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Sangguniang Kabataan History and Salient Features

A mature individual who is familiar with the structure of government – national level to barangay level- and with the history
of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK); an individual who will be able to establish rapport with and communicate effectively
with the participants he/she will be handling.

At the end of this session, the participants will be able to:
a. Recall the history of the SK;
b. Recognize the salient features of RA 10742;
c. Enumerate the functions, duties, and responsibilities of the Katipunan ng Kabataan (KK) and SK Officials; and
d. Identify and differentiate the amendments of the SK Reform Law (RA 10742 vs RA 11768).


A. Topic
Sangguniang Kabataan History and Salient Features

B. Coverage
1. History of Sangguniang Kabataan
2. The SK Reform Law (Introduction to RA 10742)
a.) Five Key Reforms
b.) Anti-political Dynasty Provision
c.) Local Youth Development Officer (LYDO)
d.) Local Youth Development Council (LYDC)
e.) Relationship of SK to LYDO
f.) Relationship of SK to LYDC
3. Functions of KK and SK
4. Amendments of the SK Reform Law (Salient Provisions of RA 11768)
a.) Powers and Functions of SK Officials
b.) Qualifications
c.) Privileges
d.) Succession and Filling-up of vacancies
e.) Priority PPAs under SK funds
f.) Pederasyon ng mga SK (Duties and Function, and Structure)

C. Key Concepts
1. The objective was and is to engage the youth in the development of the country. This is apparent in the evolution
of the SK through the years.

a. Kabataang Barangay (KB) identified young people’s roles in community activities and gave the government a
way to actively engage young people in the development efforts of the country.

b. Pambansang Katipunan ng Kabataang Barangay (PKKB) provided for the creation of a Youth Development
Training Program that develops the values and skills of young people for them to become productive leaders.

c. Presidential Council for Youth Affairs (PCYA) served as the convergence point of all youth organizations

d. Katipunan ng Kabataan (KK) provides opportunity for young people to directly participate in local governance

e. RA 8044 created the National Youth Commission (NYC) which replaced PCYA as secretariat of the SK

D. Materials
1. For facilitator (at least a week before the day of the session):
a.) Facilitator Guide
b.) Audio Visual Presentation of “SK History and Salient Features”
c.) Printed copy of:
- Presidential Decree (PD) 684 of 1975
- Presidential Decree (PD) 1191 in 1977
- Executive Order (EO) 274 of 1987
- Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160)
- Republic Act No.8044 of 1995
- Republic Act No. 9164 of 2022
- Republic Act No. 9340 of 2005
- Republic Act No. 10632 of 2013
- Republic Act No. 10742 of 2016 and its revised IRR
- Republic Act No. 10923 of 2016
- Republic Act No. 11768 of 2022

2. During the training:

a.) For face to face
- Feedback Form
- Paper/ card for participants to write questions and remarks
- Slides on Sangguniang Kabataan History and Salient Features (Powerpoint material to be presented and
used by facilitator)
- Audio Visual Presentation of “SK History and Salient Features”
- Screen, projector, laptop, speaker, laser pointer
- Flipchart paper, whiteboard markers, and eraser

b.) For virtual/online

- Slides on Sangguniang Kabataan History and Salient Features (Powerpoint material to be presented and
used by facilitator)
- Audio Visual Presentation of “SK History and Salient Features”
- Laptop and internet


A. Motivation
Greet the participants

Say: Watches the AVP

“For this topic, we will be watching a short
video about the history of the Sangguniang
Kabataan. As you watch the video, jot down
important information especially the
reforms that were introduced to the (Play AVP)
Sangguniang Kabataan.”

