You Read An Article in A Newspaper About The Importance of Building A Caring Society

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You read an article in a newspaper about the importance of building a caring society.

The following
statement was made in the article:

“Kindness is a quality that is gradually disappearing among us today”

Write an essay expressing your opinion on the statement

Kindness is a trait that is necessary in order to build a great nation. A nation should consider
its greatest asset to be among its citizens. Therefore a nation should be invested in their people by
moulding them to be the best human capital that they can be. However as one nation progresses,
majority of people tend to forget the importance of being kind towards one another. Racism,
selfishness, vindictive behaviour are rampant in today’s society. This could do serious damage to a
country’s development and the wellbeing of its people. Many have fallen victim into the hands of
these unscrupulous people. There are plenty of reasons as to why this is occurring nowadays and the
three reasons are _________________________, ________________________, _______________.
(Thesis statement).

Today’s society have become too materialistic and they could not care less about other
values like empathy and compassion. This is because
____________________________________________. For
example_______________________________________. On the other hand they only want to
succeed on their own without involvement of others. In my experience _______________________.
This needs to stop as a nation can only progress with a large number of human capital. Therefore it is
crucial to _________________________________________. (Concluding statement)

Lack of education, be it formally and informally on the topic of kindness is noticeable in

today’s world. In Malaysia there is no direct focus on nurturing kindness in the ________________.
Students are being taught indirectly _____________________. Why not the ministry make students
do specific chores in school such as ________________ to teach them about compassion and
humility? On the other hand role of parents is vital in _______________________. As the saying
goes ‘Everything starts from home’. Parents should set an example _____________. As a result
_____________________________________. (Concluding statement)

The fear of being misunderstood/made fun of would also pose a threat in creating a caring
culture. Often time people are afraid to do kindness acts since people are afraid that they would be
ridiculed. Some people also dislike ________________________ to them. This is a negative culture
that needs to be addressed. People should be positive ______________________________. A caring
society is about _______________________. All in all _____________________________.
(Concluding statement)

To conclude being kind is not as difficult as many may think. A simple kindness has a ripple
effect and contagious __________________. A nation can only be truly developed if
____________________. A caring society will undeniably _____________________. My hope is that
Malaysia one day could ___________________________.

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