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HACKERS IELTS LISTENING | C4p nhp xu huéng ra dé TELTS mdi nhat anh cile gidp oe ban thi sinh P a pion ra thé gi vey. gay tir bay gl, hy né lic luyén tap va chu o bal thi quan tro en b6 sich H i cc ban phuidng phap luyén thi oun Hackers IELTS Listening J dude thiét ké giip nguat hec:néng cao Ky ning mt ofch 05 goat ra 1g o€u hal yan chinh xe theo hnh thc gin ig 8 06 thé chun bl Kp kuOng ‘Tai ligu hge tap phong phi gidp dat duige mye tiéul Ing ofip o&e tai gu nhut Hold i php ghi cha, Khéc big ih vis Anb-My, tir vung theo hi uygn chép chinh ip nguet hge 6r luygn bigu qué va dat duge myc tiéu oGa minh Hi vong Fling Hackers IELTS Listening sé tré thanh cuén fm nang hau ich itp ban dat duige aiém 36 mong musi trong bai thi IELTS va li nguél ban ding hanh ééng tin e@y eda ban trn eon duéng chinh phue woe met ccung cp cho ngudi hoe cde fle nghe fa dl ane Ww yo ain ~~ ee eu dung ciing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. A. GIOI THIEU CHUNG Tete q Déi tugng sii dung 4 Thdi gian hoc recommend - Ngudi hoc til band 5 - Téng thdi gian: 4 thang dén band 6 - Thdi gian hoc hang ngay: 2h/ngay + English Unlimited B1 + Pronunciation in Use Intermediate * Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge * Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge 3 Hackers IELTS |a bo sdch dude chuyén ngif e tiéng Viét mét cach can than, trinh bay kha dep. © Dy sé la bé sdch gitip ich rt nhiéu cho cdc ban iu hoc IELTS. © Do la phan huéng dan ban ty kiém tra 155 qua : cac tiéu chi ciing v6 cling chi tiét va dé hiéu. © Noi dung cuén sach kha chi tiét, r6 rang. Sach dugc chia thanh ting topic, ting dang bai. @ Noichung, cuén séch nay phi hgp vii nhiing ai @ dang lam quen vdi IELTS. e e Bien +, G. Sw dung cling English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar/Vocabulary for IELTS dé co qua tét nhat. 2 TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM An xem file nghe vq@ cac file phu tro khac St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TOPIC LIST Ly do HACKERS IELTS Listening gidp ban dat diém cao Gi6i thigu ky thi IELTS Gi6i thigu IELTS Listening va céc chién luge luyén thi Ké hoach hoe tap Diagnostic Test Chapter 61 Multiple Choice Chapter 02 Note/Form Completion Chapter 03 Table Completion Chapter 04 Sentence/Summary/Flow-chart/Diagram Completion Chapter’ Matching Chapter 08 Map/Plan/Diagram Labelling Chapter 07 Short Answer Actual Test Phy luc Dap an « Soript « Phan tich + Gidi dé os Ye Si! dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, eenneh for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. = TOPIC LIST (Céc n6i dung duge bién sean trong séch thé hig xu huéng ra dé mél nit trong kp thi thye. Néu bam sat theo 1 ttn m 16 nhding cha C8 thuséng xuyén xual ign trong bal thi va biét duge nhang diém yu edn Khe phyo oda ban than, Ti d6, ngudi hoe 8 ¢6 chi hoe tp ph hop nhut chon ra nhiing cht dé mii ban théin obn yu, gid lal d6 va ghi nha ta vung thude ch dé dé, Ch 1 HP 1-4 Ch2HT 1-10 Tourism - Entertainment ChSHP 5.8 Ch 7 HP 1-3 SECTION 4 sin DT 1-10 Ch2 HP 1-4 ¥ Ch2HP 6-9 AT 1-10 Schoo! life On SHP 1-4 DT 11-20 Gh 1 HP et Destination Che HP 14 Ch 6 HP 5-7 CheHT 1-10 © AT 14-20 Infrastruc ChtHT 110 — Ch2HP 10-13 rastructure SECTION 2 ch SHP 4-7 CheHP 8-11 Event Ch4 HP 14 Ch7 HP 4-7 Instruction Ch 1 HP 5-7 Other topics SHP 13 Oh 6 HP 12-14 w~ SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) ‘Anthropology -Archaeology Oh7HP 12-15 — Ch7 HT 1-10 Biology Ch4HP 913 ChSHT 1-10 ssiness Oh1HT11-20 | Ch2HP 14-18 cha HP 9-13 Education cha HP 5-8 SECTION 3 engineering (Ch 1 HP 17-20 Theatre ch7 HP et Geology AT 21-90 Linguistios ChaHP 14-17 ChSHPS-12 Psychology pr2t-20 h1 HP 12-16 Biology ChSHPIS17 ATS1-40 Business cha HT 1-10 Chemistry on2HT 11-20 Food : Nutrition ChiHP21-25 Ch3HT1-10 SECTION 4 History pT 3140 chs HP 14-19 Geology cha HP 18-21 Medical science che HP 19:22 Psychology oh2 HP 23-28 Technology cha HP 22-25 TP Mockers Proce MT: ackere Test AT: Atl Tet - —_—— Su dung cling English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, eae : for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei CAMO NGG ta RCI aC GIUP BAN DAT DIEM CAO 01 Chinh phuc IELTS Listening bang chién lugc hoc tap hgp ly! — _) Rittuang ra a8 mot anst vi TOPIC List Cun stich bao gém hing cha dé bam sat xu hudng ra d8 mét nhét trong bal IELTS Listening. Ngoal ra, cdc chit && nay duige sp xp trong muc lye mot efch loge giip IRgUBI hee dé theo doi vat od thé iva chon Yap tung én tuyén ning ohd a ma ban than odn y6u. 86) kid tra ty adn gla va ks hogeh hoe tip 4 tudive-tuin Ngudi_ hee 06 thé ty danh gid nang tye ‘ban than qua bai Diagnostic Test o¢ hinh thile vi dO khé tucng duong voi dé thi that. Sach eling g¢i 7 ké hoach 4 tuary6 tuan 6p ngudt hoo 66 thé ka chon mot Ké hhogch luy@n thi higu qua va phi hop wat tinh 48 oba minh ye wen Sti dyng cng English Unlimited 1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tot nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH BI KEM 02 Luyén tap tiing buéc 4é nang cao trinh 46! PW MISE Stich duge thiétké gidp ngué hoe d& dang iuybn fp cfc dang bai theo timg bud fam 38 c6 thé nfim che ed dang eat hai va. o6 chin luge lam bai hop Wy. Dghig Bai & ehh trust tam bet Gi6i thigu ode dang cau ndi va hin thio xuét hign ofa thing dang trong bai thi that. di véi méi dang, sch gisi thieu chién thudt lm bai higu qua nnd va vi dy thye t8 48 ngudl hoo 48 &p-dung trong bai thi that Actual Test Cae bai thi duge bién soan theo hinh thie ‘va 46 khé oa bai thi that gdp mquét hoo ty anh gid nang Ie ban than tude kh thi va qua 66 luyén IELTS Listening higu qua nhat. Ne a” ¥ y — Hackers Practice & Hackers Test Bling cich &p dung kién thde vé ofc dang ‘cay hd va chi6n thu@t lam bali vo e&e bai luyén t8p £6 inh thde ging bai thi that rnhung 6 dai khdc nhau, naw hoo o6 thé via tap trung luyén tp vua néng oso kha ing thich ing v6i 6 thi tht Phy tue Ph hol dép vé cée thie mac thuting gp tidp ngudi hoe ©6 thé tent mc Bt Kh tr [ei cc cau hai od phidn thi Nghe. Ngoai a, ban sé 6n luyén higu qua hon voi danh sach cdc 1 vung efin thiét cho médi chd 68 duge Ait ke chi tit vai he thong. L760 HACKERS IELTS Ustoning Slop bn dye aitnese wer ee a SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH MAM OMTGaca Am ATTAIN GIUP BAN DAT DIEM CAO 03 Dap an, script, phan tich va giai dé gidp nang cao nang lyc! Sofipi, phan tioh dp din wa ty vy Sch éua ra nhiing phan tich chinh xo vé ce dang bil va cung fp nhang tr wyng quan trong dé ngutt hoc kong chi hid ma cb tng cudng vén tr wyng met ech 08 trong tam. Séch dua ra ning gid thich chi tiét cho ede dp dn gidp ngui doe vita higu «6 cu 18 1, Vita lam quen vii ce phuong php va chién luge tr i — we w ay Py —— SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM =~ (4. céc cuén séch con lai trong bo HACKERS IELTS IELTS READING (Cu6in sich phan tch dy di ting dang cau hai va chién luge lam bai tuong dng trong bai thi Boe. Ce bal doc luyn tap 06 a dai vA 6 ko tang din, bao quat ttc ee ohd <8 hay gif trong bal thi Reading oda IELTS. 'N6i dung bal de dugo dich ra siéng Vigt va i thich dap an KY tong. feLTS SPEAKING ubn siich ofp nhdt 20 chi a8 hay duge hat halt trong bai thi N6i véi dan bai chi tiét va cau Ww 11 mud gip bar that ty tin Ki tube vo phong thi No IELTS WRITING ‘Guin séioh phéin tich dy 40 ting dang dé va chin tuge lam bal tuong ding trong bal thi Vit. (Cac miu eau va cach dng tr"aat” duge Het ke theo chi 46, Sach obn huding din ban cdch lap ‘dan j va trién kha than bal vi6t dy d8, Lie HACKERS LTS Listening gp band aiden cae TH a. eyo ener : : ; Pee weex SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH BI KEM O Gidi thiéu ky thilELTS WIELTS la giz He thing kiém tra Anh nga qué 16 (IELTS) ta ba iém tr nang lye ng ngQ eda nhong ngues "mutin lam vige hole hee tap bling ting Anh, Cac k? nang Nghe, Do, Vit va N6l & eign ra thong téng cng 2 gid 55 phat. Biém IELTS due danh gia theo thang diém tir 1.0 dn 9.0. Dim tng 18 aim trung binh cia bdr phan th C6 hal loal bai thi: Academic Module (IELTS Hoc thuét) fa bai thi dnh cho hoc sinh chudn i du hoc 8 cdc truding dai hoe hodie cae o7 $8 giéo due ea hn. General Training Module (IELTS Téng quat) danh cho ngudi muén di cu, en vibe, hode lam vie tel cde nuée Anh, Canada, Ue, MY. Trong hai foal bai IELTS nay, phéin Nghe va Néi la gidnig nhau nhung Boo va Viét khée nha. Gu tric bai thi IELTS Hoc thust Tgng bai Thiigian Phare thi Séligng ba nis gm Bae didin wocBuhéi Kimi Bi nghe bao gém ef giong Ant Bén bai nghe 30 phit | Uo, My Téng cng ed (Thai gian’ | - Thi sinh 66 them 10 phat eng a8 Listening 40 eauhai tr Ota 10. | ign ap dn vio phid tr et (M5ibSi nghe hit riéng | - Bai nghe gém cic dang cau hal Weauhdd biety tre nghii6m, cu tr8 loi ngéin, dién ‘Vo 6 tréng, hoan thanh biéu bang. 3bardor Bai doc dai va nOi dung vé nhiéu a chil dé khée nhau ng 40-cau hat . Reading ‘Ouibaoe 60 phit | ~- Bai doe gdm cde dang oft hdl tc 1M aula Iighige, cau ta la ngiin, din vio me h6 tring, hoan thanh bigu bang. yose ie eau ha =~ KhGng 06 sy phn chia that glan 1 virng | PAST TCGUIGL | go at | tang ha 2c “une + Biém Task 2 nhiéu hon Task 1 Thai gian ohd dt Ban gdm 3 phan = Phéing van tre tiép 4:1 véi glém Phan 10-15 cauhai khdo Spealin -14 ph peaking Phin 2eT cau hei 14-14 phat | 7 ‘Tat 2 nOi- dung bai thi Néi duc Phan3s4-6 eau hai ghi am ia | | Khong 2 oi8 55 phat wi Sti dyng cng English Unlimited 1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM PS ASIN IM|CSc n6i dung lién quan dén ky thi lELTS Thai gian’ ‘Buge tién hanh khong 48 lan mot nam, 2 ~ 4 Kin mot thang Kj thi s8 duige t6 chic tai dia diém duge chi dinh ofinh thie bai eee H@i déng Anh hoae IDP. Thi sinh c6 thé ding kj ruse ti thibu Sdn 7 ngay (oh Bing le) 06 thé kt thdc sé nan dy kién) Gach ding ky + Bling ky qua Intemet: H6i dng Anh hoje IOP Bang kj tue gp: Tal da aiém duge chi dinh chinh thd bal Hoi aéng Anh hoe IDP {Up phi th: ~ 5.000.000 vnd Phi op bang diém - Git min phi 6 bang diém a6n cdc tung ma thi'sinh yéu ou trong ving 4 tuan ké tit ngdy ti = Néu muén gifi nhiéu hon 5 bang diém hoae sau 4 tuan ke ingay thi, thi sinh phai tr 16 phi Le phi Hini thie thankite’a’ | Thé tn dung, wén rat ROydang ky-thh | Ban e6 thé dug hod lal. 75% 1é phi 15 ngdy true nga thi uniting chy khi-aiAhi | ChTCMT, COCD