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A Re-imagining of the Classic Sacred Ground Scenario by Monty and Rodge, last updated January 6th, 2022
The scenario's special rules are: Objective Markers
(Controlling an Objective.) with the following modifications:
• Units may only control or contest (within S) the
Objective Marker they are closest to. If they are
exactly the same distance from two Objective
Markers, then they can't control or contest either
(don't let that happen!)

Beginning Turn 2, at the end of each of their turns, players

score 1 bonus point for each Objective Marker they control.

After both players have played 6 turns, the game ends.

Each player adds up their warband's Survival points (see p.7)

SET-UP and adds any bonus points scored during the game.
Start by placing three Objective Markers on the table along
the center line. The first is placed in the center of the The player with the most points wins the game. If it is a tie, the
battlefield. The other two are placed L away to the left and player who scored the most bonus points from Objective
right. Markers wins. If that is tied, then it is truly a Draw!

Proceed to place the terrain according to the universal OPTIONAL VARIANTS

method (see Universal Method, p.8) with the following Hard to Get: Place a Swamp or Marsh in the center of the table
modifications: at the start of the game (with the center Objective Marker on
• The player who rolls highest can decide whether they top.)
are the first or second player. Re-roll ties. Breaking Point: Beginning Turn 4, if a player ends their turn
• No terrain pieces can be placed or moved within S of and they are not controlling or contesting at least one
an Objective Marker. Objective Marker, the game ends immediately as a loss for
• Furthermore, no terrain pieces offering Solid Cover that player.
can be placed or moved within L of an Objective Escalation: Instead of scoring 1 bonus point each turn for
Marker. controlling an Objective Marker, score points equal to the turn
number (so 2 at the end of Turn 2, 3 at the end of Turn 3, etc.)
DEPLOYMENT AND BEGINNING OF THE GAME Spirited: Your Hearthguards and Creatures may control and
The players' deployment areas are within S of their own table contest the Objective Markers even if they are exhausted.

The first player divides their warband into two groups with as
equal a number of units as possible. They then choose
one of these two groups, and deploy all its units.

Next, the second player deploys their whole warband.

Finally, the first player deploys the rest of their warband.

The first player begins the game. They must play their first
turn with 3 Saga dice, the other 5 Saga dice being
removed for their first turn.

The second player must play their first turn with a maximum of
5 Saga dice instead.

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