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Hard pull

First Touch Testable (Hard Pull) - Paragon Case Status -PAA

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Your offer for ASIN [INSERTASIN] has been temporarily suspended due to an
investigation prompted by negative customer return comments.

For this investigation, we have identified [INSERTTHEMEDESCRIPTION] issues

based on the following customer comments:


During this investigation, this ASIN offer will not be eligible to send additional units
into Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

Amazon is dedicated to customer satisfaction and our team is working to troubleshoot

this issue for you.

The investigation commenced involves checking a sample of your inventory to verify

customer reported issues and ensure that units in our fulfillment centers are
satisfactory and meet customer expectations based on what is displayed on the listing

From the findings of this assessment, we will notify you if corrective measures are
necessary for the rest of your inventory or if more information is required from you to
fix any issues potentially found.

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

Resolve Touch - No Defect Found (Hard Pull)

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

We have checked a sample of your inventory for ASIN [INSERTASIN] and found no
defects. We have reinstated your offer and closed our investigation. In order to
continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate your listing.

While this investigation does not affect your seller account, please read the original
customer return comments about your inventory before sending your next shipment to

To prevent another closure and investigation, we recommend that you take the
following actions:
• Consider any possible reasons for the above-average rate of negative customer
• Check any inventory not yet shipped to Amazon to ensure that your products are
working as advertised, labeled correctly, and have sufficient packaging.
• Review your listing details to see if there is more information that you can provide
to help customers make more informed buying decisions.

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or contact seller support at for more information.

We appreciate your commitment to providing a great customer experience.

Mislabel Amazon/Seller Fault - No ASIN Match (Hard Pull) - PMA

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

While examining a sample of your inventory for ASIN [INSERTASIN], we identified

mislabeled units. Relabeling units to the appropriate ASIN cannot be currently done
as we are unable to determine the correct ASIN for these.

Attached are images displaying the incorrectly labeled units. Please review them and
respond to this case within the next 48 hours with the correct ASIN, so we can have
these units relabeled accordingly.

If you do not already have an active listing for the correct ASIN that these units
belong to, you can create one in order to proceed.

If a correct ASIN has not been provided even after 48 hours, all incorrectly labeled
units will automatically be changed to Unfulfillable status.

Please note we have reinstated your offer and moved your inventory to reserved status
until this issue is resolved. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate
your listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central -

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us process your inventory in a timely and

accurate manner.

Mislabel Amazon Fault - ASIN Match Found (Hard Pull) – PAA

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

At this time our initial investigation of your inventory for ASIN [INSERTASIN] is
complete. We have taken the following corrective actions:

[Re-bundled your units as complete sets.]

[Relabeled your units as [ASIN] - [Title].]

[Any remaining un-bundled units have been moved to unfulfillable]

Please note we have reinstated your offer and moved your inventory to reserved status
as we are in process of verifying the remainder of your inventory. In order to continue
selling this ASIN, please reactivate your listing. This will enable you to resume sales
as soon as possible.

Your listing won’t be affected during the course of our investigation and will be active
for sale.

You will be contacted if any further action or information is required from you.

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page :
CA marketplace help page:

Additional Defect Found - Paragon Case Status - PAA

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

During the course of our expanded investigation for ASIN [INSERTASIN], we also

[mislabeled units in]

[that the product detail page does not match]

[expired units in]

[damaged units in]

[units that had not been prepped according to Amazon requirements in]

[package quantity discrepancies in]

your inventory currently stored at fulfillment centers.

We are taking the corrective action of

[relabeling your units as [ASIN - [Title].]

[moving your units to unsellable status.]

[reviewing the prep requirements for your inventory.]

[updating the information on the product detail page to include XXXX.]

[removing the incorrect images on the product detail page.]

[re-bundling your units as complete sets.]

Please review the attached image to see the confirmed [mislabeled/expired/damage]

units. We ask for your patience as we finish our investigation. We will contact you
once the investigation is complete. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

Resolve Touch - Investigation Complete - Defects Found (Hard Pull)

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Our investigation of your inventory for ASIN [INSERTASIN] has concluded and
your offer has been reinstated for sales. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please
reactivate your listing. The following corrective measures were taken:

[Rebundled units at your request. Units that do not form complete sets have been
moved to Unfulfillable status.]

