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Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021) 191e199

2020 tropical cyclones in the Philippines: A review

Gemma Dela Cruz Santos
College of Education, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines
Available online 20 September 2021


The official website of the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said more tropical
cyclones (TCs) enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) than anywhere else in the world. With the average of 20 TCs per year, about
eight (8) or nine (9) of them are crossing the Philippines. The peak of the typhoon season is July through October, when nearly 70% of all
typhoons develop ( Based on the report of the Asian Disaster Reduction
Center (ADRC), five of the typhoons that visit the country are destructive and being situated in the “Pacific Ring of Fire” makes the country
vulnerable to frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Its geographical location and physical environment also contribute to its high
susceptibility to tsunami, sea-level rise, storm surges, landslides, flash/flood/flooding, and drought (
tion.php?NationCode ¼ 608&Lang en). For the past years, some typhoons that visited the country brought serious damages and kill many
Filipinos by floods and landslides. The researcher comes up with the idea of assessing the aftermath of 2020 typhoons that visited the country.
The data used by the researcher were collected from different sources, namely NDRRMC (National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council), PAGASA, social media and other websites. The result of the study reveals that the most destructive typhoon in 2020 that caused huge
damage on the infrastructure and agriculture is Ulysses followed by Rolly, Quinta, Ambo, Vicky, Pepito, Ofel, and Marce. Most of the affected
areas are those nearer to water bodies, surrounded by mountains with few trees to absorb a huge amount of water and situated in the low-lying
© 2021 The Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi
Communication Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Keywords: ADRC; NDRRMC; PAGASA; TC; Pacific ring of fire

1. Introduction occurrences of strong typhoons have become more frequent,

so as the induced marine disasters (Liu et al., 2020).
Among all the meteorological disasters, typhoons impose “Typhoon,” originating from the Chinese tai (strong) and
significant threats to human lives and urban development not fung (wind), is the term used to describe a tropical cyclone in
only because of their high frequency of occurrence and great the Western Pacific Ocean. Tropical cyclones are developed in
destructive power, but also due to other typhoon induced the northern hemisphere during the months of JulyeNovember
hazards, such as inundation caused by storm surge and heavy in an area just north of the equator in a large area ranging from
precipitation. In the context of global warming, the 130◦ to 180◦ East and 5◦ to 15◦ North (Holden and Marshall,
E-mail address: The Philippines is considered as one of the world's natural
Peer review under responsibility of Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China hazard “hot spots” and suffers more natural hazards like
Meteorological Administration. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, floods, droughts
and landslides than any other country, with an average of
Production and hosting by Elsevier on behalf of KeAi
disasters per year. Each year about 20 typhoons, equivalent to
25% of the global occurrence of typhoons, occur in the Phil-
ippine Area of Responsibility. Most of the typhoons occur
2225-6032/© 2021 The Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communi-
cation Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
G.D.C. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021)

