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Basic Research—Technology

Success of Ultrasonic Technique in Removing Fractured

Rotary Nickel-Titanium Endodontic Instruments from Root
Canals and Its Effect on the Required Force for Root Fracture
Hasan Shahabinejad, DDS, MS, Amirreza Ghassemi, DDS, Lida Pishbin, DDS, MS,
and Arash Shahravan, DDS, MS

Introduction: Fracture of rotary nickel-titanium files is of fractured rotary files and did not significantly affect the required force for root
a real concern among endodontists; it affects the long- fracture. (J Endod 2013;39:824–828)
term prognosis of treatment. Ultrasound is a favorable
technique for removing broken files, although it may Key Words
result in some complications. The aim of this study Fractured rotary endodontic instruments, removal, required force for root fracture,
was to determine the success rate of ultrasonic tech- ultrasonic technique
nique in removing file fragments and to evaluate its
influence on the force required to fracture a tooth
root. Methods: An in vitro study was carried out on
70 extracted maxillary premolars. In the experimental
N ickel-titanium (NiTi) files are widely used in endodontics for cleaning and shaping
of root canals. Greater instrument taper, new blade design, higher elasticity, and
resistance to torsional fracture are some favorable properties of these instruments
group a #30/.04 taper Hero file was guided into the (1, 2). The ability of rotary NiTi files to create well-centered, smooth, and minimally
canal to break and lodge therein. The lodged file was transported canals with minimal procedural errors has been reported in many studies
removed by ultrasonic vibration and use of a dental (3, 4). Despite these advantages, fracture of rotary NiTi files has become a real concern
operating microscope. The canals were instrumented among endodontists because of high prevalence of file fracture within the root canals
with Hero files by using crown-down technique and (5) and also vague signs of surface alterations in NiTi alloy. Researchers have reported
then obturated. All the teeth were prepared for mechan- a wide range of prevalence rates of fracture for rotary instruments, from 0.9%–5.1%,
ical testing in Testometric machine to measure the depending on study design and brand of rotary instruments (6–9). Various factors have
required force for root fracture. The Fisher exact test been associated with instrument fracture, including operator experience (10), rotation
and independent two-sample t test were used to speed (11), canal curvature (12), torque (13), instrument design (14), and repeated
analyze data. Results: Ultrasonic technique exhibited use (15). Anatomy of root canal, size of rotary file, and location of canal are reported as
a success rate of 80% in removing broken files. other influential factors (9).
Success rate in the roots with file fracture before the Long-term prognosis of treatment subsequent to file fracture is influenced by many
curve was 11.5 times more than that of file fracture factors, including canal preparation stage, level of microbial contamination, and
cases beyond the curve. Other factors such as bypass intracanal location of fractured file (16). Nonsurgical remedies for file fracture consist
possibility did not affect success rate. The average of 3 strategies. The first 2 strategies deal with maintaining the fractured segment in the
time required for removing file fragments was 36.3 canal. In the first one, the accessible part of the canal is prepared and obturated. The
 7.15 minutes, which did not significantly differ in second strategy is to bypass the fractured file and instrument the apical regions. Unlike
different file locations within the canal. According to these 2 approaches, the third strategy suggests that the fractured file should be removed
mechanical test results, ultrasonic application did not from the canal space (17). The prognostic impact of remaining fractured instrument on
significantly affect the required force for root fracture. endodontic treatment has been investigated in a few studies, with reports of 0%–19%
The force required to fracture a root did not signifi- higher rate of failure in comparison with control groups (18–20). Therefore, the
cantly differ in various file locations. Vertical fracture increasing tendency toward removing fractured files has led to designing studies on
in the buccolingual direction (split tooth) was the various aspects of this approach (21).
most incident fracture pattern. Procedural errors In spite of higher demand for removal of fractured instruments, there is no
observed in this study predominantly included trans- standardized procedure for successful fragment removal so far (10). The traditional
portation, perforation, and craze line. Conclusions: method is to use specially designed kits like Masserann kit (Micro-mega, Besancon,
Ultrasonic technique was successful in removing 80% France) (12, 14, 22). This system is very effective for removal of fragments that are

From the Kerman Oral and Dental Diseases Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Science, Kerman, Iran.
Supported by the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research of Kerman University of Medical Science.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Arash Shahravan, Kerman Oral and Dental Disease Research Center, Kowsar Boulevard, Kerman, Iran. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2013 American Association of Endodontists.

