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What Is Your Strategy for Using Pleasure as a Foundation for Social Activism?

Social activism is driven by a desire to address systemic injustices and create a more

equitable world. While it is often associated with struggle and sacrifice, integrating pleasure into

the framework of social activism can be a transformative approach. By recognizing the power of

joy, fulfillment, and positive experiences, we can harness pleasure as a foundation for more

sustainable and impactful social change. Pleasure is an inherent part of the human experience,

serving as a source of motivation and empowerment. When individuals feel joy, contentment,

and fulfillment, they are more likely to be proactive in creating positive change. Pleasure acts as

an emotional anchor, imbuing activists with resilience and a sense of purpose, even in the face of

daunting challenges.

Adrienne Maree Brown's book "Pleasure Activism" is an eye-opening manifesto that

urges activists to reconsider their approach to social change. Brown encourages individuals to

recognize the power of pleasure and joy as essential elements in combating the systemic

oppressions present in society. There are many kinds of power, used and unused, acknowledged

or otherwise. The erotic is a resource within each of us that lies in a deeply female and spiritual

plane, firmly rooted in the power of our unexpressed or unrecognized feeling. In order to

perpetuate itself, every oppression must corrupt or distort those various sources of power within

the culture of the oppressed that can provide energy for change (Brown, 2019). In the textbook.

She advocates for embracing pleasure in all aspects of life, emphasizing self-care, love, intimacy,

and authentic connections with others as tools for social transformation. I’d like to ensure the
safety of our fundamental human rights and reassure the control we have over pleasure. Pleasure

activism challenges the conventional notions of social activism by proposing a paradigm shift

that embraces joy and pleasure as essential components of transformative change.

The traditional model of activism often revolves around anger and resistance against

injustice. While these emotions are valid and crucial, pleasure activism suggests that

incorporating joy and pleasure into our activism can foster a more holistic approach. By

centering pleasure as a driving force, activists can create a more inclusive environment. The

traditional model of activism often revolves around anger and resistance against injustice.

According to the textbook, “Shift from individual transactions for self-care to collective

transformation. Be in community with healers in our lives. Healers, we must make sure our gifts

are available and accessible to those growing and changing our communities. Be in family with

each other— offer the love and care we can, receive the love and care we need.” (Brown, 2019).

By cultivating spaces where individuals can experience joy and pleasure, activists enable

communities to process trauma and build resilience. These spaces also empower marginalized

groups to reclaim their joy and celebrate their identities, challenging oppressive narratives. Also

according to the textbook, Brown recalls the collectiveness in unity. “That’s how I remember it.

She called it Kindred: Healing Justice. And now I understand. The healing comes from being

kindred, which isn’t easy to live out but is already just true (Brown, 2019).

The common tread is the united front presented in shared trauma. Pleasure activism

encourages activists to acknowledge the interconnectedness of various social justice movements

and the importance of intersectionality. By recognizing that everyone's pleasure is

interconnected, activists can build more inclusive movements that address the unique challenges

faced by individuals from different backgrounds and identities. Pleasure activism encourages
activists to leverage artistic expression as a means to communicate complex ideas and emotions

effectively. Through art for example, activists can cultivate joy, foster empathy, and build bridges

between communities. Acknowledging the toll that activism can take on individuals, this strategy

encourages activists to prioritize their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. By practicing

self-care, activists can avoid burnout and continue their efforts with renewed energy and

dedication. There’s still a stigma that surrounds this type of activism. According to the textbook,

“I suspect our ignoring of (or under-attending to) these pleasure points is rooted in a patriarchal

rejection of anything associated with women’s bodies. There are a variety of laws that ban the

baring of the breast, often with the explanation that the breasts are too sexual for men to witness

(Brown, 2019).

Pleasure activism proposes a shift from punitive justice to transformative justice, an

approach focused on healing and reconciliation. By incorporating pleasure into justice practices,

activists can create spaces that not only address harm and trauma but also promote healing,

growth, and joy for all parties involved. The conventional view of activism often revolves around

anger, outrage, and the fight against injustice. While these emotions are valid catalysts for

change, pleasure activism expands the spectrum of emotions involved in activism. By integrating

pleasure into justice practices, the transformative impact on communities can be profound. In a

quote by Brown: “I believe somatics, in coursework and/or bodywork, is one of the most

effective ways to get a group of complex, contradictory humans into alignment with a liberated

collective future. Seeing, feeling ourselves, as we are, with agency to shape the future … that’s

the miracle.” (Brown, 2019). By incorporating pleasure into justice practices, activists can create

spaces that not only address harm and trauma but also promote healing, growth, and joy for all

parties involved. Most importantly, it bridges communities.

Embracing pleasure as a foundation for social change can create more compassionate,

sustainable, and inclusive movements that celebrate joy, resilience, and collective healing. This

strategy redefines activism, cultivates spaces of joy, acknowledges intersectionality, prioritizes

self-care, harnesses art and creativity, and advocates for transformative justice. By integrating

pleasure into our activism, we can inspire enduring change and create a world where joy and

pleasure are driving forces in the pursuit of equity, justice, and human flourishing. By following

Adrienne Maree Brown's wisdom in "Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good," we can

forge a path towards a more equitable and just society, where pleasure and joy become vital

drivers of social progress. As we embrace pleasure as a foundation for social activism, we pave

the way for a brighter, more compassionate, and interconnected future for all.
Works Cited

Pleasure Activism : The Politics of Feeling Good, edited by adrienne maree brown, AK Press,

2019. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Created from csueastbay on 2023-08-07 00:05:29.

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