Level 1C Gloria

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IBSM Assessment form 2022-2023 Level 1C

To be given access to the assessment, the student must provide a portfolio in Paragin meeting the following requirements:
The portfolio contains a set of ILOs related to the assessment and covers all the applicable IBSM Worlds:
1) Level 1A; Worlds not specified - related to the startup challenges and the focus of the student.
2) Level 3A and 3B; 1-2-3-4-5 and World of specialization.
3) All other portfolios should cover all 9 Worlds.
Evidence of learning (challenges and learning outputs) is linked to these ILOs.
The feedback fulfils the VARTA criteria: Variety - Authenticity - Relevance -Topicality - Amount.
The feedback and leveling of the IB Worlds by the business coaches matches the level of the portfolio to be assessed.
The portfolio includes a written reflection in which the student reflects on his/her overall learning so far using evidence from the portfolio.
Date: 19/09/2023 Date:
Name student: Gloria Defalle Name student:
Names assessment team: Frank Aretz Names assessment team:
Norbert Bonenkamp

The rubrics describe the expected Feedback Feedback

minimum level (= 6)

Context and The student is able to work on I have worked on different business Student worked with different groups in
autonomy business challenges that are easy challenges where I’ve collaborated different challenges with different
to understand, in a familiar with international students and stakeholders
context with some international clients on fictional and non-fictional
elements. The challenges have a companies.
limited number of stakeholders,
conflicts and risks.
Demonstrating The student can identify and I have gained knowledge in every IB All worlds covered on a holestic
knowledge and explain basic international world by working on different
understanding business concepts and models challenges covering the 9 worlds, I
applicable to his challenges have learned how to collaborate with
covering World 1-9. He/she can
IBSM Assessment form 2022-2023 Level 1C

also explain how these concepts peers and clients. Holistic Marketing
and models link together in the en Finance link
context of the holistic IBSM
Applying The student can apply basic I applied my knowledge to my own Student is able to go in the problem
knowledge and international business concepts businesses, and I have been able to solving loop to gather model and apply
understanding and models, while taking the see significant progress and growth— those
holistic IBSM approach. for example, a Business model
canvas, a balance sheet, and a SWOT
Problem solving The student is able to form an I have faced important problems in Students uses PSL in a proper way
opinion on challenges, identify my different challenges and found
practical/operational solutions and operational solutions by doing
describe their benefits and research and applying effective
limitations. operations.
Convincing others The student is able to: I have helped high school students Also in the feedback loop
and creating buy in - explain a challenge, find and develop a business challenge
- the problem solving linking marketing, supply chain, and
method/approach used, finance, leading to a business idea
- possible solutions, their benefits and a clean presentation in front of
and limitations fellow students and coaches.
to coaches, fellow students and
challenge providers.
Collaborating The student demonstrates I have worked with international Yes, in fbl, com. And external field
willingness to collaborate within students from China, Croatia, and
internationally diverse peer groups France on different challenges within
within and/or outside the my community for several months.
Keep learning The student is able to receive and I am able to proceed with feedback Student can be more open in
provide feedback within the from coaches, peers, and feedbackloop
community, process the feedback international clients and use this
and act on feedback
IBSM Assessment form 2022-2023 Level 1C

received. He/she actively engages feedback to improve my soft and

in the community. hard skills.
Grading (choose one of the grading possibilities and explain your choice)
Insufficient (<5,5)
The student shows
Sufficient (6)
The student shows
sufficient progress.
Satisfactory (7)
The students shows
progress in all
Good (8) Reflecting on my past performances, 8
The students I can confidently say, I think I deserve
outperforms a 8 for this portfolio. I have gained
expectations in one valuable knowledge and managed to
or two rubrics. apply it on my own businesses by
taking important risks. I have also
worked with peers and clients all
over the world and solved important
problems for big companies. Overall I
went out of my comfort zone on
most of my challenges and made a
big step forward this past year.
Very good (9)
The students
expectations in
IBSM Assessment form 2022-2023 Level 1C

three or four
Excellent (10)
The students
expectations in all
Signatures assessment team
First examiner:
Second examiner:
Assessor (if

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