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Minutes for the meeting



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Meeting ID: 753 571 2629, Passcode: pQN9Zf

Notice is hereby given that an annual meeting of Homeowners of the Bear Creek Homeowner’s
Association, Inc., will be held at the following date, time, and place:

Date of meeting: November 14th (Tuesday) 2023.

Time of meeting: 4:00 pm.
Place of meeting: Leroy Collins Branch, Leon County Library at 5513 Thomasville Rd.

Board members present:

RJ Reed, President
Nikolay Tsvetkov, Vice President
Jeff Shivers, Treasurer
Dale Parcentine: Secretary (absent)

Attendance: 8 households total (in person + Zoom).

The order of business of the annual meeting of the Bear Creek shall be as follows:

I. Call to order: HOA President – RJ Reed, 4:00 pm.

II. Approval of Minutes from the last meeting. November 15th, 2022. Available on our
website: Minutes were approved.

III. Financial status review: HOA Treasurer – Jeffrey Shivers. A complete review will be
available at the beginning of 2024.

 total $3490.03
Minutes for the meeting

IV. Proposed 2024 budget: HOA Treasurer– Jeffrey Shivers.

 An insurance update will be available soon.
 Lawn service will go up to 240/month.
 Proposed dues: ~$300 for 2024.

V. Security Cameras.
 Several issues were discussed: accessibility, who monitors the records, number of
days records are kept, etc.
 Suggested location: entrances.
 The real position of the camera was discussed. We need to solve the issue with
power and Wi-Fi.
 This is an on-going conversation. Hopefully to install cameras on somebody’s
properties (need volunteers).
 Need outside assistance.

VI. Ballots not yet opened from last election. 5 Ballots were opened, and results were revealed:

5 previously unopened Ballots

Jeff Shivers 5
Mary Sanchez 2
Danielle Howard 0
Kristine McAllister 0
RJ Reed 3
Nikolay Tsvetkov 5

For the reference, results from 2022 elections:

Jeff Shivers 16
Mary Sanchez 3
Danielle Howard 6
Kristine McAllister 8
RJ Reed 7
Nikolay Tsvetkov 10

2022 + 5 ballots:
Jeff Shivers 21
Mary Sanchez 5
Danielle Howard 6
Kristine McAllister 8
RJ Reed 10
Nikolay Tsvetkov 15

VII. New template for violations from Architectural Committee – RJ Reed.

Minutes for the meeting

 Template will be available on our website:

VIII. Nomination of new board member for upcoming election by Nomination Committee.
 Nomination Committee: Nikolay Tsvetkov, Ana McDonald, Svetlana Khakhlova.
 Nominations will be collected in the next several weeks.
 Elections date: the middle of the March

IX. Questions from the floor:

 Did we approve the assessment amount? Jeff: lower 300-325, depends how much the
insurance is. It will be approved at the next BOD meeting.

X. Adjournment: 5:03 pm

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