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Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads.

To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the construction of railways rather than roads by
governments. Although I agree with building railways over roads up to a point, I find it hard to believe
that this is true for every region.

Construction of railways is more environmentally friendly as compared with roads for using trains,
people leave their cars which can emit great amounts of CO2 into the air at home. The emission of CO2
is the major reason for the existence of an ecological catastrophe called global warming being
responsible for melting glaciers, extreme weather conditions, and extinction of countless species; hence,
if governments build efficient railways, this environmental disaster can be alleviated.

Additionally, Economic growth follows from building railways instead of roads thanks to the fact that,
first, as opposed to roads, the cost of railway building is quite inexpensive since it takes less time,
material, and workers. Second, not only can people travel by trains but also goods can be transported
between cities by trains which do not get stuck in traffic and have only a few stops during the journey
making them a fast way of transport unlike cars and buses; thus, all these factors originating from having
optimized railways at service bring about growth in the economy.

Nevertheless, Because railways can be constructed only between metropolitan areas and are mostly
direct paths, traveling by trains, people most of the time cannot arrive at their final destinations;
consequently, they have no choice but to resort to other types of transportation that can be, particularly
a waste of time especially for nowadays that people have less time to spend on their vacations due to
their working conditions and economy depression; so, constructing high-quality roads seems more
rational in these circumstances.

To wrap up, I believe that railway building is environmentally and economically wise in comparison to
roads, yet, the governments should consider the fact that in some places that are located in the back of
beyond it is more preferable to build roads for travelers to be able to easily have access to them.

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