during rainy season (July until September). The data analysis (Goni), 2020, Catanduanes, Philippines; (2) 190 mph: Super
of the typhoon events during 1880e1994 seem to indicate a Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), 2013, Leyte, Philippines; (3) 190
slow shift towards the end of the year, that is, the number of mph: Super Typhoon Meranti, 2016, Itbayat, Philippines; (4)
typhoons in the rainy season seems to decrease overtime, 185 mph: Hurricane Dorian, 2019, Bahama Islands; (5) 185
while the number of typhoons which occur in December have mph: Great Labor Day Hurricane, 1935, Florida, U.S.; (6) 185
increased ( mph: Super Typhoon Joan, 1959, Eastern Taiwan; (7) 180
pdf). In the recent decade, the Philippines has experienced a mph: Hurricane Irma, 2017, Leeward Islands; (8) 180 mph:
number of intense and devastating TCs afflicting the country. Cyclone Winston, 2016, Fiji; (9) 180 mph: Super Typhoon
In 2009, Tropical Storm Ondoy (international name: Ketsana) Megi, 2010, Luzon, Philippines; (10) 180 mph: Super
flooded the country's capital, Metro Manila in the Luzon re- Typhoon Zeb, 1998, Luzon, Philippines; and (11) 180 mph:
gion by bringing a month's worth of rain which surpasses the Cyclone Monica, 2006, Northern Territory, Australia.
country's forty-year record for rain over one day (Abon et al., Ominously, seven of the 11 strongest landfalls in recorded
2011). This was followed by similarly devastating storms such history have occurred since 2006. Prior to Goni, 20 category 5
as Typhoon Pepeng (Parma) in 2009; Typhoon Juan (Megi) in super typhoons with winds of at least 160 mph had hit the
2010; Tropical Storm Sendong (Washi) in 2011, Super Philippines since 1952, according to NOAA's historical hur-
Typhoon Pablo (Bopha) in 2012; Typhoon Labuyo (Utor) and ricane tracks (IBTrACS) database (Masters, 2021).
Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in 2013, and Tropical This study will focus on investigating the impact of 2020
Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) in 2014. Tropical Storm (TS) tropical cyclones that visited the country. The result of the
Ondoy, Typhoon (TY) Labuyo, TY Glenda, and TS Mario study can be used to improve the technology of typhoon
have made landfall in Luzon, the northernmost and largest disaster risk management, the level of emergency response,
island among the Philippine Island Groups. With a population and the ability to prevent and reduce disasters from typhoon.
of 48.5 million, Luzon is also home to the country's capital This could be an eye opener to the Filipinos and other
Metro Manila which has been severely affected by the agencies (private and public) responsible for
mentioned storms (Racoma, 2016). preventing/causing different disasters.
An average of 20 typhoons enter the Philippine area of
responsibility (PAR) annually, 9 of which make landfall 2. Objectives of the study
passing through the southern part of Luzon island and eastern
part of the Visayan islands (Lapidez et al., 2015). The objectives of the study are the following:
Vergano (2021) explained that there are five reasons why
Philippines is so prone to disasters. The five reasons include: 1. Find out the tropical cyclones that brought destructions to
(a) It has warm ocean water. For a typhoon to form, the the country on 2020;
temperature must be above 28 ◦C. In the Western Pacific, the 2. Describe the destructions made by the tropical cyclones;
water's normally above 28◦; (b) Many Filipinos live in low- and
lying coastal islands with more than 60 percent of the popu- 3. Recommend precautionary measures to the affected areas.
lation living in coastal zones; (c) The continuous deforestation
that caused flooding and landslides; (d) The Philippines rests
on Pacific's earthquake and volcano ring of fire and (e) The 3. Methodology
rapid construction of houses and inadequate evacuation plans.
According to Admin et al. (2017) of Environmental Science Information and data about the damages and economic
for Social Change Incorporated (ESSC), Philippines is one of losses in the Philippines induced by different tropical cyclones
the most severely deforested countries in the tropics and most were collected from different sources, namely NDRRMC,
deforestation has happened in the last 40 years. Estimates PAGASA, and social media. The methods for collecting the
place forest cover in the Philippines in the year 1900 at 21 data from these sources are concisely described in the
million hectares, covering 70% of the total land area. By following paragraphs.
1999, forests covered 5.5 million hectares; only 800,000 ha
of this was primary forest. As illegal logging continues, the 3.1. NDRRMC reports
ing forest is endangered. From the reports of the NDRRMC, the researcher gathered
PAGASA classified tropical cyclones based on their sus- data on the reported damages caused by the specific tropical
tained winds: Super Typhoon (>220 km/h; >119 knot); cyclone.
Typhoon (118e220 km/h; 64e119 knots); Severe Tropical
Storm (89e117 km/h; 48e63knots); Tropical Storm 3.2. PAGASA
(62e88 km/h) and Tropical Depression (≤ 61 km/h; 33
knots). From the weather bulletin released by the agency, the
The top 11 strongest tropical cyclones at landfall in world researcher gathered her data about the strength and scope of
history, according to data from the National Hurricane Center the typhoon.
(NHC) and JTWC are: (1) 195 mph: Super Typhoon Rolly

G.D.C. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021)