[Rebundled units into complete sets. Units that do not form complete sets have been
relabeled to ASIN: [ASIN]]

[Rebundled units into complete sets. Units that do not form complete sets and no
matching ASIN was found have been moved to Unfulfillable status]

We recommend taking the following actions to help prevent potential offer

suspensions for investigation:

• Consider any possible reasons for the above-average rate of negative customer
• Check for any inventory that has not yet been shipped to Amazon to ensure that your
products are working as advertised, labeled correctly, and have sufficient packaging in
line with prep requirements for this ASIN.
• Review your listing details to determine if there is additional information that you
can provide to help customers make more informed purchase decisions.
• Inform Seller Support if there are troubleshooting steps or other information that will
help answer customers’ common questions.

For information about removing inventory, see Remove inventory from a fulfillment
US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

Defect Found Expansion - Paragon Case Status – PAA / Bundling ama

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

We have completed our initial examination of units sampled from your inventory for
ASIN [INSERTASIN] within our fulfillment centers.

[Package quantity discrepancies were identified in our review, so we have begun re-
bundling your units into complete sets. Units that do not form complete sets will be
moved to Unfulfillable status.]

[Your shipment of [ASIN], while the correct item, was lacking a “Do Not Separate”
or similar label.

To ensure we can process shipments as quickly as possible, items that come in a set
must have a clear label that indicates they are to be received and sold as a single unit.
Other label examples include: "Sold as set," "Ready to Ship," and "This is a set. Do
not separate." Please refer to Sold as Set in Seller Central:

US marketplace help page:

CA marketplace help page:

We have bundled your units into case packs. Remaining units that did not equal a case
pack have been moved into your unsellable inventory. To have these items returned to
you or destroyed, create a removal order in your seller account.]

Attached are images of the affected units. Please review the images and verify the

Please note we have reinstated your offer and moved your inventory to reserved status
until this issue is resolved. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate
your listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.

Item/Parts Missing - Hard Pull- PMA

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

We have completed our initial examination of units sampled from your inventory for
ASIN [INSERTASIN] within our fulfillment centers and it was determined item or
parts are missing.

Attached are images of the affected units. Please review the images and verify the
issue. Please choose one of the following options within 48 hours to let us know how
you would like to proceed:

1. Create a removal order and have your inventory returned to you

2. You wish our fulfillment centers to move only units missing parts to unfulfillable.

We appreciate your patience during this process.

Please note we have reinstated your offer and moved your inventory to reserved status
until this issue is resolved. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate
your listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.
For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us process your inventory in a timely and

accurate manner.

Bundling Issue - (Hard Pull) – PMA

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

While examining a sample of your inventory for ASIN [INSERTASIN], we identified

a bundling/quantity issue. Relabeling or rebundling units to the appropriate ASIN
cannot be currently done as we are unable to determine the correct ASIN for these.

Attached are images displaying the incorrectly bundled units.

Please review them and respond to this case within the next 48 hours with the one of
the following options:

1- You wish our fulfillment centers to rebundle all unbundled units, any remaining
units will be moved to unfulfillable
2- You wish our fulfillment centers to move only unbundled units to unfulfillable
3- You wish our fulfillment centers to relabel all unbundled units to an ASIN you

If you do not already have an active listing for the correct ASIN that these units
belong to, you can create one in order to proceed.
If an option has not been provided after 48 hours, all unbundled units will
automatically be changed to Unfulfillable status.

Please note we have reinstated your offer and moved your inventory to reserved status
until this issue is resolved. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate
your listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.
For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us process your inventory in a timely and

accurate manner.

First Touch AFM (ASIN Match Found)/Expiration - Incremental Reinstatement
(Soft Pull)

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

We reviewed your inventory for your ASIN [INSERTASIN] due to the following
negative customer return comments:


At this time our initial investigation of your inventory is complete. We have taken the
following corrective actions:

[Updated the expiration date attributes for the ASIN.]

[Moved expired or soon to be expired units to unfulfillable.]

Please note we have moved your inventory to reserved status as we are in process of
verifying the remainder of your inventory. In order to continue selling this ASIN,
please reactivate your listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.

Your listing won’t be affected during the course of our investigation and will be active
for sale.

You will be contacted if any further action or information is required from you.

