating system, there may
be other components that provide additional functions and services, such as networking,
security, signals, or command interpreter.
i. Networking is the component that enables the communication and data exchange
between different computers or devices over a network.
ii. Security is the component that protects the system and the data from
unauthorized access or malicious attacks.
iii. Signals are the component that notify the processes about the occurrence of
certain events or conditions.
iv. Command interpreter is the component that accepts and executes the commands
entered by the user.

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