3.3. Social media MIMAROPA, Region V, Region VIII, CAR and NCR. There
were 25 dead, 399 injured, and 6 missing. A total of 170,773
By the news and photos on weather conditions uploaded in houses were damaged. The total cost of damage in the
the social media, the researcher gathered reliable data on the infrastructure amounted to Php 12,867,014,693.78 and Php
reports of the typhoon. 5,008,430,180.00 in agriculture. The super typhoon caused
incidents like: 23 flooded areas, 2 landslide/soilcollapse, 1
4. Results and discussions maritime incident, 7 places with uprooted tress/fallenpost and
1 lahar flow (anonymous_6).
Table 1 shows the data of the most destructive tropical Super Typhoon Goni slams into Philippines as strongest
cyclone of 2020. It was named Ulysses with an international landfalling tropical cyclone on record. Known as ‘Rolly’ in
name of Vamco visited the country on November 9e13, the Philippines, the storm likely caused catastrophic damage
2020. Ulysses has sustained winds of 118e220 km/h and in the region of Catanduanes Island, where the typhoon made
64e119 knots. Based on the report of Climate Change its initial landfall with 195 mph winds (Masters, 2021).
Commission, Ulysses carries 356 mm of rain for the whole Table 3 shows the data of the third destructive tropical
day of November 12. About 5,184,824 persons from Region cyclone of 2020. It was named Quinta with an international
1e3, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, Region V, CAR and name of Molave that occurred in the Philippine Area of Re-
NCR were affected. In terms of casualties, there were 101 sponsibility (PAR) on October 23e27, 2020. Typhoon Quinta
dead, 85 injured and 10 missing. A total of 209,170 houses has sustained winds of 118e220 km/h and 64e119 knots.
were damaged. The total cost of damage in the infrastructure There were 888,375 persons affected from Region III, Region
amounted to Php 12,910,182,003.17 and Php VeVIII, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA and Region V to
7,318,946,822.00 in agriculture. The typhoon caused in- VIII. There were 27 dead, 40 injured and 4 missing. A total of
cidents like: 213 flooded areas, 51 landslides, 2 maritime 93,881 houses were damaged. The total cost of damage in the
incidents, 65 places with uprooted trees/fallen posts, and 1 infrastructure amounted to Php 1,561,935,343.72 and Php
storm surge. The main cause of massive flooding in Cagayan 2,660,730,962.00 in agriculture. The typhoon caused incidents
was due to being the catch basin of rain water from Cagayan like: 73 flooded areas, 26 landslide/soil collapse, 12 maritime
Valley and Cordillera Administrative Region, the opening of incidents and 1 storm surge (anonymous_3).
the floodgates of the nearby Magat Dam and previous trop- Table 4 shows the data of the fourth destructive tropical
ical cyclones had also contributed to the situation cyclone of 2020. It was named Ambo with an international
(anonymous_7). name of Vongfong that occurred in the Philippine Area of
Table 2 shows the data of the second destructive tropical Responsibility (PAR) on May 10e15, 2020. Typhoon Ambo
cyclone of 2020. It was named Rolly with an international has sustained winds of 118e220 km/h and 64e119 knots.
name of Goni that occurred in the Philippine Area of Re- There were 578,571 persons affected from Region I to III,
sponsibility (PAR) on October 29 e November 1, 2020. Region VIII and CAR. About 169 injured and 57,269 houses
Super typhoon Rolly has sustained winds of more than were damaged. The total cost of damage in the infrastructure
220 km/h and more than 119 knots. There were 2,030,130 amounted to Php 614,325,000.00 and Php 960,187,997.00 in
persons affected from Region 1e3, CALABARZON, agriculture. The typhoon left 5 areas flooded (anonymous_1).

Table 1
Destructions brought by Ulysses.
Local Name Ulysses Human Casualties 101 dead
85 Injured
10 missing
International Name Vamco Approximate Damages
Date of Occurrence November 9e13, 2020 No. Of Houses 209,170
Category Typhoon Infrastructure Php 12,910,182,003.17
Provinces Affected Region 1 Agriculture Php 7,318,946,822.00
Region 2
Region 3
Region V
Affected Population 5,184,824 Other Incidents
(No. of Persons) Flooding 213
Landslide/Soil Collapse 51
Maritime 2
Uprooted Tree/Fallen Posts 65
Storm Surge 1

G.D.C. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021)

Table 2
Destructions brought by Rolly.
Local Name Rolly Human Casualties 25 dead
399 Injured
6 missing
International Name Goni Approximate Damages
Date of Occurrence October 29 e November 1, 2020 No. Of Houses 170,773
Category Super Typhoon Infrastructure Php 12,867,014,693.78
Provinces Affected Region I Agriculture Php 5,008,430,180.00
Region II
Region III
Region V
Region VIII
Affected Population (No. of Persons) 2,030,130 Other Incidents
Flooding 23
Landslide/Soil Collapse 2
Maritime 1
Uprooted Tree/Fallen Posts 7
Lahar Flow 1

