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What you learned about effective collaboration and cooperative learning?

 I learned that collaboration and cooperative learning really do set the foundation 4 a
better learning outcome. I am very grateful for my group, because of them I stayed on
top of my assignments, our group work went smoothly, and we were able to share
knowledge with each other.

How social-emotional factors affects the innovative learning environment?

 Is supportive social emotional environment that nurtures trust, collaboration, resilience,
empathy, and motivation contributes significantly to creating an innovative learning
environment. I felt so empowered to explore, create and innovate throughout this entire

How mathematics fits into student learning in the innovative classroom

 Mathematics serves as a foundational pillar in creating a creative mindset in the classroom by
promoting problem solving skills, logical thinking, data analysis, technology integration,
interdisciplinary connections and adaptability. Its application is extended beyond calculations to
developing skills crucial for creative thinking and problem solving.

How innovative teaching methods can impact students from low socio-economic
status backgrounds
 By implementing innovative teaching methods, educators can create an inclusive and supportive
learning environment that addresses the unique needs of students from low SES backgrounds.
This empowers the students with the skills and opportunities necessary for academic success
and future endeavors. I honestly loved how when I would ask you a question you would first ask
me why. At first not gonna lie it kind of frustrated me but now I'm grateful for it because it
prompted me to think in different ways.

How thinking routines can effect student learning and the way you teach.
 Thinking routines and power both students and the teachers by enhancing critical thinking skills,
deepening understanding, and fostering metacognition. You gave this to us by allowing us time to
reflect and to really sit in our struggles and for that I'm grateful.

Your personal growth in creative, problem solving, and critical thinking abilities supported by at
least two additional artifacts of your choosing that demonstrate your learning during this class.
 In the beginning I really just wanted to tear my project apart not even thinking about what to save
or what to create in the end. It was almost as if i had a tunnel vision phantom going on. Now, it's
almost like I see things five steps in advance if that makes sense. I understand how Common
Core fits into design thinking, creative thinking, maker ed, and breaker Ed.

Suggestions for course improvement

 I would not change the class at all this is amazing
WEEK 2: 3-2-1

Three things you learned:

1. The students follow suit, if you think cultural they will too.

2. Keeping track of your ideas is important. I can’t tell you how many good ideas I have


3. Thinking visibly, i've never heard of that before

Two things that interest you and you’d like to learn more about:

1. Thinking visibly

2. how as a teacher can we create a classroom culture that fosters cultural


One question you still have:

1. how as a teacher can we create a classroom culture that fosters cultural


 What is the claim or theme being examined?
o Being fixed in our thinking
o Recalling information
o Project based learning
o Taking creative risks
 What evidence is there to support the claim or theme?
o What we used to think vs what we think now with more knowledge
o Trying to connect what they learned to their current knowledge
o Connects the students with their real world community
o Growth mindset, thinking outside the box
 what questions do you still have? What is missing here? What am I not being told?
o Why is this now the new standard for children learning?
o Why was I not granted the privilege of a growth mindset?

 What excites you about this idea or proposition? What's the upside?
o The engagement within the kids
o the skill development that this will bring
o the upside is the fact of the potential to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment
 what do you find worrisome about this idea or proposition? What's the downside?
o Time management
o assessment complexity
o Resource constraints
o Varying student engagement
Need to know
 What else do you need to know or find out about this idea or proposition? What additional information
would help you to evaluate things?
o Could look at case studies or examples, even research studies
o teacher training and support
o parent and student feedback
o integration with curriculum standards
 what is your current stance or opinion on the idea of proposition? How might you move forward in your
evaluation of this idea or proposition?
o My stance on project based learning in elementary grades is positive due to the potential to engage
the students, foster critical skills, and create meaningful learning experiences. I just think It needs
to be done more

 What is the claim or theme being examined?
o Connection to local environment
o engagement and relevance
o hostile learning and community integration
 What evidence is there to support the claim or theme?
o Improved academic performance, increased engagement, and a greater sense of place attachment
among students
o increased attendance, participation, and enthusiasm for learning, coupled with surveys or
interviews with students, teachers, and parents
o testimonials from educators and community members highlight how place based education fosters
connections between schools and communities
 what questions do you still have? What is missing here? What am I not being told?
o Why isn't there more opportunities for place based learning?
o How can you guarantee for everyone to be able to participate?

