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Laundry is a process of washing clothing and other textiles, and, more broadly, their drying and ironing

as well, which can be a chore in a household.

Methods of Laundry

a) By friction: Cotton cloth, curtain, line etc. are washed by rubbing with hands or brush, or on scrubbing
board. Small clothes are rubbed with hands whereas excessively dirty clothes are cleaned by rubbing
with] brush or on a scrubbing board.

(b) By light pressure: Silken and woolen clothes should be washed by light press Clothes with delicate
laces are washed with light hands after applying soap. In this way, clothes are cleaned without being

(c) By application of suction: This is done by suction washer. It is available in two sizes-small and big. It is
made of a non- rusting metal. In this method, the clothes are dipped into a tub containing soap solution
and suction. The suction machine is moved on it and the dirt is removed Towel is washed by this

(d) By washing machine: These machines are commonly used these days. These are of three types 1.
Manual washing machine, 2. Semi-automatic machine, and 3. fully automatic machines

Process of Laundry
1. Sorting Clothes

2. Pre-Treating Stains

3. Loading the Washer

4. Selecting Detergent and Setting Washing Cycle

5. Removing and Drying Your Clothes

Removing Stain

Stain is a discoloration that can be clearly distinguished from the surface of the material. They are
caused by the chemical or physical interaction of two dissimilar materials.

How to remove stain?


Ironing -

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