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

First Touch Expiration - Incremental Reinstatement (Soft pull)

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

We are reviewing your inventory for your ASIN [INSERTASIN] due to the following
negative customer return comments:


Please note we have moved your inventory to reserved status as we are in process of
verifying your inventory. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate your
listing. This will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.

Your listing won’t be affected during the course of our investigation and will be active
for sale. You will be contacted if any further action or information is required from

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

Resolve Touch - No Defect Found (Hard Pull)

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

We have checked a sample of your inventory for ASIN [INSERTASIN] and found no
defects. We have reinstated your offer and closed our investigation. In order to
continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate your listing.

While this investigation does not affect your seller account, please read the original
customer return comments about your inventory before sending your next shipment to

To prevent another closure and investigation, we recommend that you take the
following actions:
• Consider any possible reasons for the above-average rate of negative customer
• Check any inventory not yet shipped to Amazon to ensure that your products are
working as advertised, labeled correctly, and have sufficient packaging.
• Review your listing details to see if there is more information that you can provide
to help customers make more informed buying decisions.

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

We appreciate your commitment to providing a great customer experience.

DP update
Brand Owner DP Update

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

While reviewing ASIN [INSERTASIN], we found an inconsistency between listing
page details and the products customers have received. This inconsistency has led to
customer confusion, dissatisfaction, and a high rate of returns.

In order to improve customer satisfaction, please make the following changes to the
ASIN [INSERTASIN] detail page:



Because you are the brand-registered seller on this ASIN, we wanted to give you the
opportunity to make the changes yourself, to ensure that the changes are done to your
satisfaction. After you make the changes and we reinstate your offer, you’ll be able to
resume sending inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers.

This case will remain open for 48 hours while we await your response. Your prompt
attention to this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that will
contribute to your success with FBA.

DP Update Confirmed

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

After reviewing your changes, we have reinstated your offer for ASIN
[INSERTASIN]. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate your listing.
You can resume sending us additional inventory of this item.

We appreciate your commitment to providing a great customer experience.

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

DP Update No Response

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Please note that 48 hours have passed since we requested an update to your listing
detail page in case number [INSERTCASENUMBER].

Since we haven’t received a response from you, we are closing this case. Your offer
remains suspended. You can reopen this case by providing confirmation of detail page
update as previously requested.

If you are not able to reopen this case, please contact Seller Support.

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

Brand Owner Non-Source Seller DP Update

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

While reviewing ASIN [INSERTASIN], we found an inconsistency between listing

page details and the products customers have received. This inconsistency has led to
customer confusion, dissatisfaction, and a high rate of returns.

In order to improve customer satisfaction, please make the following changes to the
ASIN [INSERTASIN] detail page:



Because you are the brand-registered seller on this ASIN, we wanted to give you the
opportunity to make the changes yourself. This will ensure that the changes done to
your satisfaction.

We appreciate your cooperation during this process.

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

Non-Brand Owner DP Update

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

While reviewing ASIN [INSERTASIN], we found an inconsistency between listing

page details and the products customers have received. This inconsistency has led to
customer confusion, dissatisfaction, and a high rate of returns.

In order to improve customer satisfaction, please make the following changes to the
ASIN [INSERTASIN] detail page:



Because you are the detail page attribute owner for this ASIN, we wanted to give you
the opportunity to make the changes yourself, to ensure that the changes are done to
your satisfaction. After you make the changes and we reinstate your offer, you’ll be
able to resume sending inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers.

This case will remain open for 48 hours while we await your response. Your prompt
attention to this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that will
contribute to your success with FBA.

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

Detail Page Updated - Mislabeled Inventory

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

The detail page has been updated to match what ASIN [INSERTASIN] was originally
created to be. The following changes have been made to the detail page:

[AttributeName]: From [CurrentAttribute] to [OriginalAttribute].

We have checked your on-hand inventory in our fulfillment center and have identified
incorrectly labeled inventory.

An image of this inventory is attached to this message. Due to these changes, a new
ASIN will be required to relabel the units to. Please update this case in the next 48
hours with the correct ASIN prior to the Detail Page changes. After 48 hours, all
incorrectly labeled units on-hand will be moved to unsellable status.

Note that you can also create new listings for these items.