Table 5 shows the data of the fifth destructive tropical

cyclone of 2020. It was named Vicky with an international
name of Krovanh that occurred in the Philippine Area of
Responsibility (PAR) on December 18e20, 2020. Tropical has sustained winds of 118e220 km/h and 64e119 knots.
storm Vicky has sustained winds of 62e88 km/h and 34e47 There were 165,763 persons affected from Region II to III,
knots. There were 175,949 persons affected from Region VII CALABARZON and CAR. About 9 houses, Php
to VIII, Region XI and CARAGA. About 9 were dead, 2 29,240,000.00 worth of infrastructure and Php 76,577,126.00
injured and 1 missing. One thousand fifty-four (1054) houses worth in agriculture were damaged by the typhoon. The
were damaged by the typhoon. The total cost of damage in the typhoon left 20 areas flooded, and 12 areas with landslides
infrastructure amounted to Php 162,481,970.75 and Php (anonymous_5).
51,140,718.00 in agriculture. The typhoon left 8 areas flooded Table 7 shows the data of the seventh destructive tropical
and one area with landslides (anonymous_8). cyclone of 2020. It was named Ofel occurred in the Philippine
Table 6 shows the data of the fifth destructive tropical Area of Responsibility (PAR) on October 13e15, 2020.
cyclone of 2020. It was named Pepito with an international Tropical Depression Ofel has sustained winds of less than
name of Saudel that occurred in the Philippine Area of Re- 61 km/h and less than 33 knots. There were 26,685 persons
sponsibility (PAR) on October 19e22, 2020. Typhoon Pepito affected from Region V, Region VII and CALABARZON.
About 7 houses and Php 1,346,097.90 worth in agriculture
were damaged by the typhoon. The typhoon left 22 areas
flooded (anonymous_2).

Table 3
Destructions brought by Quinta.
Local Name Quinta Human Casualties 27 dead
40 Injured
4 missing
International Name Molave Approximate Damages
Date of Occurrence October 23e27, 2020 No. Of Houses 93,881
Category Typhoon Infrastructure P1,561,935,343.72
Provinces Affected Region III Agriculture 2,660,730,962.00
Region VeVIII
Region VeVIII
Affected Population 888,375 Other Incidents
(No. of Persons) Flooding 73
Landslide/Soil Collapse 26

G.D.C. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021)
Storm Surge

G.D.C. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021)

Table 4
Destructions brought by
Local Name Ambo Human Casualties 0 dead
169 Injured
0 missing
International Name Vongfong Approximate Damages
Date of Occurrence May 10e15, 2020 No. Of Houses 57, 269
Category Typhoon Infrastructure P614,325,000.00
Provinces Affected Region I-III Agriculture 960,187,997.00
Region VIII
Affected Population (No. of Persons) 578,571 Other Incidents
Flooding 5

Table 5
Destructions brought by Vicky.
Local Name Vicky Human Casualties 9 dead
2 Injured
1 missing
International Name Krovanh Approximate Damages
Date of Occurrence December 18e20, 2020 No. Of Houses 1054
Category Tropical Storm Infrastructure P 162,481,970.75
Provinces Affected Region VII Agriculture P 51,140,718.00
Region VIII
Region XI
Affected Population 175,949 Other Incidents
(No. of Persons) Flooding 8
Landslide/Soil Collapse 1

Table 6
Destructions brought by Pepito.
Local Name Pepito Human Casualties No casualties
International Name Saudel Approximate Damages
Date of Occurrence October 19e22, 2020 No. Of Houses 9
Category Typhoon Infrastructure P29,240,000.00
Provinces Affected Region II-III Agriculture P76,577,126.00
Affected Population (No. of Persons) 165,763 Other Incidents
Flooding 20
Landslide/Soil Collapse 12

Table 7
Destructions brought by Ofel.
Local Name Ofel Human Casualties No casualties
International Name None Approximate Damages
Date of Occurrence October 13e15, 2020 No. Of Houses 7
Category Tropical Depression Infrastructure 0
Provinces Affected Region V Agriculture P 1,346,097.90
Region VII
Affected Population (No. of 26,685 Other Incidents
Persons) Flooding 22

G.D.C. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021)