 What excites you about this idea or proposition? What's the upside?
o Community engagement and learning integration
o skill development
o empowerment and citizenship
o enhanced engagement and motivation
o The upside of this is in its potential to create engaged, socially responsible citizens equipped with
a diverse skill set, a strong sense of community, and a deeper understanding of societal issues
 what do you find worrisome about this idea or proposition? What's the downside?
o Time and curriculum constraints
o assessment and grading challenges
o equity and access
o sustainability of projects
Need to know
 What else do you need to know or find out about this idea or proposition? What additional information
would help you to evaluate things?
o Considering its practicality, impact on student learning, challenges, and the necessary support
structures for successful implementation
 what is your current stance or opinion on the idea of proposition? How might you move forward in your
evaluation of this idea or proposition?
o I recognize its potential to foster engaged, empathetic, and socially responsible students however I
would need a more comprehensive understanding of it entirety

 What is the claim or theme being examined?
o Understanding the production and consumption patterns
o Upcycling
o Circular economy
 What evidence is there to support the claim or theme?
o Intentionally making things so fast that break so easily
o There are a plethora of materials that cannot be decomposed so if we up cycle it we reduce
o Make, use, and return items to the distributor
 what questions do you still have? What is missing here? What am I not being told?
o Why does it feel like our government doesn't want this to happen?
o What ways can I upcycle in my classroom?

4 C’s Thinking Routine

Connections Challenge
What connections do you draw between the text and your own What ideas, positions, or assumptions do you want to challenge
life or your other learning? or argue with in the text?
 There's times where I feel like I can't implement my  Linear process perception: step by step process that is
own creativity because it doesn't fit into the process linear
 solely for designers: this design thinking could come
across as if I'm not a designer I can't do this

Concepts Changes
What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth What changes in attitudes, thinking, or action are suggested by
holding on to from the text? the text, either for you or others?
 Empathy as foundation  I would really emphasis on action and prototyping
 collaboration and Co creation because if you're so set on a design and you never try
 action oriented problem solving it out if you wait till last minute and it doesn't work
 design mindset you're screwed

 how are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already know?
o The school to prison pipeline
o Project management
o Critical consuming
 what new ideas did you get that extended or pushed your thinking in new directions?
o I always knew that general education was a box that these schools try to fit each and every student
into. It feels like we have to fulfill this mold that isn't right for all of us
o I like to think that I think of my day in task oriented chunks promoting a day full of getting things
 what is still challenging or confusing for you to get your mind around? What questions, wonderings or
puzzles do you now have?
o I'm confused as to why we know that we are kind of just pushing kids through the system and yet
we're still not doing anything about it. It seems like we have been talking about the same thing for
a decade now.
The Explanation Game

1. Take a close look at the information in the text you read.

2. Name it. Identify main ideas within the text.

a. Hands on learning: learning through practical project based activities

b. project diversity: projects that provides a variety of topics.

c. Collaboration and community: value of working together, sharing knowledge

d. Innovation and problem solving: solving real world problems.

3. Explain those ideas. Why are they important to Maker Ed?

a. this advocated for active, project passed learning, emphasizing practical experiences over theoretical

b. The show case of a range of projects spanning various disciplines to inspire creativity and exploration
among maker of different interest and skills.

c. stress the importance of working together and building supportive communities within makerspaces,
fostering an environment where knowledge sharing and teamwork are celebrated.

e. Highlighting the role of makerspaces in nurturing innovative thinking and problem solving skills
encouraging individuals to find creative solutions to real world challenges.
4. Give reasons. How do the main ideas fit together?

a. Experimental learning and diversity: hands on learning and project diversity complement each other
as varied projects offer diverse opportunities for practical, experimental learning

b. community and collaboration for innovation: collaboration and community building foster an
environment where individuals can pull their diverse skills and experiences, prompting innovative
thinking and problem solving

c. practical application of knowledge: hands on learning encourages the practical application of

knowledge gained from diverse projects, while collaboration within a supportive community
enhances the sharing of skills and expertise for innovation solutions

d. Interconnected learning ecosystem: together these ideas create an interconnected learning ecosystem
where diverse projects, collaboration, and hands on experiences reinforce each other, fostering an
environment for creativity innovation, and skill development within maker spaces
5. Generate alternatives or additional ideas that should be included.