824 Shahabinejad et al. JOE — Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013

Basic Research—Technology
located within the straight part of the canal and cannot be applied to a staging platform was shaped to a level at the most coronal part
cases involving fragments located in the mid-root, in the apical third, of the fractured segment. To this end, #2, #3, and #4 modified
or in curved canals. The reason is that removing considerable Gates-Glidden burs (Mani) were used in a brush-like manner to enlarge
amounts of dentin leads to weakened root structure and increased the canal to the level of obstruction. To use the maximum diameter of
risk of perforation (12, 14). burs and create end-cutting drills, the guiding tips of the drills were cut
Ruddle et al (23) reported a technique that used modified off at their maximum cross-sectional diameter by a high-speed flat
Gates-Glidden burs, ultrasonic devices, and a dental microscope. fissure diamond bur. Completion of staging platform was assessed by
This method has been investigated by various in vitro and in vivo a dental operating microscope. According to the literature, visualization
studies and introduced as a highly successful technique in removing of the fractured file inside the canal has a great impact on the success
broken instruments (17, 24). This technique mainly involves the use rate (31). To avoid the impact of this factor, in the specimens in which
of specially designed tips to trephine the dentin around the fractured the coronal end of the broken file could not be visualized with the dental
file. Ultrasound vibration is transmitted to the fragment, making it microscope, removal attempts were abandoned, and they were
loose and eventually dislodging it (23). This procedure might lead to considered unsuccessful removal attempt (23, 24, 26). To apply
complications such as excessive loss of dentin, root perforation, vibration to fractured files, fine ultrasonic tips were used. In this
extrusion of the fragment beyond the root apex (17, 25–28), and study, ET25L, ET25S, ET25, and ET20 (Satelec, Merignac, France)
temperature rise on external root surface (29, 30). were applied, which are made of titanium-niobium and differ in length
The aim of this study was to determine the success rate of and flexibility. In deeper file locations, longer and more flexible tips
ultrasonic technique in removing fractured rotary NiTi endodontic were used. Power of the ultrasonic device (P5-Newtron; Satelec) was
instruments from root canals and to evaluate its impact on the force adjusted on 6–10 on the basis of the manufacturer’s advice. To achieve
required to fracture a tooth root. a clear microscopic vision, air coolant was substituted for liquid
coolant. Removal of dentin surrounding the fractured file and
application of vibration were performed until the files got loose.
Materials and Methods Eventually, counterclockwise movements of ultrasonic tips dislodged
In this in vitro study, 70 extracted intact maxillary premolars with and removed the fractured file (17).
2 separate roots and fully formed apices were collected. All the teeth Because clinicians believe that approximately 45 minutes is the
were free of restoration, former root canal therapy, and root resorption time available for file removal during a 60-minute appointment, it
(26). After removing residual periodontal tissues and debris, all the was considered the maximum time for the removal process. Those
specimens were immersed in 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate for specimens in which the removal process exceeded 45 minutes were
12 hours. Root surfaces were assessed with a dental operating considered unsuccessful removal attempts (17). On the whole,
microscope (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) at 25 to exclude any teeth specimens of the experimental group were designated as successful
with preexisting root fractures, cracks, or root caries. A range of (in which fractured files were successfully removed) or unsuccessful
