Irae Model Derek Rake

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The IRAE Model

The Protocol for a Woman's Love and
a Lifetime of Devotion
This is ​an official Shogun Method
publication. For more information on
Shogun Method, go to

©​Derek Rake. All rights reserved.

Enslavement, Not

Derek Rake

Some may find the content of this
book objectionable. If you are easily
offended by discussions of real world
psychology and human nature, stop
This is a story about three
The first story is about Ronnie.

At the ripe old age of 21, Ronnie has never held a girl’s
hand. Lonely and frustrated, his inability to find a girl is
hurting him.

His problem? He simply couldn’t talk to women.

Now, here's the thing… Ronnie is actually quite good-

looking. He is 6ft tall, in great shape and dresses well.

Ronnie is confident and has no problems approaching

girls. But whenever he tries to be friendly, they get turned
off quickly. He doesn’t know why.

One girl even bluntly told him,

“Get away from me, creep!”

Like any guy in his situation, Ronnie turns to the internet.

"How can I make a girl like me?" he asks Google,
desperate for an answer... (turn the page.)
Sure enough, Google shows him pages and pages from
dating gurus and pickup artists. Pickup lines, jokes,
opener routines… he diligently jots them down. He reads
them every day. He repeats them in the mirror.

Guess what happens next?

Having heard those stale pickup lines a thousand times,

girls simply stare at him blankly. The cruel ones mock him
and guffaw at his face.

Ronnie is trapped in a cycle, a game that he keeps

losing. Rejections are a stab into his ego. They hurt.

Now, meet Jack, the second guy.

Unlike Ronnie, Jack has no trouble talking to girls. In fact,

he seems to have a natural flair with them, and they
absolutely love his company...
They say,

“Jack’s my go-to when I'm feeling down.”​​

“​He's my shoulder to cry on.”​
“​He's a better listener than my boyfriend.”​
“​He's like the brother I never had.”​

Jack should be drowning in pussy, right?

No. In fact, he’s in a worse shape than Ronnie.

While Jack enjoys being there for the girls, there’s a

problem. They only want to tell him their problems. He’s
like an emotional dump truck to them, nothing more.

Sure enough, the truth dawns upon Jack. Just because a

girl likes to talk to him doesn’t mean she likes him
romantically. Bummer.

Jack is like a fat boy at a buffet but told not to eat any
of the food. Blue balls are worse than rejections, and
Jack is sick of it.

Next, meet Eugene...


When Eugene first got married, everything was

wonderful. His wife Adrena loved and treated him well.

As time goes by, things go downhill. Adrena starts to be

overly critical of Eugene, nitpicking even the smallest

Adrena has lost her respect for Eugene. She is openly

contemptuous, often humiliating him in front of family and
friends. Many a times, she told Eugene, "I want to be free."

Things reached a breaking point when Eugene discovers

something horrifying. Adrena has been sleeping with a
guy at work.

Eugene is aflame with rage, grief and utter devastation.

But here's the kicker…

...despite the pain she caused, Eugene still loves

He longs for the days when their marriage was filled with
passion, joy and respect. He yearns for her to love him like
she once did.

This is where the story takes a sharp


Ronnie, Jack, and Eugene's paths intertwined, leading

them to a remarkable discovery. They stumbled upon an
elixir, a catalyst that sparked a pivotal moment. It had
forever altered their lives.

Ronnie conquered his romantic obstacles and found a

girl. She is tender and devoted, and she adores him with
every fiber of her being.

Jack cut off the emotional leeches who had fed on his
attention. To his amusement, girls are now the ones who
are chasing him.

Eugene's wife returned, humbled and pleading for a

second chance. She promised to be loving and faithful
once more, eager to rebuild their marriage.

What did Ronnie, Jack and Eugene find? What is that


Find out →​

Things Hidden Since The Foundation of The World

Life is random, full of surprises and
unpredictable moments.

It’s like a wild roller coaster ride filled with twists and

We might try to make sense of it all, but life doesn’t always

follow a fixed plan. It’s a puzzle with missing pieces we’re
trying to figure out.

Your woman is no different.

She may seem to act randomly, with full of surprises and

unpredictable moments. With her, it’s like going on a wild
roller coaster ride with twists and turns.

You might try to make sense of it all, but her behavior

doesn’t always follow a fixed plan. She’s a puzzle with
missing pieces you’re trying to figure out. So, like life,
women are a game of chance, a gamble of fate...
But is it, really?

What if I told you that despite the world’s apparent

unpredictability, there’s a hidden structure that holds
everything together?

What if I told you that beneath all the chaos and

randomness, there’s rule and order?

Indeed, things that may seem haphazard on the surface

can have patterns underneath.

To prove this to you, we'll explore some math and code.

But don’t worry, it’s going to be easy, trust me.

To start, look at this diagram. What do you see?


Continue →​
At first glance, every dot seems completely random,

Now, without geeking out completely, there’s something

in computer code we call the random number generator.

