PhysioEx Exercise 8 Activity 1

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PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 8: Chemical and Physical Processes of Digestion

Activity 1: Assessing Starch Digestion by Salivary Amylase
Name: Husna Aninda Farahita
Date: 6 February 2024
Session ID: session-18465079-32d1-0ef0-0f51-8fd2222a971c

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 6 out of 6 questions correctly.

1 The substrate for amylase is

You correctly answered: starch and carbohydrate.

2 Which of the following is true of enzymes?

You correctly answered: Their activity can be affected by temperature and pH.

3 The reagent IKI tests for the presence of

You correctly answered: starch.

4 Which of the following is not true of controls?

You correctly answered: A negative result with a positive control is required to validate the

5 Which of the following is an end product of starch digestion?

You correctly answered: maltose and glucose.

6 Hydrolases are enzymes that break down large molecules into smaller subunits through the
addition of .

You correctly answered: water.

Experiment Results
Predict Question
1 Predict Question: What effect do you think boiling and freezing will have on the activity of
the amylase enzyme?

Your answer: Boiling will decrease amylase activity and freezing will have no effect.
Stop & Think Question
1 Tube 2 (amylase, starch, pH 7.0 buffer) appears to have the same amount of starch digested
as tube 3 (amylase, starch, pH 7.0 buffer) because

You correctly answered: freezing had no effect on the enzyme.

Experiment Data

Tube Reagent Reagent Reagent Treatment Time Temp IKI Benedict's

№ 1 2 3
pH 7.0
1 Amylase Starch Boiled 60 37 + -
pH 7.0
2 Amylase Starch Frozen 60 37 - ++
pH 7.0
3 Amylase Starch None 60 37 - ++
Deionized pH 7.0
4 Amylase None 60 37 - -
Water Buffer
Deionized pH 7.0
5 Starch None 60 37 + -
Water Buffer
Deionized pH 7.0
6 Maltose None 60 37 - ++
Water Buffer
pH 2.0
7 Amylase Starch None 60 37 + +
pH 9.0
8 Amylase Starch None 60 37 + +

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 Tubes 3 (amylase, starch, pH 7.0 buffer), 7 (amylase, starch, pH 2.0 buffer), and 8 (amylase,
starch, pH 9.0 buffer) reveal that

You correctly answered: amylase activity was highest at pH 7.

2 This activity includes a number of negative controls. Which tube indicates that the amylase
solution was not contaminated with maltose?

You correctly answered: tube 4 (amylase, deionized water, pH 7.0 buffer).

3 Which tubes indicate that the deionized water did not contain contaminating starch or
You correctly answered: tubes 4 (amylase, deionized water, pH 7.0 buffer), 5 (deionized
water, starch, pH 7.0 buffer), and 6 (deionized water, maltose, pH 7.0 buffer).

4 Explain where and why salivary amylase would be most active.

You correctly answered: Salivary amylase would be most active in the mouth because pH 7 is
where its peak activity is.

Review Sheet Results

1 List the substrate and the subunit product of amylase.

Your answer:

Substrat amilase adalah pati hewani dan subunitnya adalah maltosa dan glukosa.

2 What effect did boiling have on enzyme activity? Why? How well did the results this compare
with your prediction?

Your answer:

Boiling mengubah sifat enzim dan menonaktifkannya seperti yang diperkirakan. Freezing
tidak ada
berpengaruh pada enzim.

3 At what pH was the amylase activity the most active? Describe the significance of this result.

Your answer:

Amilase paling aktif pada pH 7,0. Ini penting karena pHnya sama dengan mulut.

4 Briefly describe the need for controls and give an example used in this activity.

Your answer:

Kontrol diperlukan untuk memvalidasi hasil percobaan. Tabung 5 adalah contoh tempat
enzim yang diuji
mengandung glukosa yang ada di starch atau buffer tidak ada. Tabung 4 tidak berisi starch
sehingga uji benedict dan IKI menghasilkan hasil negatif. sedangkan tabung 8 berisi starch
sehingga uji benedict dan IKI menghasilkan hasil positif.

5 Describe the significance of using a 37°C incubation temperature to test salivary amylase

Your answer:
Inkubasi 37°C penting dilakukan karena suhunya sama dengan suhu tubuh sehingga ideal

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