Play the AVP (approximately 6 minutes)

B. Presentation

“I will be flashing the questions on the For each question, one
screen and please write your answers in a participant will be asked to
piece of paper. Since you are public share his/her answer. Then,
officials, you are expected to demonstrate the correct answer will be
honesty and integrity all the time. I flashed on the screen.
therefore expect that you did not copy
answers from your handout. I expect that NOTE: Re-emphasize
you have provided your own answers to the important messages from the
questions. I also expect that you will be AVP by giving quick Slide: AVP Questions
honest in checking the correctness of your backgrounders related to the
answers.” answers.
Read each question aloud in turn, asking
one participant to provide the answer,
before showing the answer on screen

“Question 1. What is the first national
organization for young people that engages Slide: Question 1
them to actively participate in different
development efforts of the country that
was created through Presidential Decree
684 of 1975?

Answer: Kabataang Barangay (KB)

“Question 2. What agency was created
under the Office of the President through
Presidential Decree 1191 last 1977?”

Slide: Question 2

Answer: Pambansang Katipunan ng Kabataang

Barangay (PKKB)
“Question 3. What institution replaced KB
through Executive Order 274 of 1987?”

Slide: Question 3

Answer: Presidential Council for Youth Affairs


“Question 4. What law created the
Sangguniang Kabataan?”

Slide: Question 4

Answer: Local Government Code of 1991 or

Republic Act No. 7160
“Question 5. On what year was
Sangguniang Kabataan created?”

Slide: Question 5


“Question 6. What is the age bracket of the
1st SK Official?”

Slide: Question 6

Answer: 15 to 21 years old

“Question 7. What is the agency created by
the virtue of Republic Act No. 8044 that
replaced the Presidential Council of Youth

Slide: Question 7

Answer: National Youth Commission

“Question 8. In 2002, the age bracket for
Sangguniang Kabataan officials was
adjusted. What was the new age bracket?”

Slide: Question 8

Answer: 15 to 17 years old

“Question 9. In 2013, the SK elections were
postponed and positions were left vacant.
What was the alternative venue for youth
participation in governance that was
created by Republic Act No. 10632, and was
tasked to oversee the utilization of the SK Slide: Question 9
Funds in the barangay?”

Answer: Task Force on Youth Development


“Question 10. What law passed in January
15, 2016 instituted the major reforms in the
Sangguniang Kabataan?”

Slide: Question 10

Answer: RA 10742 or SK Reform Act of 2015

The SK Reform Law (Republic Act No.


“Now that we mention about the Republic 1 individual will share his/her
Act No. 10742 or the SK Reform Law. Are answer. Slide: The SK Reform Law
you familiar to the RA 10742?”

“Now we will be discussing the salient

features of this law”


A. Age Expansion:

“These are the 5 Key Reforms of the RA 1 individual will answer “Age
10742. Through the years, there had been bracket”
various developments in the participation
of Filipino Youth in governance, in the video
that we have watched, what feature in the Slide: Five Key Reforms
youth policy changed most?

“You are correct. The age covered by the 1 or 2 participants will answer
youth councils has changed a lot as SK “In KB, the age bracket was 15-
evolved. Will you please check the timeline 18 years old. When the PKKB
on the historical development of SK in your was created, the age bracket
SK Operations Manual and describe how was expanded to 15-21 years
the age covered by various policies change old. Then in 1992, SK Officials
throughout time.”
were still 15-21 years old.
However, this was changed
In 2002 to 15-17 years old. In
the last reform law, SK covers
youth aging 18-24 years old
while KK covers 15-30 years

“The age bracket for KK members was

changed to 15-30 years old so that it will be
in harmony with the definition of the term
“youth’ in RA 8044. This law created the
National Youth Commission and may be
considered as our primary national youth

“Note that however that the SK has

different age range compared to KK. The
age bracket for SK Officials is 18-24 years


“What is the second reform?” 1 participant will answer “Anti-

political dynasty provision”

“That is right. What is the scope of the anti- 1 or 2 individuals will answer
political dynasty provision in the SK reform “A candidate for the position Slide: Civil degree of Consanguinity and Affinity
law?” of SK official must not be
related within the second
degree of consanguinity or
affinity to any incumbent
elected regional, provincial,
city, municipal, or barangay
official of the locality in which
the candidate seeks to be
elected or appointed.”

