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Progressive Trends in Production Management

The production firms will be orientated on competitive customer strategy. t means, all the firms
must to meet the needs of the customers. This goal can be realized by the new trends used in
the production management. The paper decribes significance of the new progressive trends and
their application in praxis. These instruments are used every day, but their implementation
requires financial capital and transformantion firms mind. Every production process must be
evaluated from the view of quality as well as quantity and to be managed by this way, that it
would fulfilled claims of the productional management as well as clients claims. Whole process
of product management secures so-called product life cycle management, that follows every
periods of product development and its liquidation after consumption. Such tool is part of the
complex quality management and process of permanent improvement - kaizen. But many other
activities are connected with production, that are neccessary to be managed and improved by
this way, that basic goals of the firm would be fulfilled in area of productional management.
Securing of fluent material flow, security of machines and equipments, as well as maintenance
of productional equipments is part of the system TPM, that is integrated to the firm. Whole
linking of such tools by the qualitative information system is making visibility of its effectiveness
and contributions are visible also in area of financial management, in area of financial sources
savings. Today productional management can be made by the way of computer support and it
can use also various programme applications, that contribute with big importance to the
simplifying of the work in area of products development and constructing, production planning
and production processes, following of the production process. Every new trends in area of
productional management has its positive, as well as negative parts, but their neccessity in
competitive environment is permanently increasing. Evaluation of such trendscontributions is
possible to find out by the way of so-called benchmarking - competitiveness comparing. t is
back-ward relationship and reaction of implemented tools to the whole level of production
process management. Several ideas and possibilities of change in area of productional
management for production firms are presented in this paper, but there is only short time, when
such new trends will penetrate to the thinking of Slovak businessmen.
Keywords: lean management, outsourcing, benchmarking, just in time, total productive
maintenance, total quality management, kanban, kaizen
Recent Trends n POM
Global Competition
Operations Strategy
Cycle Time Reduction
Business Process Re-engineering
Supply Chain Management
Workers nvolvement
Lean Manufacturing TQM
Global Competition Global Market Global Suppliers
Operations Strategy Quality based Time based
Flexibility Variety of products High Volume as well as Low Volume
Cycle Time Reduction The less time RM (Raw Material), WP (Work n Process), FG
(Finished Goods) spend in the Manufacturing and Logistics process, the less opportunity they
have to absorb costs. Business Process Re-engineering Value added and NVA activities
Supply Chain Management NOT from RM storage to FG warehouse From the original
suppliers to final consumers
Workers nvolvement Workers are not costs, they are assets
Lean Manufacturing nventory is waste
Total Quality Management
Siempre nos aconsejan aprender a dominar Ios nervios para evitar que nos jueguen malas
pasadas. Pero hay cosas que no dependen nicamente de nuestro autocontroI, sino de un
buen tratamiento mdico para devolvernos la seguridad y confianza.
Si las manos nos sudan a chorros cuando saludamos a alguien o nuestros polos se ponen muy
hmedos a la altura de las axilas, podramos padecer hiperhidrosis. Este exceso de
sudoracin suele producirse sobre todo en las manos, axiIas, cara y pies y tiende a ser
hereditaria (generalmente, afecta a varios miembros de la familia).
Aunque no hay una causa exacta, se cree que el problema puede deberse a enfermedades de
la piel y de las glndulas, como el hipertiroidismo. Lo seguro es que los episodios
de sudoracin excesiva se producen cuando las personas experimentan situaciones
de estrs y ansiedad.
A ello se suma una gran incomodidad ocasionada no solo por el sudor, sino tambin por el
cambio de color de la piel (se vuelve ms rosada u oscura, dependiendo del tipo de piel) y un
olor muy desagradable.
Para ayudar a que el problema no sea tan grave, debemos hacer una higiene muy estricta
conjabones antispticos que reduzcan la contaminacin de las bacterias, verdaderas
causantes del mal olor.
Tambin hay que usar un antitranspirante en vez de un desodorante, pues mientras este
controla el maI oIor de forma muy limitada, el antitranspirante lo combate con sustancias que
tambin disminuyen el flujo de sudor con un efecto prolongado.
As mismo, debemos vestir ropa de aIgodn y zapatos de textura porosa para que la piel se
sienta fresca y transpire con normalidad. Y no olvidemos el talco para reducir la humedad.
Si el problema resulta incontrolable a pesar de estas medidas, lo mejor ser recurrir a una
sencilla ciruga que lo resolver en un dos por tres. Claro que para ello el doctor debe hacer un
previo estudio de nuestra condicin, ya que el sobrepeso y las afecciones cardiacas impiden
realizar el procedimiento.
magen: El Maana
Tags Blogalaxia: Teens, Salud, Sudor Excesivo.

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