va hg chiéu duge ehdp nhn trong ngay thi ~ Ban o6 thé kiém tra diém 6 tryc tuyén sau 13 ngity ké tir rigay thi (G6 thé lua chon nan gidy chang nhan tryc tip hele gil qua aurong bu en Didnethé va phew | Phdc tra: Thi sinh nop bin g6c két qua thi va dan dang ky theo éuang bouu dign hoa tru tuyén “Thi sinh o6 thé ding ky pho tra phd thi minh musin trong 4 pin ky ning Tips ‘Thi sinh phi mang theo h6 chiéwCMT/CCCD da dng dang ky thi 48 glém thi kiém tra tc Kh vo thi. “Tét c& vat dung ca nhian déu phil gi 6 ral gid dé true khi vao phéng thi ‘Thi sinh duge chyp anh va kiém tra dé van tay truée Khl vo thi Giga 3 phn thi Nghe, Deo, Viét khong 06 thot Glan ngh rng. Trong tru’ng hap cn a ve sinh khi dang lam bai, th sinh ra khai phéng thi phai dude sy giém sat ca gidm thi Lich thi ndi sé duge théng bao riéng t6l ting thi sinh. —_—_— eo -, We Sara yon yew Sti dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei oMm CT euli tna. qyacal hy hang diém IELTS Band Score Bal thi IELTS danh gid naing ic Anh ng@t eta thi sintqua cde band diém. Duél day la miéu t& ting band aiém, Berit | blite 49 thud C6 nding lye tiéng toain din va thé hign duge kha ning st dung ‘ig6n ng pho hgp, chinh xg, thinh theo, néim bat duge moi Khia canh ca ng’in ngo | 06 ning We ting foan dign dit can mio mét si I8t sit dung Very good user | ngén ngi! thigu chin xéc va chua phi hap. C6 thé hidu ham trong mot val th hudiig Khong quen thude. Cé kd ning xi iy 18tc&e tranh lug pha tap, ci tt. C6 nang lc tng t6t dis ob mot 96 181 so dyng ngbn ngt thiéu chin xéc, chua phi hgp, va hiéu nhém trong mot eB tinh hung, , Good user | win chung 08 kha nang x2 i tt ngdn ngt phe tap va iu ~ me Twomna | ss | ss | a | so | sa | 5 tame | so | 4 | se | so | am | 50 ren | as | 7s [es | 70 | 7s | 7 eer ee 7 " 5 ae eG Neaene Su dung cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei eum PSEC cure Raney Mealy nun ‘Bai thi IELTS Listening gém 4 Section véi 40 cau hdi, mél phan 6 10 edu. Cée bai nghe dugee phat. am bling glong Anh, Uc va MY. Thai gian lam bal I 90 phat, trong 46 ¢6 10 phat danh ccho vige ghi dép dn vao phigu ta la INCSu tric bai thi ELTS Listening Hoi thogi gita hai nguat v8 ede chil dé SECTION 1 . thudng ngay SECTION 2 | Déc thoai-vé cdo chi. dé thyong ngay HOi thoai gida 2-4 ngudl vé mét chi a8 TION 3 SECTIONS | hnang tinh chuyén mer” hoo thust Bbc thoal vé mét cht 68 mang tinh SECTION 4 ° schuyén mén/hge thuat piém dac biét cba bai thi IELTS Listening Neti M&i phn mot nol dung khéc haw Méi phéin 10 fu hai + B6l vol Section 1- 23, bai nghe cho ting Seotion duge téch lam hai doan. Trude méi doan, thi sinh 86 06 thai gian a8 phan tich 46 bal él véi Section 4, bai ngbe dupe phat én, khéng nga quang. True khi Bi nghe bat du, th sinh 36 c6 thé gian a phan tich dé bal. ‘Sau khi kit the mdi phan thi, tht sinh 06 30 glay dé kiém tra lal dp én. Sau khi két thie tt cede phén thi, thi sinh e6 10 phdt d8 chuyén ede dip An tty dé bai vao phigu tr i we Ww vege” ee wen SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH AC DANG DE IELTS Listening — idithie cans ue Mutiple Choice Lua chen dip trong niu phuong én cho tude Note/Form Completion | Bién Gap én va ché ting trong cu hay doan cho tude Table Completion ‘ign dap din vo ch tréng trong bang biéu cho trude SahteniesSumerary/ Chon dap an dé dién vao ch6 trdng trong cauldoan tm Flow.charYBiegtam Completion | taviuu d6/sa d6 cho trude Lya chon dap én trong danh sch sao cho phi hgp véi Matchin . actin cs théng tin cho trade ‘Bién hode chon dap an a6 din vo ché tréng trong ban Map/PlavDjagrem Labeling | Os, vareg a6 cho tudo Short Answer én dap én vito ed cau hai cho trude Chién lugcluyén tap IELTS Listening 4. Lam quien vol phat dm wa ng bu cit ‘Dé c6 thé nghe tét, ban phai nghe va lam quen véi ngd am, ngd digu da dang olla ngudl ban gf Bac bgt hon mot nda ng dung bath IELTS Listening duge néi vai giong Anh-Anh, vi vay ban on phai lam quen vol ngitam va nga digu cla glong nay. 2. Ting evig vin tr vung, Ban s® khong thé nghe duge nhcing tt vung ma minh chua biét, vi vay hay c6 géng ghi ne rihGng t vung xudt hign nhiéu tén trong séch. Hom nda, chi hoc thude nghia cia tra cha ii ma cbn phai ghi nhé cach phat m chinh xé0. 8. Luyén tap diién gil ¥-theo nhiéy cach khde nhau: 38 6 nhigu truing hop ban e&n phal dién dat ni dung trong dé bal theo cdich khée ma dng bi sai nghia, vi vay hy 6n luyén phan bal tp trong sich hang ngay. Big chi ghd han trong vide thay déi tir vung, ma hay thi thay déi ed edu tre nga phap cila cau. 4. Luyén tap nghe-chép chink a. IELTS Listening bao g6m ede dang bai yéu odu ban nghe va dién dap &n ding, vi vay ban din luyén tap nghe va chép lai cdc n6i dung nghe duge mot cach chinh xac. Vide nity $® lip ban d& dang phat higr nhiGng phén ban than odin ci thign. ies Wau IELTS useing vachidn hah TF eer ee wwew St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei © Ké hoach hoc tap (Dya vio két qué cla bai kiém tra ty dénh gid (Diagnostic Test ~ ‘tr.21), hay tham khdo hai ké hogch hie tp dubi Gay va x8y dung cho minh ké hogch phit hap ahat. Ké hoach gum (Néu lam bai Diagnostic Test ding t:27 cfu tra tén) Bayt | tay? oy | taya | pay bay GhiMe | CHIMP) Gy ay, | Chae Weekt or | Sntapor | Tuwmo | Towa | OTH | Stang e144 wag | Tewungtt45 |e sa Baiieoh | on crane | cnonr OM | cmon | chsHe | chan Wek? Teeyngt48 |Tawunat.146| Ontépae | Twa | chaHT | Tuwng ung wing tr. ae 1.147 Te vyng 1.147 148 ang ‘n tap Ch | cnsne | cnsne | cnenp cnaue | onaur | “ane Weeks aN Tuwe | char | Tuwng Throne Tuvngti4@) Ontap a | "esa | ravangict60 | e180 chen n7 HP Che HT Ch7 HP Ch7 HT Gn tip Ch Week > rovung i181 | Twang t.181| On tpt 5:7 ar On tp AT ag * Nu mudi noe rong 8 tun, ban od thd chia dnb dung hge mi ng a8 hoe trong hal ny Ké hoach MRTEna (Néu fam bai Diagnostic Test ding ti 26 eB tr8 xudng) " Day? ya Day Bays | bays gniHe | chi HP Weert = pr OnwipoT — Oaupor | caine | Tuwng | Tuwung etd 144 chint | Ontipont chaHe | cneHP | chant Week? sy Cinpnias| Ont | cneHe | Tag | Tawng | Tawny Byung wg 45 1.348. tetas Op tip cn2 chaHe | OnsHT | Ouapcne Week Ontéty | GhsHP | Tuwng | Tuwng | Ontiotr | ch4HP vung waar e147 vung cnanp | ehant | Gotap cna Ons HP Wook a ore ag] Twa | Towng | Onde | chsHe | Suwng wna et48) 4.48 te140 we ta chant | Ontépcns Gnene | chent | Gaiipone weeks Ontiptr | cnenp | Town |) Tiwng | “Onigpt Tawmngir.t60) Oe e180 wi8t wang p tip oh 7 WisewG |, CN7 HF | Onuiew | ch7HT ar Ontépat | Ontgear One| “DT: Dlagnoeto Test HP: Mackars Practce HT: Hackers Tost AT: Aca Tost wv Sti dyng cng English Unlimited 1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM HUGNG DAN SU DUNG KE HOACH ON LUYEN 4. Hang ngay, hay 68 ging he hét kn lugng kién thie theo ké hogch. 2, Bat déu bling vigc tim hiéu ky e@¢ chién lige lam bal, sau 6 Ap dyng vo Hackers Practice va Hackers Test 6 ghi mhé lau hoi. 8, Trong khi lam bi, hy cof nhu ban dang tham gia Ky thi thét. Sau kh lam xong, fry tham ko ce gol. gl thich, phan tich cla sAch vé otc dap én ding, dap 4n sai 46 ty rat kinh nghiem. 4. Hay bait du m&i chung vol phiin Hackers Practice va Hackers Test, sau 66 Két the bling vige gidi va 6n tap Actual Test 5. Trong trutng hap ban khéng thé hoan thanh KE hogch oa mot ngay nhu da dé ra. hay tidp tue lige va of ging hod thanh bai tap efia mot tudin trudc Kh tun 6 két tnd. Kereacnnecte 19 _— -, y Sara yon yew SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ay ——_ a Se por aw” vw ~~ " aes iate, Grammar qua tot nhat. ar Ter at fei SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Interm for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co Oo DIAGNOSTIC TEST Answer sheet c6 tal trang 152 + St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Complete the notes below. White ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer KINGS PLACE TENNIS COURTS Example tennis and. badminton... courts Facilities + Has indoor courts for tennis | + Pro shop sells rackets and 2 } tase Detaits | + Complete beginner lessons are 3 a week + Beginner Class 2 is once weekly | + Intermediate learners participate in a competition for 4 | + Can play a game with the instructor to check their § Comprehensive Package | | + Includes 6 booking of courts | + Member discounts at pro-shop and on lessons offered + Cost-7£ per month for first-time members Lanner Pace + Includes access to all tennis courts | | + Members can use the & for an additional fee | + Gots off of classes | | Signing up | | + Must 10 Daniel back fo confirm the trial ww SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. SECTION2 Questions 11-20 © ‘Questions 11 and 12 Choose TWO letters, AE. 4112 Which TWO characteristics of the dinosaur exhibits does the speaker highlight? A. bone displays posted drawings B G interactive activities D re-creations of creatures E explanatory timelines Questions 13-16 Choose the correct letter, A, Bor C: 4% What is special about the Under the Sea exhibit? A Itshows how dolphins swim by using models. B It contains a life-size display of a blue whale, © _itcompares the evolution of fish and other species: 4% What aspect of sharks does the mode! display in the shark area focus on? A thelr nature as hunters. B how they raise infants © thelr oycie of life 48 The plant life exhibits allow visitors to view displays of ‘A. gatdening mechanisms. B flora from diverse environments. © rare wildflower seeds, 46 Atthe Activity zone, human development is depicted through A. movie screenings. B_three-dimensional presentations © staged demonstrations. ~ o~ ~ Si/dung cling English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va CH BI KEM Questions 17-20 plan below, White the correct letter, A-G, next fo Questions 17:20. | | foyer | P ae — _| Information centre 18 Cloakroom 19 Children’s activity area Gift shop F — htt ott a yO ~~ SVareas St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 ‘Questions 21-24 What effect does art therapy have on the following age groups? Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-E, next to Questions 21-26 Effects of Art Therapy orate eter xprestan teins | nooo> slows the mental effects of aging Age Groups 21 Preschool children 22 Adolescents 29 Adults 24 Senior citizens ~ v~ ~ *, ., oe he SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) ‘Questions 25-30 Choose the correct k er, A, B, oF C. 25 Who will the st fents conduct interviews with as part of their research? A. patients of art therapists B psychology experts © website journalists 26 What is Raymond worried abou A There are not many studies that focus on multiple age ranges. B There is fitlo material written on the selected topio. © There may be insufficient time to write about ail the collected data. ing to the professor, the student is could study preschool children and ns because ‘A there is not enough materia! on people of other ages. B similar 1 ples have been used for both groups. © there is.a word limit for the project: 28 How do senior citizens tend to react when asked to express themselves through art? A They draw things that they see around them. B They are hesitant and don't know what to drave € They take to it very quickly. 28 Group sessions for both seniors and preschoolers resulted in A. more physical activity B (06s social interaction. © improved mental functions. JO How does art therapy that includes music help patients? A Itallows them to express personal feelings. B Itallows them to relax. € It provides them with a sense of unity we w — wr aw wa SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below. Wte ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF RAILWAYS: Rata develpmentn ret Bin Global expansion of railway systems Global railway construction allowed 33. trade to grow rapidly. | Rapid railway development occurred in North America in the 19th century, | | a4 discovered in the West provided further motivation for building railroads across the continent, Historic occasions affecting railways | introduced in 1912, diesel fuel allowed locomotives to transport larger weights much faster Extremely long journeys could now be made in a few'25 | Railways were miftary 36 during the two world wars and were rebuilt afterward Reasons for growth in train transport 7 needed a more efficient way of moving their goods during periods of industrialisation. Railways also allowed some Europeans to manage their 38 Current trains and railway systems The fuels used for trains are now 39 and better for the environment. The rapid improvement of 40 rallway networks in several | continents made rail highty popular, Trains may become more popular because they are fast, efficient, and affordable. {Bdp lan! See» PAN ich > Gi then rang 158 ——w ~ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Te Va Col] CHAPTER Tene ‘Multiple choice fa dang bai chon dap an chinh xéctrong nhiéu dp an cho sSn. Bay la mot trong nhGng dang phé bién nhét trong bai thi IELTS Listening, xuat hién trong hau hét ‘cic ky thi va c6 thé gap trong tat ca cc phan, MI DANGBAI Dang bi Mutiple choice yéu céu chon dap dn chinh xé¢ 48 hoan thin cu hode tr it ‘cau hi. V6i dang thd hai, 44 bal ¢6 thé yéu clu chon nhiéu han mot dap 4n, vi vary trude hi nghe, ban oan ohd ¥-doc va kiém tra ky yéu odu obe dé bal. Oi khi, dé bai o6 thé yeu cau chon dap an ding dé din vao bing hay biéu a. Bit 1 dang ya chon met dip én chinh xc trong cde pan cho ride a hod than cfu Choose the correct letter, A, B or C: 1 Dr Peter Lyons has recently been best known for his A. publications about islands B dissertation on tropical plants. © extensive studies of rock eatogorisations igri tr i eb Fl ‘Ay l dang la chan dap dn phi hop vél edu hl, Trong truBng hop ob nhigu dép dn chinh x40, ban 6 thé 86 pha chon 2-8 dp din trong 86'5-7 Ap an cho triée. | Gtoose me corset ts A, Bor 1 Whats included in the scuba diving tip? A equipment B training | @ anatehore dive Choose TWO letters, A-E. 2:3 Which TWO topics does Michael want to include in his presentation? A geographical features B_ historical context E politica! significance wi SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM (MM CHIEN LUGCLAM BAI STEP 1 i denielinn et de OGcky yeu cau va tim tufcum fur kheaiclla dé bal. (1) Dang bai Muttiple choice o6 thé yu ou chon nhiéu hon mt dap an, vi vay ban on Kiém tra kg 36 lugng dap an ma.dé yeu o&u (@ Ban cén doe va tim ra tivoym ts knéa cla 48. Ngodi ra, ban cing nén dec hiéu ode dp 4n tru6c khi ghe: Choose the correct letter, A, B or ©. * 4 BPI ELYORE has recently been best known for his | as ‘A publications about islands ae B dissertation on tropical plants, Dr Pater Lyons extensive studies of rock categorisations. carrer! 29 a v Si dyng cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) STEP 2 i rh n li6y eis Ai ta) eye Hlalehda Nghe KJ cdc thong tin én quan 46 tivioym tr khéa va tim. cae got tr fl somethin W: Yes, well, I'm working on my research papet for my ecology class. But I've run in abit oftrou M: I'see. What seems to be the problem, exe W: | can't find sufficient research about 1 sland formation, M: Well, have you looked up any research from tir Pie « w: dissertation on rock categofisations, and | as the field where he had the most expertise. Mw: was in his early years as a resear M: Yes, he's a gre 2. And he also provides refe for other studies on. Tes phiin cudi ciia doan hoi thoai a6 tim ode tir khéa thd hig thi tuong lai nhu: “will hay "be going te va cdc trang ti chi thal gian nhu: “now', *next", “ater’, “before” 2. Voi dang bai Multiple ban cing ¢6 nhiéu hon mot dip an. Khi 46, ban on nghe ky fra 101, Luu y ling oe then 14i nghe to&n bO bl dung va Iya chon thng tin lién quan va fim ra gol ¥ tél theo eich gidng hove khée vii ‘4c dap fn trong dé (pa oe w war aay vvw= St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ~~ STEPS i Lua cheap an‘diing: Lua chon dap din thé hign ding ni dung ma ban nghe dugt (dap én ¢6 thé duge din dat theo “ach khéc so vét ni dung nghe). Sau kh va chen, ban cin kiém tra tinh chinh x cba dap én Choose the correct letter, A, B or ©. 1 Dr Peter Lyons has recently been best known for his A publications about B dissertation on tropical plants. extensive studies of rock categarisations, foam ee Q, Kid tra daip ant ip an B 6 16 hai ti lén quan la ‘dissertation’ va tropical, tuy nhién dip dn nay thyc chét la vé thye vat nhigt déi, Vi thé, B la dap An sal. oan h6i thoal tuy 66 4 cp 16E: ‘ve read his dissertation on rock categorisation ~ | thought that was the fleld where he had the most expertise (id doc bai lufn cla Ong 4y v6 phan foal da, nén ti nghi ring 6 18 chuyén nganh ea 8ng dy), nhung eau tiép theo 'No, that was in his early years as a researcher’ (Khiéng pai, 46 lé bat viét trong nihGng nim du sy nghigp nghién edu ella 6ng Ay) 48 phi dinh npi dung trén. Vi thé, C la dap an sai Ooms “Trong truéng hop phal chon nhiéu han mét dp én, ban edn lyu y ml dap an obit duce st 0 duy nhét mot dap dn dung 6 tr 16! cho mot eau di va khi dién vo phi6u tra I cho méi cau. Néu t6 nhiéu han mot, nhiing cau 46 88 bj col la khéng chinh xac. CHAPTERS ~ o~ ¥ Si dyng cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] HACKERS PRACTICE LUYEN DIEN DAT Y THEO CAC CACH KHAC NHAU (PARAPHRASING) Nghe va lie chon dap an thé hign ni dung ban nghe duce. 0% A They will stop by an attraction. B They will read a historical text 02 A A painting wil be put on display, B A space is under construction. 03 A Entries must be submitted by a certain date. B They will give you a hand on a weekday. 04 A They gather at the base of a mountain B They go on a seasonal outing, 65 A He is unfamiliar with a university department. B. He is unsure about registration fee payments. 6 A It splits-a body of water. B itis at the centte of a river. ip én ‘A They wil stop attraction. «£4 ous wil go and lok around the very old opera venue. BB _Aspace is under construction. £3 The-central art gallery is currently being YenoVated, A _Eniies must be submitted by a certain date. — £1 The deadline for handing in the entrance form i the first Monday of next month 04 B They Go on a sbasnal outing. « £7 Everyone from our cub gee on'a hike together in the 05 A He fs unfamiliar with a university department. #4 tm afraid fim not entirely sure what the ‘ice ofthe registrar is 0G A Mepis body of water. ~ £9 The island breaks the bay up into two main sections. i ayn wwe SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. 07 A. There are tips for proper exercise training B There are restrictions on certain foods. 08 A. Itis.@ practice that fs performned in hospitals worldwide, B tis a method that produces positive results. 03, A The device produces little trash. B The machine makes miniature models. 10 A Iti vital that humpbacks communigate periodically. B tis through singing that humpbacks interact, 14 A The firms have come up with additional tactics which could increase revenues. B Anew approach to marketing will lead to widespread changes within the company. anova ardor, 42 A Airplane engineering was not a significant career in the 1900s. B Aircrafts were improved thanks to her work in the 1900s. There are restrictions on certain foods. » <9 Nutritionists create menu plans with imits ‘om dally fat and calorie tevels. 'B itis method that produces positive results, + £2 Art therapy is proven effective among mental patients. ‘A The device produoss ite trash small amount of rubbish mater We are making @ machine generates a very B__Mtis through singing that humpbacks interact ©. Humpback whales can communicate by singing, sometimes for periods of up to 24 hours, A The firms have come up with additional tactics which could inc 4 The companies have created a series of new business strategies which innovative marketing plans to inorease sales. 12 8 _ Airera (VE. Lilan Todd was anh aviation pioneer who was reaponsible for important progress in aireraft design in the early years of the 20th century s were Improved thanks fo her work i the 1900s. cHarren $3 ——w ~ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] Questions 1-4 9 ony jeter, A, B orc. Alex is mostly interested in seeing A artgalleries, 2 The ‘Top Spots’ hall-day tour begins at A Tam, B 9am, © 2pm. 3 How much will Alex have to pay for his tour? A $25 B $45 © $70 4 What will the guide for the Thursday tour be doing at Central Station? ‘A displaying a company sign B distributing apparel to-participants © collecting payments from participants ———$—w — “ w —e ee St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 5-7 6 cn Choose THREE letters, A-G. 5:7 Which THREE things does the speaker say travellers should make sure to do when making payments overseas? tage of tax refunds ect change with money rather than avoid counterfeit cash pay credit card foes get a good exchange rate ourmooa> pay traveller taxes anjoug adian CHAPTER? @ a “~ ¥ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH BI KEM Questions 8-11 4 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Devils Tower National Monument Guests can inquire about routes at the A Visitor centre B climbing office. c shop. 8 Devils Tower was made a national monument because of its importance to A. previous explorers. B tock el © native people. 