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Tina Swaney


• What do you feel you learned in the TBW course you took? Please be sure to
cover any surprises or impactful things that you found.
This course focused on gender bias in. The terminology and the definitions of
sex, gender, cisgender, transgender, misogyny, patriarchy, intersex, sexism,
gender binary and gender identity are discussed in the first section and then it
leads to gender equity, media representations, pay equity and gender
socialization. Women have long since been underpaid when performing a
relatable or equal job to a male but to see it all laid out really made me realize
how unequal it can be. I used to be in Oilfield Operations Accounting and I
knew that I outperformed many others (all male), and I knew their pay was
higher than mine.

• How does it relate, reinforce, or even add to the course materials that you
have used for this module? If you feel that it did not do any of these things,
then you need to explain why you feel that way or if it filled in gaps.

In this section about the social divide, it relates to gender as well. The social
divide can be gender, social, economic, and still is considered the social
divide. In the article, Race, privilege, and the growing class divide, “White
privilege…. characterizes the unearned advantages that the dominant group
has historically leveraged to open door for some people while excluding
others Lacy, K. (2015).” This states that when you are white you have advantages
but as a white woman you may not because gender bias is still an issue.

• How do you feel that it can be applied by you in the real world and/or in your
future career?

Understanding gender bias can used in everyday life and careers. This course
defined the genders and showed the bias that exists in pay, media
representations and gender socialization. This will make me more aware and
understanding of this concept and will be able to implement in all aspects of

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