Bricks Intensive Reading - L1 - SB - Answer Key - Eng

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Chapter 1 Unit 1

Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. focuses on 2. botanical 3. mischievous
4. fungi 5. author 6. preserving
7. Overeating 8. Conservationists 9. countryside
10. accomplishment

B. Matching
1. vicious 2. master 3. spread

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
B. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d
C. 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. b

D. Writing
1. This tale focuses on Peter Rabbit and his three sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail, who live with
their mother in the roots of a fir tree.
2. Author[Writer], illustrator[artist], scientist[mycologist], and (nature) conservationist are the possible
job titles for Potter.
3. Before Potter gained fame as a writer and illustrator, she had been very interested in science.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1: Beatrix Potter, an author best known for writing and illustrating The Tail of Peter Rabbit,
has achieved many other accomplishments in her life time besides writing and illustrating.
2. Paragraph 2: The Tail of Peter Rabbit, the first story in a series of tales about talking animals and their
adventures, is Potter’s most famous writing.
3. Paragraph 3: Potter was very interested in science which led her to closely study fungi and become a
famous mycologist.
4. Paragraph 4: Potter used her wealth from the success of The Tail of Peter Rabbit to buy land in
England’s Lake District and protect it from being developed

Grammar Plus
1. Due to the great fire, he lost not only his house but also his family.
2. He not only participated in the demonstration but also published books on the issue.
3. The movie was very popular not only in America but also in most of the countries in the world.
Chapter 1 Unit 2
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. distinct 2. vernacular 3. marginalized
4. legitimize 5. framing 6. dismissed
7. range 8. district 9. concerning
10. mar

B. Matching
1. obvious 2. hesitant 3. exact

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F
B. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c
C. 1. d 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. c

D. Writing
1. The debate revealed much about how society viewed Black English.
2. The Board hoped that by recognizing the language gap the schools could better teach the students in
the Oakland public schools.
3. Many Americans felt that AAVE was simply incorrect, a poor form of English marred by ignorant
mistakes in pronunciation and grammar.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
The public announcement made by the School Board of Oakland to recognize African-American
Vernacular English as a legitimate second language started a national controversy across the United
2. Paragraph 2:
The Board hoped to teach the students better by recognizing AAVE as a second language.
3. Paragraph 3:
When the news regarding the Board’s decision became public to the nation, many people opposed the
decision made by the Board.
4. Paragraph 4:
The media did not accurately describe the objectives made by the Oakland School Board and instead
focused on how society viewed Black English.

Confusing Words
1. district 2. exist 3. form 4. framed 5. offense
Chapter 2 Unit 3
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. inactive 2. emerge 3. runny
4. seeping 5. fissures 6. eruption
7. destruction 8. fiery 9. core 10. bubbling

B. Matching
1. unbroken 2. unrestricted 3. exterior

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
B. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
C. 1. d 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. c 8. b

D. Writing & Paraphrasing

1. Because the temperature deep underground is so that it can melt rocks. For this reason, rock
in the Earth’s core is not solid but runny and loose.

2. It may form slowly, gently seeping and bubbling from an open crack, or it can explode violently
creating a fountain of fiery, melted stone that rains destruction down on everything near the eruption.

3. They are volcanoes which have been quiet for a long time but can explode again at any time.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
Below the surface of the Earth near the core, it is so hot that rocks exist in melted form called magma.

2. Paragraph 2:
Volcanoes are formed when pressure is built up from the extremely high temperatures of magma.

3. Paragraph 3:
Although lava can emerge from the Earth in many ways from volcanoes, not all volcanoes produce lava.

4. Paragraph 4:
Although inactive volcanoes have been dormant for a long time and unlikely to erupt again, there is a
possibility that they could explode again at any time.

