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HL: Functions

Worksheet # 2.2

Topics Covered

1. HL only type of Functions and Transformations

Made and compiled for students of

Chemyst Tuition Centre
5 tank road Singapore Worksheet # 2.2 Mr. Ejaz: +65 97124269

1 HL only Portion:Level 1

1. If f (x) = 1x ; g(x) = x; h(x) = x2 − 1 :

a) Find:

i) the domain of f , g and h

ii) f ◦ (g ◦ h) and state the domain of (g ◦ h) and f ◦ (g ◦ h)

iii) the range of f , g, h, (g ◦ h) and f ◦ (g ◦ h).

b) Determine whether f ◦ (g ◦ h) is a function.

2. Determine the domain of f (x) = − 2x2 −3x−9 and state the equations of any asymptotes.

3. Find the domain and range of y = √1 and state the equation of the asymptotes. Confirm your answers

4. Express in partial fractions:

1) x2 +5x+6

2) x24−x

3) x4x−9
2 −3x

4) x2x−1

5. Solve 2x−1 < 1 graphically.

6. Solve the inequalities graphically:

a) x−2 > −2

b) |x−1| ≥1

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c) 2|x + 2| − |x + 5| ≤ 4

d) x2 + 3x − 4 < 3

√+ 1|, x < −1
f (x) =
x + 1, x ≥ −1

a) Find f (−1), f (0), f (−4), f (8).

b) Sketch the function.

c) State the domain and range.

8. For each function find, if it exists:

i) g( f (1))

ii) f (g(2))

iii) f (g(x))

iv) g( f (x))

a) f (x) = 3x; g(x) = x

b) f (x) = 5 − 3x; g(x) = x2 + 4

c) f (x) = x + 1; g(x) = 2x − 1

9. Let f (x) = 1 − 2x, g(x) = x2 − 1, h(x) = 2x + 4

a) Find i) f (h(x))

ii) h(g(x))

iii) h(h(x))

iv) f (g(h(x)))

b) State the domain and range of the functions in part a.

c) Find h(h(0)) and g(g(−1)).

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10. If f (x) = 3x + a and g(x) = 3

find the value of a such that f (g(x)) = g( f (x)).

11. Without using y = x for any of the functions, find expressions for f (x) and g(x) such that

a) f (g(x)) = x2 − 2x + 3

b) f (g(x)) = 2x − 3

c) f (g(x)) = 4 − 3x

d) f (g(x)) = (x−2)2

12. Draw the graph of y = x(x − 4).

On the same set of axes, sketch the graph of its reciprocal, y = x(x−4) .

For both graphs, label any intercepts, zeros, extrema and asymptotes.

13. Copy the graph of y = f (x) and sketch the graph of y = f (x) on the same set of axes.

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14. Consider the graph of the function y = f (x), where −2 ≤ x ≤ 6.

Sketch the graph of:

a) y = 2 f (x)

b) y = f (−x)

c) y = f (2x) d y = f (x − 1) − 3

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3x2 +x−2
15. 1 The graph of y = x−1 is shown below.

a) Find the equation of the vertical asymptote.

b) Find the axes intercepts.

c) Write the function in the form y = px + q + x−1 , and hence find the equation of the oblique asymptote.

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16. Consider the graphs of y = f (x) and y = g(x) shown alongside.

f (x)
a) For y = g(x) find the equation of the:

i) vertical asymptote ii oblique asymptote.

f (x)
b) Copy the graph, and on the same set of axes, graph y = g(x) .

Indicate clearly where the x-intercept(s) and asymptote(s) occur.

17. The function f is given: f (x) = x2 −x−6

a) Find the asymptotes of the function.

b) Find the axes intercepts.

c) Sketch the graph of y = | f (x)|.

2x2 +3x−5
18. Consider the function f (x) = 2x−3 .

a) Find the equation of the vertical asymptote.

b) Find the axes intercepts.

c) Find the oblique asymptote.

d) Draw a sign diagram of the function.

e) Hence discuss the behaviour of the function near its asymptotes.

f) Sketch the graph of the function.

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19. The graph of y = 2x2 +dx+e
is shown below.

Find the value of a, b, d, and e.

20. Consider the function f (x) = 2x2 −x−6

a) Find the equations of the asymptotes.

b) Find the axes intercepts.

c) Draw a sign diagram of the function.

d) Hence discuss the behaviour of the function near its asymptotes.

e) Sketch the graph of the function.

3x2 −11x−4
21. Consider the function g(x) = 3x−2 .

a) Find the equation of the vertical asymptote.

b) Find the axes intercepts.

c) Find the oblique asymptote.

d) Draw a sign diagram of the function.

e) Discuss the behaviour of the function near its asymptotes.

f) Sketch the graph of the function.

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x2 +bx+c
22. The graph of f (x) = 2x+5 is shown below.

Point (−3, 2) is on the graph and the equation of its oblique asymptote is y = 21 x + 94 .

a) Write down the equation of the vertical asymptote

b) Find the value of:

i) b ii) c.

c) Using the values of b and c found previously, sketch the graph of g(x) = f (x) , showing clearly all intercepts
and asymptotes.

23. This question asks you to investigate some properties of even and odd functions.

a) Consider the functions f1 (x) = x2 +2
and f2 (x) = 2x3 − 4x.

Determine whether the function:

i) f1 (x) is an even function or an odd function

ii) If f2 (x) is an even function or an odd function.

f (x)+ f (−x) f (x)− f (−x)

b) Suppose f (x) is a function with domain x ∈ R, g(x) = 2 , and h(x) = 2 .

i) Show that g(x) + h(x) = f (x).

ii) Hence show that f (x) can be written as the sum of an even function and and function.

c) Using the results in b, find the even part (g(x)) and the odd part (h(x)) of

f (x) = x3 + 2x2 − x

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24. for the function given below:

On separate sets of axes, sketch the graphs of:

a) y = f (|x|)

b) y = f (|x|)

25. Consider the function f (x) = x2 +bx+3
where b is a constant.

a) Find the axes intercepts.

b) Find the possible value(s) of b such that f (x) has:

i) no vertical asymptotes

ii) one vertical asymptote

iii) two vertical asymptotes.

26. Copy the graph below, and on the same set of axes, sketch the graph y = [ f (x)]2 − 1

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