a. Sustainability and ethical making: could involve projects centered around repurposing materials,
reducing waste, and creating ethically conscious designs

b. accessible design and inclusivity: incorporating the importance of designing projects in spaces that
are accessible to individuals of diverse abilities and backgrounds

c. Entrepreneurship and business skills: empowering individuals to develop business acumen, market
their creations and having the potential to turn their projects into the real world

d. artistic expression and aesthetic: this could involve projects that prioritize beauty, design, and
artistic values alongside functionality

Design Thinking Planning Template for Your Online Scientific Notebook – Part I

Directions: Notebook should include drawings, mathematical dimensions, labels, notes about each
stage, needs, to do list (labeled with group names) problems, and issues

Stage 1 – Discovery We looked at the printer and tried to think of what we could
Empathize turn it into before we even started deconstruction. We found a
Look, listen, learn (what do you need to bunch of hidden latches and attachments that we didn’t think
learn to make your product?) about prior to starting deconstruction.

Stage 2 – Interpretation We asked why it was made in this way, was it the best version,
Questions that need to be answered and questions that had more to do with the construction
Define element of the printer.

Stage 3 – Ideation We came up with a lot of ideas like a swimming pool, movie
theater, plant holder, and a picture frame.

Stage 4 – Experimentation We tried to figure out how to make the picture within the frame
Prototype fold up and down so it could disappear then reappear. We
Test damaged a couple of pieces of paper before we figured out the
best method.

Stage 5 – Evolution We found that we needed to make the holes in the plastic
Test bigger because we found that it was snagging the string. We
Fix had to use the saw again to do this.

Stage 6 – Sharing with an audience After we finished making it, we showed other groups, and it was
incredible watching their reactions. We got their feedback and
assessed anything they deemed necessary.

Notes (integration, needed scaffolding, I think that we needed more clarity on what paperwork was due
assessment) and when but other than that the project was very insightful.

Essential Project Design Reflection – Project II

Please use the expandable boxes to describe, verify, and substantiate the following
components of your project.
Key Knowledge, Understanding, and Success Skills
Describe how the project is focused on teaching key knowledge and understanding derived
from standards, and success skills including critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration,
and self-management.

The project my group created met various content standards like:

- CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.MDA.1 – Measure the length of an object by selecting and using
appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
- (Next Gen Science) 3-LS1-1 – Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse
life cycles but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
- VA; CR1.2.3r – Apply knowledge of available resources, tools, and technologies to investigate
personal ideas through the art making process
- CCSS.ELA/LITERACY.CCRA. R.2 – Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze
their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.

This project engages with technology standards by involving the understanding of hardware components,
software integration, and device manipulation. My group and I explored the mechanics and how to repurpose
them for a different creation. The project really helped us think about engineering principles and thinking
creatively about our modifications, considering structural elements and adapting the printer to serve an entirely
new purpose. As a group, we went through the concepts of prototyping, iteration and problem-solving. As we
leaned toward the idea of doing a picture frame, we started to think about how we would do this visually. We
thought about aspects like composition, aesthetics and presentation. We needed to think critically and understand
the functionality as we developed the picture frame. As a group I think that our collaboration was excellent, it
was a give and take and it was incredible to be able to work with each other. With collaboration though you need
to have good self management.

Academic Language
Explain what content areas are involved in your project and how using the language of the
content area and its standards will helps you and your students better understand the concepts
of the discipline.

The project intersects multiple content areas, each with its unique language and standards. Technology and
engineering introduce terms like circuity and mechanisms. Those align with the standards that define design and
innovation. Some visual arts and design academic language brings in terms like composition and aesthetics which
align with the standards of artistic elements and presentations. Science and physics introduce terms like
mechanical forces and transformation. Mathematical terms involve measurements and geometry adhering the
standards for accurate calculations and understandings. Integrating this academic language and standards fosters
connections and understandings across various subjects.

