Yashh Gupta - X - E - Practicle File - IT

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Yashh Gupta

Class X-E
Session 2023-24
Suncity School
Practical File
Description- TO CREATE: An informative brochure that delves into
Cybersecurity and Cyber Awareness.
METHOD: Cover the various threats and advantages related to the digital
realm and emphasize the importance of exercising extreme caution. Use
Open Office Writer for this task.
TO USE: Heading, Page Color, Page Border, Apply Styles, and Graphics.

Software Used -Apache Open Office Writer

1. Open Writer ---Start > Open Office > Text Document

2. Format > Page > Background/Border

3. Insert image using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V or click on Gallery option
and chose image from gallery.
4. Right click on image > Picture > Borders

Task 2: Consolidating data

TO CREATE: A consolidated sheet of two given data sheets.
METHOD: Creating a Sheet 3 containing data of Sheet 1 and 2 using

TO USE: Row Label, Column Label, Link to Source Data

Software Used
Apache Open Office Calc


1. Open Calc ---Start > Open Office > Spreadsheet

2. Enter required data in sheet 1 and sheet 2

3. Data > Consolidation > Choose Sum function > Select source
range and add from sheet 1 and then add from sheet 2 > Select
sheet 3 to copy results to > Click on more > Tick row labels,
column labels, and link to source data check boxes > Click on OK



TO CREATE: A prediction for marks to be attained to achieve a

METHOD: Use the goal seek feature to calculate a target average mark of
TO USE: Goal Seek
Software Used
Apache Open Office Calc

1. Open Calc
Start > Open Office > Spreadsheet
2. Enter data in Sheet 1
3. Enter formula for average in B8

4. Tools > Goal Seek > Formula cell ($B$8) > Target Value (87) > Variable
Cell ($B$7) > Click on OK > Click on Yes



TO CREATE: A subtotal for the given data set.

METHOD: Calculate Subtotals on Sales using the SUM function on the Sales

TO USE: Use the 1st Group by as Quarter and the 2nd Group by column as

Software Used
Apache Open Office Calc
1. Open Calc
Start > Open Office > Spreadsheet
2. Enter data in Sheet 1
3. Select Table > Data > Subtotals > Choose ‘Quarter’ for 1st group by
drop-down list > Tick the sales’ check box > Choose Sum

4. Choose ‘Country’ for 2nd group by drop-down list > Tick the sales’ check
box > Choose Sum


TO CREATE: A table with primary key

METHOD: Perform tasks

TO USE: Design view and Queries

Software Used
Apache Open Office Base

1. Open Base----Start > Open Office > Database > Click on Create a new
database > Click Next>>
2. Click on Create Table in Design View under Tasks in Tables

3. Fill the table as given below. ToyID is the primary key so select it and
right-click to choose the Primary key option. Then save the table as the
table name

i. Insert records in the table as shown above using the design view. Put a
screenshot of the table after inserting all the above record

ii. Write a query to select and display all the columns and records of the
above table
iii. Write a query to display the details of the toys belonging to the
category of Stuff Toys from the above table.

iv. Write a query to display all the columns of all toys sorted by their price
v. Write a query to display all the toys whose quantity(Qty)is more than 25.

vi. Write a query to display the Name, Price, and Quantity of those toys
whose price is less than 500

vii. Write a query to display the ToyName, Category, and price of all the
toys from the table.
viii. Write a query to display the price of each toy by adding 20 to each of
the prices. The price must be displayed as 20 added to the price

ix. Write a query to Change the quantity of Ping Pong to 60

Task 6- Create a Form


TO CREATE: A form of the above table.

METHOD: From Forms under Database

TO USE: Form Wizard

Software Used
Apache Open Office Base

1. Click on Use Wizard to Create Form under Forms
2. Select the fields you wish to add in the form
3. You can add a subform if needed
4. Select the arrangement

5. Set data entry and apply styles.

6. Choose the styles
6. Finally set the name for the form

6. Finally set the name for the form

Task 7: Create a Report


TO CREATE: A report of the above table.

METHOD: From Reports under Database

TO USE: Report Wizard

Software Used
Apache Open Office Base


1. Go on the Report tab and click on “Use Wizard to create Report”

2. Select the fields you want to add in the form
3. Edit labels as required
4. Add grouping levels if needed
5. Sort data as required
6. Choose layout
7. Finally give a title to the report and click on finish
Task 8:
8a) Create a WordPress Account
and Blog
8b)Include sessions 9, 10, and
11 from the Unit-4 Web
Applications and Security chapter
from the NCERT handbook

TO CREATE: A WordPress account and Blog

METHOD: Create a post

TO USE: wordpress.com

Software Used
1. Open https://wordpress.com on your web browser and click on ‘Get
Started ’

2. Create your account.

3. Choose your domain. Type blog and select the first option.
5. Select your goals.

6. You may give your blog a name and tagline

7. Click on View Design and choose a design.

8. After choosing a design click on continue.

9. Write your post.
10. Click on Publish


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