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Scanning electron microscopic study of

odontoblasts and circumpulpal dentin in

a human tooth
Dominique Marion,O Alain Jean,a Henri Hamel,b Lise-Marie Kerebel, PhD,C and
Bertrand Kerebel,d Nantes, France


Two combined scanning electron microscopic methods including modified fixative procedures were used for
studying the morphologic aspects of the odontoblasts and the corresponding dentinal wall at different
endodontic levels. The odontoblasts were tightly packed in the pulp horn, where they assumed pear-shaped
profiles and, from crown to apex, successively looked spindle shaped, club shaped, and globular. Their
number decreased in the pulp radicular portion, where the interglobular spaces were enlarged. The filling
fibrillar material varied from crown to apex. A globular circumpulpal dentin was observed at all levels of the
root canal. The tubule openings varied in number and size.

I n the last decadescanningelectron microscopy

@EM) hasbeenusedto checkthe efficiencyof end-
odonticinstrumentsandof varioussolutionsusedfor
canalirrigation.l-4 However,the variousparietalar-
easof the endodonticsystemarenot yet well known.
Becauseof technicaldifficultiesrelatedto fixationand
preparationprocedures,reliable SEM observations
are uncommon.5Actually, surfaceconditionsafter
instrumentalproceduresare describedwithout refer-
enceto the initial state.The purposeof the present
studywasto developa descriptivecatalogof the mor-
phologicaspectsof the odontoblastsand the corre-
spondingdentinalwall at differentendodonticlevels
with two combinedSEM methods.
A soundupperleft first premolarwasremovedsur-
gically from a 43-year-oldwoman whoseocclusion

BProfessor, Department of Endodontics.

bProfessor and Chief, Department of Endodontics, and Dean of
Dental Faculty.
dProfessor and Chief, Department of Biology and Basic Sciences,
and Director, INSERM Unit U. 225. Fig. 1. Overall view of odontoblasts. (SEM; original
7/15/28788 magnification, X370.)

October 1991

Fig. 2. Overall view of circumpulpal dentin. @EM; orig- Fig. 4. Aspect of dentin in pulp horn. (SEM; original
inal magnification, X370.) magnification, X2300.)

Fig. 3. Pulp horn. Note pear-shaped aspect of odonto- Fig. 5. Spindle-shaped aspect of odontoblasts at proxi-
blasts. (SEM; original magnification, X2300.) ma1midpulpal level. (SEM; original magnification, X2300.)
Volume 72 SEM study of human odontoblasts and dentin 475
Number 4

Fig.6. Aspect of dentin at proximal midpulpal level. Fig.6. Aspect of dentin at root coronal third level.
(SEM; original magnification, X2300.) @EM; original magnification, x2300.)

Fig. 7. Odontoblasts assuming club-shaped profiles at Fig. 9. Odontoblasts assuming short, club-shaped pro-
root coronal third level. (SEM; original magnification, files at root midthird level. (SEM; original magnification,
x2300.) x2300.)
October 199I

Fig. 10. Note smooth aspect of globular dentinal relief at Fig. 11. Odontoblasts seen as disjoined globules at root
root midthird level. (SEM; original magnification, X2300.) apical third level. (SEM; original magnification, X2300.)