Grammar Plus
1. The melted rock is so fiery that it steams and smokes.
2. Pressures are so great that the magma is pushed out of the Earth altogether.
3. The temperature of melted rock is so hot that it can even melt steel and other metals.
Chapter 2 Unit 4
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. stems 2. bulbs 3. arid
4. regions 5. thrive 6. adaptation
7. bulk 8. conserve 9. tapering 10. precipitation

B. Matching
1. intense 2. save 3. barren

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
B. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b
C. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. a

D. Writing
1. The important task each of these techniques addresses is water conservation.

2. Oases are created where water tables, places where groundwater is collected under the surface, are
just below the surface.

3. Because many desert plants have adapted to the conditions with little or no precipitation and have
been able to survive.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
Although it is difficult for life to exist in the deserts due to lack of precipitation and other extreme
conditions, many desert plants are able to survive there because of their ability to adapt to these

2. Paragraph 2:
Because rainfall almost never occurs, a majority of plants can only exist there in the most favorable settings.

3. Paragraph 3:
Beyond oasis points, plants must depend more on adaptation to survive the lack of water in deserts.

4. Paragraph 4:
Like cacti, the most successful desert plants use a variety of adaptive techniques to survive the desert

Confusing Words
1. adapt 2. drought 3. favorable 4. lack 5. stem
Chapter 3 Unit 5
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. species 2. flips 3. fertilized
4. sturdy 5. current 6. hatch
7. abundance 8. perform 9. mature 10. fascinating

B. 1. feature 2. reproduce 3. repeat

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
B. 1. c 2. d 3. d 4. b
C. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. b

D. Writing
1. Other people visualize this sturdy fish as struggling to swim upstream against strong currents, jumping
and flipping wildly in the air above a river, trying to avoid being caught and eaten by hungry bears.

2. The most remarkable characteristic of the “salmon runs” is the fact that, when they return to fresh
water to lay their eggs, they go to the exact place where they were born.

3. They gave thanked when “salmon runs” recurred because these people relied on “salmon runs” for food.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
There are many reasons why salmon is such an interesting fish.

2. Paragraph 2:
Salmon spend part of their lives living in salt water and another part in fresh water because of their
unusual mating habit.

3. Paragraph 3:
The salmon species have a very fascinating lifestyle, one that finds these fish doing amazing things to survive.

4. Paragraph 4:
Human developments in the areas where salmon migrate have negatively affected the people who
depend on the journey made by the salmon.

Grammar Plus
1. He was imprisoned on purpose so that he could save his brother from death.
2. I did my best so that I could prove your innocence.
3. She got up early so that she could see the sunrise.
Chapter 3 Unit 6
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. habitat 2. descended 3. pronounced
4. pack 5. domesticated 6. breed
7. reduction 8. theory 9. overall 10. docile

B. 1. relationship 2. face 3. enticement

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T
B. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. d
C. 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. b 6. d 7. a 8. d

D. Writing
1. Wild wolves first started to become domesticated or adapted to live with humans a little more than
10,000 years ago.

2. Early human hunter-gatherers searching for seasonal foods and wild game encountered wild wolves
because they shared the same habitat and hunted the same prey. Furthermore, like people, wolves
(and later dogs) are social creatures that live in groups and work together as a team.

3. Yet another theory is that wolves adapted to living with people by being first employed as beasts-of-
burden, such as those used for pulling sleds in the winter.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
The modern domesticated dogs have evolved from wild wolf-dogs slowly at first since the beginning of
human history.

2. Paragraph 2:
Commonalities shared between the wild wolves and humans in early history are used to theorize why it
was easy for wild wolves to join human packs.

3. Paragraph 3:
There are different theories on how wolves became domesticated by humans in early history.

4. Paragraph 4:
The results of the domestication of wolves took various forms.

Confusing Words
1. descended 2. social 3. pile 4. breed 5. reduction
Chapter 4 Unit 7
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. were associated with 2. rare 3. bitter 4. mold
5. consume 6. warned 7. treats 8. influence 9. presented
10. relaxation

B. Matching
1. precious 2. uncooked 3. avoid

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
B. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d
C. 1. d 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. d 8. d

D. Writing
1. It is xocolatl and means “bitter water.”

2. They used cacao beans as money and medicine.

3. It was not until the 19th century that chocolate bars for consumption were mass-produced by
an Englishman named Joseph Fry in 1847.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
Chocolate has been used by people in a variety of ways since it was first consumed thousands of years ago.