We appreciate your effort to help us process your items in a timely and accurate

ERAC Defective 1st touch
Hello from Fulfilment by Amazon,

Your offer for ASIN [INSERT ASIN] has been closed owing to negative customer return
comments. The closing of your offer does not affect your seller account.

For this investigation, we have identified defective issues across the following customer


As this a repeated occurrence that the ASIN has had a customer feedback issue, we will require:

-A Plan of Action that addresses the customer issue,

-A confirmation whether the units in your inventory are free from the above-mentioned defect,
-A confirmation that your inventory stored in our fulfillment centers has the same updates as
stated in your POA.
A Plan of Action should include any of the following:

-Kindly test the product from your warehouse and provide us the test reports.
-Please share the product’s User Manual (PDF Version, less than 10 MB) or other documents
(Trouble shooting steps, Specs sheet or video) that can be updated on amazon website for
customers’ reference.
-Confirm if there were any updates made to the product recently, if yes, please provide the
details and updated documents (manual, instructional videos, etc.)

A successful Plan of Action will always be directly related to the root cause of the customer
reported issue and may include but is not limited to:

 Listing detail page updates

 Product design changes
 Improved instruction manuals
 Inventory removal orders

To send us your POA and confirmation of inventory, please reply to this case within Seller
Central. If we approve your plan of action, we will reinstate your offer immediately.

This case will remain open for 48 hours while we await your response. Your prompt attention to
this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that will contribute to your success
with FBA. After 48 hours, you will need to reach out to Seller Support, referencing this case
number, with your Plan of Action.

ERAC POA received

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

After reviewing your plan of action, we have reinstated your offer for ASIN [INSERT ASIN].
You can resume sending us additional inventory of this item.

We appreciate your commitment to providing a great customer experience.

Please refer to seller central : or contact

seller support at for more information.

ERAC POA incomplete

Thank you for your reply regarding the requested action plan regarding case number {INSERT

However, after reviewing your submitted plan of action, we consider it as insufficient to resolve
the problem mentioned in the previous mail.
Therefore, your offer will remain suspended.

In order to have your offer again considered for reinstatement, you must resubmit a plan of
action that is complete. A complete plan of action should address negative customer comments
that document the following information:

For each issue reported by the customer

1) Describe the reported problem.

2) Identify the cause of the problem.

3) Explain how you want to resolve this issue.

We will provide you an additional 24 hours while we await your response. Your prompt attention
to this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that will contribute to your success
with FBA.

ERAC Defect found expansion - PAA

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

As confirmed during your plan of Plan of Action, we are now expanding our investigation and
we have begun moving your units to Unfulfillable status.

You will be contacted again once corrective measures are completed or if we require further
information from you. We appreciate your patience during this process.

Fulfillment by Amazon Team

ERAC Investigation complete – defect found - resolve

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Our investigation of your inventory for ASIN [INSERT ASIN] has concluded and your offer has
been reinstated for sales. The following corrective measures were taken:

As confirmed during your plan of Plan of Action, we have moved the affected units to
Unfulfillable Status.

 Consider any possible reasons for the above-average rate of negative customer
 Check for any inventory that has not yet been shipped to Amazon to ensure that your
products are working as advertised, labeled correctly, and have sufficient packaging in
line with prep requirements for this ASIN.
 Review your listing details to determine if there is additional information that you can
provide to help customers make more informed purchase decisions.
 Inform Seller Support if there are troubleshooting steps or other information that will
help answer customers’ common questions.

For information about removing inventory, see Remove inventory from a fulfillment center:

Please refer to seller central or contact

seller support help page:
US marketplace help page: for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or contact seller support at for more information.

Fulfillment by Amazon Team


ERAC Damage 1st touch

Hello from Fulfilment by Amazon,

Your offer for ASIN [INSERT ASIN] has been closed owing to negative customer return
comments. The closing of your offer does not affect your seller account.
For this investigation, we have identified damaged issues across the following customer


As this a repeated occurrence that the ASIN has had a customer feedback issue, we will require:

-A Plan of Action that addresses the customer issue,

-Images of improved packaging and,
-A confirmation that your inventory stored in our fulfillment centers has the same updates as
stated in your POA.