Table 8
Destructions brought by Marce.
Local Name Marce Human Casualties No casualties
International Name Dolphin Approximate Damages
Date of Occurrence November 23e27, 2020 No. Of Houses 16
Category Tropical Storm Infrastructure P1,500,000.00
Provinces Affected Region VI Agriculture No Approximate Amount but
MIMAROPA 40 ha of palay seedlings to
CARAGA tiltering stage and 15 ha
palay in ripening stage were
damaged in Bulacan,
Estancia, Iloilo
Affected Population (No. of 14,309 Other Incidents
Persons) Flooding 8
Landslide/Soil Collapse 2

Table 8 shows the data of the eighth destructive tropical geographic context, the Davao Region area faces Micronesia
cyclone of 2020. It was named Marce with an international in the Southern Pacific Ocean to the east, and the Eastern
name of Dolphin occurred in the Philippine Area of Re- Indonesia through the Celebes Sea to the south.
sponsibility (PAR) on November 23 to 27, 2020. Tropical Typhoons usually move from east to west across the
storm Marce has sustained winds of 62e88 km/h and 34e47 country, all the way north or west. Storms most frequently
knots. There were 14,309 persons affected from Region VI, make landfall on the islands of Eastern Visayas, Bicol region,
MIMAROPA and CARAGA. About 16 houses, Php and northern Luzon, whereas the southern island and region of
1,500,00.00 worth of infrastructure and 40 ha of Palay in Mindanao is largely free of typhoons. Climate change may
ripening stage in Bulacan, Estancia and Iloilo were damaged change the direction of typhoons and worsen the situation
by the typhoon (anonymous_4). because extreme weather events such as typhoons pose
Table 9 shows that the most frequently visited by a tropical various risks and threats to the Philippines.
cyclone are CALABARZON and Region III both have per- Table 10 shows that tropical cyclone Ulysses affects most
centages of 11.90. CALABARZON, officially designated in the country. According to the report of NDRRMC on
as Region IV-A, covers five provinces, namely, Cavite, January 13, 2021, 5,184,824 persons in 7827 barangays in
Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon. CALABARZON is Regions I to III, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, Region V,
bordered, clockwise from the North, by the National Capital NCR and CAR were affected. Of which, 5305 families/20,854
Region, Laguna de Bay, Central Luzon, Philippine Sea, Bicol persons are being served inside 145 evacuation centers while
Region, Ragay Gulf, Sibuyan Sea, Tayabas Bay, Verde Island 34 families/103 persons are being served outside evacuation
Passage, South China Sea, and the Manila Bay. centers.
Region III lies between Manila and Northern Luzon. It is According to the official website of reliefweb, typhoon
composed of seven provinces, twelve cities and 118 munici- Ulysses affected more than three million people from 5594
palities. Its 7 provinces are Aurora, Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva barangays in eight regions.
Ecija, Pampanga, Tarlac and Zambales. Its 12 cities are Bal- Tropical cyclone Ulysses has the highest number killed
anga from Bataan, Malolos and San Jose del Monte from persons. Based on the report of NDRRMC dated January 13,
Bulacan, Cabanatuan, Gapan, Mu~noz, Palayan and San 2021, of the total number of reported deaths, 51 were
Jose from Nueva Ecija; Angeles and San Fernando from
Pampanga, Tarlac from Tarlac; and Olongapo from Zambales. Table 9
It includes all land area north of Manila Bay from the tip Provinces that frequently visited by the tropical cyclones 2020.
of Bataan
peninsula on the west, and all the lands north of the Caraballo Provinces Frequency of Tropical Percentage
Mountains on the east. It is the longest contiguous area of Cyclone Occurrence
lowlands, and is otherwise known as the Central Plains of CALABARZON 5 11.90
Luzon. CAR 4 9.52
The least visited by typhoon is Region XI. Region XI CARAGA 2 4.76
consists of 4 provinces and 5 cities namely, the provinces of MIMAROPA 4 9.52
Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental and Com- NCR 2 4.76
Region I 3 7.14
postela Valley province and the cities of Davao, Panabo, Region II 4 9.52
Tagum, Digos and island garden city of Samal. Region XI is Region III 5 11.90
located in the Southeastern portion of the island of Mindanao Region V 4 9.52
surrounding the Davao Gulf. It is bounded on the north by the Region VI 2 4.76
provinces of Surigao del Sur, Agusan del Sur and Bukidnon. Region VII 3 7.14
Region VIII 3 7.14
In the east it is bounded by the Philippine Sea; and in the west
Region XI 1 2.38
by the Central Mindanao provinces. Within the broader Total 42 100.00

