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00:00 – 1:00
Hello, a pleasant day to everyone! My name is Tiffany Jane Vergara. You’re listening to another episode of
Podcast Lab Comm Channel. Today, we are going to talk about a very interesting topic. Many students are
considering the degree Bachelor of Arts in Communication. so today, we will shed light on that and talk about
what this degree has to offer to its graduates. Our first topic is about ‘why study communication’? I’m excited
to share about this. Communication is a great field and, most importantly, there’s so many wonderful skills that
you learn in communication. And so, the first question we will answer is why study in the field of
communication anyways?

1:01 – 3:00 (2-minute explanation/answer on “Why study communication?”)

Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs, or behavior that can be verbal or non-verbal usage of communication.
It can also help us to develop and to enhance our skills on interacting and communicating one another.
Furthermore, communication field has 3 kinds of variety, interpersonal communication, small group
communication and lastly mass communication. Interpersonal communication is simply defined as two
individuals interacting each other. Small group communication wherein it is an interaction of a group of people
into another group of people with the same interests. While mass communication is usually having one speaker
talking to its target audience using different kinds of medium such as radio broadcasting, television, social
media platforms and many more.
So? Why do we need to study communication? Simply because, we use communication in our daily lives, such
as simply saying good morning to your mom, paying your item in the cashier, waving your hand to someone
you didn’t seen a while and so on and so forth. Having a good communication skill can also help you to be more
confidence and easy to be with in a workplace you’re into.
For you to be more attracted on why study communication, I will leave you a very meaningful quote by
Anthony Robins, “To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive
the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.”

3:01 – 3:15 A lot of people are asking on what you can do with a communication degree?
3:16 – 5:16 (2-minute explanation/answer on What you can do with a Communication degree)
To tell you honestly, there are lots of varieties where can Communication majors work into,
communication degree is a broad field. For you to be more curious, here are the following jobs that can
Communication degree can choose.
Business reporters are journalists that work for online or print publications. They cover trends related to business,
including financial news, important company news, economic policies and other government news that might affect
businesses. Marketing coordinators are responsible for the organization and execution of various marketing activities.
They might complete tasks like setting up and monitoring marketing campaigns, analyzing marketing campaigns for
performance results and communicating with stakeholders about specific metrics. A brand strategist is responsible for
developing strategies to position brands in a certain way. They might work directly with an organization or an agency to
achieve the goals of a brand. Some of these goals might include gaining visibility, repositioning a brand’s image or
controlling the damage done by a certain incident or issue. Social media managers are responsible for developing plans
for marketing and advertising on social media platforms. They develop strategies for both organic and paid campaigns to
ensure their client or company is successful depending on their marketing goals. A content marketing manager is
responsible for overseeing an organization or function’s content offerings to their client or audience base—this might
include media such as articles, videos, infographics and podcasts. They work to create a content strategy on a variety of
platforms including websites, blogs and social media to expand a company’s communications in a way that achieves
certain marketing goals like traffic or product adoption. And lastly a social media planner title has taken on many
different roles depending on the agency or company, a media planner is generally a person who identifies the best
media platform and timing for a specific advertising or marketing campaign. They are responsible for communicating
with the platform to buy or sell spots and projecting campaign performance based on the media channel. Vlogging and
blogging, and maybe a social media influencer can also add on it. These are just some of the examples where
Communication Degree can work to.

5:17 – 5:30 So many people are wondering on what kind of classes one will take in a communication degree?
So, the different classes that you’ll take in a communication degree will vary. In Benguet State University, we
have the political communication track for Bachelor of Arts in Communication.

5:31 – 7:31 (2-minute explanation/answer on the classes offered at BSU-BACOM)

In this track, students can easily involve their selves in a variety type of communication. The general
core classes are going to be more general as it is, but they are also a good way of introductory in which
communication elaborates its definition and purposes. And to get you more excited about what you will be
studying, here are some of the examples. First is public speaking, communication culture and society, mass
communication ethics, different kinds of theories wherein theories can and will never be missing as a part of
lesson not only in Communication but also in other courses, and lastly research skills.
In addition to this matter, we also have variations of courses for you to choose from, in order for you to
continue on which track you wanted to take, such as interpersonal communication, risk disaster
communication, peace communication, journalism courses of course and last but not the least film and theatre
courses wherein you can simply discover your hidden talents such as acting, directing, video editing,
photography and more.

7:32 – 8:45 Communication is amazing, and we have a great time interacting with each other. And it’s fun. So
that would be all for today! We hope you enjoyed our deep dive into the world of BA Communication. If you’re
keen to see and learn more about this degree program, you may come and visit the office of the Department of
Humanities - College of Arts and Sciences at room 301 of the CEAT Building in KM6 Balili, La Trinidad. Join us
next week as we interview some of our successful Communication graduates and listen as they talk about how
they advanced on their careers with the degree BA Communication in Benguet State University. As always you
can head over to to sign up to our email list, as well as check out all the links and
resources in the show notes. That’s all for this episode folks. Thanks for listening to The Podcast Comm Lab
with your host Tiffany Jane Vergara! See you again next time!


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