Challenging Problem or Question

Explain how the project is based on a meaningful problem to solve or a question to answer
which was open-ended and engaging.
The projects core challenges the question of how we can turn this printer into a functional picture frame. This
question sparked creativity and problem-solving thinking within our group. This is a meaningful skill that forced
us to address the need to repurpose outdated technology, aligning with sustainability goals. This is an open-ended
problem that can engage students into diverse ideas and approaches. It enables foster thinking and encourages

Was the problem or question challenging for you? How do you know?
I think it was the question that was challenging because we had so many different ideas on how we could pull this
off and it was hard to narrow them down. It was almost as if the endless possibilities made it more difficult to

Sustained Inquiry
Describe the evidence you generated questions, found and used resources, asked further
questions, and developed answers and solutions.

As a group, we first questioned how we were going to get this printer apart. We kind of just looked for a place to
start like a screw and took it piece by piece. Then we went ran into the problem that we got so excited taking it
apart that we ran ourselves int a rut because we had no idea what we were going to do. We had to stop then figure
out where to go from there. That is how we came up with the idea of the picture frame.

Did the project have a real-world context, use real-world processes, tools, and quality
standards, make a real impact, and/or is connected society's concerns, interests, and identities?
Substantiate your answer with evidence.

Our project did have real-world context. We took an old busted printer and repurposed it onto something else.
This project even as a class helps reduce the electronic waste in our world. This entire project addressed the real-
world environment concerns. We also had a lot of hands-on opportunities and activities which allowed us to
understand how to use hardware and the components of reconstruction. The picture frame is functional and even
has extra components that make it light up. As for safety components, we could have done a better job at
attaching this string to the mechanism that makes the picture appear and disappear. I believe the educational
impact that this had on my group and I, is that we had to roll with the punches as they came. Meaning, we
couldn't have planned for everything that happened but we thought critically about it and came up with the

Voice & Choice

Describe how the project allowed you to make some choices about the products you created,
how you worked, how you researched, and how you used your time.

After we came up with the idea of creating a picture frame, we were left with choices that encompassed the
design of the frame itself, the size of the picture it could hold, the shape, and what materials we were going to
use. After we came to a conclusion on those decisions we divided and conquered. We planned the steps that we
are going to take and the end goal came a lot sooner than anticipated. However, time management is key. I think
that we as a group prioritized the harder things first therefore the rest of the project felt and went a lot more
In what ways did you reflect on what and how you learned, and on the project’s design and

I think that I reflected on what I learned pretty much after every single class. I distinctly remember calling my
friend and I would tell him about things that I did in this class because I was so excited about it. It reaffirmed how
hands on learning is so imperatively important. Especially when given a task like this project, there is really no
guideline everything that you decide and that you come up with is on you. I think that because of how it's
designed, the implementation of real world experience was phenomenal. I believe that reflection is one of the
most important things that you can do after a project and, even during the project. I learned that printers are made
terribly, and whoever decided to hide the screws I have beef with. I also think that it's important to highlight the
aspect of possibilities and options. Meaning, when the time came for us to decide what to create, it was almost
overwhelming the amount of options we had which felt suffocating. I think my key take away from this whole
experience is that without funneling through your possibilities you are going to be overwhelmed with all the
directions you could take and might by off more than you could chew.

Critique & Revision

Explain how you were able to give and receive feedback on your work, in order to revise your
ideas and products or conduct further inquiry.

I quickly learned that I was overly excited just to destroy the printer. My group gave me feedback on slowing
down and thinking through every single step. Even though slowing down is not what I wanted to do it was the
smart choice because it allowed wait time which led to critical thinking. I believe that giving feedback was just
part of the normal conversation especially when thinking about what to create. It was almost as if we were
listening to each other and paraphrasing each other 's ideas until we came up with the best solution.

Public Product
Explain how you were able to demonstrate what you learned through your presentation. What
did you learn from your audience?

From my audience, during the presentation, I learned that they were surprised to find out that we took it a step
further. Meaning, the picture frame wasn't an ordinary picture frame, it lit up, and had the picture appear and
disappear. As we were presenting our final product, we were able to think back to challenges that we faced and
how we overcame those challenges then we went on to discuss our creative thinking and how we arrived to the
idea oh the picture frame.

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