Note to the speaker: Highlight that the

prohibition applies only with respect to the
barangay where your relative has

“What is the third reform?” 1-2 participants will answer

“Mandatory and Continuing

“This reform is the reason you are with us Participants will answer “no”
today. Can you assume office if you fail to
complete the training today?” Slide: Mandatory and Continuing Training

“SK Officials and LYDC members are 1-2 participants will answer
required to undergo a mandatory training “To ensure that SK Officials will
before they can assume their positions. be competent in performing
Also, during your incumbency, you should their functions and to mold
attend continuing training programs. Why is them into better leaders.”
this provision important?”
“What will happen to you if you deliberately 1-2 participants will answer “It
fail to attend a training program?” may serve as a ground to
disqualify the SK Official or
LYDC member and may subject
him to disciplinary action.”


“What is the fourth reform?” 1 participant will answer

“Fiscal Autonomy/Financial

“RA 10742 provides that the SK shall have

financial independence in its operations, Slide: Financial Independence
disbursements, and encashments of their
funds, income, and expenditures. As such,
the SK funds shall be deposited in the name
of the SK of the concerned barangay in a
government-owned bank situated in or
nearest to its area of jurisdiction with the
SK Chairperson and the SK treasurer as the
official signatories.”

“In this slide, we can see the Financial

Independence of SK at glance. Of course,
just like any other government entity, in
order to disburse the funds, you must be
bonded. Here we enlist the process to guide Slide: Financial Independence (IEC)
the SK. Also, it is important for the SK to
have TIN. To help the SK, we also identified
the steps that they can use in application of
TIN. We also include a sample timeline in

“In the next slide we can see the process

the SK can use as a guide in opening their
respective bank accounts. It is important to
note that the SK Funds, which is the 10% of
the Barangay, shall be deposited to SK Bank

“Don’t worry we will have a separate

orientation and training on the financial
transactions and other related activities for
a more in-depth and detailed form through
the Continuing Training.”

“And what is the fifth and last reform?” 1 participant will answer
“Creation of LYDO and LYDC”

“What are LYDO and LYDC and how are they 1-2 participants will read and
different from each other?” differentiate the two.”

Note to the speaker: After differentiating

LYDO from LYDC, introduce the youth
development officer in their LGU.

Say: Slide: Definition of LYDO and LYDC

“Within 45 days after the SK elections, the
youth development officer shall notify all
presidents or authorized representatives of
the registered youth organizations and
youth-serving organizations in their locality,
assemble them in a public venue and by
consensus or secret balloting, they shall
choose at least eight but not more than
nineteen representatives.”

“Only youth organizations registered under

the Youth Organizations Registration
Program (YORP) of the National Youth
Commission shall be allowed to participate
in the LYDC elections. You may check the
website of YORP for more details


“How is LYDO related to SK?” 1 – 2 participants will

answer/read the slide

Slide: SK will coordinate to LYDO


“How is LYDC related to SK?” 1 – 2 participants will

answer/read the slide

Slide: SK will coordinate to LYDC

Functions of KK and SK


“Now that we understand and know the RA

10742, we will be moving on to the
functions of KK and SK as defined also by
the same law.” Slide: Functions of KK and SK

“Who can differentiate SK from KK?” 1-2 participants may answer.

“SK are officials with ages 18-
24 years old. While KK are
constituents with ages 15-30
years old.

“What are the functions of KK?” 1-2 participants will

“The Katipunan ng Kabataan has already
fulfilled its first function that is why you are
already here.”
Slide: The KK shall..
“Their second mandate is to serve as the
highest policy making body in the barangay
when it comes to youth affairs. That is why
the SK should always consult and secure the
concurrence of the majority of the KK
members in the formulation and approval
of all its policies, plans, programs, and

“Later today, you will discuss about the

formulation of your action plans which we
refer to as your Comprehensive Barangay
Youth Development Plan (CBYDP) and
Annual Barangay Youth Investment
Program (ABYIP).”