Using the customer feedback given, please create and submit a plan of action documenting the
following information:
For each type of customer reported damage issue
1) Describe the reported damage issue
2) Identify the root cause for that damage issue
3) Explain how you plan to improve your packaging to address that root cause

For your convenience, you may reference FBA packaging and prep requirements here:

Please note that you also have the option to sign up for FBA to prep your inventory:

If we approve your plan of action, your offer will be reinstated and you may resume sending
additional inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers for this ASIN.

If you do not provide a plan of action within the allotted time or provide one that is denied, your
offer will remain suspended and you will need to reach out to Seller Support to provide a plan of
action to be again considered for reinstatement.

Please take into consideration that if the plan of action you provide is ineffective in improving
the ASIN offer’s performance and another investigation is launched, you will have one final
opportunity to provide an impactful plan of action.

A continued high rate of negative customer return feedback about damaged units may result in a
permanent removal of your ASIN offer from FBA.

This case will remain open for 48 hours while we await your response. Your prompt attention to
this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that will contribute to your success
with FBA. After 48 hours, you will need to reach out to Seller Support, referencing this case
number, with your Plan of Action.
ERAC POA received

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

After reviewing your plan of action, we have reinstated your offer for ASIN [INSERT ASIN].
You can resume sending us additional inventory of this item.

We appreciate your commitment to providing a great customer experience.

Please refer to seller central or contact

seller support help page:
US marketplace help page: for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or contact seller support at for more information.

ERAC POA incomplete

Thank you for your reply regarding the requested action plan regarding case number {INSERT

However, after reviewing your submitted plan of action, we consider it as insufficient to resolve
the problem mentioned in the previous mail.
Therefore, your offer will remain suspended.

In order to have your offer again considered for reinstatement, you must resubmit a plan of
action that is complete. A complete plan of action should address negative customer comments
that document the following information:

For each issue reported by the customer

1) Describe the reported problem.

2) Identify the cause of the problem.

3) Explain how you want to resolve this issue.

We will provide you an additional 24 hours while we await your response. Your prompt attention
to this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that will contribute to your success
with FBA.

ERAC Defect Found Expansion - Paragon Case Status - PAA

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

As confirmed during your plan of Plan of Action, we are now expanding our investigation and
we have begun moving your units to Unfulfillable status.

You will be contacted again once corrective measures are completed or if we require further
information from you. We appreciate your patience during this process.

Fulfillment by Amazon Team

ERAC Investigation Complete - Defects Found - Resolve Touch

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Our investigation of your inventory for ASIN [INSERT ASIN] has concluded and your offer has
been reinstated for sales. The following corrective measures were taken:

As confirmed during your plan of Plan of Action, we have moved the affected units to
Unfulfillable Status.

 Consider any possible reasons for the above-average rate of negative customer
 Check for any inventory that has not yet been shipped to Amazon to ensure that your
products are working as advertised, labeled correctly, and have sufficient packaging in
line with prep requirements for this ASIN.
 Review your listing details to determine if there is additional information that you can
provide to help customers make more informed purchase decisions.
 Inform Seller Support if there are troubleshooting steps or other information that will
help answer customers’ common questions.

For information about removing inventory, see Remove inventory from a fulfillment center:

Please refer to seller central or contact

seller support help page:
US marketplace help page: for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or contact seller support at for more information.
Fulfillment by Amazon Team

ERAC POA No Response (Additional 48 hours) Unmanaged seller:

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Please note that 48 hours have passed since we requested a plan of action regarding case number

This case will remain open for additional 48 hours while we await your response. Your prompt
attention to this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that will contribute to your
success with FBA. After 48 hours, you will need to reach out to Seller Support, referencing this
case number, with your Plan of Action.

Please refer to seller central or contact

seller support help page:
US marketplace help page: for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or contact seller support at for more information.

POA No Response ASIN Discontinuation:

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Please note that 48 hours have passed since we requested a plan of action regarding case number

Since we haven’t received a response from you, we are closing this case. Your offer remains
suspended. You will not able to ship new inventory to our fulfillment center until your offer is
reinstated. You can reopen this case by submitting a completed plan of action.

If you are not able to reopen this case, please contact Seller Support.

Please refer to seller central or contact

seller support help page:
US marketplace help page: for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or contact seller support at for more information.

