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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

School Grade Level 12 Quarter
English for Academic and
12 DAILY Teacher Learning Area
Professional Purposes
Teaching Date and Time

A. Content Standards The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a
better understanding of academic texts.

B. Performance Standards The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the

various academic texts read.

The learner differentiates language used in academic texts from various

disciplines. CS_EN11/12-EAPP-Ia-c-2
C.Learning Competencies/
1. Identify structure and features of a fiction story;
2. Re-tell a story using one’s own words; and
3. Tell the significant role of the family in the prevention of crime and
other misconduct in the society.
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter/Lesson)
“The Sob Sister’s Story”
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
English for Academic and Professional Purposes p.19
2. Learner’s Materials pages
English for Academic and Professional Purposes p.37

3. Textbook pages

 https://connect.edgetrainingsystems.com/blog/5-workplace-
4. Additional Materials from  https://www.unodc.org/e4j/en/integrity-ethics/module
Learning Resource portal 1/exercises.html
 https://rookreading.com/2018/08/12/the-five-elements-of-

B. Other Learning Resources

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

Match-Up Competition (5 minutes)

In this activity, students match various scenarios with the appropriate and
inappropriate responses. Every scenario will have an appropriate and
inappropriate answer.

1. Arrange students in groups of two.
2. Each team will be given a set of scenarios with corresponding
appropriate and inappropriate actions. These will be shuffled.
3. Each team must match the scenarios with actions.
4. The team that finishes first wins. The teacher will give prizes to make
the competition more fun and engaging.

Sample scenarios

A. Reviewing previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

(5 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the students if they have heard of people committing crimes because
lesson of love. Ask them to explain if such acts are justifiable. Listen to the
students’ point of view. Help them to process their answers, emphasizing
the need to rise above human weaknesses and uphold moral values.
(5 minutes)
Case study (Baby Theresa)

This full case is included in The Elements of Moral Philosophy (Rachels

and Rachels, 2012). The following is a summary of the case:

Summary: Baby Theresa was born in Florida (United States of America)

in 1992 with anencephaly, one of the worst genetic disorders. Sometimes
referred to as "babies without brains", infants with this disease are born
without important parts of the brain and the top of the skull is also
missing. Most cases are detected during pregnancy and usually aborted.
About half of those not aborted are stillborn. In the United States, about
350 babies are born alive each year and usually die within days. Baby
Theresa was born alive. Her parents decided to donate her organs for
C.Presenting examples/instances transplant. Her parents and her physicians agreed that the organs should
of the new lesson be removed while she was alive (thus causing her inevitable death to take
place sooner), but this was not allowed by Florida law. When she died
after nine days the organs had deteriorated too much and could not be
used. (https://www.unodc.org/e4j/en/integrity-ethics/module

The teacher facilitates a group discussion by posing the following

1. How do we put a value on human life?
2. What should one do when there is a conflict between the law and one's
own moral position about an issue?
3. If you were in a position to make the final decision in this case, what
would it be and why?

(10 minutes)
1. Ask the class to read “The Sob Sister’s Story.
2. Make the students aware of the difference between the language used
in the text and that found in the preceding texts -“From the Autopsy
D.Discussing new concepts and
Surgeon’s Report and “Newspaper Account: Local Girl Found Slain by
practicing new skills #1
Rejected Lover”.
3. Ask the students how they got to know what happened in “The Sister’s
Sob Story”.
4. Who is narrating the story? How does the narrator feel about what
happened in the story?
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing skills #2 ( 5 minutes)

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

Discuss with the students the structure and features of the story; pay
particular attention to the elements of fiction.
Expected Answer
 Setting- cozy cottage, 10th Precinct Station House
 Characters-dead girl and her lover, police officers
 Plot
There was a dead girl found inside the cottage. The girl was
murdered by her lover. The man admitted the killing and say that
he wanted his girl to be him alone that is why she killed the girl.
 Theme- selfish love

F. Developing mastery (5 minutes)

Let the students re-tell the story in their own words.
(5 minutes)
Elements of Fiction

G.Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson

1. Plot is the sequence of events and their relationship in a story.

2. Setting is the time and place in which the events of a literary work
3. Characters are the people, animals, or beings in a work.
4. The theme is the main idea or message a literary work conveys.
5. Narrative perspective is the relationship of the narrator or
storyteller to the story.


(10 minutes)
H.Finding practical applications of Engage the students in the discussion of moral and ethical issues in
concepts and skills in daily living society. Then ask the question: How can the youth participate in the
movement against crime in our society? Call at least three students to
give their opinions.
I. Evaluating learning

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

(10 minutes)
What role does the family play in the prevention of crime or other forms
of misconduct?
J. Additional activities for
Research for the crime rate in the Philippines committed because of
application or remediation
passion. Share your output in class the next meeting.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
C.Did the lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up w/

the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte


A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new

B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson

C. Presenting
examples/instances of the
new lesson

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing skills #2

F. Developing mastery

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Schools Division Office
Camarines Norte
Eco Athletic Field, F. Pimentel Ave., camarines.norte@deped.gov.ph (054) 440-1772/(054) 440-4464
Daet, Camarines Norte DepEd Camarines Norte

G. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the

H. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

I. Evaluating learning

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing


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