12–16 mm was defined as appropriate root length; therefore, longer (in which fractured files were not removed and an unsuccessful
and shorter roots were excluded from the study. All the teeth were removal attempt was recorded for each one). All the successful and
radiographed preoperatively by using a prefabricated jig, which was unsuccessful cases were radiographed to record transport errors
designed to provide the same exposure angles and distances for all and carefully inspected under an operating microscope for root
the specimens. The crowns were sectioned at the cementoenamel perforations.
junction (28), and the roots were mounted in a standard mold made The control teeth were instrumented with Hero files by using
of putty impression material (Spidex; Asia ShimiTeb, Tehran, Iran). crown-down technique up to file #25/.06 taper. Subsequently, they
Access cavity was prepared, and pulp debris was removed from the were obturated by using gutta-percha .04 (Asia ShimiTeb) as the
canal space by using K-files (Mani, Utsunomiya Tochigi, Japan). master cone, AH26 (Dentsply, Konstanz, Germany) sealer, and lateral
During the instrumentation, the canal was irrigated with 2.5% sodium condensation technique. In the successful subgroup of the experi-
hypochlorite. mental group, the specimens were instrumented and obturated in
The specimens were randomly assigned to 2 groups of 35 each, ie, a way similar to that in the control group. All the experimental and
experimental and control groups. Canal preparation was performed by control teeth were pulled out from their molds, and after adequate
Hero 642 files (Micro-mega) by using crown-down technique. To irrigation, root surfaces were assessed under a dental microscope
achieve file fracture in predictable levels within the canal for each at 25 to detect cracks, fractures, and perforations.
member of the experimental group, a #30/.04 taper Hero file was The control teeth and successful specimens of the experimental
used, which was notched to a depth of half the instrument thickness group were incubated at 37 C and 100% relative humidity for 7 days
at a point 3 mm from the file tip. The notch was made by using to allow setting of the sealer (26). Then, by using a surveyor, they
a low-speed diamond disk. Control of the level of file fracture within were mounted parallel to the root trunk in prefabricated blocks
the palatal canal was obtained by varying the amount of apical pressure, containing resin. The apical 3 mm of each root was embedded in
speed of rotation, and angle of insertion (17, 26). A radiograph was phenolic rings with polyester resin, leaving the rest of the root
taken to trace the exact location of the fractured file. Categorization uncovered (32, 33). Prepared blocks were placed in the jig of the
of file location was carried out in 2 aspects: (1) according to the testing machine (Testometric, Rochdale, Lancashire, England) for
coronal, middle, and apical thirds of the canal and (2) according to mechanical testing. To determine the force required to fracture
before the curve and beyond the curve position. Position of a tooth root, a narrow tapered probe with 1-mm diameter round
maximum length of file fragment was considered in the above- contact surface was directed parallel to the root trunk and
mentioned categorizations (17). perpendicular to the cut surface. The probe advanced at a rate of
Before removal of the fractured file, clinicians tried to bypass the 1 mm/min until root fracture occurred. In this study the point at
lodged file in 5 minutes by using #8 and #10 K-files. Removal of the which a sharp and instantaneous drop greater than 25% of the
lodged instrument commenced as follows. According to the method applied load occurred was defined as fracture, which was usually
described by Ruddle et al (23) and modified by Ward et al (17, 24), accompanied by an audible crack (33). For each specimen, the load

