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Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Seven – Joy, John, Jack, Jatin, James, Jackson and Jordan are working in a gym
at different designations such as Supervisor, AM, Manager, CEO, CFO, MD and
Chairman. The hierarchy of the designations is given in increasing order such
that Supervisor is the juniormost designation and Chairman is the seniormost
designation. Only one person is designated between John and Joy. James is
one of the positions senior to Jatin. Jordan is neither designated as Supervisor
nor Chairman. Not less than three are senior to Jackson. John is immediately
junior to Jackson. The number of senior to Joy is one more than the number of
junior to Jack. Only three are designated between Jack and Jatin.

सात - जॉय, जॉन, जै क, जततन, जेम्स, जैक्सन और जॉर्ड न एक तजम में पयडवेक्षक, एएम,
मैनेजर, सीईओ, सीएफओ, एमर्ी और चेयरमैन जै से तवतिन्न पद ों पर काम कर रहे हैं ।
पदनाम ों का पदानुक्रम बढ़ते क्रम में तदया गया है जै से तक पयडवेक्षक सबसे कतनष्ठ पदनाम
है और अध्यक्ष सबसे वररष्ठ पदनाम है । जॉन और जॉय के बीच केवल एक व्यक्ति नातमत
है । जे म्स जततन से वररष्ठ पद ों में से एक है । जॉर्ड न क न त पयडवेक्षक और न ही अध्यक्ष के
रूप में नातमत तकया गया है । जै क्सन से कम से कम तीन वररष्ठ हैं । जॉन, जै क्सन से ठीक
जू तनयर है । जॉय से सीतनयर की सोंख्या जै क से जू तनयर की सोंख्या से एक अतिक है । जै क
और जततन के बीच केवल तीन नातमत हैं ।

1) Who among the following person is designated as CEO?

1) तनम्नतलक्तित में से तकस व्यक्ति क सीईओ के रूप में नातमत तकया गया है ?
a) Jordan
b) Joy
c) Jack
d) Jackson
e) Jatin

2) The number of senior to Jack is one more than the number of junior to __.

2) जै क से वररष्ठ की सों ख्या __ से कतनष्ठ की सों ख्या से एक अतिक है ।

a) James
b) The one who is two junior to John
c) Jordan
d) John
e) The one who is immediately senior to Joy

3. Which among the following combinations is correct?

3. तनम्नतलक्तित में से कौन सा सोंय जन सही है ?

a) Jordan-Manager
b) Jatin-MD
c) Jack-CFO
d) Joy-CEO
e) James-Chairman

4. How many are senior to John?

4. जॉन से तकतने वररष्ठ हैं ?

a) Four
b) Three
c) Two

d) One
e) No one

5. Who among the following person is three junior to Jordan?

5. तनम्नतलक्तित में से कौन सा व्यक्ति जॉर्ड न से तीन कतनष्ठ है ?

a) James
b) Joy
c) Jatin
d) Jack
e) John


1. D
2. B
3. E
4. A
5. C










Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.

Eight Fatima, Farhan, Faizal, Farmena, Fiza, Falak, Flora, and Fia live in a four-
floored building but not necessarily in the same order. Each floor has two flats
flat X and flat Y which is to the east of flat X. The lowermost floor is numbered
as 1 and the floor immediately above is numbered as 2 and so on. Neither
Faizal nor Falak lives on the same floor as Farhan who lives below Fiza. Fiza
doesn’t live in the same flat or adjacent floor of Fatima. Fia lives above Fatima
and lives on the even-numbered floor. Faizal lives two floors above Falak and
both live in flat X. One floor is between Fatima and Flora who live northwest of
Farmena but not on the adjacent floor. No one lives to the west of Fatima.

आठ फाततमा, फरहान, फैजल, फरमेना, तफजा, फलक, फ्ल रा और तफया एक चार

मोंतजला इमारत में रहते हैं ले तकन जरूरी नहीों तक इसी क्रम में ह ।ों प्रत्ये क मोंतजल पर द
फ्लैट हैं , फ्लैट X और फ्लैट Y, ज फ्लैट न त फैज़ल और न ही फलक, फरहान के समान
मोंतजल पर रहते हैं , ज त़िज़ा के नीचे रहता है । त़िज़ा, फाततमा के समान फ्लैट या आसन्न
मोंतजल पर नहीों रहती है । तफया फाततमा के ऊपर रहती है और सम सों ख्या वाली मोंतजल
पर रहती है । फैजल फलक से द मोंतजल ऊपर रहता है और द न ों फ्लैट X में रहते हैं । एक
मोंतजल फाततमा और फ्ल रा के बीच है ज फरमेना के उत्तर-पतिम में रहती हैं ले तकन
आसन्न मोंतजल पर नहीों। फाततमा के पतिम में क ई नहीों रहता है

1) Who among the following person lives on the third floor of flat Y?