G.D.C. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021)

Table 10
Number of persons affected by the cyclone.
Tropical Cyclone Number of Persons Affected Number of Number of Number of
Persons died Persons Injured Persons Missing
Ulysses 5,184,824 101 85 10
Rolly 2,030,130 29 399 6
Quinta 888,375 27 40 4
Ambo 578,571 0 169 0
Vicky 175,949 9 2 1
Pepito 165,763 0 0 0
Ofel 26,685 0 0 0
Marce 14,309 0 0 0

confirmed in Regions II, III, CALABARZON and CAR e but the number of 67 storms in the 80s still does not
region. come close to the 2010s. This is despite the fact that the
In terms of the number of injured persons, tropical cyclone 2020 typhoon season is still ongoing in the Pacific. The
Rolly has the highest number of injured persons. Based on the decade's 91st storm e typhoon Ulysses e hit the Philippines
report of NDRRMC dated November 11, 399 were injured in on Nov 11, killing 73 and affecting more than four million
Regions I, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA and Region V. people (Buchholz and Richter, 2020).
Concerning missing persons, there are many missing per- Table 11 shows the recorded damages of the 2020 tropical
sons after the tropical cyclone Ulysses. Based on the report of cyclones. Based on the report of NDRRMC dated January 13,
NDRRMC dated January 13, 2021, a total of 10 missing 2021, Ulysses caused most of the damages concerning houses,
persons reported in Regions II, III, CALABARZON, Region infrastructure and agriculture.
V, CAR and NCR. Pertaining to the number of damaged houses, tropical
Despite the figures still being preliminary for 2019 and cyclone Ulysses destroyed about a total of 209,170 houses in
2020, a record of more than 12,000 deaths occurred Regions I, II, III, CALABARZON, Region V and CAR.
between 2011 and 2020, including almost 8000 killed by Concerning agricultural damages, tropical cyclone Ulysses
super typhoon Yolanda in 2013. The 1980s were also a time destroyed crops amounted to P 646,221,401.00 in CAR, P
when many storms ravaged the country e and more than 443,762,500.00 in Region I, P 2,129,596,097.00 in Region II,
9000 people died P

Table 11
Tropical cyclones' recorded damages.
Tropical Cyclone Number of Damaged Houses Amount of Damaged Amount of Damaged
Infrastructure Agriculture in Peso
In Peso
Ulysses 209,170 12, 910,182,003.17 7,318,946,822.00
Rolly 170,773 12, 867,014,693.78 5,008,430,180.00
Quinta 93,881 1,561,935,343.72 2,660,730,962.00
Ambo 57,269 614,325,000.00 960,187,997.00
Vicky 1054 162,481,970.75 51,140,178.00
Pepito 9 29,240,000.00 76,577,126.00
Ofel 7 0 1,346,097.90
Marce 16 1,500,000.00 No approximate damages

Table 12
Number of areas with incidents monitored.
Tropical Cyclone Incidents Monitored Total Number of Incidents
Flood Landslides/Soil Collapse Maritime Uprooted Trees/Fallen Posts Storm Surge Lahar Flow
Ulysses 213 51 2 65 1 0 332
Rolly 23 2 1 7 0 1 34
Quinta 73 26 12 0 1 0 112
Ambo 5 0 0 0 0 0 5
Vicky 8 1 0 0 0 0 9
Pepito 20 12 0 0 0 0 32
Ofel 22 0 0 0 0 0 22
Marce 8 2 0 0 0 0 10

G.D.C. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 10 (2021)

