Assignment 4a - Varun Script

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Thank you, Aditi.

So, Mr Hardy, in one our meetings that we had before, we asked you to fill a questionnaire with a set
of questions. This questionnaire was used to evaluate your risk tolerance and other key financial
areas to assess your investor profile.

It included important questions such as

1. What is the primary purpose for your portfolio?

2. What type of portfolio would you like to own?
3. How long would you be willing to wait for your investments to regain any lost value?
4. How long will you continue to remain invested before you will begin withdrawing a
significant portion of your money from your investment portfolio?
5. How long are you willing to postpone meeting your goal, if needed?

And as we analysed your responses, we gather that you have a balanced investor profile!

Now, let’s understand what a does a portfolio of a balanced investor like yourself look like?

So, Mr. Hardy with a balanced investor profile, you should have 50% of your funds invested in fixed
income, 20% in Canadian Equities, 20% US Equities and 10% in Foreign Developed Equities.

As you can see, Mr. Hardy, with a balanced investor profile as such there is no need for you to be
invested in money market and foreign emerging market equities. This asset allocation is suitable
given you have a balanced investor profile and Mr. Hardy, after a deep research and analysis we have
handpicked some great investments to match your investment goals.

I would request Ayesha to please brief you about the investments that we recommend you based on
your investor profile.

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