Infant Report

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Name of Observer Place of Observation

House (in Law)
Bobbi Lee Deane

Observed (initials) Date of Observation
S.A May 28

Child/Children's Age Start Time of

12 months Observation
8:30 am

Child/Children’s Sex End Time of Observation

Male 6:30pm

Method of Observation

For the infant to make sounds (language)
To Observe how the infant communicates with people around them; with sounds
or non verbs, body languages.

For the infant to walk by himself and explore his surroundings.

Description of the Environment Including a Diagram and Background

In the infants room, I have drawn out a diagram. There isn’t a chair in this room;
although according to Montessori suggestions there should be, this mother feeds
her baby on the bed, as well as where they sleep. There are 2 windows in the
room, and they have a mirror in the room in between the 2 windows. The carpet
is below the bed and near the mirror, the 12 month old is able to walk, move, curl
and move freely on this to the mirror and pull themselves up using the top of the
bed frame. The bed is a low bed with a small and short bed frame. It is safe for
the child to get in and out of. There is a change table in the room beside the
closet. This infant was able to walk at the age of 10 months, they are sitting on
the potty but are still in diapers.
Social Environment:
This child has an older sister that is a year older, they are always together and
play together. They currently share a room. There are 2 parents in this
household. The father is mainly at work, and the mother is at home all the time
and takes care of them. She is a stay at home mom. They speak english and
Arabic, and they go out to public outings every sunday.

Drawing was created by Bobbi Lee deane using the Sketchbook app.

S is walking over to this small table and grabs an activity. S is using both his
hands holding on to the activity. He walks over to the carpet, places down the
activity. S sits down on the carpet. He is taking out the materials in the activity
box. Dump it all on the floor. He is storing the coloured cups in a line from left
to right. Then he takes a bag, opens the bag, looks inside the bag, there is
coloured wooden balls in the bag. He dumps them on the floor, some are
rolling away. S gets up and walks towards the ball that is rolling away, he is
following it, he tries to pick it up but it rolls away from him, he has to go closer
to it again, he walks to it. The ball stops and he picks up the small ball. Picks
up the blue ball, stands up straight and looks at the ball. Looking at the ball for
10 seconds, he starts walking back to the area with the color cups. With his
hand he drops the blue ball into the green cup. He sits down. Looking around
the carpet. He looks at a wood spoon that is on the carpet, picks it up with his
left hand. Looks at the spoon, puts the spoon in his mouth, sits with the spoon
in their mouth. Looking around the room, eyes are moving. The spoon is still
in their mouth. Takes the spoon out the mouth starts to scoop up a ball using
the spoon. The ball keeps falling off the spoon. They are using their right
hand. Picks up the ball with the left hand and puts the yellow ball into the
brown cup with the left hand. The child drops the spoon on the floor, stands
up, and starts crouching to pick up all of the balls and throws them into the
bin. Put the spoon in the bin. Walk away from the carpet and bin. Making
sounds like eeeeee oooooooo. Maamamaamaaa says the baby. Walks up to
mother and puts right hand up to her, to hold her hand, they walk out the
bedroom door, and walk down the stairs together, holding onto his moms
hand, and the left hand is on the railing. Stepping down one foot at a time very
slowly and focusing on the floor. Looking at the floor, stepping down again,
steps down, looks down then looks up at his mom, smiles, looks down steps
down the stairs. They reach the bottom of stairs, he lets go of mothers hand,
walks to the door. Points at the door. The door that goes outside. “You want to
go outside?” Said the mother. He nods his head yes - up and down smiling.
“Ok let’s get your shoes on to go outside” he walks over to the shoe rack and
picks up his shoes, walks over to his mom and gives his mom his shoes, sits
on floor, looking around the room, looks at floor, moving legs, stand up, try’s to
walk away. The mother takes his hand “sit down we need to put your shoes
on.” The child sit down. The mother helps the child put on shoes. He is
observant of his mother, putting on his shoes, watching everything she is
doing. His eyes are following her hands and watching. “All done, stand up” he
stands up. Looks at mom. Walks to the door, mother holds his hand and she
opens the door. They go outside. They step outside and mother lets go of
hand. He is wearing an all gray matching outfit, and white running shoes. He
is walking around making noise like “dooo do ahh” walks a few steps, stops,
looks around, runs a few steps “ahhh” stops walking/running. Looks in around
with his eyes, moving his head side to side, making more sounds “hooo hop”
walls forward looks down, he walks and looks down at a plastics bag, steps on
the plastic bag, “uh oh” the mom said, he walks forward with the plastic bag
on us foot. Stops and stomps his right foot up and down. Makes a “vvooooo”


During my observation the child would communicate by pointing, signing
more, or eat, they would make sounds, walk up to parents and tap on them.
When they would hear or see parents they would look at them, watch them
and go to them. The goals where to see how they use language, I believe with
obvious him from 11-12months he uses language in many ways. I also set a
goal for his movement, this child started to walk at 10 months. Since
movement is very involved in while observing they can walk, stand up, sit up,
run, and pull themselves up. I have reach this goal observing them. They went
on walks outside often, they would play in their room, they would help their
mom throw out stuff in the trash can. They moved a lot and always wanted to
be on the ground and not in their parents hands while walking (not being
held). I believe the reason why I saw all of these things while observing,
because the child I was observing is in the first plane of development. They
are in their sensitive period, for movement, which they are always wanting to
learn a new skill by moving in any way they can and as much as they can.
This child is using their absorbent mind to take in the information. They are
learning through movement. They are also in the sensitive period for
language, they are using words like mama and dada, they are shining and are
comprehending direction.

Well, taking observation notes I am reflecting on when I had to watch the
child since they moved a lot. I did have to move with a child and try not to
intervene with them. That was very hard because as a new infant walking,
they did not want to stay in the same room. Or always be in the house so we
were outside a lot. In the future for observations for an infant, I would like to
observe a child that is younger, and that hasn’t developed the skill of walking
yet. I think that this would be interesting, and might be easier to observe in
one place.
Montessori Teachers College. (2022). Sensitive periods [Canvas]. Toronto, ON. Montessori
Teachers College. Infant Toddler Diploma Course.

Montessori, M. (1995.) The Absorbent Mind. The Clio Montessori Series.

Montanaro, S.A. (2019.) Understanding the Human Being.

Walls, C.H. (2008.) At the Heart of Montessori |||: The Infant Toddler 0-3

Autodesk inc. (n.d.) Sketchbook app

Montessori Teachers College. (2022). Toronto, ON. Montessori

Photo references to my observations


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