ERAC Defective (Amnesty Exception):

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Your offer for ASIN [INSERTASIN] has been temporarily suspended due to an
investigation prompted by a high rate of negative customer return comments. As the
investigation has now been completed, your offer has been reinstated and you may
resume sending additional units to Amazon fulfillment centers. In order to continue
selling this ASIN, please reactivate your listing.

For this investigation, we have identified [INSERTTHEMEDESCRIPTION] issues

based on the following customer comments:
[List Customer Comments]

Before sending your next shipment to Amazon, please thoroughly review the negative
customer return comments for your offer.

We recommend taking the following actions to help prevent potential offer

suspensions for investigation:

• Consider any possible reasons for the above-average rate of negative customer
• Check for any inventory that has not yet been shipped to Amazon to ensure that your
products are working as advertised, labeled correctly, and have sufficient packaging.
• Review your listing details to determine if there is additional information that you
can provide to help customers make more informed purchase decisions.
• Inform Seller Support if there are troubleshooting steps or other information that will
help answer customers’ common questions.

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.

ERAC Damage (Amnesty Exception):

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Your offer for ASIN [INSERTASIN] was temporarily suspended due to an

investigation prompted by a high rate of negative customer return comments
pertaining to damaged units. As that investigation has now been completed, your offer
has been reinstated and you may resume sending additional units to Amazon
fulfillment centers. In order to continue selling this ASIN, please reactivate your

Before sending your next shipment to Amazon, please thoroughly review the
following negative customer return comments for your offer:


We recommend taking the following actions to help prevent potential offer

suspensions for investigation:

• Consider any possible reasons for the above-average rate of negative customer
• Check any inventory not yet shipped to Amazon to ensure that your products are
working as advertised, labeled correctly, and have sufficient packaging.
• Review your listing details to determine if there is additional information that you
can provide to help customers make more informed purchasing decisions.
• Inform Seller Support if there are troubleshooting steps or other information that will
help answer customers’ common questions.

For your convenience, you may reference FBA packaging and prep requirements here:
US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

For information about reactivating a listing, please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page:
CA marketplace help page:

Please note that you also have the option to sign up for FBA to prep your inventory:

US marketplace help page:

CA marketplace help page:

Customers return to Amazon for consistently satisfying experiences. We make it a

priority to safeguard customer trust to help drive repeat sales for all sellers. We
appreciate your commitment to providing a great customer experience.

Please refer to seller central:

US marketplace help page: or

contact seller support at for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or
contact seller support at for more information.



If we require information from Sellers:

Hello from Amazon,

Your offer for ASIN [INSERTASIN] has been temporarily suspended due to an investigation
prompted by negative customer return comments. Please update the size and fit-related
information in your listing to help prevent a poor customer experience in the future.

We have identified Size & Fit issues based on the following customer comments:
[List Customer Comments]

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central:

What information must I submit?

As we were unable to obtain the correct size chart information, we are asking that you provide a
size chart that can be used to update your listing to correctly represent the size and fit of your
product. If you have other relevant information such as waist, hip, chest/bust, heel to toe
information, please provide that detail as well.

Please review and respond to this case within the next 48 hours (excluding non-working days)
with the required size chart information so we can correct the Product Detail Page (PDP).

You can view your account’s performance at:

US Store help page: or contact seller

support at for more information.
CA Store help page: or contact seller support
at for more information.

If we require information from Seller who is not the source Seller:

Hello from Amazon,

Your offer for ASIN [INSERTASIN] has been temporarily suspended due to an investigation
prompted by negative customer return comments. Please update the size and fit-related
information in your listing to help prevent a poor customer experience in the future.

We have identified [INSERTTHEMEDESCRIPTION] issues based on the following customer

[List Customer Comments]
Learn more about our policies in Seller Central:

What information must I submit?

As we were unable to obtain the correct size chart information, we are asking that you provide a
size chart that can be used to update your listing to correctly represent the size and fit of your
product. If you have other relevant information such as waist, hip, chest/bust, heel to toe
information, please provide that detail as well.

Please review and respond to this case within the next 48 hours (excluding non-working days)
with the required size chart information so we can correct the Product Detail Page (PDP).

You can view your account’s performance at:

US Store help page: or contact seller

support at for more information.
CA Store help page: or contact seller support
at for more information.


Brand Registered Seller- If we require information from Sellers:

Hello from Amazon,

Your offer for ASIN [INSERTASIN] has been temporarily suspended due to an investigation
prompted by negative customer return comments. Please update the size and fit-related
information in your listing to prevent a poor customer experience in the future.

