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029-13-013 Mohammad Nesar Uddin
029-13-035 Al-Amin
029-13-069 Saima Hasnain
029-13-079 Shafiqul Islam
029-13-121 Anindita Khan
Letter of Transmittal


MS. Nahida Sultana

Department of Management Information Systems
University of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of term paper on the topic- Networking and Data communication:
A Study on MIS LAB, University of Dhaka.

Dear Ma’am,

We want to humbly state that we have been assigned to complete a term paper on
networking and data communication: A Study on MIS LAB, under the course
Networking: Telecommunication, Corporate and Social.

Our Group tried our best to prepare this term paper to, while preparing the term
paper, we have researched about the MIS LAB, in support from the lab assistant. The
term gave us a great opportunity know about our overall lab overview. We therefore,
pray and hope that you would kindly accept our term paper and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,

Group 7

Term paper on MIS LAB, university of Dhaka

Department of Management Information Systems

University of Dhaka

We would like to express our gratitude to our Almighty ALLAH who has helped to
complete this great work.

Later, we are very grateful to our course teacher Ms. Nahida Sultana, Lecturer at
Department of Management Information Systems, University of Dhaka who has
directed and supported us to prepare this task.

We enjoyed the course for our honorable course teacher who always cooperated us to
know different thing and to gather dynamic knowledge.

Again, we express our gratefulness to our Madame who conducted our course
throughout the semester.

Group 7

Section A

Department of Management Information Systems
University of Dhaka
Executive summary

The main objective of this group term paper is to overview the MIS LAB history and to know the
layout and configuration used in the lab and how does the networking work in the lab.
The necessary information was taken from by researching our MIS LAB. We have described all
the configuration used in the MIS lab.
Overall this term paper has helped us to know deeply about the network configuration
of our MIS LAB and its layout. We have also known about the networking devices used
in the lab. We also gave some recommendations for future improvements of existing

In the quickly changing field of educational technology, including creative ideas

is essential to building productive and economical computer environments. Our
lab's implementation of NComputing vSpace Server is an example of a forward-
thinking strategy to satisfy the various computing demands of our end

With the help of NComputing vSpace, a virtualization solution, a single server

can be transformed into a strong platform that can accommodate numerous
workstations, maximize resource usage, and improve overall system
performance. The purpose of this paper is to give end users a thorough
understanding of the function and implications of the NComputing vSpace
Server in our specialized lab setting.
More about how this technology drives our lab with scalability, flexibility, and e
fficient management when we get into the details of its implementation can be
learned from here.
NComputing vSpace is the foundation of our lab's computing infrastructure, han
dling everything from assigning CPU, GPU, and disk space to individual workstati
ons to centralizing vital services like DHCP, DNS, the department website, and th
e ERP system.

In order to guarantee a reliable and safe computing environment, we will exami

ne the network architecture, VLAN configurations, and security measures put in
We will also discuss the advantages of virtualized workstations, emphasizing the
smooth user experience made possible by thin clients or access devices.

The NComputing vSpace Server is a deliberate step to improve resource efficienc

y, accessibility, and dependability in our lab, not just a technical addition.
Your experience and productivity as end users are our top priorities, and the inte
gration of NComputing vSpace is a prime example of our dedication to providing
a state-of-the-art computing environment.

This study examines how our lab is transformed into a dynamic, cooperative, an
d technologically advanced space by NComputing vSpace and offers some recom
mendations for improving the lab based on NComputing.
Objectives of the study

We now know more about the University of Dhaka's MIS lab thanks to this study.
Every networking gear used in the lab is introduced to us.
Additionally, we are fully aware of how the networking equipment operated in
the lab.

Scope of the Study

The purpose of this study was to learn more about networking devices.
The lab's operations have been examined, and Ncomputing's operations are me
ticulously documented. The benefits and drawbacks are also explained.