JOE — Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013 Success of Ultrasonic Technique in Removing Fractured NiTi Instruments 825
Basic Research—Technology
at fracture (measured in newtons) and location of root fracture were in the experimental group showed that although the required force in
recorded. Data were analyzed with Fisher exact test and independent the control group was more than that in the experimental group, the
two-sample t test by using Stata statistical software (version 10; Stata difference was not statistically significant (P = .3066). Moreover,
Corp, College Station, TX) at .05 level of significance. although the force required for root fracture in specimens with file
fracture in the mid-root was more than that in specimens with file
Results fractures in the apical third, the difference was not statistically signifi-
Of 35 teeth in the experimental group, file fracture occurred in cant (P = .3601). Similarly, file location beyond the curve resulted in
8 specimens (22.8%) in the mid-root. In 27 specimens (77.1%), less force required for root fracture than file location before the
fractured files were located in the apical third, and no file fractured curve or in straight canals, but this difference was not statistically
in the coronal third. In relation to canal curvature, in 10 specimens significant (P = .3937) (Table 3).
(28.5%) file fracture occurred beyond the curve; in 8 roots files Recorded procedural errors in the experimental group
fractured before the curve; and in 17 teeth the palatal canals were include transportation, which was observed in 2 specimens (5.7%)
absolutely straight without any curve. In statistical analyses, specimens (1 specimen in the successful group and 1 specimen in the unsuccessful
with straight roots and file fracture before the curve were considered group), perforation, which was observed in 2 specimens (5.7%) (all
one group with the total number of 25 specimens (71.5%) in the unsuccessful group), and craze line, which was observed in
(Table 1). Possibility of bypassing the fractured file was evaluated by 5 specimens (14.2%) (3 specimens in the successful group and
K-files #8 and #10; 13 bypassed and 22 non-bypassed specimens 2 specimens in the unsuccessful group). There were also some
were recorded. Specimens in which the coronal end of the broken unexpected procedural errors that occurred as follows:
file could be visualized with the dental microscope were considered 1. In one of the successful cases during the ultrasonic vibration,
‘‘completed staging platform.’’ In this regard, the staging platforms in a device tip (ET25L) broke in the root canal, which was easily pulled
all 35 specimens were successfully completed. The ultrasonic technique out.
was successful in extracting 28 of 35 broken files (a success rate of 2. In one of the unsuccessful specimens, a small part of the root apex
80%), whereas in 7 cases it was unsuccessful (Table 1). fractured, and the file fragment extruded out of the apex.
Although all fractured files in mid-root were successfully extracted 3. In another unsuccessful case, the file fragment was apically extruded
from canal (success rate, 100%) and merely 74% of files in apical third out without any damage to the root apex.
were successfully extracted, there was no statistical difference between
them (P = .166). However, in relation to canal curvature, success rate Among a total of 28 successful specimens that underwent
in the roots with file fracture before the curve was 11.5 times more than mechanical test, in 22 specimens vertical fracture was observed in
the roots with file fracture beyond the curve (P = .012) (Table 1). In the buccolingual direction (split tooth). According to microscopic
spite of higher success rates in specimens in which file fragments assessment of 6 specimens that did not have macroscopic fracture,
were bypassed, the difference of success rate between bypassed and 1 specimen had vertical fracture line in the buccolingual direction
non-bypassed specimens was not statistically significant (P = .689) (split tooth), 3 specimens had buccolingual craze lines, 1 specimen
(Table 1). had vertical fracture line in the palatal root, and 1 specimen had
The average time required for removing file fragments was horizontal fracture line in the palatal root. No specimen had signs of
36.3  7.15 minutes, with a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum fracture in only the buccal root.
of 45 minutes. There was a marginally insignificant statistical difference Of 35 specimens in the control group, which were treated with
between the time needed for removing file fragments from the mid-root routine root canal therapy as described, no procedural errors such
and the time required for removing file fragments from the apical third as perforation, transportation, file fracture, and microscopic craze lines
(P = .0920). On the other hand, the time needed for removing file were observed. Because of operator’s mistake, 4 specimens in the
fragments from before the curve location and straight canals did not control group broke during mechanical testing without the possibility
significantly differ from that required for removing file fragments to record the applied force. Therefore, 31 specimens in the control
from beyond the curve location (P = .3465) (Table 2). group were successfully tested with Testometric machine. Mean
According to mechanical test results, comparison of the average fracture force in this group was 902.3  195.9 newtons (Table 3).
force required for root fracture in the control group with that required In relation to fracture pattern, 23 control teeth were split by vertical
fractures in the buccolingual direction. The other 8 teeth that did not
have macroscopic and visible fractures were microscopically assessed;
TABLE 1. Success Rate of the Ultrasonic Technique in Relation to File Location 5 specimens had buccolingual craze lines, 1 specimen had mesiodistal
and Bypass craze lines, 1 specimen had vertical root fracture in the palatal root, and
Successful Unsuccessful P 1 specimen had horizontal root fracture in the buccal root. No vertical
(removed) (not removed) Total value root fractures in the buccal root and no horizontal root fractures in the
File location palatal root were observed.
Middle 8 (100%) 0 (0%) 8 (100%) .166
Apical 20 (74%) 7 (25.9%) 27 (100%)
File location Discussion
(curve) Fracture of frequently used rotary NiTi files has been considered
AC 5 (50%) 5 (50%) 10 (100%) .012
BC + S 23 (92%) 2 (8%) 25 (100%) an important factor in the long-term prognosis of endodontic treatment.
Bypass Among possible choices of whether to maintain the file fragment or
No 17 (77.2%) 5 (22.7%) 22 (100%) .689 remove it from the canal space, removal of file fragment has become
Yes 11 (84.6%) 2 (15.3%) 13 (100%) a favorable decision (21), and a standard procedure with definite
AC (after curve), specimens in which file fragment was located after (beyond) canal curve; BC + S success rate is still under investigation. Ormiga et al (34) evaluated
(before curve plus straight), specimens in which file was located before the curve plus specimens the electrochemical dissolution of file fragments. As the result of their
with straight canals. investigation, a significant dissolution of NiTi files was observed in

