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2018 ‫ سبتمبر‬15 ‫السالم عليكم هذي تجميع اسئلة يوم‬

‫ سؤال‬132

‫االجابات الخضراء متأكد من حلها الباقي يبغاله مراجعه‬

1-child with pica → IDA

2-IDA follow up → serum ferritin

3-ice craving → pabophagia

4-old patient with spoon shaped nails → IDA

5-female with hypothyroidism and numbness what to add with

thyroxine → cyanocobalamine (vitB12)

6-when to diagnose obesity using BMI → 30-39.9

7-type of bodies in sickle → howell-jolly bodies

8-bond between m RNA & t RNA → hydrogen bond

9-patient on antidepressant and have sexual dysfunction→


10-female depressed in coma in her house unknown drug bottle

next to her → floxetine

11-the least antipsychotic drug that cause tardive dyskinesia→ I

chose clozapine
12-which hormonal deficiency cause depression→ serotonine

13-primaquine side effect→ G6PD hemolytic anemia

14-cystic fibrosis risk of carrier → 1:25

15-axillary frickles –NF type 1→ autosomal linked

16-child with knee pain x-ray showed inflammation of tibial

tubercle →osgood schlatter

17-prevention of amobiasis→ wash vegetebles

18-infant with bilious vomit and defecate after rectal exam →

hirschsprung disease

19-compnent of TOF→ VSD

20-which valve auscultation present in rt intercostal→ aortic

21-common complication of PCOS→endometrial cancer

22- repeated 21

23-syphilis case with chancre how to test → dark field

24-mushroom poison inhibit→RNA polymerase 2

25-lichen planus histopathology???

26-angioedema is side effect of → ACEI

27-URTI+otitis media→ amoxicillin+ calvulenic acid

28-myopic patient with glasses got worse overtime→

29-best combination with ACEI→ I chose thiazide

30-child step on rusty nail and got wound→ organism ?????

31-pregnant with bleeding gum and low platelet→ gestational


32-pregnant 12 week with macrocytic anemia→ folic acid ttt

33-female with corneal abrasion from her son nails→ I chose

topical steroid

34-another case of foreign body corneal abrasion but no steroid

in choice → I chose topical antibiotic

35-acute angle glaucoma ttt→ IV acetazolamide+ pilocarpine

36-old man with DM and HTN had trauma on his eye and have
shadow blurred vision→ I chose retinal detachment

37-best lipid parameter to asses risk of IHD→ I chose LDL

38-contraindication of circumcision→ hypospadius

39-pap smear screening →transformational zone

40-most common sign of hemophilia → hemarthrosis

41-meaning of distichiasis→ extra row of eyelashes

42-patient ingest ethan glycol –type of kidney damage →acute
tubular necrosis

43-breast cancer first metastasis→ anterior axillary LN

44- repeated 43

45-10 ppl had food poison after party which type→ I chose

46-smoker for 20 years present with hilar mass 4cm on xray→ I

chose lung adenocarcinoma

47-signs of pituitary adenoma + visual defect→ bitemporal


48-common risk of ectopic pregnancy→ previous tubal


49-other Q about ectopic pregnancy I forgot???

50-post menopause female with Hx of fibroid present with

endometrial cancer→ I chose total abdominal hysterectomy

51-sickle cell child with severe pain in hip→ avascular necrosis

52-sickle cell child with hand foot syndrome mechanism→

vasocclusive crisis

53-sickle cell child with fever cough severe chest pain→ acute
chest syndrome OR pericarditis????? I don’t know
54-child with anemia increase hematocrite value and
spherocyte on peripheral blood film→ hereditary spherocytosis
(ankyrin and spectrin deficiency)

55-how does protein inter peroxisome→ folded using C terminal

56-anti-HBc +ve and anti-HBs +ve → resolved natural infection

57-anti-HBs +ve only → previous vaccine

58-most common affected site in crohns disease→ terminal


59-female with epilepsy present with facial hair what drug SE→

60-precorsur of uric acid→ xanthine

61-mechanism of myasthenia gravis→ ab against Ach receptors

62-ADHD diagnostic criteria????

63-child with lack of attention at school play and jump a lot→


64-erythema+itching→ wheal

65-child with leg pain at night everything normal → normal


66-osteoarthritis nodules→ close to fingertip heberdens node+

middle joint called bouchards nodes
67-child with severe pain and swelling of knee joint with high
neutrophils in aspiration ttt→ I chose surgical drainage and

68-another case of septic arthritis???

