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What is the main purpose of a descriptive text?

A. To persuade
B. To inform
C. To entertain
D. To instruct
E. To describe

What type of language is often used in a descriptive text to create a vivid picture in the
reader's mind?

A. Abstract
B. Technical
C. Emotional
D. Figurative
E. Formal

Which of the following is an example of a descriptive text?

A. How to Bake a Cake

B. The Benefits of Exercise
C. My Favorite Vacation Spot
D. The History of Ancient Rome
E. Tips for Time Management

. What is the main purpose of a recount text?

A. To entertain
B. To persuade
C. To describe
D. To inform
E. To criticize

Which tense is commonly used in a recount text?

A. Present perfect
B. Simple past
C. Future continuous
D. Present continuous
E. Past perfect
What does a recount text typically begin with?

A. Dialogue
B. Setting description
C. Personal comment
D. Orientation
E. Climax

What should be the response to this statement?

A. I would suggest you to drink a lot.
B. I would suggest you to sleep earlier.
C. I would suggest you to go to the cinema.
D. I would suggest you to change your lifestyle.
E. Just eat more!

Soal Suggestion Advice

Situation: Heru is having cold.

Doctor’s advice below is correct, except…

A. You should take a bed rest
B. I suggest you to eat chicken soup
C. I advise you to eat ice cream more
D. My advice is to wear mask outside, to protect yourself and other people.
E. I recommend you to take a bath

Soal Suggestion Advice

Situation: My neighbor is noisy.

You should…………
A. Let them be.
B. Tell your neighbor to increase their voice
C. Tell politely to neighbor to be silent for a while
D. I don’t know, tell me!
E. speak louder than him
7. What is the main purpose of the procedure text?

A. To entertain the readers

B. To describe a place
C. To inform about a historical event
D. To explain how to make mango juice
E. To share personal experiences
What should be the first step in making mango juice?

A. Peel and chop the mango

B. Pour the juice into a glass
C. Add sugar and ice cubes
D. Wash the mango thoroughly
E. Blend the mango pieces

What is the purpose of adding sugar and ice cubes in the procedure?

A. To make the juice sour

B. To enhance the sweetness
C. To improve the color
D. To add texture
E. To make it bitter

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