1) तनम्नतलक्तित में से कौन सा व्यक्ति फ्लैट Y की तीसरी मोंतजल पर रहता है ?

A. Flora
B. Farhan
C. Falak
D. Fiza
E. None of these

2) Who among the following person lives immediately below the person who
lives on flat X on the second floor?

2) तनम्नतलक्तित में से कौन सा व्यक्ति दू सरी मोंतजल पर फ्लैट X पर रहने वाले व्यक्ति के
ठीक नीचे रहता है ?
A. Fatima
B. Farhan
C. Fia
D. Fiza
E. Other than the given option

3) What is the direction of the Faizal’s flat with respect to Falak’s flat?

3) फलक के फ्लैट के सोंबोंि में फैज़ल के फ्लैट की तदशा क्या है ?

A. South west
B. North east
C. North
D. West
E. North west

4) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form the
group. Which is the one who does not belong to the group?

4) तनम्नतलक्तित पाों च में से चार एक तनतित तरीके से समान हैं और इसतलए समूह बनाते हैं ।
वह कौन सा है ज समूह से सोंबोंतित नहीों है ?
A. Faizal Farhan
B. Flora Fia
C. Faizal Fia
D. Flora Farmena
E. Flora Fatima

5) Which of the following combination is/are true?

5) तनम्नतलक्तित में से कौन सा सोंय जन सत्य है /हैं ?

A. Flora- Flat Y- 2nd floor
B. Fia-Flat X- 3rd floor
C. Farmena- Flat X-1st floor
D. Fiza- Flat Y- 4th floor
E. None of these


1. B
2. A
3. C
4. E
5. D







Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.

Twelve people are sitting in the two parallel rows and facing each other. In
row-1- T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, and T6 are sitting and facing south while In row-2- T7,
T8, T9, T10, T11, and T12 are sitting and facing north but not necessarily in the
same order. T12 sits third to the left of T11 who neither sits opposite to T1 nor
sits at the end of the row. T7 sits second to the right of T12. T4 sits second to
the left of T5. T3 sits to the left of T2 but does not sit to the immediate left of
T2. T9 sits to the right of T8 and sits to the left of T10. T6 sits second from one
of the ends. Only one person sits between T6 and T1. Neither T4 nor T5 sits
opposite to T11.

बारह ल ग द समानाों तर पोंक्तिय ों में बैठे हैं और एक-दू सरे का सामना कर रहे हैं । पों क्ति-1
में- T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, और T6 बैठे हैं और दतक्षण की ओर मुि तकए हुए हैं , जबतक
पोंक्ति-2 में- T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, और T12 बै ठे हैं और उत्तर की ओर मुि तकए हुए हैं ,
ले तकन जरूरी नहीों तक पोंक्ति-2 में एक ही क्रम। T12, T11 के बायीों ओर तीसरे स्थान पर
बैठा है ज न त T1 के तवपरीत बैठा है और न ही पोंक्ति के अोंत में बैठा है । T7, T12 के दायें
से दू सरे स्थान पर बैठा है । T4, T5 के बायीों ओर दू सरे स्थान पर बैठा है । T3, T2 के बाईों
ओर बैठता है ले तकन T2 के तनकटतम बाईों ओर नहीों बैठता है । T9, T8 के दाईों ओर और
T10 के बाईों ओर बैठा है । T6 तकसी एक छ र से दू सरे स्थान पर बैठा है । T6 और T1 के
बीच केवल एक व्यक्ति बैठा है । न त T4 और न ही T5, T11 के तवपरीत बैठे हैं ।

1) Who among the following person sits immediately to the left of T6?

1) तनम्नतलक्तित में से कौन सा व्यक्ति T6 के ठीक बाईों ओर बैठा है ?

A. T5
B. The one who sits immediate right of T5
C. The one who sits immediate left of T4
D. The one who sits opposite to T10
E. No one

2) If T2 is related to T1 and T10 is related to T7 in a certain way. Then who
among the following person is related to T8?

2) यतद T2, T1 से सोंबोंतित है और T10, T7 से एक तनतित तरीके से सोंबोंतित है । त तफर

तनम्नतलक्तित में से कौन सा व्यक्ति T8 से सोंबोंतित है ?
A. T9
B. T12
C. T7
D. T11
E. T10

3) What is the position of T7 from the right end?

3) दाएों छ र से T7 की क्तस्थतत क्या है ?

A. Fifth
B. Second
C. First
D. Third
E. Fourth

4) If all the people are arranged in numerical order from the left end in row-1,
then how many people are unchanged in their position?

4) यतद सिी ल ग ों क पों क्ति-1 में बाएों छ र से सों ख्यात्मक क्रम में व्यवक्तस्थत तकया जाता
है , त तकतने ल ग अपने स्थान पर अपररवततड त हैं ?
A. One
B. None
C. Four
D. Three
E. Two

5) How many people sit between T6 and T2?