10 According to the speaker, why was the formation called Devils Tower? A. Its name was misinterpreted Bits summitis difficult to reach. © Its trails can be dangerous. 11 Visitors are not allowed to A bring food into the park. B give food to wildlife. © leave the marked trails —_ w wr a ~ ——_S ‘ we SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. ~~ Questions 12-16 A on Choose TWO jetters, A-E. Psychology Study Abroad Programme 1213 Which TWO aspects of the programme was Laura particularly positive about? the application process the quality of the lectures the advice on her thesis the expertise of the professors the field trips Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 14 Laura says that the psychomettics course A. involved difficult topies. B was not too complex ug apg © was for advanced students. Why does Laura recommend the adult counselling course to John? A. tis the focus of John’s study. B tis highly praised by the school © Minvolves fewer assignments How does the psychology course differ in Singapore compared to the UK? A. There is less data to learn. B The course is less theoretical. © They have to learn statistics. HAPTER 37 ~ ww ~ SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] Questions 17-20 fetter, A, B, or C 7 Abe sccess systom wil a thumbprints to open car locks, 8 the driver's eyes to unlock the c n the ignition when some in the var, ship from the university includes nclal support Bp © laboratory training. nal advising. Choose TWO letters, A-E. 19480 Which TWO characterist osal have specttic requirements? A i gth punctuation B © file format D graphics E ay ——_ wv ay por yy ~~ ~~ SVareas St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH BI KEM Questions 21-25 6. -cr_Heat-25me Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 21 One result of high sugar consumption is that A itcan cause diabetes. B__itcan lead to other more serious addictions. © itis a direct cause for increases in heart rates. 22 Why is honey a good alternative to refined sugar? AA Ittastes the same in drinks. B Ithas fewer calories than sugar © tls more easily proce sed by the body. 23 The speaker says people don't realise ‘A how much water should be consumed in a'day. B__ how much sugar a soft drink contains. © how many vitamins are in herbal tea. 24 Products which are said to be fat-Iree should be avoided because sennug ann A they offen contain extra sugar B they do not list every ingredient. © they ate made with sugar substitutes, 25 According to the speaker, people should eat fruits and vegetables because A. they afe a sugarless alternative B__ they can satisty the desire for sweetness. © they ate a natural way to diet. ‘Bapldals Seti PHAN ch SIRiNCr rang 974 CHAPTER ¥ v ~ Sti dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. Dado A B c > E SECTION2 Questions 1-10 4 « Questions 1 and 2 Choose TWO letters, A-E. 1-2 Which TWO sports will have national maiches played at the Brighton Sports Complex? Questions 3-5 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. -—— * promote healthy habits by not giving licences to 8 dining establishments | * open at the same time as the rest of the complex hated onthe too | football volleyball tennis swimming basketball | Brighton Sports Complex: Dining Facilities Sti dyng cng English Unlimited 1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 6-10 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. To become a Brighton Sports Complex member, people should A. complete a registration document. B submit payment at a reception desk. € present a credit card for deposit. People who wish to use the swimming pool at the complex must A. leave their ID card at an office, B_ chock availability online. © pay an additional yearly charge. What will ll visitors be able to use for free? ‘A aparking facility B_ apersonal locker © the WiFi Why will it be difficult to park on Millers Road this weekend? A Aroute has been closed for repairs. B_ Acar park will undergo maintenance. © A private event is ocourring in the complex. miaisn srTaKAKIM enous Attendees of the grand opening can receive A. apaid parking pass. B apparel for free. C protective gear with a logo. cHAPTERT 41 —_—_—~ wo Ww Wy pa Sy - ye SEE wwex Sti dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei SECTION3 Questions 11-20 © Questions 11 and 12 Choose TWO letters, A-E. 11-12 Which TWO tasks the students have already completed? A. an outtine for the assignment’s structure B the central part of the documer © the introduction to their report D data gathering on globalised bus! E _asummary of their research meth Questions 13 and 14 Choose TWO letters, A-E. 19-14 Which TWO! s did Burger King’s approach have when it launched inion of the bi found India stores spread throughout the region eighbouring countries Nas inappropriate Questions 15 and 16 Choose TWO letters, A-E. 15-416 Which TWO ments of is ads id ¢ the type of graph the language of promotional material the size of printed advertisements the colours used in materials A B c D Ee the brand names of products a aw vw pors St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 17-20 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 47 The advertisements shown for Calvin Klein caused problertis because A they were considered not contemporary enough. B they focused too much on younger consumer they were deemed inappropriate by some c A design feature that Calvin Klcin introduced in its 2013 fine was ‘A new and brighter colours: B. clothes tailored to each age group: © aspects of traditional outfits, How wil the students include graphs in their repon? A. in an appendix at the end B ina separate printed leaflet © inserted throughout the text What will the students probably do next? ‘A. find images to use for their assignment ang aia B goto alibrary to check out reterence books ate their own marketing plan cuaprert 43 ¥ v~ 5 ~ . *, ., oe + " he SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) CHAPTER 2 Note/Form completion Note/Form completion la dang bai yéu cu dién vao ch6 tréng 4é hoan thanh mot doan tm tat/biéu mau cho trudc, Bay cing 18 mot trong nhding dang bat xust hign thurdng xuyén nihdt trong gn nhu moi bai thi IELTS Listening. Dang Note Completion chai yéu e6 trong Phan 2 va Phan 4, trong khi dang Form completion thurtng duoc dua vao Phan 1 Ml pane eA Dang bai Note/Form completion yéu cfu ban ign dp dn dling vo chS tréng a hoan thanih ‘mt dogn tém tit/bidu mu cho tnsdc. Bap én dng 06 thé duge thé hin dud dang chi cal vamhode £6, vi vay ben ofin doe kj dé bai Note completion 6 bai o8 dang mét doan tém tt cho mét bal gléngtogn h6tthosl, 26 mbt tibu én va inhiéu 46 myc nhé bén dus. lf Complete the notes below. White ONE WORD ONLY for the answer. Crisis management Introduction Crisis management is used to keep coneumer faith in products. Quick response The company’s response must be swift to ensure 1 Form completion Bé bai e6 dang mét bidy mau t8ng hgp cc tho ing ky ghi lai théng tin 04 nan, [compete te fm boon. Wrte ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer | Membership Form Name: Gynthia 1 Date of birth: 29 October, 1990 Address: 2 Hightand Park Avenue Phone: 0151 541 1570 a ay - . yor WEEE — SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM (MI CHIEN LUOC LAM BAI STEP 0 Sde Kpva tinesndi:dung chinhictissde bau (1) Bec ky va kiém tra chile chiin v8 86 long tu va 96 cdn dién theo yu cfu aba dé (2) Boc lust 48 ném dude ni dung chinh cla doan tom tévbiéu mau cho truée. Trutng hop suit hign 48 mye nhd, wu tién doc cde 48 muc i trudc va tap trung vio cée thong tin lin quan t6i chang ki nghe. (@) Tép trung vio odo phéin trudic va sau ché tréng a8 xée inh ng phap vat fog tr pha hop én dién Complete the notes below. White ONE WORD ONLY forthe answer. + Introduction Crisis management is used to keep consumer faith in products | | | Crise management Quick response + The dofnipany's FESRSHSe fUst be Swift to ensure 1 + a unyartung Os + ONE WORD ONLY: Bién mot tir duy what ex) images (0), clear images (X) + ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER: Bién mot ti; vashode mat s6. ‘ex) images (0), 2 images (0), 2nd (0), clear images (X). «NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS: Bién khong qué halt. ex) Images (0), clear images (0), 2 clear images (X) «NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER: Bién khdng qué hai ti varhosc mot 86. ex) images (0), elear images (0), 2 (0), 2nd (0), 2 images (0), 2 clear Images (0) cHaprer2 45 ~ o~ ~ SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] STEP 2 ng nghe cée nai dung én qui tai shiihiang bt di ti kha vai fim ofc gory tra Ia do it there is an issue roduets. € isls management is the answer, and that's look at today: When comp ‘ause consumer them. We will discuss wha can do to ree sumer faith in th tant aspect of ctisis management is a quick the édiibianividhibal Iierny the causes of eRblaris | | arichidteat with neta. < and the company is seen to be reliable and dependable, which will have a calming effect on both consumers and stock holders. However, its vital to remember | Complete the not | Whte ONE WORD ONLY for the answer below, Crisis management ‘ | | introduction | | Crisis management is used to keep cons | | Products | mer faith th Quick response ~ The eomnpany's:responise’tiustt ~~ w war we aay “ ~~ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. STEP GD, ciel Dien va’ kien tral Ban cn Iva chon théng tin phd hep tir n@i dung nghe duge dé dién vao ché tring. Sau khi ‘in, hidy kiém tra lal dé chide chiin rling dép én thda main yéu cdu va. khéng mac céc I8i nga phép. Complete ttie notes below, White ONE WORD ONLY for the answer Crisis management Introduction | | Crisis management is used to keep consumer faith | | in pros ‘Quick response The company's response must be swiftto ensure 1 stabtty * 1. Trong dang bai Note/Form completion, dap 4n thuidng lé danh 1, tuy nhién efing 0 trudng hep ka dongftinh ty. Vol truting hgp dap an la danh tty hoge déng tu, ban cin dam bio viét ding dang s6 nhiéu hay s6 it va thi ofa ty 2. Cc thiic mae lien quan dén phuong phép tra lol dang bai nay duge gia dap trong phan Héi-Dap trang 136. Cée gid thich chi tiét va vi dy tru quan 98 gidp ban ném dug nhing diém cfin liu ¥ 48 6 mot dap an chinh xc, CHAPTER? a v a, . oo - " i St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) HACKERS PRACTICE CHEP CHINH TA EO 8 10 che tring. Bai nghe $8 duigc chia thant hai Goan nha. 81 Hername is Brenda 02 Your new student ID number is 83 The seminar will be held in 03 You can campus clubs at the OS We'll e-mail you a after 0G Freud noted love and as being the mos! oF was sok of its for approximately dollars. a All participants mu ve and pay by otedit card. Dap ign up foro il you a our love and aa ———w ——_ oe any —wom vwe St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. wa FRORERS TEETS LSiEjiNG - 09 In the study, participants to various 10 The textbook highlights that should identity 44, The council holds meetings to discuss 2 will be available from ” ‘might also protect the grey wolf species. 