2. Paragraph 2:
The Aztecs are the first people known to have enjoyed eating chocolate.

3. Paragraph 3:
Chocolate went through many changes after it was introduced to Europe.

4. Paragraph 4:
Many people are now eating chocolate to keep their hearts healthy.

Grammar Plus
1. It was not until her fifth movie that she became popular as an actress.
2. In the movie, it was not until she said this famous line that her friends recognized her.
3. It was not until I ate the fifth slice of pizza that my stomach became full.
Chapter 4 Unit 8
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. emerged 2. section 3. grueling
4. endurance 5. modified 6. maximize
7. designations 8. stroke 9. executed 10. transition

B. Matching
1. energetically 2. rival 3. unite

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T
B. 1. c 2. d 3. d 4. b
C. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. d 8. a

D. Writing
1. The goal of the triathlon is to complete all three courses, swimming, cycling, and running, with the
best total finishing time.

2. To beat the clock, athletes competing in a triathlon perform each individual sport differently than
they would if they were doing each separately.

3. It means hard cycling followed by hard running.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
In a triathlon, swimming, cycling, and running are merged into one grueling event that athletes execute
in special ways.

2. Paragraph 2:
The goal of the triathlon is to complete all three courses, swimming, cycling, and running, with the best
total finish time.

3. Paragraph 3:
To beat the clock, athletes competing in a triathlon perform each individual sport differently than they
would if they were doing each separately.

4. Paragraph 4:
Triathlons also execute the cycling and running events differently.

Confusing Words
1. merge 2. completed 3. altered 4. loose 5. preparing
Chapter 5 Unit 9
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. captured 2. stereotype 3. scraggly
4. condemned 5. hostage 6. theft
7. Uncivilized 8. roams 9. ransom 10. survived

B. Matching
1. desire 2. asset 3. inhumane

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
B. 1. b 2. b 3. d 4. a
C. 1. a 2. d 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. d 8. b

D. Writing
1. It was from the 1680’s to the 1720’s.

2. The life of a seaman aboard British warships during the 17th and 18th centuries was often terrible.
So, in order to be free from suffering under brutal conditions, crew sometimes decided to take their
chances and follow a life of piracy.

3. Modern piracy is theft committed by criminals who use boats to capture cargo vessels.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
Most people have a certain stereotype and simplified picture of pirates, however, they are very real and
very dangerous.

2. Paragraph 2:
The life of a pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy was not very easy and far from being “olden”,
despite the popular image of pirates we have today.

3. Paragraph 3:
Most pirate bands were formed from seaman who wanted to be free from the brutal conditions endured
on the British warships.

4. Paragraph 4:
Piracy still exists today and is nothing at all similar to the popular image many have of it.

Grammar Plus
1. Some employees tried to rob the company of its top secrets.
2. The mugger robbed the pedestrian of his wallet and emptied it of its money.
3. In Atlanta alone, armed criminals emptied more than 300 banks of their cash in 2007.
Chapter 5 Unit 10
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. eradicated 2. discrimination 3. intermingle
4. oppression 5. conflict 6. extinction
7. vanish 8. indigenous 9. obsolete 10. abuse

B. Matching
1. stimulate 2. impartial 3. burst

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
B. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c
C. 1. c 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. d 7. d 8. a

D. Writing
1. Ethnology is the study of cultural changes that tries to understand the origin of cultures and to find
ways to preserve them.

2. Another area of interest to cultural anthropologists concerned with ethnology is the traditional culture
of Tibet.

3. It seeks to help indigenous people understand their rights and to fight abuse and discrimination by
raising awareness.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
Ethnology is the study of cultural change that tries to understand the origin of cultures and to find ways
to preserve them.

2. Paragraph 2:
Ethnology raises issues about the preservation of indigenous languages, many of which are threatened
with extinction due to government policies.

3. Paragraph 3:
The division between the cultures of Tibet and China is another area of interest to cultural
anthropologists concerned with ethnology.