5) T6 और T2 के बीच तकतने ल ग बैठे हैं ?

A. One
B. Five
C. Four
D. Three
E. Two


1. D
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. D


T2 T5 T1 T4 T6 T3

T8 T12 T9 T7 T11 T10

In the given questions, the relationship between different elements is shown
in the statements followed by some conclusions. Find the conclusion which is
definitely true.

Given answers:
A. Only conclusion I is true.
B. Only conclusion II is true.
C. Either conclusion I or II is true.
D. Neither conclusion I nor II is true.
E. Both conclusions I and II are true.

1) Statements: H = K ≤ E ≤ P < B < C ; T < J ≥ K > Y ≥ O = M

I) H < C
II) T < B

2) Statements: Y < K = J ≤ X ≤ L < G ; I < M = Y

I) K < I
II) I > J

3) Statements: N ≤ M ≤ G ≥ L < A = I ; Z < R ≤ N > W ≥ O > K
I) A ≥ M
II) R ≤ G

4) Statement: X < G ≤ E ≤ B < L > F = V ; H > B ≤ Z < A = O

I) A > G
II) B > X

5) Statement: Y > U ≥ W ; E = W ≤ B ; H ≥ W = S > D

I) U < B
II) Y ≤ S


1. A
2. D
3. B
4. E
5. D

Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically
follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

1) Statements
Only a few series are film
All series are serial
No film is cartoon
I. All series may be cartoon
II. Some serial may be film
III. All serial can never be film
a) Both Conclusions II and III follow
b) Only Conclusion III follows
c) Both Conclusions I and III follow
d) Both Conclusions I and II follow
e) All the conclusions are follow

2) Statements
Only a few Q is K
All K are O

All Q is L
I. Some Q being O is a possibility
II. All L can never be O
III. Some K may be L
a) Both Conclusions II and III follow
b) Only Conclusion III follows
c) Both Conclusions I and III follow
d) Both Conclusions I and II follow
e) None follows

3) Statements
Only a few flat is house
Some house is home
No home is apartment
I. No flat is apartment
II. All flat may be home
III. Some house is not apartment
a) Both Conclusions II and III follow
b) Only Conclusion III follows
c) Both Conclusions I and III follow
d) Both Conclusions I and II follow
e) All the conclusions follow

4) Statements

Only a few one are three
All three are six
No six is seven
I. No three being seven is a possibility
II. Some six is not one
III. All three may be one
a) Both Conclusions II and III follow
b) Only Conclusion III follows
c) Both Conclusions I and III follow
d) Both Conclusions I and II follow
e) All the conclusions follow

5) Statements
Only a few high are long
All long are small
Some small are short
I. All small can be short
II. No high being small is not a possibility
III. Some high is short
a) Both Conclusions II and III follow
b) Only Conclusion III follows
c) Both Conclusions I and III follow
d) Both Conclusions I and II follow
e) All the conclusions follow


1. B
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. D


Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

In a certain code language,

'Night shine stars atmosphere' is coded as ‘ax bd cn ms’
'Shine stars bright twinkle' is coded as ‘bd cn sz wu’
'Fascinating bright twinkle moon' is coded as ‘pg vt wu sz’
'Shine atmosphere fascinating twinkle' is coded as ‘cn ms wu pg’

1. What is the code for ‘fascinating’ in the coded language?

A. ms
B. pg
C. cn
D. wu
E. Either cn or wu

2. If ‘memento bright twinkle’ is coded as ‘sz wu op’ then what may be the
code for ‘memento shine’ in the given coded language?

A. cn wu
B. op ms
C. cn vt
D. op sz
E. op cn

3. What is the code for ‘night’ in the given coded language?

A. cn
B. ms
C. ax
D. bd
E. None of these

4. What is the code for ‘shine stars’ in the given coded language?

A. cn wu
B. bd sz
C. ms cn
D. bd cn
E. None of these

5. Which of the following word is coded as ‘vt’?

A. atmosphere
B. moon
C. fascinating
D. shine
E. None of these


1. B
2. E
3. C
4. D
5. B

Q.) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

Input : 291 652 508 309 202 369 297 854

Step I: 95 323 251 101 98 121 97 424
Step II: 418 72 352 03 219 24 521
Step III: 13 09 10 03 12 06 08
Step IV: 6.5 4.5 05 1.5 06 03 04

And Step IV is the last step of the above input.

Input : 564 550 428 687 412 471 273 898

1. Which of the following number is on the immediate left of ‘13’ in Step III?

A. 06
B. 12
C. 16
D. 07
E. None of these

2. If ‘61’ is related to ‘66’ in Step II in a certain way, which of the following is

related to ‘12’ in Step III?

A. 07
B. 17
C. 15
D. 13
E. None of these

3. How many elements are there between ‘3.5’ and ‘6.5’ in Step IV?

A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. Four


1. B
2. A
3. E


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