As the name suggests, all it does is to spit out random

numbers. I used it to plot the diagram on the previous

Now, let’s see what happens when we take a random

number and feed it into the random number generator


Do you see a pattern now?

Yes, or no? →​
Everything appears somewhat random, but with a
difference. The dots now seem to move towards the
lower left corner.

What if we repeat this process for the third time?


Every dot seems to move closer to the edge of the plot,

forming an obvious pattern, right?

And if we keep on going, we come to a startling

...that every dot collapses to a single point.​

So, what does this show us?

Well, it reveals that when we continuously generate

random numbers from random numbers, something
interesting happens. Things stop being random.

Mathematicians refer to this phenomenon as the Central

Limit Theorem–large samples of random numbers usually
cluster together in a pattern. But you don't have to be a
mathematician to understand this.

What you see here is a principle of nature that underlies

everything that appears senseless and chaotic.

What’s that principle?

Chaos is governed by rules.
Underneath the randomness of life,
there's order.

Here’s the tricky thing, however. While chaos obey

rules, these rules are not obvious at all. In fact, most
people are blind to them.

French philosopher René Girard called these rules des

choses cachées depuis la fondation du mode. Or, things
hidden since the foundation of the world.

But once you uncover this hidden principle of nature,

you’ll know the truth–that life is not random. It is not a
game of chance.

And guess what? Your woman's behavior is not random,

either. In fact, she's 100% predictable.

The One Sacrosanct Rule of Love

Imagine playing a game without
knowing its rules. It would be difficult
to win, wouldn’t it?

In the game of love, men know nothing about its

rules. And that’s why they lose.

Love is not random. It’s not a game of chance.

Relationships may seem a whirlwind, but beneath the

storm, there’s structure. Because believe me, your
woman’s behavior is never random.

There’s a method to her madness. And what’s even more

astonishing is that she’s not even aware of her own crazy
shit. She doesn’t know why she’s behaving that way...

...but guess what? You will.

Not only that, once you grasp the one sacrosanct rule of
love, you will emerge victorious.

So, what’s this rule?

Find out... turn the page.

Here's the one sacrosanct rule of love–

Love obeys a protocol.

A woman never randomly falls in love with a man. To
evoke her experience of sexual love, her emotions
must be triggered in a specific sequence in the


And guess what? Once you know the sequence, you can
engineer any woman’s sexual love for you. All you need to
do is to trigger her emotions in precise sequence.

It’s as straightforward as that.

Ronnie, Jack and Eugene violated this rule and suffered

for it. However, once they corrected their approach,
everything fell into place.

Next, let’s switch gears and talk about you instead...

Are you getting what you want from
your woman?

If you are not, there’s only one reason. You’ve disregarded

the sequence and muddled things up.

But, don’t worry. Just like Ronnie, Jack and Eugene, you
can get back on track. But you must first understand what
the track is.

The sequence maps out the track to follow to get to what

you want. It holds the secrets to her slavish love and a
lifetime of loyalty and devotion.

The protocol represents a rare knowledge hidden since

the foundation of the world. And now, that knowledge is
in your hands.

You must learn it, and learn it well. Your happiness (and
your woman's happiness) depends on it.

​Turn the page.


IRAE: The Protocol of Love

Love obeys a protocol. And now, you
will learn what that protocol is.

In psychology, elements of influence shape how we

persuade others.

Persuasion is like cooking. An element of influence is like

a vital ingredient in a recipe. It’s something that gives a
dish its defining flavor.​​

For a woman to fall in love, these three elements of

influence must be present–

▢ Intrigue

▢ Rapport

▢ Attraction

After she is in love, a fourth element of influence is

needed for her to stay in love.

And that fourth element is...

A recipe is a protocol–what ingredients to add and when
to add them.

The IRAE (pronounced eye-ray) Model is the protocol for

love. It’s a four-stage sequence to make a woman fall in
love with a man and sustain that love.

Let’s break it down–


Stage 1: Intrigue Generation. Capture a woman's attention

and spark initial interest in you.

Stage 2: Rapport Development. Engage in conversation, get

to know her better, and discover common interests. Make her
laugh and foster a liking for you.

Stage 3: Attraction Building. Connect with her on a deep

emotional level, forging a powerful sexual bond. This is where
she falls in love with you.

Stage 4: Enslavement. Establish a profound emotional grip

over her. She becomes emotionally dependent on you,
needing you like she needs water and air.
Love obeys a protocol. And the IRAE
Model is that protocol.

Important: The protocol works only when you follow

each stage in sequence. This is crucial. You must never
skip steps.


Always begin with intrigue generation (Stage 1). Capture her

attention and pique her interest. This lays the foundation for
developing rapport in the next stage. Once rapport is
established (Stage 2), unleash your charm to build attraction
(Stage 3). Nurture that attraction further until you achieve
emotional enslavement (Stage 4).