Through questioning, the major data was gathered from MIS lab help.
We have gathered as much valuable information as much as we could. All the
Secondary data was gathered from several websites and papers relevant to the
MIS lab.
Networking and virtualization are essential components in the development of I
T systems.
Networking is used by virtualization to create channels of communication betwe
en virtual instances and external systems.
This cooperation is most visible in virtual switches and virtual local area network
s (VLANs), where virtualized network components make it easier to isolate and s
egment traffic, enhancing both performance and security.
By placing a virtualized layer over conventional physical networks, network virtu
alization produces a more dynamic and adaptable environment that can change
to meet the demands of workloads that are virtualized.
Through this connection, businesses can streamline the management of
complex infrastructures by achieving a higher degree of automation and orchest

Virtualization and networking together provide unmatched scalability and

Networking offers the ability of establishing seamless connections and
communication between various resources, while virtualization allows for the
dynamic distribution of computing resources.
Virtualization and networking work together to create virtual data centers in
cloud environments where computing resources may be deployed, scaled, and
decommissioned as needed.
Organizations may adjust to shifting workloads and business needs with the
flexibility to grow vertically by adding more resources to existing instances or
horizontally by adding new virtual instances.
Today's fastpaced and dynamic business contexts, where agility and responsiven
ess are critical, this flexibility is extremely important, Networking and
virtualization play a major role in cost effectiveness and resource optimization.
Through virtualization, a single physical server may house several virtual instanc
es, which eliminates the need for a large hardware infrastructure.
Data center footprints are reduced as a result of this consolidation, which also lo
wers operating expenses and energy usage.
Networking facilitates the effective pooling of resources, which further improves
Content delivery networks and load balancing are two examples of technologies
that improve workload distribution among servers for maximum resource
utilization and performance.
Virtualization also makes it possible to create virtual networks that function apar
t from the real infrastructure underneath them, which encourages the more
effective use of network resources.
Virtualization and networking work together to give enterprises a level of agility
in the deployment and management of IT resources that has never been seen be
The time it takes to launch new services is shortened by virtualization's ability to
supply virtual machines and apps quickly.
By enabling the quick deployment of network configurations and services, netw
orking enhances this agility.
Network infrastructure can be managed centrally and programmably with the
help of technologies like SoftwareDefined Networking (SDN), which enables
administrators to adjust to changing needs without requiring manual
Virtualization and networking work together to support DevOps processes,
which involve development and operations teams working together seamlessly
to quickly deliver and update programs.
Improving the security and isolation of virtualized environments is largely depen
dent on networking.
Securing virtualized infrastructure perimeters is made possible by intrusion
detection/prevention systems, firewalls, and VLANs.
Virtual networks' isolation guarantees that the integrity of one virtual instance's
security won't be jeopardized by a breach in another.
Furthermore, networking technologies allow traffic to be segmented, which
enables businesses to implement access restrictions and security standards.
By encapsulating workloads, virtualization supports these efforts by simplifying
the implementation of security measures at the hypervisor level.
Virtualization and networking work together to provide a strong security
framework that protects important data and applications.

Although there are many advantages to the combination of networking and

virtualization, there are also obstacles that businesses must overcome.
One important thing to keep in mind is how difficult it is to manage virtualized
Administrators need to adjust to new tools and techniques for monitoring,
troubleshooting, and securing virtualized environments as infrastructures grow
more distributed and dynamic.
There may be difficulties in integrating with legacy systems and making sure that
the networking hardware is compatible.

Organizations must also manage performancerelated issues, particularly when

numerous virtual instances are generating a lot of network traffic.

As new technologies emerge and change the IT landscape, virtualization and

networking continue to operate together.
For example, edge computing reduces latency and improves user experience by
bringing computing resources closer to end users by utilizing both virtualization
and networking.
Another trend that is influencing the future is the combination of virtualization
and networking technologies with AI and ML.
While AIpowered virtualization management simplifies processes and boosts
efficiency, AIdriven analytics in networking can optimize resource allocation and
increase security.
In conclusion, the way businesses plan, implement, and oversee their IT
infrastructures changed as a result of the convergence of virtualization and
This partnership creates a computing environment that is dynamic, adaptable,
and effective, meeting the needs of contemporary industry.
The future of networking and virtualization will be greatly influenced by their
integration, which will lay the groundwork for creative solutions and propel
industry-wide digital transformation as technology develops.


