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Mini Project Test

Before starting, you will need:
- Git - Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab account
- Your own dev set up
- 5 days of your time

The Exercise

Your simple application should be able to:

For this exercise, you will be creating a mini-project application
Please use following technologies:
- Backend : Laravel
- Frontend : Vue.js

Create a REST API by integrating a 3rd Party API from

The REST API consists of several endpoints to:

- Display list of Pokemon
- Showing Detail Pokemon
- Add Pokemon to favorite list
- Search of favorite pokemon.
- Display list of favorite pokemon
- Display a list of abilities for all Pokémon added to the favorite list.
- Display a list of Pokémon based on the selected ability.
- Provide a way to avoid making repeated requests to the 3rd Party API.

Evaluation Checklist
1. Correctness of the solution,
2. Code quality & readability, ,
3. Input validation process, including data type checking, data format validation, and error
4. Filtering capabilities, including the use of appropriate filtering techniques and query
5. Bonus poin if you can implement JSON Resource / Transformer to improve API
performance and reduce network overhead.
6. Bonus poin if you can implement unit testing to ensure the correctness and reliability
Submission Please submit the following items:
- Git repository for your code (please make it openly available on Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab).
- Postman Collection
- Some screenshots of your app
- Bonus point if use MongoDB
- Bonus point if you deploy to laravel vapor or comparable services.
- Bonus point if you deploy it to netlify or comparable services.
- Bonus point if you deploy
- If you have experience in handling frontend projects, kindly submit a link repository and a live
URL of the project

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