14 Baroque columns wore often designed to be in 18 Penicillin can the spread of illness by disrupting & 16° This flowering plant has alloverits body asameans = of and other (aapar — 09: In the study, participants were asked fot their reactions to various images. 10 The textbook highlights that managers should Identity specialized worker skis. 1 The council holds meetings twice a week to discuss ideas for town improvements. 2. Tickets for the university game wil be available from the 10th of October 118. Siioter regulations on hunting and fishing might also protect the grey wolf species. 14 Berogue columns were often designed to be gutved ar spiraled th overall appe 45> Penicitin can reduce the spread of iiness by disrupting the duplication of harmful bacteria 18 This lowering plant has developed thors all over Rs body as & means of defence froin sects ‘and other predators cHaprer2 49 ; — St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. RE Questions 1-4 ¢ Compiete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer, Children's Art Course Enrolment Form Personal Details | Name of parent: Pablo 1 ‘Age of child: 2 yoars old Enrolment Information Course: Induction oA | cost 8« per month with a ul year enrolment Starting date: 4 | Payment method: ereit card — St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 5-9 : Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. | MEDICAL INSURANCE INQUIRY | Client Name: Adam Harker | . | Address: #49, 5 Street, Liverpool | Postal Code: 6 | | Phone: 0151 555 0143 |. 27 years old, not 7 for a student policy etaideg w03z0t0N a sn Stal cHapreR2? 51 ad a —weE ww 7 " 5 ae saat Su dung cling English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 10-13 Complete the notes below. Wilte ONE WORD ONLY for each answer Renovation of Queen's Theatre History it down in 1972 due to low 10 + The Auckland Theatre Association got a renovation 11 + Additional financing eame from an unknos On the reopening date + Th theatre will host a celebratory performance on 12 | +13 ahead of time is sted ~ o~ In 1908 — St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) Questions 14-18 cra_HPre-t81m Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Female Executives Presentation Plan | Introduction | «Explanation of primary foous ofthe case study + Research done in one city to determine i'44 factors have | | an effect on results | Research method | + Hand out sample +8 and explain research method | Presentation of Research Data + The 16 of female executives and their colleagues on their roles duo wn3rej0n | Analysis and Discussion | + Present data showing that female executives are seen to have 17 roles + Include tangible-examples of gender bias and s cial stigma faced by women in the workplace sis + Discussion of ideas for creating 18 in places of employment cHapTER2 53 ~ vo ¥ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] Questions 19-22 9 a : Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer Human Longevity Research Nature Factors + sclentits searching for longevity gene | discovered protein that may reduce the speed of the 1 process | crc find study detects: longer lives for humans are not necessarily indicated | trom a molecularevel 20 | Nurture Factors | longer lifespan for those who are 22 | ww SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 23-28 Complete the notes below. Wiite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Meditation: Studies on Beneficial Results Measurement of meditation’s effects on the brain ~ Scientific studies focus on 23 changes in brain activity or more permanent changes. ~ EEG is good at measuring the 24 of brain activity. Neuroimaging tracks blood flow around the brain Recent studies on benefits of meditation + State changes = Meditators in Vipassana and Zen meditation experience greater control of their 25 Antoine Lutz noticed 26 activity in the parts of the brain walang we a09 connected to emotion. i + Longer-term trait changes Meditation defends against the natural reduotion of 27 caused by the ageing process. ~Ithas several clinical applications. ~Ithas physiological applications when used in 28 particularly yoga, Bip Salt Sev Pig oh + Gil maetrwang 197, CHAPTER2 55 . war HOT Oy wo SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei SECTION1 Questions 1-10 © Questions 1-2 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 1 Exbury Gardens is a 10-minute walk trom A amain gate B acamping site © abus stop 2 What does the man plan to do with his friends? A nearby garden B goonahike © renta boat oe w pw ee aay wwe St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. wa HACKERS IELTS LISTENING Questions 3-10 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. New Forest Campgrounds ~ Booking Form Name: Kon White Address: 439 Street, Bracknell Contact number: 4 Reservation deta Day/Date of Arrival: Saturday, October 4th Duration of stay: & & Time ot Ariva: s sce 2 eed ns 5 Number of guests: 7 = Payment details Feo for Space rental: 8 £ Payment method: Swish SLT SEIN Extra charges: £5 fora 10 CHAPTER? 57 — oe w wv we — St dyng cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH SECTION4 Questions 11-20 © x Questions 11-15 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 11 Which topios does the speaker say he will talk about first? A how to limit the dioxins we consume B the origin and effects of dioxit © why people in the US don't know about dioxins 12. The ‘Dirty Dozen’ Is a group of chemicals which is very ‘A. dangerous to the environment, strumental in harming food production. mmon in nature, 3 Dioxins can be created by @ number of human activities including A. the use of chemical pesticides on farms. B the burning of trash. © the burying garbage. 44. Most of human exposure to dioxins Ais from the food they consume. B__ comes from contaminated soil, © results from handling pesticides and herbicides. 15 High levels of dioxins in poultry A were traced back to Belgium. B_ were caused by the food given to animals. © were the result of hazardous waste. od ~ wo ad St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] ‘Questions 16-20 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Dioxins Exposure to Dioxins: +16 functions can be impacted by short-term exposure * Long-term exposure can damage the 17 system and reproductive functions » Study revealed that a group exposed fo dioxins from a factory had dlabetes rates higher than the 18 overage * Can lead to heart problems later in ife How to reduce exposure: * Meat ond 1a should be consumed in smaller quantities + Consume less fsh from certain creas * Avoid contact with toxic chemicals produced by factories + 20 can stop the creation of dioxins through restrictions Bid Sa Scipt + Pran ich» Gia tain trang 209 cHAPTER2 59 aw 2 —or aeftbreceete wwe St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei HACKERS HELTS LISTER ET mpietion la dang bal yéu cu dién vio ch6 tréing 48 hon thanh mgt bang biéu coho trude, Bay la dang thutng xuyén xuat hign va ¢6 thé gap trong t hl IELTS Listening. MEDANG BAI Dang bai Table completion yéu cu din vao ché tr6ng trong m@t bang biéu cho trudo, Ban cin xac dinh 16 86 luong tir va ¢6 cn din theo yéu ofu oa d6 bal White NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for the answer Attraction(s) Characteristics Cost 100 metres high 20:1 £30: students Roller coaster Plants and animals from Free Zoo local area — at Leet wr“ ; w~ SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH BI KEM (MN CHIEN LUGC LAM BAI STEP Lait Doe. ky va fim tisfoiumitorkhida clade bai (1) Kiém tra ky 96 lugng tir va 96 theo yéu edu cla a8. {@) Dye vao théng tin 8.4 myo, théng tin trude/sau ché tréng, cling tvveym tis Khéa, ban 66 thé higu éuge n6i dung chinh ela 4, xéc dinh ngd php va logit phi: hop voi dp dn, fa Complete the table below. White NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for the answer Attraction(s) | Characteristics Cost #20: 1 Roller coaster | 100 metres high te 8 £30; students Plants and animals Free from local area Ors = 4.Trong truéng hop khéng fim dude tiem Ty khéa, ban 66 thé dua vao théng tin trong hang du, ot déu va xung quanh ché tréng dé dy dodn n6i dung chinh eta ba SIT SEH 2. Thi ty ede ché tréng trong bang ludn theo chiéu ti! trai sang phai. Ban nén dya vao 46 6 du dodn thai diém xudt hign cia cée thang tin quan trong lién quan t6l ting dap an ofin din cHarrers a v a, . oo - " i St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) STEP2 ng ie ni dung lier quain 88) hacen dich (1) Néu théng tin cia d8 myo duge nhie t cb thé dy dotn gc cho cau te 3 mud hign ngay sau 46 (2) Théng tin xung quanh ch tréng hoje tli Khéalcum tif khéa 06 t dug 4 op 161 trong 1NOi dung nghe theo eéch giéng hoe khde so vai dé bal Next, the Lawson Amusement Park will be opening this ,| October. The rides section will feature a 100-metre-high roller coaster: You can buy the tickets in the local leisure ire he tice 88, which