NComputing has emerged as a key player in the field of desktop virtualization,

providing creative solutions to the problems of cost, energy consumption, and
scalability in computing environments.
NComputing is a market leader in desktop virtualization solutions, offering cuttin
g-edge technology that allow numerous users to use a single computer or server.
NComputing assists enterprises in achieving cost-effective and scalable computin
g environments by maximizing resource use.
This means that they enable numerous users to access the same computer at th
e same time, each with their own virtual desktop.
The products of NComputing are intended to be both cost-effective and energy-
efficient. NComputing provides a wide range of products.

• Thin clients: These are low-cost, tiny devices that connect to a central server.
They often feature limited processing power and storage, but they give users
with a full desktop experience.
• Virtualization software: You can use this software to create several virtual desk
tops on a single physical server.
Each virtual desktop can be utilized by a different user and can run different
applications concurrently.
• Management tools: These tools let you manage your NComputing
environment by allowing you to add and remove users, assign rights, and
monitor performance.

Benefits of NComputing

• Cost Effectiveness:
NComputing saves money on hardware by allowing several users to share a singl
e server.
• Energy Savings:
With fewer physical machines, energy consumption is reduced significantly.
• Scalability:
Scale up or down as needed by adding or removing NComputing devices.
• Centralized Management:
Streamlined resource and user session management.

NComputing's VSpace product range provides software and hardware solutions
for virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and thin client computing.
It enables numerous users to access the same computer at the same time, each
with their own virtual desktop environment.

VSpace comes in different editions, each catering to specific needs:

• vSpace Pro: For small and medium-sized enterprises, vSpace Pro supports up t
o 100 concurrent user sessions per
host system.
• vSpace Enterprise: For large businesses that require an infinite number of user
sessions as well as sophisticated capabilities such as centralized management,
security, and compliance.

Space offers several benefits, including:

• Cost savings: When compared to typical PCs, vSpace saves money on hardwar
e by sharing a single computer.
• Energy efficiency: vSpace's thin clients use less energy than standard PCs.
• Scalability: vSpace is simply scalable to accommodate an increasing number of
• Security: To keep data secure, vSpace includes features such as user
authentication and encryption.
• Simple administration: Administrators can manage all vSpace instances from a
single terminal.

Virtualization of server

The method of generating several virtual servers on a single physical server is

known as server virtualization.
Each virtual server runs its own operating system and programs, and they are
completely independent of one another.
Organizations can improve resource usage, boost agility, and save expenses as a
result of this. Server virtualization is a low-
cost technique to deliver web hosting services while maximizing the use of
current IT infrastructure resources.
Servers only use a small portion of their computing power without server
Because the workload is allocated to only a subset of the network's servers,
servers sit idle.
Data centers get overloaded with unproductive servers, resulting in resource
and power waste.
Server virtualization allows each virtual server to operate independently by
dividing each physical server into many virtual servers.

There are two main types of server virtualization:

• Hardware virtualization: This type of virtualization interacts directly with the
physical hardware via a software layer known as a hypervisor.
On top of the real server, the hypervisor then creates several virtual machines
Each virtual machine has its own CPU, memory, storage, and network interface.
• Operating system virtualization: This sort of virtualization runs several isolate
d instances of an operating system on a single physical server using software
known as a container.
Each container uses the same kernel as the others, but it has its own set of
processes, files, and network interfaces.

Types of hypervisors:

• Type 1 hypervisors: Type 1 hypervisors, also known as baremetal hypervisors,

run directly on the hardware. VMware ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-
V are examples of type 1 hypervisors.

• Type 2 hypervisors: Type 2 hypervisors, also known as hosted hypervisors, run on top
of an operating system.
VMware Workstation, Oracle VM VirtualBox, and Microsoft Virtual PC are
examples of type 2 hypervisors.

Popular server virtualization technologies include:

VMware vSphere, Microsoft,
HyperV (a free hypervisor included with Windows Server), and Citrix XenServer
(an open-source hypervisor from Citrix).

Server virtualization use cases:

• Web hosting: With server virtualization, web hosting companies may host
several websites on a single physical server.
• Cloud computing: The core of cloud computing is server virtualization, which
enables enterprises to rent computing resources on demand.
• Desktop virtualization: Using server virtualization, users can build virtual
desktops that can be accessed from any device.
• Development and testing: Server virtualization can be used to create isolation
between development and testing environments and production systems.