We have identified Size & Fit issues based on the following customer comments:
[List Customer Comments]

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central:

What information must I submit?

As we were unable to obtain the correct size chart information, we are asking that you provide a
size chart that can be used to update your listing to correctly represent the size and fit of your
product. If you have other relevant information such as waist, hip, chest/bust, heel to toe
information, please provide that detail as well.
Because you are the brand-registered seller for this ASIN, we wanted to give you the opportunity
to make the changes yourself first. This will ensure that the changes are done to your satisfaction.
Please perform the above-mentioned changes within the next 48 hours (excluding non-working
days) and provide us with a confirmation.

This case will remain open for 48 hours (excluding non-working days) while we await your
response. Your prompt attention to this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that
will contribute to your success with FBA.

US Store help page: or contact seller

support at for more information.
CA Store help page: or contact seller support
at for more information.

Hello from Amazon,

We are notifying you about the negative customer return comments for your offer of ASIN
[INSERTASIN]. Please note that we have reinstated your offer for sales. You can now ship new
inventory our fulfillment center.
We have identified Size & Fit issues based on the following customer comments:
[List Customer Comments]

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central:

Please thoroughly review the negative customer return comments for your offer.

We recommend taking the following actions to help prevent potential offer suspensions:

• Consider any possible reasons for the above-average rate of negative customer experiences.
• Check for any inventory that has not yet been shipped to Amazon to ensure that your products
are working as advertised, labeled correctly, and have sufficient packaging.
• Review your listing details to determine if there is additional information that you can provide
to help customers make more informed purchase decisions.

You can view your account’s performance at:
US marketplace help page: or contact seller
support at for more information.CA marketplace help
page: or contact seller support at for more information.

Blurb 4

If we are simply informing the Seller of the updates made:

Hello from Amazon,
We are notifying you about the negative customer return comments for your offer of ASIN

We have identified Size & Fit issues based on the following customer comments:
[List Customer Comments]

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central:

We were able to source and successfully update the size chart content for this listing to help
prevent similar issues in the future. Please note that we have reinstated your offer for sales. You
can now ship new inventory our fulfillment center.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change please reach out to us using the links

US Store help page: or contact seller

support at for more information.
CA Store help page: or contact seller support
at for more information.

Blurb 5
Brand Registered Seller: We have the size chart information, but we are allowing brand
registered sellers to update their listing and will only update for the Seller if they don’t
make the updates themselves and send confirmation:

Hello from Amazon,

While reviewing ASIN {INSERT ASIN}, we found inconsistencies between the size chart on
your listing and [XXX]. These inconsistencies or missing information have led to customer
confusion, dissatisfaction, and a high rate of returns.

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central:

To help improve customer satisfaction and avoid the reoccurrence of this issue, please perform
the following changes to the detail page for ASIN {INSERT ASIN}:

 Update the size chart on this product to match the size chart provided by the
manufacturer. {Insert link to site if available}

Because you are the brand-registered seller for this ASIN, we wanted to give you the opportunity
to make the changes yourself first. This will ensure that the changes are done to your satisfaction.
Please perform the above-mentioned changes within the next 48 hours (excluding non-working
days) If you do not respond in the next 48 hours (excluding non-working days), we will perform
the changes instead.

Please note we have moved your inventory to reserved status until this issue is resolved. This
will enable you to resume sales as soon as possible.

This case will remain open for 48 hours (excluding non-working days) while we await your
response. Your prompt attention to this matter can help ensure positive customer experiences that
will contribute to your success with FBA.

US Store help page: or contact seller

support at for more information.
CA Store help page: or contact seller support
at for more information.

Size Chart – ASIN discontinuation:

Hello from Fulfillment by Amazon,

Please note that 48 hours have passed since we requested for a size chart update. Here is the case

Since we haven’t received a response from you, we are closing this case. Your offer remains
suspended. You will not able to ship new inventory to our fulfillment center until your offer is
reinstated. You can reopen this case by submitting a completed plan of action.

If you are not able to reopen this case, please contact Seller Support.

Please refer to seller central or contact

seller support help page:
US marketplace help page: for more information.
CA marketplace help page: or contact seller support at for more information.

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