is half the price - a of standard tickets. Students will also get £10 off. The 200 will rot ing ors, You icks, and souvenirs of even bring feature local flora and fauna and is free for all vis ‘can also purchase food, st your own meals and visit 16 park's pichic area Compl White NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for the answer. te the table below. Attractions) | Characteristios Cost 100 metres high 20:1 | | Roller coaster £30: students Plants and animals | Free Zoo from local area we w — wr aw wa ~~ St dyng cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei STEPS reo Didn va Kini adap Sn Ban odin iva chon théng tin phi hop tir ndi dung nghe duge a dién vao oh6 trdng. Sau Khi dién, hay kiém tra lai d8 chic chén réing dap an théa man yéu odu va khong mac cde 16i ng phap. ymplete the table below. @ NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for the answer. s Attraction(s) | Characteristics Cost aa £20: 1 eerie . Roller coaster | 100 metres high 7 £30; students Pants and animals Zoo Free from local area Ors 1. Trong dang bai Table Completion, dap dn thuting la dan ti, tuy nhién cting ¢6 nhiing trating hop l& dongitinh tk. Ver truBng hep dap dn a danh tit hoe dng ti, cd dm biko viét ding dang #8 nhiéu hay s6 it va thi oda ti 2. Ofc the méc lién quan dén phuong phdp tra I6i dang bal dién dap an nay duge gia dap trong phan Hai - Bép trang 136. Cac gid thich chi tiét va vi dy true quan s® gidip ban niém dude nding diém on luu ¥ 48 c6 mot dap an chinh xéc. CHAPTERS 63 ¥ v 5 ~ *, ., oe he SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] HACKERS PRACTICE Nghe va didn vito ch tr Ji nghe 6B dugc chia thanh hai doan nha. OF My license plate number js ‘02 The group will meet at 03. The first session is 0% The hotel 08 Our centre has and Pilates classes 06 carbohydrate intake and might lead to heart disease. 97 Customers can submit by making a 08 Attendees of the play are entitled to a at our canteen for which they will Bap aa 38 which you can join. 2 might lead to heart disoase. post en an online forum. fendeos of the A ‘at our eanteen for which they wil get Ne awe pore “yay aay vwe St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. apnense Lysis — 08 There are places infront of the #0 I'm sorry but we only from at this time. +i You should change the 80 as not to 12 We will set off In the early morning on through 13. There will be to try some including pottery and flower arranging at the 14 of Belgium marks the of World War I aig ape, 15 The optimisation of the has had a hugely Increasing our NG This pass includes and viewing of playing today. There ate places to park In front ofthe hospital and behind the gym. I'm sorry but we only take payments ftom credit cards at this time. ‘You should change the order of the chapters 60 as not to contuse readers. We will set offin the early morning on our two-lometre walkthrough the mountains ‘There willbe an opportunity to try some traditional Japanese crafts including pottery and flower arranging at the heritage site. Germany's invasion of Belgium in 1914 marks the true beginning of World War “The optimisation of the supply chain has had a hugely positive eftect on etficieney, increasing ‘our export capacity by 10.5%. This pass includes entry tothe museurh and viewirg of an informative movie playing today. CHAPTERS 65 ~ o~ ~ wv SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] ee Questions 1-4 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Location | Accommodation Canton Road One 1 room | | | | 3 Street | One shared room a wo Residence Name t Gate Strand House + £120 per week + 10 minutes walk + Shared kitchen and + £130 per week + Breakfast and lunch Other Details from campus 2 — St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 5-8 6 ct3_HPs-.mp3 Complete the table below. Wille ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer, Leeds Arts Centre - Upcoming Performances Performer Date | Seats Cost | 5 October 3rd only 50 | Syinphony Orchestra | level baloony back | row seats | Royal Ballet Company Mezzanine section | £120 Claudia Vento andthe | December 12th | Allseatingtypes | @ | Leeds Boys Choir | available cHAPTERS 67 ¥ v 5 ~ *, ., oe + " he SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) Questions 9-13 Complete the table below. White NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Research Completed led to less fatigue and illness and increased 9 Flextime | | ~allows employees tohave better | 10 balance -— { | has become more 12 | Flexplace due to wireless Internet access and | laptop atfordabitity Project Status Record: Aiko Watanabe, Gary Marks Further Suggestions — Add information on how flextime helps 11 Do interviews with company 8 | about flexplace programmes | wow St dyng cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 14-19 0 aa_Hr : Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. History of Mining in Australia Dates | Events + There was little industry and farming in Australia when it was frst 17008 14 by the British, +18 ‘as the first metal of value found. 1800s | - 16 in the 1850s caused a population boom and economic change. + 1950s — Iron ore from Pilbara was used as a source of 17, 1900s | + 19906 - There was a 18 in trade towards Asia | | + The proportion of Australian iron ore-exports going to China increased to g | 20008 2 ie 2 L_ ee - — a ‘Dip dn « Script « Phin tic » Gili thigh trang 218) CHAPTERS 69 ~ o~ ~ wv SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] SECTION4 Questions 1-10 © cur Questions 1-7 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. World Health Organization Globat Food Satety Standards STANDARDS: DETAILS: First standard + Restaurants must follow updated sanitation | Prevent human, pet, and pest and extermination standards. bacterial contamination in food |» Restaurant workers rust stick to t {o avoid bacterial contamination of foad. | Second standard + E-coll and salmonella are some of the most Ensurethere’sa2_ harmful bacteria | between uncooked and cooked | + Any establishment storing food constantly ingredients evaluates its food storage standards. 7 ‘standard + Dr Dawen Sun found that most food- Cook food at proper times and ome bacteria 3 ata temperatures temperature of 60 degrees Centigrade. + Bacteria growth in animal products kept in ‘danger zone’ will 4 | after 20 minutes. | Fourth standard + USDA food in 30+ degrees Centigrade | Store food at appropriate ‘temperature should be stofed for one Hur or less. temperatures «+ Industrial refrigerators should go through 8 twice each year, | Fifth standard “6 system designs were Use safe and drinkable water ‘greatly improved + The water quality is 7 | better than in 2014. Lo — 70 —_ ww ww ¥ al =a a w www SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM Ce SATIS} Questions 8-10 Choose THREE letters, A-G. 8410" Which THREE food standards does the UK need to work on more? Standard of service in restaurants ‘Shipping food safely to other destinations Providing information for diners with restricted diets Informing customers of the ingredients of food Listing of the specific ingredient amounts Providing a calorie count for menu items Reducing amounts of fat and sugar in foods yay aye seROHH rat (Bip be Sis Pha A Gibrihich Hand BBE —_—_—~ wo ~ wm, y Sara yon yew Sti dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. RS FEATS LISTENING il Sentence/Summary/Flow-chart/ Diagram Completion Sentence/Summary/Flow-charvDiagram completion la dang bal yéu céu dién vio ¢h8 tréng dé hon thanh céukdoan tém téviuu dB/ec dé cho sén. Bay la dang thutng xuyén xu ign va 06 thé gap & tat 08 cée phiin cba bath IELTS Listening MB DANG BAI Dang bai Sentence/SummaryiFlow-ctiaryDiagrain completion yéu of dién hole chon dp fn dién vio ch6 tréing a ho’n than cau/doen tim tied détuu dé cho séin. Trong truéng hg phi aién dap an, ofn xéc dinh 76 86 lugng ti va con 6 theo yéu e&u cila 48 bai Sentence completion Dang dién dap an diing vao ché tréng trong cau: Complete the sentence below. White ONE WORD ONLY tor the answer 1 Climate change is having a dramatic effect on and wildlife in the Arctic. Summary completion Dang dién dap in ding vao ché tng trong doan tom tt (dogn vin thu’ng 6 tiéu dé), Complete the summary below. White NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Arrival of European Colonists in the Americas ‘The first Europeans to arrive in the New World were 1 and Templar Knights. But extensive 2 only started after the arrival of explorers like Christopher Columbus, and later John Gabot in North America and Pedro Aivares Cabral in Brazil. This prompted competing European nations to undertake their own tips to obtain 3 in this vast land, eee ee re St dyng cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM Flew-chart completion Dang din dap &n ding vio lau a6 thé hign tha ty hay qué trih (uu d6 thung theo trinh ty tr trén xudng dui) The Glass Making Process Sand, Ime and are heated in a furnace until the mixture metts The tin bath has an atmosphere of nitrogen and hydrogen to stop 3 The glass flows onto the tin 4 forming a smooth pane. is rolled off the tin and placed in aS tocoal, The glas Benge mo CHAPTERS 73 we are — wee ~~ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Diagram completion ‘Dang aién dip én ding vio ché tng trong oi ph i thich ota mot so dé thé hign chu inh hogt dong ota may mée, cong nghé hay e&« p tugng ty nhién. Complete the diagram below. White NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. How Hot Springs Work Eruptions occur from a 3 Water is transported through a Hot water rises ) | 4 to the surface, through 1 is needed for pressure to build A source of 2 74 — St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. CHIEN LUC LAM BAI STEAL: iis Boe ky yeweau va tim tu/cuim tu kha. (1) Kim tra ky 98 lvong t va 66 theo yeu of ob dé bal. (2) Ban cin da vo ti/oum tr kha va théng tin xung quar ché tring 48 xée dinh ngi php vit loa edn dién. Vol doen tém ttlso dB/u di, ban cing ofn doo bu 46 va cde thing tin xung quanh a8 xéc dinh mact Complete the sentence below. Wiite ONE WORD ONLY forthe answer.» 