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Write about how I got lost in my nimagination, and woke up a stronger person.

He took me into a room filled with mirrors,a mirage , he said, in life ther are going to be a lot of sides of
urself, you gonna grow up and learn from your mistakes, because they don’t dfine who you are .
They showed all that ive went through, when my father died, when tiisetso found her first bf and
distanced herself, when my grandpa died.

When it darkens!

When it darkens, and the silence kicks in; everything to rest, and reality begins. I stared at the clock on
the wall, and realised it was soon to be 00:00. I would go online to realise how dry it was, and so went to
my gallery and saw the smile I used to wear when I was younger. Tormenting memories and merciless
pain would kick in, forcing droplets of water down my palpitating cheeks.

Everynight was hell; felt as if I was trapped in a time chamber full of all that I went through, the horrors
of life and the burdens that I had to carry in my shoulders every single day and slides of the reality that I
wanted to escape. I would go to bed around 8 but would only rest at 4am, sometimes 6, when people
are waking up.

Midnight hit, and like evrynight, 00:00 drove me into pain, my eyes would be uncontrollably secreting its
juices, while my palms would be clunching all over my blankets and sheets. My heart would be beating
slower than a hungry tortoise, as though death was at the door. Part of me would be telling me that it’s
time to leave, but I would stop myself when I remember how sinful it would beThe realm between the
possible and unbelievable, lost in my thoughts,escaping my pain, and drawing to myself the smiles that
comes once one closes thine eyes, and imagine the blues and yellows of life. I became overwhelmed by
th mixed emotion I had. “would me ending it take away my pain or pass it unto others?”, I asked myself.

“what if I go to hell?”, confused yet redfaced. “either way, I would finally rest from earthly problems.
Maybe where I’ll have went would award me true friends, compassion and happiness.”

I then remembered where my mom placed her pills earlier on after eating supper. Warm blood
suddenly rushed through my vein. The motivated me ran out of my room, rushing to where the pills
were placed. I opened the cupboard to not find them. I slowly became frustrated also not throwing ij the
towel yet. I searched and searched till it came to my mind where she might have put them, on, not in
the cupboard. I climbed a chair and reachd for the top, felt a certain bottle’s content making sound as
they collided against one was them, I said, happy to end it. For I felt like I had reached the
halt. I grabbed onto them as I made way to my bedroom.i jumped onto my bed and lied straight facing
up, as though the roof, would just open, same as the heavens, so as to seek permission from my
creator.In my mind I said, “dear Lord, im grateful for everything, especially the life you borrowed me.
But now it’s time to take it back.”

I took my notepad and pen besides my bed. Blinked once and began writing my final words.

“life is a beautiful thing, that I learnt!love is a beautiful moment that moves slow when we are far apart.
Me doing this doesn’t mean im trying to punish you or deprive you joy, im just freeing myself from the
world, the pain, the long nights of endless crying. Even a boild egg looks the same as one coming straight
from the box, you have to get closer to it to feel its warmth, or lift it up to feel its weight,and shake it to
feel if there is still hope of life in it. I found myself alone, lonely and cornered by my emotions. All heavy
foe me , I found myself amidst a rock and hard place. Whats the point of living uf there’s no longer hope.
And what’s the point of hoping if lost all the faith I had. I sometimes feel as If God likes me least; why
out of all his kids, im th one being punished.y1e
Write about how I got lost in my nimagination, and woke up a stronger person.
He took me into a room filled with mirrors,a mirage , he said, in life ther are going to be a lot of sides of
urself, you gonna grow up and learn from your mistakes, because they don’t dfine who you are .
They showed all that ive went through, when my father died, when tiisetso found her first bf and
distanced herself, when my grandpa died.

“ why escape reality when you can make it a new real?”, left perplexed by the words that I forgot I was
in a different world, a world of possibilities. “who are you?”,I screamed, “reveal yourself!”

If love was words, then you are a poem, composed of the finest metaphors,

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