“Always remember that CBYDP and ABYIP

should be presented to and approved by
the KK.”

“What are the general functions of the SK” 1-2 participants will
Give one.” answer/read

Add the following discussion points on SK


1. Create a federation in
city/municipal and provincial level.
The elections of Pederasyon shall be
held within fifteen (15) days from
the SK Elections in case of the
Pambayan and Panglungsod na
Pederasyon, and within thirty (30)
days in case of the Panlalawigang

2. Conduct SK and KK meetings. For SK

and KK meetings, the Chairperson
will preside. The SK will have regular
monthly meetings while the KK will
have a general assembly every six
months. There will be a more in-
depth discussion on SK and KK
meetings later Module 2 Session 1.

3. Conduct the Linggo ng Kabataan.

Linggo ng Kabataan will be
celebrated on the week where the
12th of August falls to coincide with
the International Youth Day.

4. Convene the LYDC. The LYDC will be

at the municipal/city and provincial
levels. The SK Pederasyon will
convene the LYDCs where the
Pederasyon President and Vice
President will become ex officio
members. The Pederasyon President
will also be the presiding officer.
5. Coordinate with LYDO. The LYDO
will be implementing youth
development programs of the LGU.
It can be a strong partner of the SK
to ensure LGU support in its
proragms, and for all SKs to also
support the thrust of their LGU.

6. Promulgate resolutions. Resolutions

are the decisions or agreements of
the SK. These decisions should be
made based on the proper study
and sufficient discussions since they
will affect the youth in the barangay.
These resolutions should also reflect
the general sentiments of the
youths in the barangay.

7. Initiate and implement programs

and projects. SK will have funds
which can use for youth
development programs. The
programs should be aligned to their

8. Ensure timely submission of Slide: The SK, in general shall…

documentary outputs. Plans and
reports of the SK shall be regularly
collected by the higher offices for
monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Hence, the SK should properly
document all its activities by filling
out necessary forms, taking photos,
and completing terminal reports.
Furthermore, the disbursement of
SK fund should be fully liquidated by
submitting complete supporting

“In your incumbency as SK Officials, you will 1-2 participants will answer
be expected to have various documentary the question
outputs. What are they?”

Add the discussion points on documentary

outputs. Slide: Documentary Outputs

1. LYDP is a plan of action based on

PYDP goals and thrusts.
2. CBYDP is the barangay version of
3. ABYIP is the investment or budget
plan prepared annually to ensure
proper allocation of SK funds.
4 and 5. Annual and End-of-Term
Program accomplished and reports
are made for transparency.

“Based on Section 18 of the revised IRR of 1-2 participants may read the
RA No. 10742, any elected official of the SK slide
may, after due process, be suspended, for
not more than six (6) months or removed
from office by a majority vote of all
members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod or
Sangguniang Bayan which has jurisdiction
over the barangay of the concerned SK
official which shall be final and executory on
any of the following grounds:
1. Absence from the regular SK
meetings without valid cause for two
(2) consecutive meetings or
accumulated absences of four (4)
days within a period of twelve (12)
months. Valid cause includes, but is
not limited to, illness as certified by a
public health officer; natural or
human-induced disaster; and
attendance to trainings, seminars,
and workshops related to her/his
duties and functions as an SK official.
2. Failure of the SK Chairperson to
convene the regular assembly of the
KK for two (2) consecutive times;
3. Failure to convene the regular SK
meetings for three (3) consecutive
months in the case of the SK
4. Failure to formulate the CBYDP and
the ABYIP, or approve the annual
budget within the prescribed period
of time without justifiable reason;
5. Failure to implement programs and
projects outlined in the ABYIP
without justifiable reason, as
evaluated by the C/MYDC;
6. Four (4) consecutive absences during
the regular sangguniang Barangay
sessions without valid cause in the
case of the SK Chairperson; Slide: Grounds for Suspension and Removal
7. Conviction by final judgment of a from Office
crime involving moral turpitude; and
violation of existing laws against graft
and corruption and other civil service
laws, rules, and regulations; and
8. Failure in the discharge of his/her
duty or has committed an abuse of


“To ensure that SKs of each barangay will

collaborate in achieving the Local Youth
Development Plan, SK Pederasyon at the
City/ Municipality and Provincial levels will
also be established.”
Slide: Pederasyon ng mga SK
“As you can see, the SK at the barangay
level does not stand alone. It is part of a
structure that provides guidance,
coordination, and support.”

