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Name Alfi Ana Lestari

NIM 192120015
Class PBI 7A



A thesis by Hanif Shohibul Arham

I. Objective of the study

The sentences that illustrate that something is obtained after completing the investigation are
the study's objectives (Arikunto, 2010:97). Based on the problem statements above, the goal
of the study is to describe whether or not the use of Typography in teaching grammar to
eleventh grade students at SMK TAMTAMA Karanganyar is effective.
II. Research Design
The researchers decided in this study, "Effectiveness of the Use of Typography in
Technology in Class XI SMK TAMTAMA Karanganyar 2014-2015 Academic Year," that
this was included in quantitative research because it met the following characteristics:
a) Describing a research challenge by describing patterns or the necessity for an
explanation of the relationship between factors
b) Providing a major role for the literature by suggesting research questions to be asked
and justifying the research problem and creating a need for the study's direction
(purpose statement and research questions or hypotheses) by developing specific,
narrow, measurable, and observable purpose statements, research questions, and
c) Obtaining numerical data from a large number of people using equipment that have
pre-programmed questions and responses
d) Using statistical analysis, examining patterns, comparing groups, or linking variables,
and interpreting conclusions by comparing them to previous predictions and studies.
e) Composing the study report utilizing conventional, established structures and
evaluation criteria, and using an impartial, unbiased approach
According to Arikunto (2013:3–9), there are various types of research procedures.
There are three types of research: descriptive research, action research, and experimental
research. This study falls under the category of experimental research. This study employs
two groups, one of which consists of students from the experimental group and one from the
control group. There are two groups that are given the identical materials, themes, and topics.
The experimental group is thought to use typography, whereas the control group is thought to
use PowerPoint presentations.
III. Findings
In this study, the researcher divided the participants into two groups: the experimental group
and the control group. The experimental group, TKJ 2, is created up of 38 students, whereas
the control group, TKJ 1, is created up of 41 students. A pre-test and a post-test are used by
the researcher.
 The Students’ Achievement of Control group
The control group is the group that is not taught with typography as a medium. Power Point
2013 is used by the researcher to deliver material. The data were collected on April 30th for
the pre-test, May 7th for the teaching without typography, and May 21st for the post-test.
Using Chart 1, the research contrasts pre-test and post-test results to demonstrate the
difference between the two outcomes. Consider the following:
Chart 1
Comparasion of Frequency of Pre-test and Post-test result

 The Students’ Achievement of Experimental group

The experimental group is taught through the use of typography as a medium. The researcher
employs typographic content that is displayed using Microsoft Office Power Point 2013. The
data were collected on May 2nd for the pre-test, May 9th for the teaching material, and May 3rd
for the post-test. This is the data presentation for the Experimental Group's pre-test and post-
test. The research compares pre-test and post-test data in Chart 2 to show the difference
between the two outcomes. Consider the following:
Chart 2
Comparasion of Frequency of Pre-test and Post-test result

 Descriptive Analysis
Summary of Descriptive Analysis of pre-test two group
Group H L Me Mo R SD M V T
Control 83 50 70 70 33 7.39 68.39 54.69 2804
Exp. 86 50 66 66 36 9.89 68.03 97.86 1585

Summary of Descriptive Analysis of post-test two group

Group H L Me Mo R SD M V T
Control 89 50 70 73 39 8.54 68.98 72.92 2828
Exp. 93 60 74.5 75.5 33 8.31 76.03 69.16 2889

H : Highest score SD : Standard Deviation
L : Lowest score M : Mean
Me : Median V : Variance
Mo : Mode T : Total score
R : Range
 T-test of Finding
In this section, reseacher calculate the data using Independent Sample test. The researcher
uses independent sample test because data that is compared come from differnt sample.
Independent Sample Test

Based on the table above the Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 which means the significance level is
lower than 0.005. The Tvalue is -3.713 and it is compared with the value of T table with df=
(41+38) -2=77. Based on the table on T table, it is known that at the T value on the
significant level 5% is -1.991. To ensure the calculation, researcher calculate the data using T
test. And the formula is:

The T value is -3.713 when calculated using SPSS 18.00 for Windows and manually. The T
value (3.713 > 1.991) is in the T table. The study determined that the (ha) is accepted and the
(ho) is rejected based on the calculation, indicating that the use of typography in teaching
grammar is effective.
 Conclusion
Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concludes that using typography as a
medium for teaching English grammar is beneficial. It is corroborated by a T value of 3.713
at the 0.00 level of significance. Furthermore, the growing mean or average score of the
students in the experimental group, which largely increased from the pre-test and post-test
after they were given treatment, can be demonstrated. The average score before therapy is
68.03, while the average score after treatment is 76.03. After receiving treatment, the
experimental group's scores improved significantly between the pre-test and post-test. It
suggests that the use of typography is significant.

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