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Literature Review

As digital technologies have expanded, consumer behavior has changed, and data-
driven decision-making has become more important, marketing management has
evolved significantly in recent years. Throughout 2019 and 2023, this review will
examine marketing management theories and frameworks, identify key trends, and
identify gaps in the literature.

Core Marketing Management Theories

Marketing management continues to see the significance of the 7Ps of Marketing

Mix. Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence are
some of the essential components of the 7Ps, initially presented as a traditional
framework. In the digital age, however, adaptability has become crucial. Wong and
Wong (2019) emphasize the importance of social media and online distribution
channels. The 7Ps framework needs to be adapted to the changing digital landscape so
that marketers can effectively engage technology-savvy consumers (Chaffey & Smith,

The study of Consumer Decision Making remains a central concern in marketing

theories, with models like the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and the Theory
of Reasoned Action (TRA) providing valuable insights (Bergeron et al., 2021).
Despite this, consumer behavior is changing, making understanding how they behave
more deeply imperative. According to Bergeron et al. (2021), decision-making
models should incorporate psychological factors such as cognitive biases and
emotions. This expansion enables marketers to explore consumer choices more
deeply, recognizing the intricate interplay between intellectual and emotional factors
in decision-making.

A key marketing tactic that drives segmentation and targeting is demographics,

psychographics, and behavioral variables (Verhoef et al., 2020). However, advanced
analytics and artificial intelligence-driven methods are revolutionizing the field,
enabling marketers to employ more accurate and flexible segmentation strategies.
These technologies can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of segmentation
operations. Technology for segmentation is an essential component of modern
marketing tactics as markets become increasingly diversified and dynamic.

Marketing management principles remain essential for understanding and

maneuvering the complex and ever-changing world of consumer behavior and market
dynamics. Despite this, the ever-changing digital era and the increasing influence of
psychological factors in decision-making require adjustments to these fundamental
beliefs. Today's marketers must adopt technological innovations, such as digital
marketing and data-driven segmentation, to remain competitive.

Emerging Frameworks and Trends

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has evolved significantly, with CRM
systems increasingly playing a central role in managing customer interactions.
According to contemporary trends, customer experience (CX) and personalization
have become increasingly important. According to Reinartz et al. (2022), the focus
has shifted beyond transactional relationships to meaningful and personalized
customer experiences. Customer expectations and preferences have become
increasingly crucial for businesses seeking to thrive in a customer-centric
environment in the evolving landscape of CRM.

Frameworks for digital marketing have emerged as guidelines for navigating the
complex digital landscape. Some of the most notable are the PESO (Paid, Earned,
Shared, Owned) media framework and the SOSTAC (Social, Organic, Search, Paid,
Advocacy, Content) media framework. Frameworks for digital marketing strategies
provide a structure for addressing different channels and touchpoints. Even though
digital efforts are valuable, measuring their Return on Investment (ROI) and
integrating online and offline campaigns can be challenging. According to Chaffey
and Smith (2022), marketers must overcome these challenges to fully utilize digital
marketing frameworks for comprehensive and integrated marketing campaigns.

Data-driven marketing is a transformational phase in the marketing industry in which

data analytics and machine learning play a significant role. Through this
transformation, marketers can execute targeted campaigns, provide personalized
experiences, and gain predictive insights. A study by Ghose and Shah (2020)
highlights the power of data-driven approaches in enhancing the effectiveness and
efficiency of marketing decision-making. Data privacy and algorithmic bias, however,
require careful consideration. Shah and Vargo (2023) emphasize the need for
marketers to navigate these moral dilemmas to ensure ethical data use and to build
consumer trust in a world where data-driven strategies are the norm.

Gaps in the Literature

In the modern marketing landscape, it is becoming increasingly challenging to

integrate traditional marketing strategies with digital marketing strategies. Despite the
availability of frameworks for individual channels, there needs to be more
comprehensive frameworks that can seamlessly integrate traditional and digital
marketing strategies for a holistic marketing strategy (Wong & Wong, 2019). Modern
businesses operate across multiple channels, necessitating a synchronized marketing
effort across multiple platforms. It is evident from Wong and Wong's observation that
marketers must develop and adopt frameworks that both acknowledge and facilitate
the strengths of both traditional and digital channels to create a more cohesive and
effective marketing strategy.

Emerging technologies such as AI, block chain, and AR/VR have introduced new
dimensions to marketing campaigns. However, it remains a challenge to evaluate
these technologies' impact and effectiveness. Ghose and Shah (2020) underscore the
importance of further research and the development of robust measurement
frameworks to gauge the success of marketing initiatives incorporating these
technologies. To assess the return on investment and optimize the use of these
technologies in marketing strategies, marketers need to develop reliable metrics as
they explore innovative ways to engage consumers through AI-driven personalization,
block chain-enabled transparency, or immersive AR/VR experiences.

