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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Sadie Moran

Grade Level: 5th Grade
Reflection from prior lesson:
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:
5.RF.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. a. Read
grade-level text with purpose and understanding. b. Read grade-level texts in a variety
of genres orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and prosody (stress, phrasing,
intonation, and expression) on consecutive readings. c. Use context to confirm or
self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

Lesson Objectives:
1) After practice, students will read an unmarked grade level passage to their
teacher, achieving at least a Level 3 on the Prosody Assessment Scale

Student Friendly “I can” Statement/s:

I can read a grade level passage with prosody

Materials Needed: Jamboard

● Text Passage: Red Wagon
● Text Passage with Phrase Cues:
● Assessment: Prosody Rating Scale

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

4th Grade
Reading at 380 to 400 Lexile
Need support with reading prosody

The Lesson
● Introduction (include time allotment)
○ getting attention: Class, class: yes,yes
○ creating a need to know: Today we are going to read a passage with cue
marks and you need to know this because it will help you to read
passages without marks with prosody.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: We have been working on
reading aloud and reading in pairs with short passages. Today we are
going to be reading a passage with cue marks to help you when you get to
reading longer passages and even books.
○ sharing objective, in general terms (I can): I can read a passage aloud
accurately and with prosody.
○ Say it with me: I can read a passage aloud accurately and with prosody.
Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)
Day 1 - Model Reading Marked Text
● Time: 10-15 minutes
● Instructional Methodologies: Explicit instruction/Whole group
● I do it:
● I will start by explaining the marks. Look at the first sentence: The summer
people/ who visited the island/ would soon be arriving soon.//
○ See how there are single marks and double marks. The marks are called
○ One slash mark means to pause a little bit and then keep reading, we use
these when we hear ourselves pause and take a breath.
○ Two slashes means you have to pause longer than a single slash. These
are usually followed by a period, or other punctuation.
○ Read the first two sentences, then ask: “What does a single slash mean?”
(to pause a little)
● Modeling:
○ When good readers read out loud, they read in phrases that sound like
spoken language, which make the text easier to understand.
○ I am going to: Model reading the phrase cued passage… Read passage
from jamboard with marks.
○ What did you observe me doing as I read? (Get some answers)
○ “Sell anything you don’t use anymore,” his dad said. These quotation
marks are indicating that the words are spoken by a character in the story.
This is also called dialogue.
● We do it: Now we are going to read aloud the phrase-cued text together.
● Now we will read “Red Wagon” together.
● The slashes will help you to see where you are supposed to pause. I will also
read along with you. Ready, begin reading.
Closure (include time allotment) 2 minutes
That was awesome you guys! Your reading matched the phrase cues. Tomorrow
we will practice again.
Day 2 - Model and Practice with Marked Text
● Time: 10-15 minutes
● Instructional Methodologies: Whole group instruction
● I do it: Model read red wagon again.
● Ask students for feedback after reading the passage.
● We do it: We are going to read the passage together, remember that we are
going to be following our cue marks.
● I heard very good reading when you read this sentence: Pick best one
● We are going to read it one more time and pay attention to the phrasing.
● Did your reading match the phrase cues this time?
● Did you read with expression?
● You do it, I Watch: Next, we are going to read with a partner.
● You are going to practice reading the passage aloud to one another. You are
going to read paragraph by paragraph.
● The listener is going to be the coach
● Take turns reading back and forth and giving feedback.
● Closure (include time allotment) 2 minutes: Remember that we are practicing
reading with phrase cued marks. Each day we are getting better, but we are
going to practice again tomorrow.
○ Re-draw attention to I Can statement: I can read a passage aloud
accurately and with prosody.
Day 3- Practice with Marked Text
● Time: 5-10 minutes
● Instructional Methodologies: Whole group instruction
● We do it: We are going to read the passage aloud together. The slashes will help
you seee where the phrases are and when to pause. Ready Begin:
● That was terrific!
● You do it: Practice reading the passage again.
● You have two options: either tape record yourself reading OR read to a partner.
● Closure (include time allotment) 2 minutes: Remember that we are practicing
reading with phrase cued marks. Each day we are getting better, but we are
going to practice again tomorrow.
○ Re-draw attention to I Can statement: I can read a passage aloud
accurately and with prosody.
Day 4 - Practice with Unmarked Text
● Time:5-10 mins
● Instructional Methodologies: Whole group instruction
● We do it:We are going to read unmarked copies of red wagon.
● Notice how there are no marks or slashes?
● Pay very close attention to how you read the phrasing
● Now we are going to read it again, but this time on our own.
● What was it like to read with no slashes?
● How was your phrasing?
● You do it: Practice reading the unmarked passage again
● Choose either to record yourself tape recording OR read it to a partner.
● I will be monitoring while you you do this
● Closure (include time allotment) 2 minutes: Remember that we are practicing
reading with phrase cued marks. Today we tried reading without the cued marks!
We are getting better, but we are going to practice again tomorrow.
○ Re-draw attention to I Can statement: I can read a passage aloud
accurately and with prosody.

Day 5 - Assess Phrase-Cued Reading

● Time: 1 hour
● Instructional Methodologies: Independent Reading Time with 1 on 1
Teacher/Student Assessment
● I do it:
○ Tell students they will be doing an assessment related to reading prosody.
Show students the Prosody Assessment Scale. Explain to them that as
they read you will be listening to how they stress words, read in phrases,
pause appropriately, pay attention to end marks and other punctuation,
and use expressions. Model reading 1 paragraph of the passage they
have been working on with prosody. Let them know you will give them
feedback and next steps after they read to you.
○ Remind students that while each of them is being assessed, the
remainder of the students will be reading independently.
○ Post the expectations for reading independently.
■ Read the entire time.
■ Do not interrupt the assessment process
■ Write in your reading journal for the last 5 minutes only.
● You do it, I Watch:
○ Meeting individually, listen to each student reading aloud on an unmarked
passage. Rate each student using the Prosody Assessment Rating Scale.
● Closure (include time allotment)
○ Re-draw attention to the I Can statement: This week we worked on
reading a grade level passage with prosody. You first practiced with
phase-cued marks, and today we assessed your ability to read fluently
without. What did you learn about phrasing with this lesson?
○ Student answer: I want to pause in places that help with the meaning of
the story so I don’t read choppy and the story makes more sense.
● Assessments Used
○ Prosody Assessment Rating Scale
● Differentiated Instruction
○ After assessment the teacher will make a decision about the level of
support students will need in reading with prosody.

Level 1 or 2 Continue phrase-cued instruction with another passage with

similar types of sentence structure in a small group with similar

Level 3 Continue phrase-cued text instruction with more passages with

more difficult and varied sentence structure in small group with
similar needs
Level 4 Discontinue phrase-cued text instruction; continue to provide
reminders and feedback on students phrasing

● Resources
○ Core Reading Sourcebook
○ Jamboard

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