826 Shahabinejad et al. JOE — Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013

Basic Research—Technology
TABLE 2. Required Time for File Removal in Relation to File Location
File location Number Time (min) (mean ± SD) File location (curve) Number Time (min) (mean ± SD)
Middle 8 32.62  5.78 AC 10 38.20  10.45
Apical 27 37.48  7.23 BC + S 25 35.64  5.36
Total 35 36.37  7.15 Total 35 36.37  7.15
AC (after curve), specimens in which file fragment was located after (beyond) canal curve; BC + S (before curve plus straight), specimens in which file was located before the curve plus specimens with straight
canals; SD, standard deviation.

radiographic assessment of the specimens. In the present study, on the were positioned apical to canal curvature, and they could pull out
basis of promising clinical reports about the ultrasonic technique, the only 1 of 9 apically positioned files. In their in vitro study Ward et al
technique was assessed in 70 extracted human teeth. On the basis of the (17) reported that although in extracted teeth ultrasonic success rate
results of the present study, success rate of removal was 80% in 36.3  was not affected by canal curvature, in artificial resin canals the
7.15 minutes. Although there were some procedural errors, the force ultrasonic success rate was significantly higher in specimens with
required to fracture a tooth root did not significantly differ subsequent coronally positioned files.
to ultrasonic application. The force required to fracture a tooth root did not significantly
The success rate of the ultrasonic technique has been evaluated by differ in various locations of lodged file, whether in the apical or
many in vitro and in vivo studies. Ward et al (17) reported a success mid-root region and whether before or beyond the curve. Therefore,
rate of 76.6% in an in vitro study on artificial resin canals and extracted on the basis of the results of the present study, it can be inferred that
teeth and a success rate of 66.6% in an in vivo study on 24 cases (24). in clinical attempts to remove fractured files, it does not matter where
Terauchi et al (28) achieved a success rate of 83.3% in removing the file has been trapped. Nevertheless, Souter et al (26) postulated that
apically positioned files in 30 mandibular incisors in vitro. Souter extracting file fragments from the mid-root and apical regions
et al (26) were successful in removing 91.1% of fractured files in significantly weakens the roots. Because of inconsistencies and lack
mandibular molars in an in vitro study and 70% of files in an of investigations in this field, it is hard to make a judgment about the
in vivo study. Nevares et al (31) reported 70.5% success rate in effect of ultrasonic application in the apical parts of the canal on final
removing or bypassing fractured instruments in 112 clinical cases. It root strength.
can be said that the results of our study are congruent with the findings In this study, procedural errors were observed in 25.6% of the
of the above studies. specimens in the experimental group. Whereas the frequency of
Analysis of the average force required for root fracture in the perforation error in the present study was 5.7%, Souter et al (26)
control and experimental groups did not reveal any significant reported perforation in 3 of 45 specimens (6.6%) in vitro and in
differences between the 2 groups. Souter et al (26) found a significant 11.6% of cases in vivo. Terauchi et al (28) also observed perforation
difference between the force required for root fracture in the control in 2 of 30 specimens (6.6%) in vitro. Unfortunately, there is no
and experimental groups. This inconsistency might be attributed to investigation on microscopic craze lines and transportation errors as
sample type, the canals evaluated, preparation of staging platform, a result of ultrasonic application; therefore, a comparison with the
and force application method. However, an important question is to results of the present study is not feasible.
what extent the method of force application used in this and previous In the present study, 37.1% of lodged files were bypassed. In
studies can mirror the intraoral forces (26). Under the condition of 84.6% of the bypassed specimens, file fragments were successfully
the fracture test used in this study, ultrasonic technique was introduced extracted, although statistical analyses showed no significant differences
as a relatively safe procedure with insignificant impact on the required between the ultrasonic success rates in bypassed and non-bypassed
force for root fracture, but the clinical significance of the results specimens. Because there is no other study evaluating the relationship
observed in this study is still unknown. Is it clinically safe as well? between bypass possibility and ultrasonic success rate, more investiga-
In this study similar to other studies, the majority of file fractures tions in this field have yet to be carried out.
(77.1%) occurred in the apical third of the canals; 22.8% of fractures In this study, the time required for removing files was
were in the mid-root, with no files fractured in the coronal third. Igbal 36.3  7.15 minutes. Terauchi et al (28) could extract file fragments
et al (35) and Di Fiore et al (5) reported file fracture in the apical region in 19.2  12 to 29.1  20.4 minutes, depending on clinicians’ skill and
in 82.7% and 65% of specimens and in the mid-root in 14.8% and 15% experience. On the basis of the minimum of 8 years of clinical
of specimens, respectively. In both their clinical and experimental experience for all the clinicians in the above-mentioned study, the
studies Souter et al (26) found that in all the non-extracted specimens time spent in the present study can be considered rational. On the other
the files were located in the apical region. In their in vivo study Ward hand, although in the present study the time spent for coronally
et al (23) reported that in all the unsuccessful cases, file fragments positioned files was lower than that spent for apically positioned files,

TABLE 3. Required Force for Root Fracture in Control and Experimental Specimens
Subgroups of experimental group

Control group Experimental group Middle Apical AC BC + S

Number of specimens 31 28 8 20 5 23
Force (mean  SD) 902.31  195.97 839.88  266.62 914.30  338.22 810.12  235.81 745.72  325.49 860.36  255.98
95% Confidence interval 830.43–974.20 736.50–943.27 631.53–1197.06 699.76–920.48 341.56–1149.87 749.66–971.05
AC (after curve), specimens in which file fragment was located after (beyond) canal curve; BC + S (before curve plus straight), specimens in which file was located before the curve plus specimens with straight
canals; SD, standard deviation.

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828 Shahabinejad et al. JOE — Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013

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