“The SK Chairpersons coming from all

barangays of a Municipality or City shall
constitute the Pambayang Pederasyon and
Panlungsod na Pederasyon respectively.”

“The Pambayan/Panlungsod Presidents Slide: Requirements to participate in SK

shall constitute the Panlalawigang Pederasyon election

“SK Chairperson, remember that before you

can participate in the SK Pederasyon
elections at the municipal and city levels,
you will have to submit two documents.”

“First is the Certificate of Proclamation to

be issued by COMELEC”

“The second one is the Certificate of

Completion of Mandatory Training. We will
issue this certificate if you are able to
complete all the activities schedules for

“Lastly, you will have to undergo an

orientation on the Roles of SK Pederasyon
Officers prior to the SK Pederasyon
elections. Remember, it is important that
you attend not only the SK Mandatory
Training which we are doing right now, but
also the Orientation Program to be
administered by COMELEC so that you will
be eligible to participate in the SK
Pederasyon elections.”

The New SK

“Now that we have tackled the functions of
the KK and SK as stipulated by RA 10742,
now we will be moving on the amended
provisions of this law”

“Who among you have read or familiar to 1-2 participants will answer.
RA 11768?”
Slide: The New SK
“The SK Reform Law of 2015 or RA 10742
has been our basis since then. But on May
2022, our lawmakers approved the RA
11768, An Act Strengthening the
Sangguniang Kabataan, Institutionalizing
Additional Reforms to Revitalize Youth
Participation in Local Governance and by
Providing Honorarium, Other Benefits, and
Privileges, Amending For The Purpose
Certain Sections Of Republic Act No. 10742,
Otherwise Known As The “Sangguniang
Kabataan Reform Act Of 2015”
“To know more about it, let us compare the
new law- RA 11768 to the SK Reform Law of
2015 by comparing the amendments made”

Amendments of the SK Reform Law

“What is the law the amends the SK Reform 1-2 participants will answer:
Law of 2015? “Republic Act No. 11768”

“The RA 11768 has mainly 6 amended

sections. Who can enumerate them?” Slide: Amendments of the SK Reform Law

“The first one, is the power and functions of
SK Officials. Basically, in RA 11768 it was
specifically stated as to what part of
“existing applicable budget, accounting and
auditing rules and regulation” which was
those that are issued by the DBM and COA” Slide: Powers and Functions of SK Officials


“The next to the amendments under the 1 participant will read the “
Power and functions is? Can someone tell Section 1 (j) The SK, within
it? sixty days from their
assumption shall: Formulate
and approve its Internal Rules
and Procedures; Appoint its Slide: Power and Functions of SK Officials
Secretary and Treasurer; and
set the schedule of Regular SK
and KK Assembles”

“In RA 11768, it stipulated the tasks that the

SK Officials should do within 60 days upon
their assumption in office. The 3 identified
and specific tasks that the SKs should

“We have talked earlier the age bracket for
the SK Officials. In the new law, the SK
Appointed Officials (which are the secretary
and treasurer) has put amendments in their
age and qualifications.”

“From 18-24 years old based on the RA 1-2 participants will answer: Slide: Qualifications
10742, it was changed to 18-30 years old as “SK Treasurer with an
stated in RA 11768.” educational or career
background relating to
“The new law further expounds the Business Administration,
qualifications of the SK Treasurer, what was Accountancy, Finance,
it?” Economics, or Bookkeeping- If
no person meets the
requirements, then the SK
Chairperson can consider
other suitable nominees.
“Also, under the new law, the Treasurer is
mandated to undergo Bookkeeping training
from TESDA and be duly certified.”

