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1 - Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the object to the amount of
change in object’s motion – mastered
2. Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the object to the amount of change
in object’s motion – least mastered
3. infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back on it . not mastered
4. identify and explain the factors that affect potential and kinetic energy
5. investigate the effect of temperature to the speed of sound.
6. explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to the energy of visible light
7. differentiate between heat and temperature at the molecular level.
8. infer the relationship between current and voltage
9. explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel connections in homes.
10. explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing, double insulation and other safety devices in the home.
11. Using models or illustrations, explain how movements along faults generate earthquakes
12. Differentiate the epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
13. differentiate intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
14 differentiate active and inactive faults
15. Explain how earthquake waves provide information about the interior of the earth
16- 17 Explain how typhoon develops and how it is affected by landmasses and bodies of water
18. Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) using a map and tracking data
19. -20. Compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids
21. Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle nature of matter;
22. Explain physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules;
23. Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle nature of matter;
24. Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle nature of matter;
25,26,27 Explain physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules
28Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a particular atom;
29,30 Use the periodic table to predict the chemical behavior of an element.
31. Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion
32,33, Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-division cycle
34.Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance
35,36,39Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system
37,40 Explain the concept of a species
38. Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability of an ecosystem

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