Benefits of server virtualization:

• Increased resource utilization: Server virtualization enables you to operate nu

merous virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical server.
This can assist you in improving resource utilization and lowering hardware expe
• Greater agility: Server virtualization makes it easier to provide, scale, and mov
e virtual machines (VMs).
This allows you to adapt to business developments more swiftly.
• Cost savings: Server virtualization can help you save money on hardware, soft
ware, and energy.
• Improved disaster recovery: By creating backups of your VMs, server virtualiza
tion can help you strengthen your disaster recovery plan.
• Improved security: By isolating each VM from the others, server virtualization
can help you improve security.

DHCP Server

A DHCP server is an essential component of every Internet Protocol (IP) network

Its major duty is to assign IP addresses and other network setup information to
network devices.

Key function of DHCP Server:

• Assigns IP addresses: DHCP servers keep an IP address pool and lease them to
devices that request them.
This eliminates the need for manual setting and ensures that all devices on the
network have unique IP addresses.

• Dynamic IP addresses: IP addresses are often assigned dynamically, which

means they are leased for a set length of time (lease time) and can be
reassigned to other devices once the lease expires.
This enables optimal use of IP addresses as well as flexibility in a changing
network environment.
• Setup parameters: In addition to giving IP addresses, DHCP servers can supply
devices with additional critical network setup parameters such as:
o Subnet mask
o Default gateway
o Domain Name System (DNS)
o Time servers

When a DHCP-enabled client joins to the network, the DHCP server assigns an IP
address from a pool that it maintains.
Because IP addresses are leased dynamically rather than statically, when they
are no longer in use, they are automatically returned to the pool for reallocation
The network administrator configures DHCP servers to save TCP/IP configuration
data and transmit address configuration to DHCP-enabled clients in the form of a
lease offer.

The DHCP server maintains a database including the following configuration of


• Each network client must have valid TCP/IP configuration parameters.

• Excluded addresses as well as valid IP addresses are preserved in a pool for
client assignment.
• Reserved IP addresses assigned to specific DHCP subscribers.
This allows for the consistent assignment of a single IP address to a single DHCP
• The lease duration, or how long an IP address can be used before requiring a
lease renewal.

After accepting a lease offer, a DHCP-capable client obtains:

• A functional IP address for the network to which it is linked.

Requested DHCP options are additional settings that a DHCP server can assign to
DHCP settings include the router (default gateway), DNS servers, and DNS
domain name.

DHCP offers the following advantages:

• Consistent IP address setting.

DHCP eliminates address conflicts and typographical errors that might occur
when specifying IP addresses manually by allocating an IP address to several
machines at the same time.
• Reduced network management.
To reduce network administration, the following DHCP capabilities are included:
o An automatic and centralized TCP/IP configuration.
o The ability to centrally define TCP/IP configurations.
o The use of DHCP options to allocate a variety of additional TCP/IP setup

• The efficient administration of IP address changes for clients that demand

regular updates, such as mobile devices roaming over a wireless network.

DNS Server

A DNS server, also known as a name server, is an important part of the internet
architecture. It functions as the internet's phonebook, converting human-
readable domain names (such as into numerical IP addresses that
computers can understand.
You can now simply access websites and other online resources without having
to remember their IP addresses.

Here's how a DNS server works:

• You open your web browser and type in a domain name.

• Your computer communicates with a DNS resolver, which is often provided by
your internet service provider (ISP).
• The DNS resolver looks for the IP address associated with the domain name in
its cache.
• If the IP address cannot be discovered in the cache, the resolver will ask a root
nameserver. • The root nameserver will route the resolver to the TLD (top-
level domain) nameserver for the domain name in question (for example,.com, .
• The resolver will then be directed to the authoritative nameserver for the
specified domain name by the TLD nameserver.
• The authoritative nameserver will finally supply the resolver with the IP
address of the website or online resource.
• The DNS resolver stores the IP address in a cache.

