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Rod Fry Ltd

Employment Agreement


Date : 28/07/2023


Passport No: PA0206346


Rod Fry Ltd is a small, friendly, family owned and run orchard in Riwaka. We primary grow
apples and Kiwi

Reference with your CV and subsequent discussion with us we are offer you the position of
Fruit Picker with our Company.

We are confident that you will find this new opportunity, challenging and rewarding. The
following points outline the terms and condition we are proposing.

Compensation & Entitlement

Post Fruit Picker

Basic Salary 23 NZD/hr
Duty Hour 60 hr/week
Working days par Week 6 days par week
Transportation Will be provided by the company
Accommodation Will be provided by the company
Food Will be provided by the company
Other Benefits As per New Zealand Labour Law
Medical As per New Zealand Labour Law

If you agree to the above terms and conditions, please sign a copy of this letter as conformation of
your acceptance and send it’s scan copy to us and bring heard copy at the time of joining.

Looking forward to a long and mutually beneficial career with us.

66 Swamp Road, Riwaka, Motueka 7198 New Zealand

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