Enslavement works in a straight line.​


How To Make Every Mistake In The Book

(and how to fix them)

The four stages of the IRAE Model–

S​tage 1. Generate Intrigue

Stage 2. Develop Rapport
Stage 3. Build Attraction
Stage 4. Enslave

If a man fails with a woman, there are only two reasons

why. He violated the IRAE Model by either–

1. Skipping steps, or
2. Remaining at one stage for too long.

The IRAE Model explains the mistakes a man makes with a


She’s not interested or keeps avoiding you. Reason:

You skipped Stage 1. You tried building Rapport
without Intrigue.
She’s uncomfortable around you. Reason: You
skipped Stage 2. You attempted to build Attraction
without Rapport.
She friendzones you. Reason: You remained in Stage
2 (Rapport) for too long.
She runs away from you. You terrify her. Reason: You
jumped straight to Stage 4 (Enslave). That’s what
sociopaths do.
She falls out of love with you. Reason: You remained
in Stage 3 (Attract) for too long. You should have
Enslaved her, but you didn't.
Let's revisit our old friends, Ronnie,
Jack and Eugene.

Ronnie kept getting rejected by girls. His attempts at

being friendly quickly turned them off.

With the IRAE Model, he quickly found the root cause of

his problem. His mistake? He jumped straight into
Rapport stage without establishing any Intrigue first.

What did Ronnie do to rectify this? He joined the Shogun

Method brotherhood and learned the Intrigue Ping.

Using it as an opener before attempting to build rapport,

girls found him intriguing and charming.

That was the only thing he did–prefacing rapport with

intrigue. And it worked.

How about Jack?​

Unlike Ronnie, Jack was well-liked by
the ladies...

...but here's the thing. They never saw him as a

romantic prospect, only as a friend.

Jack’s mistake? Again, the IRAE Model gave him a clue.

He had spent too much time in the Rapport stage.

Shoguns know this–staying too long within a stage is a kiss

of death. You must always escalate.

What did Jack do? In the Shogun Method community, he

learned how to move quickly to the Attract stage. His
Shogun Method weapon of choice was Implanted
Commands. By using hypnotic words, he planted
romantic and sexual thoughts in women’s minds.

And it worked. Women wanted him–and wanted him

badly. But Jack bids his time; there’s no need to rush into
settling when there’s so many options now.

“​It feels great to be the chooser for a change,”​Jack


Finally, let's turn to Eugene →​

If you'd remember, Eugene's wife
cheated on him.

Surely, Adrena’s infidelity wasn’t Eugene’s fault. And yet

the truth is this–

If Eugene had escalated Adrena to the Enslavement

stage, she wouldn’t have betrayed him.


As any Shogun knows, Enslavement is the endgame, not

attraction. Eugene learned this the hard way.

Still, it wasn’t too late for him. Eugene played the ace card
and executed the Black Rose Sequence on his wife.

What happened next?

The hypnotic effect of the Black Rose
Sequence kicked in a flash.

Tearfully, Adrena crawled back into his arms, remorseful

over her infidelity. The horror episode was now behind
them, and they are reliving their happiest days as man
and wife.

The lesson is crystal clear.

Don't skip steps. Don't disobey the sequence. Don't break

the protocol.

Continue →​

Enslavement, Not Seduction

Relationship gurus and pickup artists teach seduction.

I teach Enslavement.

Of course, I don’t mean physical enslavement. That’s despicable

and wrong. A real man never resorts to force or coercion. That’s
not the way of us Shoguns.

What I mean is emotional enslavement. Every woman needs

emotional nourishment. If you can’t give it to her, she will seek
fulfillment from another man. It’s that simple.

But, if you can be the sole provider to feed into her emotional
hunger, guess what happens? She will be devoted to you for life.
She’ll have eyes for you, and you only. Leaving you is impossible–
her happiness is tethered to you.

Here’s the kicker, though. This knowledge is not for everyone.

Shogun Method is not some silly pickup artist trick to impress
girls at the bar.

Emotional enslavement is
a serious matter and you
shouldn’t take it lightly.

And unlike dating gurus trying to sell you crappy ebooks,

Shogun Method is not a magic pill. There’s no silver bullet that
will make your problems go away instantly. If you want this
knowledge, you must work for it. There are no shortcuts.

Finally, remember this.

Shogun Method can mess a woman up pretty badly. If you

screw up, you will destroy her life. And trust me, it will affect
you, too. The risk of backfire is 100% real.

So, here’s the bottom line–Shogun Method is not for everyone.

It’s for a very specific type of man, and chances are that you may
not be that man.

Is Shogun Method for you? Let's find out... turn the page.
At this point, continue only
if you check these boxes–

▢ You are comfortable with the idea of emotional


▢ You understand that Shogun Method requires effort and


▢ You are aware of the risks.

And on top of all that...

If we accept you into the Shogun Method brotherhood, you must

make this promise.

You pledge to keep Shogun Method to yourself,

never to disclose our knowledge to outsiders.

If you do, and only if you do–

Click here.​
Be A Shogun.

Enslave any woman

emotionally and make her
willingly and lovingly submit
to your masculine authority.​

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