Benefits of DNS Servers:

• Easier access to online resources: Because you don't have to remember IP add
resses, you can access websites and other online resources more easily.
• Increased efficiency: DNS servers cache IP addresses, reducing the number of
times they must be searched up and increasing internet browsing speed.
• Adaptability: DNS servers can be readily upgraded to match changes in websit
e addresses or domain names.
• Safety: DNS servers can be used to execute safety measures such as limiting
access to malicious websites.

Examples of DNS Servers:

• Public DNS servers: These are DNS servers that are publicly available for use b
y anyone.
Google Public DNS ( and and Cloudflare DNS ( and
are two popular choices.
• Private DNS servers: These are DNS servers run by enterprises or organizations
for internal usage alone.
• Authoritative DNS servers: These are the servers that have the official IP
address information for a domain name.

Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN):

A VLAN is a logical collection of devices that are configured to communicate as if

they were on the same physical network, independent of their physical location.
This enables you to construct distinct broadcast domains within a same physical
network, which can be advantageous in terms of security, performance, and
Here are some important points to remember about VLAN technology:

Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) was utilized in

early Ethernet to facilitate data flow across shared media.

By isolating various users or groups of users on the same physical network, VLAN
technology adds another layer of protection.
This guarantees that sensitive data is only accessed by authorized people and
helps prevent unauthorized access from other sources.
Collisions, which are a major concern on Ethernet networks with multiple hosts,
can cause broadcast storms.
This causes the network to completely fail or deteriorate.
When employing Layer 2 devices to connect LANs, data transfer within a LAN
may be limited.

• Increased security: By isolating broadcast traffic to specified VLANs, you can
prevent sensitive data from being broadcast to unauthorized devices.
• Improved performance: By segmenting traffic, you can reduce network
congestion while improving overall performance for important applications.
• Simplified network management: VLANs can be used to organize devices into
logical groupings, making network management and troubleshooting easier.
• Greater flexibility: VLANs can readily added and withdrawn as needed,
making them a versatile choice for expanding networks.

Types of VLANs:
• Port-based VLANs:
These VLANs are assigned to specific switch ports.
Devices connected to these ports will be assigned to the selected VLAN automa

• MAC address based VLANs:

These VLANs are based on network device MAC addresses.
Devices with appropriate MAC addresses will be allocated to the designated
VLAN automatically.

• IP subnet-based VLANs:
These VLANs are based on network devices' IP subnets.
Devices inside a specific IP subnet will be assigned to the designated VLAN auto

• Protocol-based VLANs:
These VLANs are based on network traffic type.
You could, for example, build a VLAN for VoIP traffic and another for data traffic.
Common uses for VLANs:

• Isolating sensitive data:

VLANs can be used to separate sensitive data from normal network traffic, such
as bank records or medical information.

• Creating guest networks:

VLANs can be used to create distinct networks for guests or visitors, thereby prot
ecting your primary network from unwanted access.

• Traffic prioritization:
VLANs can be used to prioritize traffic for key applications like VoIP or video conf

• Improving network performance:

By segmenting traffic into smaller groups, VLANs can help to reduce network con

The N-Computing Lab was designed with modern workstations, innovative softw
programs, and cutting-edge networking equipment in mind.
Furthermore, the lab has been meticulously constructed to encourage MIS
students' collaboration, innovation, and hands-on learning experiences. The
facility is designed to give students with a better learning environment as well as
cutting-edge technology tools for academic and research reasons.
Students have gained significant expertise in areas such as data analytics, inform
ation security, database management, and software development
thanks to the improved N-Computing Lab. This state-of-the-
art facility complements the department's mission of excellence in education
and research.
The lab contains six servers, each of which serves a distinct role in increasing
MIS students' learning and research experiences.
One server function as a DHCP server.
An additional server has been set aside for an impending ERP system, which is se
t to be live next year.
This ERP will be critical in Department Resource Planning, efficiently handling
student information, faculty details, and day-to-day activities.
Three switches, each with 24 ports, provide support for the laboratory.
Two of these are dedicated to internet input and output, one to connecting to
other ports, and the rest to device connections.

VLAN technology improves network security and efficiency by allowing network

traffic to be segmented and important systems to be isolated.