“Since according to RA 10742, the SKs are

financially independent, therefore it was
amended in RA 11768 that the SK Treasurer
should be bonded.” Slide: Qualifications


“While on RA 10742 it was stated that the

SK Officials are exempted to take NSTP-
CWTS subjects, the exemption was more
broaden and clearer. Any components of
NSTP- that is not only CWTS but also ROTC.”

“The second privilege was the honoraria.

Compare to the Reform law where only the
SK Chairperson can receive an honorarium,
in the new law, it was stipulated that all SK
Officials (appointed or elected) shall receive
a monthly honorarium.”

“What are the third and fourth privileges of 1 or 2 participants will read:
the SK Officials?” “Monthly compensation shall
not exceed the monthly
compensation, and that not
more than 25% of the SK
Funds shall be allocated for
Personal Services.

“The last one will be the Civil Service LGUs may provide additional
Eligibility for the SK Officials. This is honorarium, social welfare
pursuant to the CSC Rules and Regulations.” contributions, and hazard pay
to the SK Officials.”

Slide: Privileges


“For the succession and filling-up of

Vacancies, it is almost the same with the
Reform Law. The additional provision and
difference are that, when the vacancy is still
not occupied by the given conditions as
stipulated by the law, the Mayor of the
concerned barangay shall appoint an OIC Slide: Succession and Filling-Up of Vacancies
from a list of at least three nominees as
submitted by the SK Members. The SK
members should take note that the 3
nominees should still meet the
qualifications set under the law”


“RA 11768 gives emphasis and specification 1-2 participants will read the
to the kind, types, and areas of PPAs the SK identified what are the priority
should include in their plans” PPAs.
“RA 11768 also clarifies that the SK Officials 1-2 participants will answer:
may set aside a portion of their total budget “not more than 15%”
solely for Capacity Development specifically
for Mandatory and Continuing Trainings.
How many percent of their total SK Fund
may be allocated with the SKMCT?”

Slide: Priority PPAs under the SK Fund


“As amended, it was clarified the duties and 1-2 participants may read.
functions of the SK Pederasyon in RA 11768.
Can you enumerate them?”

“The same law also stated that all SK

Pederasyon Presidents at all level shall
serve as an ex-officio member of the Local
School Board, Local Council for the
Protection of Children, Local Development
Council, Local Health Board, Local Tourism
Council, and Local Peace and Order
Council.” Slides: Pederasyon ng mga SK
(Duties and Responsibilities)
“It also reiterated that the SK Pederasyon
should be the one to lead the convening of
the LYDC meeting every three months.”

“Can you give the amendments in the 1 participant may read.

structure of the Pederasyon ng mga SK?”

“In line with the amendment read earlier,

under the Section 9 of RA 11768 is the
insertion of the provision for SK Pederasyon
President- Membership in the National
Youth Commission. Where it states that the
Presidents of the Panlalawigang Pederasyon Slide: Pederasyon ng mga SK
and the Presidents of the Panlungsod na Structure
Pederasyon of the Highly Urbanized Cities
and Independent Component Cities shall
elect among themselves a representative
who shall be an ex-officio member of the
National Youth Commission.”

B. Wrapping- Up

“This slide lists important points we covered 1-3 participants will speak to
during this session. I need someone to complete the summary using
summarize the session using the slide as a the slide as a guide of the
guide.” coverage of the summary.

Slide: Wrap Up
“You may now continue with the mind
mapping activity. The following are your
Guide Questions:

a. What do you think is the advantage

of having the youth engaged in the
development of the country?
b. How does SK engage the youth in
the development of the country? Slide: Mind Mapping
c. What purpose do the federation
levels serve?

C. Question and Answer

Depending on the time, the facilitator may 5-10 participants can raise
entertain 5-10 questions from the their hands and ask questions
participants. based on the session

Slide: Q and A
D. Post-session Activities

Participants requested to fill up feedback


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