Problem Identification

The Issue: Philippine tree nursery seedling plantations primarily focus on supplying large-
scale commercial forestry operations and government greening projects. While this segment
provides consistent demand, it overlooks the vast potential of smallholder farmers, who could
significantly benefit from planting trees. Yet, reaching and effectively marketing to this
fragmented and dispersed audience poses a significant challenge for seedling plantations.

Philippine tree nursery seedling plantations have a primary focus on supplying large-
scale commercial forestry operations and government greening projects, inadvertently
overlooking the significant market potential presented by smallholder farmers (Philippine
Statistics Authority, 2022). Integrating trees into these farmers' practices through agroforestry
holds a multitude of benefits, including increased incomes, improved soil fertility, and carbon
sequestration (Lasco & Banaticla, 2018; Lasco et al., 2017; Lasco & Espada, 2014).
However, effectively reaching and marketing to this dispersed and information-limited
audience poses a considerable challenge for seedling plantations.

Traditional marketing methods often miss smallholder farmers, who heavily rely on
word-of-mouth and local networks (Sardono, 2019). Seedling plantations struggle due to a
lack of resources and strategies to reach these geographically dispersed and information-
limited audiences through traditional channels. Additionally, a knowledge gap impedes the
adoption and demand for seedlings, as many smallholder farmers lack awareness of the
benefits of specific tree species and the techniques for integrating them into their existing
farming systems (Gonzalo & Baltazar, 2015).

This marketing challenge aligns with contemporary marketing management priorities,

focusing on reaching geographically dispersed and low-resource audiences (World Bank,
2020), utilizing digital and mobile technologies for targeted outreach (International Fund for
Agricultural Development, 2020), employing community-based and extension approaches for
knowledge sharing (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2018), and
demonstrating the social and environmental impact of products and services (Reimers &
Craig, 2013).

Addressing this challenge presents substantial opportunities for seedling plantations to

expand their market reach, contribute to environmental sustainability, and empower
smallholder farmers in the Philippines. By employing innovative and targeted marketing
strategies, nurseries can engage smallholder farmers in agroforestry, contributing to national
reforestation targets and commitments under the Paris Agreement (Department of
Environment and Natural Resources, 2022; United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, 2022). This engagement also has the potential to boost rural livelihoods by
increasing smallholder incomes through activities like fruit production, timber sales, and
ecosystem services payments (World Agroforestry Centre, 2023).
Effectively reaching and engaging smallholder farmers requires building brand
recognition and trust through targeted messaging and branding that resonate with their needs
and concerns, emphasizing transparency and quality assurance. It also involves utilizing
digital and mobile technologies for outreach, collaborating with local partners such as NGOs,
farmer cooperatives, and barangay officials to leverage existing networks and trust,
implementing farmer-to-farmer extension services to facilitate knowledge sharing and peer
learning, and demonstrating the tangible benefits of agroforestry through field
demonstrations, testimonials, and case studies.

By adopting these strategies, Philippine tree nursery seedling plantations can unlock
the vast potential of the smallholder farmer market, contribute to a more sustainable future,
and empower rural communities across the country.
Research Design

The chosen methodology for this research is qualitative content analysis, and its
justification stems from several key considerations. First and foremost, there is limited online
data available, and while quantitative analysis might be constrained by this scarcity,
qualitative content analysis allows for an in-depth exploration of various online sources.
These incl media channels, news articles, and online forums, providing valuable insights into
their marketing strategies, target audience, and challenges related to agroforestry adoption.
This approach proves essential when quantitative data may be insufficient.

Moreover, qualitative data allows for a comprehensive understanding of the

motivations and perceptions of smallholder farmers who may not be engaging withIt delves
into the underlying reasons and the perceived benefits or barriers to agroforestry adoption.
This nuanced information is crucial for the development of effective marketing strategies,
catering to the specific needs and concerns of the target audience.

Another justification lies in the flexibility and adaptability inherent in qualitative

methods. They permit adjustments based on emerging themes and findings during the data
collection process, leading to a richer and more nuanced understanding of the situation at
hand.The data collection plan outlines a systematic approach, including the identification of
relevant online sources, establishment of search criteria and keywords, and the use of data
management tools for organization. The subsequent data analysis and interpretation involve
thematic analysis, coding, categorization, and triangulation to validate findings from different
sources and seek expert opinions.

Ethical considerations are paramount in this research, emphasizing transparency in

stating the research's purpose and data usage, ensuring anonymity and confidentiality of
participants, verifying data accuracy, and presenting findings objectively without bias.While
the benefits of q and a comprehensive exploration of smallholder farmers' perceptions, it does
come with limitations. These limitations include reliance on available online data, which
might be limited or biased, requiring careful analysis and interpretation to avoid

In conclusion, qualitative content analysis emerges as a robust approach for

understandiketing efforts and challenges in engaging smallholder farmers in Bukidnon. By
addressing ethical conshem to refine their marketing strategies and achieve greater success in
promoting agroforestry among smallholder farmers.

