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LK 0.

1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri ( MODUL 1)



Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. PUBLIC NOTICES


No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Garis besar materi yang 1. Public notices, posts and banners, graphic
dipelajari organizers,
and infographics.
2. Posters and banners to
enhance the knowledge about what posters and
banners are.
3. Graphic organizers: the
definition, the generic structure, the social
function, and the language
4. The definition of
infographics, the structure, the language
features, as well as the information

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. Infographics and other data visualizations have
dipahami di modul ini become well known in the mainstream media,
personal websites, and social media.
2. Creating infographics.

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Public notices, posts and banners, graphic
mengalami miskonsepsi organizers,
and infographics.
2. The use of infographics, the structure, the
language features, as well as the information
LK 0.2 : Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri ( MODUL 2 )



Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. PERSONAL LETTERS


No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Garis besar materi yang 1. The skills can keep and build social
dipelajari relationship and interaction with other
people both in writing and speech.
2. personal letters, invitations,
announcements, and advertisements.
3. Document that presents a formal request
for the presence of an
individual, a group of people or an
organization at an event.
4. An announcement in a public place, such
as newspaper or the window of a shop, is a
short piece of writing telling people
about something.
5. Communication with the users of a product
or service. Advertisements are messages
paid for by those who send them and are
intended to inform or influence people
who receive them, as defined by the
Advertising Association of the UK.

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. HEADING, SALUTATION/GREETING,

dipahami di modul ini BODY OF the LETTER,
2. Some sources of learning are provided
including some videos and some texts.

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Personal letters, invitations,

mengalami miskonsepsi announcements, and advertisements.
2. Communication with the users of a product
or service.
LK 0.3 : Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri ( MODUL 3 )


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Descriptive Text 1
Person & Animals
2. Exploring Descriptive Text 2
Things & Places
3. Exploring Report Text 1
Classifying report &
Compositional report
4. xploring Report Text 2
Comparative report &
Historical report

No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Garis besar materi yang 1. Descriptive texts that describes

dipelajari the particular objects in relation to person
and animals. The texts are made
available to public to inform readers or
viewers about the characteristics of a
specific person/family or animals,
2. Descriptive texts that describes
the particular objects in relation to things
and places. The activities shall focus on
the knowledge and skills required to
comprehend and
express explicit and implicit meanings in
the following descriptive texts.
3. Report texts organize our
experiences of the world for us; they are
used to record, organise, and store
information relating to categories of
things. Information reports are closely
connected to educational settings and
workplaces; in particular, they are a
major vehicle for apprenticing individuals
into the discourse communities
connected with science and technology
4. The report text that are dealt
with comparative and historical report
texts. Report texts organize our
experiences of the world for us; they are
used to record, organise, and store
information relating to categories of

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. The knowledge and skills required to

dipahami di modul ini comprehend and express explicit and
implicit meanings in the following report
2. Report Text (Classifying report and
Compositional report).

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Descriptive texts that describes

mengalami miskonsepsi the particular objects.
2. Report Text (Classifying report and
Compositional report).
LK 0.4 : Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri ( MODUL 4 )


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. BIOGRAPHY

No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Garis besar materi yang 1. A biography, or simply bio, is a detailed

dipelajari description of a person's life. It involves
more than just the basic facts like
education, work, relationships, and death;
it portrays a person's experience of these
life events. and may include an analysis
of the subject's personality.
2. Historical recount is closely related to the
history of a place or an object which is
very memorable and considered important
throughout life. This type of the text is a
kind of recount which explains about the
chronological events occurred in the past.
3. A fable is a fictional story, poems or prose,
with a specific moral or lesson that is
conveyed to the reader.
4. A legend is “a story or narrative that lies
somewhere between myth and historical
fact and which, as a rule, is about a
particular figure or person.” Traditionally,
a legend is a narrative that focuses on a
historically or geographically specific
figure, and describes his exploits. Similar
to a myth, a legend can provide an
etymological narrative, often filling in
historical gaps.

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. Historical recount is closely related to the

dipahami di modul ini history of a place or an object which is
very memorable and considered important
throughout life.
2. Biographical works are usually non-
fiction, but fiction can also be used to
portray a person's life.

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. A biography, or simply bio, is a detailed

mengalami miskonsepsi description of a person's life.
2. Biographical works are usually non-
fiction, but fiction can also be used to
portray a person's life.
3. Unlike a profile or curriculum vitae
(résumé), a biography presents a subject's
life story, highlighting various aspects of
his or her life, including intimate
details of experience,
LK 0.5 : Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri ( MODUL 5 )


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Procedure Text;

2. Exploring Procedure Text;
3. Exploring Procedure Text;
4. Exploring News Item

No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Garis besar materi yang 1. Manual alternatively referred to as

dipelajari documentation or end-user documentation,
a manual is a book or pamphlet that
contains information about a program or
piece of hardware. For example, a
computer case may come with
documentation explaining what sizes of
motherboard it can hold. Or, a video game
may come with a manual explaining how
to play it.
2. Recipe is text that explains or helps us how
to make something.
3. Itinerary can be defined as a route or plan
or guide book of travel. It usually contains
any information dealing with travel or
journey such as schedule of visit
(vacation), time, dates, transportation,
and other information.
4. News item is one example of authentic
materials that can be used in teaching and
learning process. Through news item text
students can be easily enganged with the
materials because they are viewing articles
and news that are happening around them.

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. To provide more comprehension about

dipahami di modul ini news item text.
2. Comprehension towards the topic of
materials either with other participants or

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Procedure Text; Manual

mengalami miskonsepsi 2. Procedure Text; Recipe
LK 0.6 : Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri ( MODUL 6 )



Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Analytical Exposition Texts

2. Hortatory Exposition Texts
3. Explanation Texts
4. Discussion Texts

No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Garis besar materi yang 1. Analytical Exposition belongs to

dipelajari argumentative texts. Through this type of
texts, the writer/speaker elaborates his/her
idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
His/her purpose is to convince the
audience that his/her idea is an important
2. Hortatory Exposition belongs to
argumentative texts. In this type of texts,
the writer/speaker includes several
opinions about certain things to strengthen
the main idea of the text. Hortatory
Exposition proposes recommendations as
the concluding paragraph. The
writer/speaker influences the reader that
something should or should not be the case
or be done.
3. Explanation texts can be said as one of the
most complicated types as they could be a
combination of other text types such as
descriptive text, procedure text, and
argumentative texts (Emilia, 2011). An
explanation text tells the audience how
something works or why something
happens. Explanations detail and logically
describe the stages in a process, such as the
rainbow, or how a car engine works. Quite
often, especially in its written version, this
text type appears with a picture
complement to support clarity.
4. Discussion Texts, ones that give the for
and against, the positive and negative, or
the good points and the bad points –
viewing things from two sides. This covers
a wider area of life, such as entertainments,
law, science, education, and politics. Some
popular examples include talkback radio,
debates, current affairs, letters to the
editor, essays, and newspaper articles. The
purpose of this text type is to present to the
audience different opinions on a topic and,
at the end, the writer/speaker‘s own

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. The Discussion covers a wider area of life,
dipahami di modul ini such as entertainments, law, science,
education, and politics. Some popular
examples include talkback radio, debates,
current affairs, letters to the editor, essays,
and newspaper articles.
2. Phenomenon surrounding, several opinions
about certain things to strengthen the main
idea of the text.

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Discussion and Hortatory Exposition

mengalami miskonsepsi 2. Explanation Texts and Procedure Texts

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