4. Paragraph 4:
Ethnology is a science that requires ethnologists to maintain an objective view of facts, but these facts
often spur people to take action.

Confusing Words
1. Constant 2. processes 3. erupt 4. raised 5. require
Chapter 6 Unit 11
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. renewable 2. scarcity 3. alternative
4. absorb 5. Skeptics 6. pollution
7. released 8. widespread 9. replaced 10. agricultural

B. 1. plentiful 2. preservation 3. point out

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
B. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b
C. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. c

D. Writing
1. 1) Earth has only a limited supply.
2) It can cause global warming.
2. Bio-fuels are created from renewable resources like food crops, such as corn or soybeans.
3. 1) In fact, to satisfy a mere 5% of the global need for diesel, nearly 60% of all soybeans
produced must be used for fuel.
2) In fact, studies indicate that producing bio-fuels requires about 29% more energy than the
fuel produces.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
Bio-fuel is one of the sources of alternative energy that can replace petroleum without the negative effects.
2. Paragraph 2:
There are some advantages to replacing fossil fuels with organic bio-fuels.
3. Paragraph 3:
Although bio-fuels are easier to use than other alternative energy sources, there are problems in
producing them.
4. Paragraph 4:
Another problem limiting the use of bio-fuels is that creating these fuels consumes more energy than the
fuels themselves will produce.

Grammar Plus
1. There were very famous cars, such as Ferraris and Lamborghinis in the exhibition.
2. Avoid eating nuts, such as peanuts and macadamias in case of the allergic reactions.
3. There can be some negative side effects of the drug, such as a headache, stomachache, and
Chapter 6 Unit 12
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. estimate 2. combat 3. flourishing
4. progress 5. distinct 6. lush
7. drained 8. ranching 9. exploiting 10. deforestation

B. Matching
1. productive 2. breakable 3. operation

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
B. 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. d
C. 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. c 8. a

D. Writing
1. The river is located in a vast area, known as the Amazon Basin, where it drains into the Atlantic Ocean.
It is also where the largest forest in the world, the Amazon Rainforest is located.
2. Trees and plants living in the Amazon Basin, as part of their natural lifecycles, absorb large amounts of
carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.
3. Human activities like logging, cattle ranching, modernization, and slash-and-burn agriculture have
been the cause of much damage to the fragile ecosystem.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
The Amazon Rainforest with its countless plants and animal species is essential to the well-being of the
Earth’s environment.

2. Paragraph 2:
Biodiversity in the Amazon Rainforest is the largest found in the world.

3. Paragraph 3:
Global warming is one of the most serious problems facing Earth and the Amazon Rainforest does much
to stop its progress.

4. Paragraph 4:
Due to a number of factors mostly caused by economic needs, the Amazon Rainforest has been terribly
exploited and exposed to harmful effects of deforestation.

Confusing Words
1. located 2. lush 3. extinct 4. absorbed 5. scrub
Chapter 7 Unit 13
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. boredom 2. look away 3. disbelief
4. distance 5. stared 6. are likely to
7. tilting 8. depends on 9. signals 10. revealed

B. Matching
1. motion 2. properly 3. impact

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
B. 1. d 2. d 3. a 4. a
C. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. d

D. Writing
1. The two basic methods of communication are speaking and body language.

2. It might suggest that one is thinking deeply about what is being discussed and is giving it serious thought.

3. Sometimes people are unaware of their body language and accidentally reveal their true feelings
and opinions, which they might otherwise want to keep hidden.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
One of the most basic forms of communication is body language which is used to express emotion and
share ideas.

2. Paragraph 2:

Body languages such as crossing the arms can have many different meanings according to the situation
it is used in.

3. Paragraph 3:
Boredom and disbelief are also two feelings that are frequently communicated through body language.

4. Paragraph 4:
Although body language is sometimes used unknowingly, most people are aware of their body language
and use it to express their ideas more clearly.

