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Oral evaluation: Intellectual movements and Ideologies of the 19th century.

1) Liberalism and Nationalism:

How do the values and philosophical principles of liberalism and anarchism converge, and
why are their political and economic proposals so opposed?

2) Marxism and Social Change:

Based on two philosophical and economic principles of Marxist theory, explain Marx's view
of human history.

3) Anarchism and Political Structure:

How did anarchists propose to organize society without a centralized government?

4) Nationalism and Cultural Identity:

In what ways did European nationalist movements used art, literature, music and language
to strengthen and justify their political projects during the 19th century?

5) Political and Economic Liberalism:

Liberalism was the first intellectual movement that revolutionized the Old Regime. Describe
the main postulates of economic liberalism and political liberalism, and identify the
importance of both in the construction of modern European states and the contemporary
capitalist economic system.

6) Impact of Intellectual Movements:

Liberalism, Marxism, Anarchism and Nationalism transformed the political and economic
landscape of the 19th century in Europe. Based on two of them, how did these ideologies
shape the course of European history during the 19th century?

7) Marxist and Anarchist Movements:

While both Marxism and anarchism criticized liberal states and the capitalist economic
system, both movements proposed different transformations. Based on the philosophical
principles of both movements, explain their differences and why both are considered
antagonistic ideologies?

8) Contemporary Relevance

Discuss the relevance of these 19th-century ideologies in the modern world. In what ways do
elements of liberalism, Marxism, anarchism, and nationalism still influence contemporary
political thought and political movements?

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