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Evaluation of Primary and Secondary Sources

Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify the criteria in evaluating primary and secondary sources materials.

2. Assess Primary and secondary source materials.
3. Evaluate the provenance of primary sources


ACTIVITY: ANALYZING PRIMARY SOURCES. Instructions: Read the full transcript of

undelivered Arrival Speech of Former and Late Senator Benigno S. Aquino,Jr. and
answer the following questions. ( Short and Specific) The Speech can be assessed

1. First Impression
a. What are your first impressions about the undelivered speech?
My initial reaction to the unfinished speech is respectful and eye-opening.
b. What kind of documents is it (letter, ad, newspaper, etc.)?
The text is a speech.
2. Make a list of unusual or unfamiliar words or phrases you encountered while
reading the speech (Give at least 5)
1. Habeas Corpus
2. Subversion
3. Bypass
4. Triumphant
5. Curbed
6. Regime
7. Disputes
8. Surmounted
9. Deteriorated
10. Leniency
3. Is There a specific date on the speech? If so, when is it? If there is none, are there
clues that might indicate when it was written?
Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. did not write this speech on a precise date,
although there is a hint as to when it was written. He came on August 21,
1983, which could be an indication of when he composed it.
4. Is there an indicated location? Where is it?
He added that he had returned from the United States of America for heart
bypass surgery and that he was consequently in the Philippines at this time.
5. Who authored the document? Why did you say?
Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. wrote it in the first-person view since he was
writing about his own thoughts and experiences.
6. To whom was written document addressed? How did you know?
The document addressed those who opposed him and did not trust him
because he spoke in a way that justified himself and his ideas.
7. What is the purpose of the document? And what made you think so?
The objective of the document is to inform people that justice may be attained
through nonviolent means as well as through military one.
8. Does the document convey a certain tone? What is it?
Yes, it conveys a specific tone; it is serious.
9. What does it imply?
It signifies that the author wishes for the readers/listeners to take it seriously
and pay close attention.
10. What is the relationship between the writer and the audience?
The writer and the audience have a professional connection. There appears to
be an unresolved issue between them.

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