Grammar Plus
1. They started to make tools by breaking and grinding stones into the shape of knives.
2. The driver tried to put on the brakes and avoid the accident.
3. This machine can be started by pushing the button or pulling the bar on it.
Chapter 7 Unit 14
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. blessings 2. set out 3. coached
4. reflect 5. definition 6. Devising
7. intensively 8. attitude 9. cultivate 10. theorized

B. 1. carry out 2. reveal 3. impulsive

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T
B. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a
C. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. d

D. Writing
1. The examples of unusual techniques are spontaneous dancing in the supermarket, hugging a tree,
and by visiting graveyard to reflect on the preciousness of life.

2. The experimenters theorized that in learning life-skills to improve personal feelings of happiness,
the 50 volunteers would bring the newfound skills and attitudes back into the community and
change its mood for the better.

3. One of the most important ideas uncovered by the experiment in Slough is a very old truth in that
to be truly happy, each person must closely examine their personal definition of “happiness”.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
In 2005, a group of psychologists started an experiment to prove that a group of happy people could
raise the level of happiness of their town.

2. Paragraph 2:
The volunteers were trained with life-skills that were theorized to make would change the mood of the
community for the better.

3. Paragraph 3:
After the volunteers attempt to make the town happier, it was difficult to determine whether the town
was measurably happier or not.

4. Paragraph 4:
What was uncovered from the experiment was that to be truly happy each person must closely examine
their personal definition of happiness.

Confusing Words
1. experiment 2. prove 3. attitudes 4. treat 5. remained
Chapter 8 Unit 15
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. sealed 2. practical 3. responsibility
4. feature 5. refused 6. lacks
7. prepayment 8. reform 9. ensure 10. profile

B. 1. transfer 2. control 3. enhance

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
B. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. c
C. 1. d 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. a

D. Writing
1. It was the British Postmaster General, Sir Rowland Hill.

2. The idea, part of his Post Office Reforms law, allowed people to mail a half-ounce message anywhere
on the British Isles for the price of one penny.

3. Because it was printed in black ink and cost a penny, the stamp quickly became known as the Penny Black.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
The invention of the postage stamp, which was not used prior to the mid-19th century, did much to
change the way postage mail is sent today.

2. Paragraph 2:
Before the use of the postage stamp, it was the responsibility of the person receiving the letter to pay for
the cost of delivering the message.

3. Paragraph 3:
In 1837, the British Postmaster General, Sir Rowland Hill, thought of an idea to have mail paid for before
being delivered which would prevent people from not paying for the delivery.

4. Paragraph 4:
The postage stamp improved the way people sent and received messages because it ensured that all
mail carried by letter carriers were important enough to be paid for.

Grammar Plus
1. It was often very expensive to pay for the carried message.
2. It is impossible to master English without practice.
3. It is common to use a postage stamp when sending a letter through regular postal service.
Chapter 8 Unit 16
Word bank
A. Completing Sentences
1. outbreak 2. aviator 3. alliance
4. mechanized 5. entrenched 6. deadlock
7. mobilize 8. choked 9. efficient 10. unleashed

B. Matching
1. happen 2. standstill 3. period

Comprehension Check Up
A. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
B. 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c
C. 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. d 6. c 7. d 8. c

D. Writing
1. From 1914 to 1918, much of the world was at war. Most of World War I was fought on fronts, or
battle lines, that encircled the European continent.

2. The Triple Entente Powers which included France, the United Kingdom, and Russia, and the Central
Powers which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire fought in World War I.

3. They are widespread of poison gas and mechanized fighting.

E. Summary
1. Paragraph 1:
Most of World War I was fought on fronts that encircled the European continent, but the battles on the
Western Front between France and Germany were the most notable battles.

2. Paragraph 2:
The Western Front is unique because of the stalemate that existed there.

3. Paragraph 3:
In order to break the stalemate, the armies of both the Central Powers and the Triple Entente Powers
employed new horrifying techniques.

4. Paragraph 4:
New technologies used in the mechanized warfare of the Western Front changed the warfare to be more
brutally efficient.

Confusing Words
1. divides 2. consumed 3. progress 4. warfare 5. efficient

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