was normal. Extraction was performed with the varied in length, seemingly assuming a stratified as-
patient under local anesthesia without epinephrine. pect. The underlying dentin (Fig. 4) was pitted with
The tooth was fractured along its longitudinal axis, several wide tubules (2 pm in diameter) and had flat-
and the specimens were prepared for SEM examina- tened profiles. The disjoined dentinal globules were
tion according to a previously described method5 in- irregular in shape and often notched, and varied in
volving postfixation in tannic acid. The cytologic as- size.
pects of the odontoblasts at different levels of the pulp At the proximal midpulpal level the spindle-shaped
chamber and radicular canal were studied with Hita- odontoblasts (Fig. 5) looked less tightly packed than
chi S 450 and JEOL JSM 35 scanning electron described earlier. The intercellular spaces were filled
microscopes. The same specimens were then cleaned with fibrillar structures with spiral profiles. The sur-
ultrasonically for 5 minutes in a 2.5% sodium hy- face of the corresponding dentinal wall (Fig. 6)
pochlorite solution, prepared again for SEM, and ex- appeared evenly globular. The globules were joined
amined with both aforementioned microscopes, to and round. Only a few of them had the notched aspect.
study the mineral aspects of the circumpulpal dentin There were as many tubule openings as previously
corresponding to the areas where the odontoblasts had observed, and their diameter was about the same.
been observed previously. At the root coronal third level the cell bodies (Fig.
7) were randomly distributed, with enlarged intercel-
lular spaces containing a scanty fibrillar material.
The overall views of the same area of the circumpul- They assumed club-shaped profiles, and their bulging
pal dentin examined twice showed first the space dis- pulpal pole continued in a short pedicle. The dentinal
tribution of the odontoblasts (Fig. l), then the glob- globules (Fig. 8) were variable in size, and less tightly
ular aspect of the dentin after removal of the odonto- packed than previously observed, inducing interglob-
blasts (Fig. 2). ular spaces. The tubule openings were reduced in
At the pulp horn level the odontoblastic cell bodies number, randomly distributed, and smaller in diam-
appeared as elongated pears (Fig. 3) arranged in close eter (1.5 to 2 pm).
contact with each other. The basal (pulpal) pole was At the root midthird the intercellular spaces were
bulging. The cell bodies were 5 pm in diameter and enlarged (Fig. 9) and filled with an ill-defined fibrillar
Volume 72 SEM study of human odontoblasts and dentin 477
Number 4

Fig. 13. Diagram summarizing shape variations of od-

ontoblasts. a, Pulp horn (pear shape); b, proximal midpul-
pal level (spindle shape); c, root coronal third level (elon-
gated club shape); d, root midthird (short club shape); e,
root apical third (globules).

which correspond exactly to those of the tubule open-

ings. It is therefore possible to compare the results
obtained from SEM examination of both the coronal
and radicular zone, which has not yet been performed.
The present SEM survey along the whole cir-
cumpulpal dentin shows that the odontoblasts form a
single layer, which often assumes a pseudostratified
aspect when examined by light microscopy.6“4 The
Fig.12. Aspect of dentin at root apical third level.
cell bodies are arranged vertical to the dentinal
@EM; original magnification, X2300.) surface. When measured at the coronal level, their
size is similar to that reported by other investiga-
tors 799, 15-17
Classic data generally refer to the dentinal coronal
material. The cell bodies assumed short, clubbed pro- level. A change in the structure of the odontoblasts,
files. The whole cell body, not only the basal pole, was columnar in the crown and more cuboid in the apical
bulging. The circumpulpal dentin (Fig. 10) showed a area, has been reported on the basis of histologic sec-
smoother globular relief. The tubule openings were tions only.16y I7 The present investigation provides as-
fewer and varied in diameter (1.5 to 2 pm) as in the sessment of the three-dimensional aspects of the
coronal third. odontoblasts at different endodontic levels. They ap-
At the root apical third the cell bodies (Fig. 11) pear tightly packed in the pulp horn and successively
were definitely disjoined and assumed compact glob- pear shaped, spindle shaped, club shaped, or globular
ular profiles. The intercellular spaces were filled with from the crown to the apex.
profuse fibrillar material arranged in large bundles or The intercellular spaces observed might be due to
in fine fibrils. The dentinal wall (Fig. 12) had globules a decrease in the number of cells with age.16 Consid-
with a smooth surface. The scanty tubules were ran- ering our patient’s age (43 years), it is obvious that
domly distributed and small in diameter (1 pm); some dentinogenesis is in a less active synthetic state than
were in the process of obliteration. during the first stages of dentinogenesis. The disjoined
The various shapes of the odontoblasts are summa- cells described in the present study might be the re-
rized in Fig. 13. sult of a disruption of the intercellular connections
reported in transmission electron microscopy10 and
SEM,S which means that the odontoblasts might be in
The study of the functional unit constituted by the a resting state.17
pulpodentinal complex is not easy, because of the in- The surface conditions of the circumpulpal dentin
terface between a mineralized structure and highly have been studied at the coronal level only, during the
differentiated cells. Histologic examination provides active stage of dentinogenesis.18 The three-dimen-
only single-plane views of the odontoblasts, and until sional variations in the structure of the dentinal sur-
recently’ SEM images showed many artifacts. Our face at the coronal and radicular levels have never
technique allows to reduce SEM artifacts as shown by been compared before. The present data show the
measurements of the cell processes at the basal pole, dentinal surface to be evenly globular, whereas this
October 1991

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