Enhance Online Credibility and Trust

 Encourage satisfied customers and followers to leave reviews and ratings on "The
Climate Change Corp's" Facebook page.

 Actively respond to user comments and inquiries, demonstrating responsiveness and


 Consider incorporating user testimonials and success stories on the official website to
build trust.

Optimize Website Content

 Conduct a thorough review and update of the content on both websites, ensuring it
aligns with the corporation's goals and values.

 Integrate engaging and visually appealing multimedia content, such as videos,

infographics, and images, to enhance user experience and understanding.

Diversify Thematic Content

 Continue the diverse thematic content approach but explore additional topics to
maintain audience interest.

 Collaborate with local influencers, environmentalists, or community leaders to

introduce fresh perspectives and broaden the content spectrum.

Strategic Boosting of Posts

 Allocate a modest budget for strategically boosting key posts to reach a wider

 Identify high-impact posts, such as those related to reforestation efforts or

environmental awareness, and prioritize boosting them for increased visibility.

Collaborate with Environmental Organizations

 Form partnerships or collaborations with established environmental organizations or

NGOs to leverage their networks and amplify the reach of the corporation's initiatives.

 Participate in joint events, campaigns, or awareness programs to tap into a broader


Implement a Social Media Calendar

 Develop a social media content calendar to ensure a consistent posting schedule.

 Plan content themes aligned with relevant environmental events, global awareness
days, or national campaigns to stay timely and increase engagement.

Educational Webinars and Live Sessions

 Host educational webinars or live sessions on the Facebook pages, covering topics
related to agroforestry, climate change, and sustainable living.

 Involve experts or influencers in these sessions to enhance credibility and attract a

larger audience.

Utilize User-Generated Content

 Encourage followers to share their own experiences, tree-planting initiatives, or

sustainable practices.

 Showcase user-generated content on the Facebook pages, creating a sense of

community involvement and inspiring others.

Strategic Roadmap

Immediate Actions (0-3 months):

 Initiate a customer review campaign, incentivizing users to share feedback on "The

Climate Change Corp's" Facebook page.

 Conduct a content audit of both websites, identifying areas for improvement and
updating outdated information.

 Begin boosting select posts with the highest potential for engagement.

Mid-Term Actions (3-6 months):

 Expand the thematic content by introducing new topics and collaborating with
influencers or local figures.

 Establish partnerships with environmental organizations to broaden the corporation's

reach and impact.

 Develop and implement a social media content calendar for consistent posting.

Long-Term Actions (6 months and beyond):

 Host regular educational webinars and live sessions, building a reputation as a go-to
source for environmental insights.
 Continue optimizing website content and incorporating multimedia elements for a
more engaging user experience.

 Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies through regular performance

analysis, adjusting the approach as needed.

 Throughout the implementation, regularly monitor key performance indicators (KPIs)

such as engagement rates, audience growth, and website traffic. Adapt the strategy
based on the evolving digital landscape and feedback from the audience to ensure
continuous improvement and relevance.


In conclusion, the action research conducted nes Corporation has yielded valuable
insights into the organization's current marketing strategies and identified areas for
improvement. "The Climate Change Corp" exhibits a strong online presence with a higher
number of likes and followers compared to "Climate Change Corporation." Both pages
actively engage users through diverse thematic content related to tree species, reforestation,
and environmental awareness. The need for a comprehensive review and update of content on
both websites is evident, emphasizing the incorporation of engaging multimedia content to
enhance user experience and effectively communicate the corporation's goals. Collaborating
with local influencers, environmentalists, and established organizations presents a significant
opportunity to broaden the content spectrum, increase visibility, and tap into a larger

Strategically boosting key posts, especially those related to reforestation efforts, is

recommended to amplify reach. Developing and implementing a social media content
calendar ensures a consistent posting schedule and relevance. Hosting educational webinars
and live sessions provides a platform for knowledge dissemination, positioning the
corporation as a credible source for environmental insights. The implications of these
findings on the marketing management landscape are substantial. By enhancing online
credibility, optimizing website content, and diversifying thematic cont Philippines
Corporation can establish a stronger brand presence.

Collaborations with influencers and environmental organizations open avenues for

broader outreach and impact, aligning with contemporary marketing management strategies.
Strategic boosting of posts and the implementation of a social media calendar align with
current trends emphasizing targeted and consistent digital outreach. Educational initiatives
contribute not only to the corporation's thought leadership but also foster a community of
environmentally conscious individuals.

Overall, the action research provides a roadmap fones Corporation to adapt and
innovate in its marketing strategies. Embracing these recommendations will likely result in an
enhanced market reach, increased engagement, and a more significant impact on
environmental sustainability in the Philippines. The study's implications extend beyond the
specific organization, offering insights applicable to marketing management in the broader
context of sustainable initiatives and community engagement.


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