1 Climate change is having #-Grammiatie’effeat on * ‘and wildlife in the Arete CHAPTER 4 we oat wv / ~~ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH BI KEM STEP2 ng nghern an th tdteyeh At TTu/eym tt khéa e6 thé duge nh trong np dung nghe theo eéch giéng hodc khéc so wa 1968 bal Firstly, CO2 emissions are the main cause of climate ‘change in the Arotic. + 4 profouridh effedl. Tn which | de a Brofeind affect. Noh has a devastating impact on local wildlife. The only way to halt or reverse these effects on the Arctic is by reducing the e ie amount of CO2 we put into the atmosphere. Complete the sentence below. White ONE WORD ONLY for the answer 1 Climate change is having SEPEMANSHEE on and wildlife in the Arctic % w you" ——— — ~~ ~~ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. STEP Bieta: kid tte, ddp) an Ban cn Iya chon thong tin phi hgp tani dung nghe duge aé dién vao ché trong. Sau khi «in, hay kiém tra lai d8 ch chén ring dap dn théa man yéu cu VA khdng mac ode 16i nga phap. Se Complete the sentence below. nd ts a . = | White ONE WORD ONLY for the answer, |} en ea ie |" Climate change is having a dramatic effect on raving chica ’ and wildlife in the Arctic. iin chav cin a | ee —____] 4 rang sin) Ores 1. Trong dang bai Sentence/Summary/Flow-chart/Diagram completion, dép én thubng la danh ti, tuy nhién cling o6 trudng hgp la dongitinh ti hoe phu ti, vi vay ban ein xc dinh r logi tu edn din. Vor trudng hop dip an la danh ti hoe dong ti, ban of dam bao viét ding dang $6 nhiéu hay 6 it va thi ola tt 2. Cc thc mae én quan dén phuoing pha tr bi dang bal nay 38 duge gidi dp trong phén Héi— Bap trang 136. Cée gia thich obi tiét va wi dy tryo quan 88 gip ban nm dude nhiing éiém cn uu 9 dé v6 mot dép én chinh xB. CHAPTERS 7) a eee we w : a a ~ ~ aw” wv w~ St dyng cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Ter at fei HACKERS PRACTICE Nghe va dign vao ché tréng. Bai nghe 88 due chia thanh hai dogn nha. 1 We havean which includes 02 The price for the tour is and will be 03 The view of is great. 04. The train will and our bus Is at 05 You might want to incorporate from in your report. 06 In.ego depletion, an individual exercises Installing on your house can by more than 8 A suocesstul company must as often as possible to make fpecue taclties. be $20 ext {We have an outdoor plone area which inctudes | The pice tor the tour is $40 a Te view of Tower Bridge from the river is The train will arrive at 3.30 pm and our p ‘You might want to incorporate survey ional studies in your report. ‘ills by more than hal. sible to rnako ng lunch in ego Inetaling solar panele on your house c ‘Assuccessful company must analyse its ‘adjustments for tho future —_—— ane Ww ~ - —weE a 7 " 5 ae aa SU dung cng English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. HACKERS ELIS STERN — 09 The Maori people perform tothe 19. The cylinders on the machine roll the 11 Onavorage, Inthe United States earn 12 The clowntish and the sea anemone with 13 per night can improve the brain's 14 The Central Plateau is a covering 15 cratic method Is a way of facilitating ‘among 16. The geologist Charles Lyell was a in the study of who has shaped our aot geology, The Maori people perform dances tothe rhythmic movements ofa bal o string. The cylinders on the machine rell the recycled materials into a sh On average, women in the United States eam 78.6% of what men do The clowntish and the sea anerone help one another with basic survival needs. Eight hours of sleep per night can improve the brain's retention The c tral Plateau isa Hat atch covering northern Mexico. cratic method is a way of facilitating sooperative communication nong students and he geologist Chatles Lyell was-a pioneer in the sludy ofthe causes of earthquakes who has shaped our contemporary view of geology. CHAPTER 4 a “ nsjeauayuas SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) aE Questions 1-4 A any Complete the flow-chart below. Questions 1-4. A B c D E F 6 Provide an [ering yet ane nacwenary ————w — Choose FOUR answers from the box and wi | Register for the event on the charity's 1 [ Gather donation om sponsors ater fishing the tour the correot letter, A-G, next to estimate office website receipts documents equipment plan 4 to donors for tax reasons | wwew St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 58 Complete the summary below. White NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. The decline in outdoor play ‘The amount that children play outdoors is steadily declining with & less use of playgrounds than ten years ago. People at 6 will be given a survey to discover why outdoor play is decreasing. The increasing amount of exposure to media seems to play a role. The effect of more 7 studying, and a general lack of green spaces for children to use could be causes for this decline. It is also possible that:parents are more wary of letting children play alone 8 without supervision. CHAPTER 4 ~ o~ ~ . wv SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar Te Va Col] Questions 9-19 4 Compiete the fi chart below, fte ONE WORD ONLY for each answe The Process of Cleaning Moray Eels by Wrasse Fish Wrasse fish get together the reef and walt Wrasse fish come towards the The cleaner fish eat parasites and 11 from the eals" gills, - ————— 1 Dead 12 are picked off the eels by the wrasse fist 13 | wwe St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. Dado Questions 1447 9 aay Complete the sentences below. Wlte ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for cach answer. 14 Tom Is mostly interested in taking a erature course. 18 Students are required to take introductory modules during the first year. % erature Is one example of a prior aptional module topic. The modules influence students’ decisions about for dissertations in the final year. cHaprens 83 ~ in Et ¥ ~ SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) Questions 18-21 Complete the sentences below, Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Advantages of Living near Live Volcanoes 18 People's reason for tiving near voleanoes reveal how volcanoes influence the 19 Fossil fuels make up only ‘% of Iceland's total energy usage. 20 Accumulated voleanie ash is Into Soil for farming. 21 Volcanoes are also attractions that can generate a lot of ow ~ w~ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 22-25 4 1% Complete the diagram below. Witte ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. ‘THE COMPOSTING PROCESS Waste is put in a bin before being processed. 25 Finished compost can be put into the 22 The materials are moved into the ‘drum once the ( y (Ty 29 Drum rotates and chums waste for 24 Oxygen minutes. with organic materials over a period of six weeks. oyu weep reyo-moyLewungyaataqvas SITaI SEDI ‘Bais «Senpt «Phi 1h © Gia hich trang 231 CHAPTERS 85 ——w ~ + St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. Dado SECTION 4 Questions f-10 vans Questions 1-4 Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. 1 The company from the case study produced smartphones with irresponsive 2 The company promised oomplimentary upgrades to the model the year after the detective line was launched. 3A product problem can be an . aut reinforce customer ties to a company. 4 Showing for consumer is a vital technique for customer service professionals. SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. CTO ERATE} Questions 5-10 Complete the notes below. Wile NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. SERVICE RECOVERY PARADOX Perceived value of service recovery + Customer needs are'S to each individual's wants, + Some of the case study company's customers viewed the upgrade as sufficient; others did not Customer dissatistaction « Every business works to reduce the number of unsatistied customers. + Customer dissatisfaction is always subjective, and there is no definitive & to this issue. + The company had 7 from consumers following the service recovery, revealing its capacity to keep customer dissatisfaction levels low. Customer trust + Astfong asset fora company is ‘Changing behaviour uoyatdaneg wesfegypey2-moyjlvewarngrecuaqias + Customers may switch to 9 firms when service has failed. Exceptions to the service recovery paradox SUIS + The service recovery paradox is not 10 in all situations. + Itdoes not work when poor-quality products come out frequently Bas. a4 Sah Phan tik Gia apich Wena: 24 CHAPTERS 87 — SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM it} Le OCHS (ELS LISTENING Matching la dang bai yéu edu n6i thong tin trong cfc edu dugc dnb s6 vei dap an cho truée 20 cho phit hop voi noi dung bai nghe. Bay la dang bai thutmg xuyen xuat hign va cha yéu 93p & Phan 2 va Phin 3 trong bai thi IELTS Listening. EDANG BAI Dang bai Matching yéu cu nét thong tin trong oe eu duge dénh 86 véi dap an trong mot You need to hold licensure in your region of employment 01 The appendive was a working human ~ wa —weE a SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH HACKERS TELTS US ‘07 A. Obtaining recent sources is important. B Citing researchers from a variety of fields is important. 88 A It is essential to be a student if you want to enter the canteen. B Its possible to have food if you are a club member, 09 A They will sign some travel documents. B They will receive some directories. 