Finals - Act 1

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Read carefully the situation and answer the problem.

A Cabbage, a Goat, and a Tiger

by Erik Oosterwal
A man is traveling with a tiger, a goat, and a cabbage. I have no idea why he would be
traveling with such a strange assortment, but there he is anyway. At one point in his journey he
comes to a river which is too deep to wade across, and too wide to swim across so he is in a
quandry on how to continue. He notices a small boat tied to the near shore, but the boat is too small
to fit all his belongings into, but it is large enough so that he can safely row across with one
belonging at a time.
The problem is that if he rows across with the tiger first, then the goat will eat the cabbage,
and if he rows across with the cabbage first, the tiger will eat the goat.
How can he safely cross the river with all his things intact?

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

by Erik Oosterwal
You're a traveler in a distant land which is inhabited by two races. The first race, we'll call
them Glurphs, cannot ever tell a lie, and the second race, we'll call them Rafas, can't seem to ever
tell the truth. Being a stranger to this land you are not familiar with the ways of the people there
and when you meet a group of three citizens you askthem which race they belong to.
The first one mumbles something that you could not understand.
The second one explains "He said he was a Rafa."
The third one retorts "You're a liar!"
Your problem is to figure out which race the third man belonged to.

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