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) Photo Essay


Migration as a selfish decision: A lot of us may have a desire to migrate because we want
a pristine environment with many opportunities. This reason is common but how about other
migrants? Some say they were trying to flee from their families who are poor. They wanted to
start a new and better life. They wanted to forget where they come from and that is one of the
negative consequences that is a great disappointment for me. Life may be cruel, but we must
think migration is not a wrong decision if it is necessary and does not make you a bad person.
Migration as a savior: It starts in working overseas or different place of one family
member, wherein they experience a wonderful opportunity to have a better life. High salary,
many job hiring, clean environment and nice neighbors. The reality is that people are following
work no matter how far they go. Settling will become their choice, then if it does not work at
least, they try, and they will start to find another job.
Migration is inevitable, necessary, and highly desirable (William Lacy Swing), for a
Filipino like me who also want to migrate in my dreams I want to say that everyone has a self-
interpretation for migration and for me that is a life changing. If migration will be the answer
for change, then so be it, what important is we know where come from, we stay who we are
because we only went to a different place, changing personality is not necessary.
2. What are the most pressing reasons that migration occurs today? Do you expect the
current global migration patterns to extend into the near term versus long term future? Why or
why not?
- For me, the most pressing reason for migration is job opportunities and yes, I am
expecting migration patterns to extend into the near term because it is very desirable to migrate
especially in today's age.
3. To what extent is migration associated with terrorism? How can host countries take
steps to balance the humanitarian goal of providing safe havens for asylum seeking refugees
and the possible threat of terrorism?
- I think it is possible but not that extent because every host country has a security when it
comes to terrorism and as a threat from other country because I am nobody from them, I have a
responsibility to give assurance that I will not be a threat and being cooperative is also
4. Do developed countries have a responsibility to welcome refugees from parts of the
world that are experiencing difficulties? Why or why not?
- A big yes for me because refugees are one of them. The only difference is that they live in a
better situation.
5. Some people believe there should be free migration throughout the world. What would be the
result of anybody being able to go anywhere?
- Anybody being able to go anywhere may lose their nationality. Anybody who can travel the
world but does not have their own country to serve.

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