19 A She can access consumer bases immediately B She has achieved her targets in identifying her audience. Tt A This is a home that they share with many plants, This led them to move to a more diversely populated habitat 12 A The reduced water level in the Aral Sea had adverse effects on wildlife, en B There has been a significant impact on the exchange of goods in the Aral Sea region. usm SHTaH Suaxave Si A Obtaining recent sources:is important. +75 Its important that your research citations be ‘no more than five years ol B _Itis possible to have food i you are a club member £4 The lunch cafeteria is available for anyone in the student club to use for tree if they present some identification B They wil receive some directories, 4 Tourist maps willbe given to everyone using the leisure centre and will show the facies Of the focal area A She can access consumer bases immediately £1 Social media sites have allowed entrepreneurs lke Perla Kline to reach target audiences ina mere instant A This is @ home that they share with many plants. £1 This species of lizard tives inthe thick undergrowth of the Amazan rainforest which i hares with an array of plants, B ___ There has Beh a significant impact onthe exchange of goods inthe Aral Sea region, £4 The reduction of water levels in the Arai Sea has had a detrimental etfect on commerce among towns and cites. CHAPTERS 93 - v ww ~~ SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM Questions 13 Which description matches each neighbourhood mentioned by the radio anchor? Choose THREE answers from the bax and write the correct letter, AE, next to Questions 1-3. Descriptions. has many grocery stores in the area has a market that will benefit from the urban plan has a botanical garden featuring weodiand wildflowers 1 to be another source of food for residents mooo> ssidents already gardening Neighbourhoods West End 2 Mount Pleasant 3 East Hastings oa SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 4-7 Who are each resort's facilities geared towards? White the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions-4-7. primarily for adults primarily for children oar for both adults and children Resorts % Blue Sands Resort § Shores Resort 6 Happyland Hotel and Resort Zone-Fun Beach Resort cHaPTERS 9 a v ¥ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) Questions 8-12 © What does Melissa decide about each of the following endangered languages in her project? Wilte the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 8-12, A. She will use it. B_ She may use it. | © She won't use it | Languages Cherokee Pawnee +0 Kashaya 11 Menominee Algonquin —er ecto Giaccone + St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions 19-17 0 ais_413-12mp Which behavioural trait does the professor identify for each type of primate? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to ‘Questions 13-17, Primates ‘chimpanzees squirrel monkeys orangutans baboons | bonobos a™mo0m> macaques Traits 19 use stones as tools Suman 14 utilise grass to capture insects a 18 sleep among tree branches ay, SUT 8 16 get together in nests for warmth 7 keep warm in hot springs Bape Stop “Phan Heh» Git ich trang 246 CHAPTERS 97 ¥ v ~ SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) SECTION 3 Questions 1-10 © Questions 1-6 Which comment is made by the students about the following field trip events? Choose SIX answers from the box and write the corréct letter, A-G, next to Questions 1-6. hhad explanations about equipment involved an introduction of the centre's staff Included descriptions of current studies had foo many technical terms: lacking in clarity included details about ancient grains had no opportunity for inquiries Field Trip Events Introduction to the centre's aetivities Director of research’s talk Guided tour of laboratory facilities Outdoor visit to cultivation areas Genetics researcher's talk Conelusion of the field tip Wy =u a we SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM COAL ENGL Questions 7-10 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. For what reason did the students choose one plant variety as a presentation topic? A They were uninterested in other ancient plants. B__ They need a speoitic topic because of the time limit. © They already have done research on the topic. What will be included in the presentation? A study statistics on cultivation processes B a description of pest resistance in plants © a showing of samples of actual specimens ‘The guide explained that ancient grains ‘Aare difficult to genetically modi B are more challenging to produce than current plants. Susser © grow more slowly than contemporary ones. What will the students most likely do next? S113 SED A. take some photographs of plants B return to the laboratory facility © review some notations and recordings Base Seiphs Prafitich= GOLIHCh jong CHAPTERS 99 —_—~ ~ WA v wwew SU dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM CHIE MEUM Ly ap/Plan/Diagram Labelling fa dang bal yeu chu dién vio ch trong dp an phu hop vot ac dla diém hag chi tt may méc trén ban d6/so 66 mat bing/so 46 may méc...ang bai nay hay xut hign trong Phan 2 cla bai thi TELTS Listening. MEDANGBAI Dang bal Map/Plan/Diagram labeling yéu chu lfm vko ché trng dap an phi gp vat che «ia iém, chi tiét may tren ban dé/ec 88 mat bingisd 48 may méc. D6i v6 dang dién ti, fin xée dinh r5 86 lugng tir on dién theo yéu cau olla dé. MapuPlan labeling Tiong dang bai Map/Plan labeling, a6 bai ge ra dudi dang mét bin dblsd 66.mét bing cing oo ip din tong dng vot mot dia cin tn Bin. Label the map below. White the correct letter, A-E, next to Question 1 Park Gate Gallery| Genial Pat: Fountain) 1 Garden centre | | | | | L Diagram labelling ‘Trong dang dé Diagram labeling, 48 bai dugo ra val dang moto d8 may méc vél oée dip fn tung tng vai ode chi tit trén may Label the diagram below. Choose THREE answers from the bax and write the correct letter, A-E, next fo Questions 1-3. fd out rons ite our a! 3 ay — Poe vw SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH DI KEM MI CHIEN LUGCLAM BAI STEP 1: : Doe ky Ge Bal val dulisuichotrirae. (1) Boo Ky va xe dinh dang bai. 861 vei dang dién dap an, cn xée dinh 86 luong tir hay 66 cin dién cho mBi dap an, (2) Ban céin ghi nnd cac dja dann hay edo chi ti6t da o6 sin duge thé hign trén ban 46/0 68 mat bng/so 46 may méo. Trong trydng hop d cho mdt danh sich cdo 4ép &n, hay ghi hd cée dap an d6. Label the map below Wie the correct ete, AcE, next fo Question 1. | — th odvuicsccatp nine Park Gate Gatley [a] gee mn a - - oe 5 3 oe Banetn chino ic Central Path | c . dia danh én 13 | : Fountain “ % wos Pt | we : | 3 toe | D —e ip rh 1 Gaiden eerie . mrs ‘Trong dang Map/Plan labelling, odin ghi nhé vi tri hin tai (thudng duige minh hoa vél cu "You are here’) néu cé. als CHAPTERS 101 ~ o™ ¥ - SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) STEP Nghe:cie ngi dung lién quart t6i cbt dinddidhn/chitietimay nice: bai nghe, t8n cdc dla diém 06 thé duye dé cp thee cach khéc so vél trén ban 46, vi vay ip Khéng nghe duige tén dia diém nao a, ban cn cha ¥ lng nghe giai thich 48 9 introduce our planned layout for the improved park, which will | red next year. As you can see, we will make some substantia luding the addition of several new features. These include and garder the gard re towards the fountain, you will c Label the map below mo Wit tne correct eter, AE, next to Question 1 | 3 | Tinta Pat 1 Gaiden centre Os Tir yng, ou trie chi phutang hung va vj tf trong ban d6/es a6 mat bangisd 46 may mée. Saati atthe end of 3 priase atthe otter end ot Sona at the junction of S phi do atthe comer of B hut aoe he other side of Ohudng bdeinamr| One Opa bn tay oi side of lng ques qua | go alr Ditheonten theo Bixuyinqua | gopast 819 w uy SHEE we St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. ar Te Va Col] sites Ghd chigi dp 30 phuchos ya vao nd dung nghe, hy Iva chon dp n phi hyp V6t dang bai cho mat danh sich dip in, chon ap én tung Ung thé hign vi tri ob dia diém trong cu héi. V6l dang bai dién ti, in dap 4n vao vi tri phi hgp trén ban a6. Label the map below. Wote the correct letter, A-E, next to Question 7. Park Gate Gallery | [Aa] gg eS 8 ee Gaittal Path co] en dha dieg Fountain 1 Garden centre ...A, uavMH Sunaqey weiBenuelgrden sini CHAPTERS 103 a v ¥ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) HACKERS PRACTICE TOGO 4 . Nghe va dién vao ché tréng, Bll nghe #8 due chia thanh hal doan nha. 01 You should the cireulation desk 02 Displays of the human skeletal system are set up 03, Pull the lever 04 of the canvas are red highlights in his hatr 0s isnow of Cedar and Thayer Streets. 5 You'll find the tourist information office at before the or the main corridor for the exit and for the 08 Atthe of the park there is a with seating on all sides. Bap an 2 media room, You should stop by the circulation desk opp Displays of the human skeletal system are set up round the second corner, Pull the lever below the button. (Qn the far right side of the canvas are red highlights in his hal “The theatre i now situated at the junetion of Cedar and Thayer Streots. 8 You'l find the tourist information office at the third door betore the mall entrance. Ture tight into the main corridor forthe exit and fet for the cloakroom. ‘At the northern ond of the park there ie sitcular stage area with seating on all sides, ————w — Poe vw SU dung cing English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. IELTS ESTING 03. The botanical garden is paths, 10 Our park's fastest rollercoaster is 11 The restrooms are just on 12 is a top tourist attraction 19 Its the gift shop in the te is directly the food stalls whilst the ticket office is 18 of the famous writer Is the Strand and Duncannon Street. 16 The fountain is in the of the park, opposite @ The botanical garden is between the east and west paths. ur park’s fastest rollercoaster is immediately to your let The restrooms are just on your right, beside the kitchen, othe north is a top tourist attraction — Wintergreen River. %. Its adjacent tothe git shop in the lobby’s southeastern comer ‘The main stage is directly tothe north ofthe food stalls whist the ticket ofice is furthor east. The statue of the famous writer is on the. comer of the Strand and Dunoannon Street The rectangular shaped fountain is in the northeastern comer ofthe park, opposite the children’s playground ~ v CHAPTERS 2) wesderqyueygrdeny asi SiTal KON Buy 105 v SU dyng cing English Unlimited B1, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé cé hiéu qua tét nhat. ar VE [e7Va-fo) Rt) Questions 1-4 A oH ip below. correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 1-4 Guess [a] ic : aearenennet Le) \ oun 1 Main stage 2 Castle Tower 3 Miniature Vilage 4 Fun Fortress Theatre 106 ———w od ~~ ~, ~~ ear aay” — — St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tét nhat. Questions &7 4 ais.» Label the map below. White NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Hemsweorth Wildlife Park Map 7 5 Primates Zone ‘ican Zone ‘ | Pond ag | Ext 8g Cat Entrance County > You are here \ \ 6 Zone = North 2 West a East s South = CHAPTERS 107 a ’ - ¥ St dung cling English Unlimited 81, Pronunciation in Use Intermediate, Grammar for IELTS - Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS - Cambridge dé co hiéu qua tot nhat. TAI NGAY BO SACH BI KEM

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