Implementation of N-Computing Virtualization in the MIS Lab

In the MIS Lab, the NComputing virtualization system uses a mix of hardware
and software to produce several virtual desktops on a single physical server.
This enables better resource usage and cost reductions.
The following is a breakdown of the implementation:

Network and hardware:

1. vSpace Server with Windows 10:

• Two servers act as vSpace Server 10 hosts in the lab.

NComputing's vSpace Server 10 is a virtualization solution that allows several us
ers to share the computing capabilities of a single physical server.

• Each vSpace Server 10 is in charge of hosting and administering multiple virtua

l desktop sessions at the same time.

2. L300 Thin Client Devices:

• The lab's 52 workstations are outfitted with L300 thin clients.

• L300 Thin Client USB Ports:

The L300 thin clients have USB ports for connecting mice and keyboards.
Users at each workstation can now interact with their virtual desktop sessions us
ing locally connected input devices.

3. Ethernet Switches:

• Ethernet switches enable connectivity between L300 thin clients, workstations

, and servers.
These switches provide effective communication and data transfer between thin
clients and servers.

4. Network Architecture:

• Ethernet switches are essential for controlling network traffic between thin
clients and vSpace Server 10 servers. They provide a dependable and high-
performance link between workstations and virtualized servers.

5. Workflow:
• Users at each workstation log in using the L300 thin client devices.
• The L300 thin clients connect to one of the vSpace Server 10 servers.
• The virtual desktop sessions for the associated L300 thin clients are managed
by the vSpace Server 10 hosts, giving each user a personalized and secure comp
uting environment.


• NComputing vSpace:
This program is used to create and administer virtual desktops on vSpace servers

• Operating System:
Each virtual desktop has its own operating system, which in this case is
Windows 10.Applications are installed on the vSpace servers and made available
to users via their virtual desktops.

Implementation Process
1. Set up the vSpace servers with vSpace software.
2. Set up the vSpace servers to generate virtual desktops.
For each virtual desktop, this includes selecting the operating system, apps, and
resources (CPU, RAM, disk space).
3. Use the Ethernet switch to connect the L300 clients to the vSpace servers.
4. Download and install the L300 client software on each L300 client.
5. Set up the L300 clients to communicate with the vSpace servers.

Software used in MIS Lab:

For operations as well as network and computer security, the MIS Lab has a
variety of software on its workstations as well as vSpace servers.
For example, Anaconda distribution is installed for data analytics and machine
learning work, R package is also available, as is NetBeans IDE for Java language-
based work and Codeblocks IDE for C/C++.
Cisco products are utilized for security.
Benefits and Achievements of MIS Lab:
Renovated NComputingLab offers students a better learning environment as well as cutti
ng-edge technology resources for academic and research reasons.
Handson experience in data analytics, information security, and software
development contributes to students' skill development and industry
preparation. The lab serves as a hub for collaborative initiatives and innovative projects,
which corresponds with the department's aim of excellence in education and
The presence of a technical team dedicated to website and server maintenance ensures
that the lab's resources run smoothly and reliably.
Challenges and Recommendation:
Because to bottlenecks, workstations occasionally stop working abruptly.
A bottleneck in a computer arises when one component inhibits the
performance of another, resulting in a subpar user experience.
It's like having a race vehicle with a powerful engine but thin tires - despite the
engine's potential, the tires will ultimately limit the car's speed.
This bottleneck could be caused by a CPU bottleneck, RAM bottleneck, or GPU
To avoid this bottleneck, lab assistants and technicians must determine the
sources of the bottleneck and take the necessary precautions.
Since there are 62 workstations and the application and work that each station's
user uses and does is very high in comparison to the quantity of resources
allotted to each workstation.
as a result, the number of server connections should be increased.

The MIS NComputing Laboratory is a flagship facility that embodies the department's
mission to give students access to state-of-the-art resources and capabilities.
The fusion of cuttingedge infrastructure, specialized servers, and networking
technologies fosters an atmosphere that is ideal for promoting excellence in research
and teaching.

The lab stays at the forefront of technological education in the field of Management
Information Systems as it develops further with the inclusion of an ERP system and
continuous improvements.

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