69-patient with recurrent palpitation ttt→ I chose propranolol

70-case with social anxiety ttt→ I chose alprazolam

71-best cardiac marker→ troponin T

73-warfarin antidote→ vit K

74-diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis→ anticyclic citrullinated

peptide ab

75-patient with hx of cancer ttt with radiation now present with

leukemia whats the cause→ radiation

76-child with DM type 1 had coma at school and don’t know last
insulin shot what initial management before hospital at school
clinic→ I chose dextrose fluid

77-unclear case of child coma with fever and high cells in CSF
and high protein???

78-case of old patient with reduced sounds on carotid

auscultation and high BP???

79-which drug is stronger than morphine→ fentanyl

80-bone shaft fracture with fragments whats it called→
comminuted fracture

81-nerve supply of anterior 2/3 of tongue→ facial or trigeminal

???read Q carefully

82-child with eye swilling, proptosis ,chemosis ,fever →

hordeolum or periorbital cellulitis????

83-common complication of mumps→ encephalitis

84-female was shopping then fainted, everything normal→I

chose neurocardiac syncope

85-another case of mumps I think reactivated after


86-7 years old girl with pubic hair , everything normal→ I chose
premature adrenarche

87-old man with COPD and productive cough what drug act as
bronchodilator and expectorant→ I chose ipratropium

88-most common cause of secondary amenorrhea with high FSH

& LH→I chose menopause

89-pathology of osteoporosis→I chose decrease bone mass

90-man present with small vesicular rash around mouth→ HSV

type 1

91-female with genital lesion like dewdrops on rose petal→

varicella zoster
92-pregnant 39 week with cervix 6cm and sign of molding whats
the stage→ first stage

93-best time to do amniocentesis→ I chose 16 weeks of


94-pathology of hydrops fetalis thalassemia→ 2 normal beta 4

abnormal alpha

95-man came from india with signs of peptic ulcer epigastric

pain→ H.pylori

96-H.pylori ttt→ amoxicillin ,clarithromycin , omeprazole

97-female with vaginal burning and yellow green discgharge→


98-female psychiatric patient got angry at the doctor → acting


99-which drug used to treat schizophrenia????

100-old man diagnosed with lumbar spinal stenosis ttt→ I chose


101-child with murmur change with position→ innocent


102-female with mobile breast lump same size → I chose


103-child with bone sweilling and pain with bone xray onion
peel appearance → ewing sarcoma
104-numbness in thumb and index and loss of thenar muscles
what nerve damage→ median nerve

105-child injured his sole by walking on glass what structure

damage→adductor halucis muscle

106-obes child with suicidal ideation → I chose refer to


107-female with stress incontenince ttt→ kegel exercise

108-female with DM take oral antidiabetic is prepared for

elective surgery , what to give → I chose switch to insulin

109-male with abdominal trauma and rupture body of pancreas

the content where is going to be ?????

110-male have operative injury to vagal nerve what organ will

be affected→ oesophagus

111-pregnancy 27 weeks twins one died and one alive how to


112-pregnant 42 weeks prepared for labor induction had

rupture of membrane and fetal distress→ I chose prepare for C-

113-case of placental abruption in third trimester how to


114-pregnant lady with bleeding and product of conception

coming out→ abortion but I forgot which type????
115-pregnant lady with signs of hyperthyroidism which
hormone decreased→ TSH

116-male has injury to his posterior ankle which structure


117-man playing and had knee injury with click sound and his
tibia can move over femur→ I chose ACL injury

118-child with twist leg injury what to expect → I chose spiral


119-male with epigastric pain and increase amylase enzyme

weight loss whats the cause → alcohol abuse (pancreatitis)

120-another case of pancreatitis???

121-thalassemia diagnosis before birth → I chose chorionic

villous sampling

122-male diagnosed as HIV +ve but refuse to tell his wife→ I

chose call authorities

123-patient sensitive to amoxicillin replace with→ I chose


124-which antacids cause constipation→ aluminum

125-common site of mickles divrteculum→ terminal ilieum

126-which organ is not affected by pudendal block

127-pregnant lady with no history of varicella vaccine how to
manage ???

128-child with dehydration and other signs point to congenital

adrenal hyperplasia???

129-pruritis ani is a sign of → hemorrhoids

130-case of vit B12 deficiency → loss of gastric parietal cells

131-machinary murmur is a sign of → PDA

132-which type of HS in bee sting → type 1

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