1,379,824,325.00 in Region III, P 1,265,452,031.00 in CALA- slopes and mountains, particularly yellow corn farming and
BARZON, P 57,041,500.00 in MIMAROPA, 629,185,763.00 the use of herbicide that kills all vegetation and weakens the
in soil (ABS-CBN News and Jaehwa Bernardo, 2020).
Region V and P 700,477,505.00 in NCR.
In terms of infrastructure, Ulysses destroyed infrastructures 5. Conclusions
worth P 648,295,000.00 in Region I, P 5,009,917,825.00 in
Region II, P 1,875,509,651.28 in Region III, The two tropical cyclones that caused major destructions in
P2,356,670,200.00 in CALABARZON, P 100,029,000.00 in the country in the year 2020 are Typhoon Ulysses and Super
MIMAROPA, P 2,304,205,000.00 in Region V, P Typhoon Rolly. Typhon Ulysses is the most destructive trop-
598,555,326.89 in CAR and P ical cyclone of 2020 that caused major destruction in the main
17,000,000.00. island of Luzon by its destructive winds and dumping heavy
The damage caused by typhoons has shot up in the last rainfall that triggered massive flooding in several areas
decade, in part caused by the severe destruction inflicted by including Region II (Cagayan Valley), which was one of the
Yolanda. The Asian Disaster Reduction Center estimates most severely affected. The main cause of massive flooding
Yolanda's damages at 481 billion Philippine pesos (10 billion was due to being the catch basin of rain water from Cagayan
U.S. dollars). Even when disregarding the cost of Yolanda, Valley and Cordillera Administrative Region, the opening of
storm damages in the 2010s still stand at a staggering 336 the floodgates of the nearby Magat Dam and previous tropical
billion pesos e more than double or even triple that of other cyclones had also contributed to the situation.
decades e despite including only the years 2011e2018. According to the official website of PAGASA, Super
Data showing monetary losses is not yet available from the Typhoon Rolly had maximum sustained winds of 225 km/h
ADRC website for 2019 and 2020, but available reports and gustiness of up to 280 km/h. Super typhoon Rolly brought
from the Philippines government show that another 38 billion heavier damages to the provinces of Albay and Catanduanes.
pesos in losses could be added to the decade's tally still Most of the affected areas are those nearer to water bodies,
(Buchholz and Richter, 2020). surrounded by mountains with few trees to absorbed huge
According to NEDA (National Economic and amount of water and situated in the low-lying areas.
Development Authority) report dated December 4, 2020, the
faster inflation in November 2020 was mainly driven by the 6. Recommendations
increase in the price index of food. Food inflation accelerated
to 4.5 percent in November from 2.1 percent in October The study came up with the following recommendations:
following weather disturbances. In the report also includes
the faster the com- bined amount of damage and losses to 1. The local government of the affected areas may conduct a
the agriculture sector brought by typhoons Ofel, Nika, technical study related to searching ways of channelling
Pepito, Quinta, Rolly and Ulysses amounted to Php 15.3 the rainwater from heavy rains.
billion (Recent typhoons and transport restrictions pose 2. The local government may relocate the households in
upward inflation pressures e neda. (2020, December 04). places far from floods and landslide occurrence.
Retrieved September 16, 2021, from 3. The residents may practice the waste reduction system to decrease the household waste that causes flood to some
restrictions-pose-upward-inflation-pressures-neda/). areas.
Table 12 shows the number of areas with incidents moni- 4. The local government may improve also the drainage
tored. Based on the table above, tropical cyclone Ulysses system in the flood prone areas.
caused most incidents in different regions. It causes 23 floods, 5. The government may a lot more funds for the improve-
51 landslides, 2 maritime, 65 uprooted and 1 storm surge. A ment of the infrastructures.
total of 332 incidents were monitored in Regions I to III, 6. The Local Government Unit (LGU) may formulate a
CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, Region V, CAR and NCR. long- term program for engineering interventions,
Fernando Siringan, former director of the University of reforestation, and flood management system.
the Philippines Marine Science Institute, UP-MSI said that 7. The Department of Agriculture may need to intensify the
Cagayan province serves as a catch basin of water from distribution of climate-resilient technologies and other
surrounding mountain ranges. Both water and sediments production support assistance to mitigate production loss
from the mountains cause the rivers to overflow, prompting in agricultural sector.
floods, Siringan said that flooding inundated large parts of 8. To lessen the suffering of the environment and people,
Cagayan Valley in the wake of Typhoon Ulysses. Alcala greater and more serious penalties may be imposed among
Mayor Cristina Antonio also cited illegal logging and agri- environmental protection violators.
culture in slopes and mountains as causes of flooding where 9. The National Irrigation Administration, who are respon-
mountains, slopes and watersheds in the whole Cagayan sible for the monitoring of dam and irrigation system in
Valley have been stripped of native trees that hold soil and the country, may increase the number of liaison officers
regulate water release. Trees are cut down and forests
threatened not only by illegal logging but by agriculture in

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