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Quality Management in the Automotive Industry

Automotive SPICE®
Process Reference Model
Process Assessment Model
Version 3.0

Title: Automotive SPICE Process Assessment / Reference Model

Author(s): VDA QMC Working Group 13 / Automotive SIG
Version: 3.0
Date: 2015-07-16
Confidentiality: Public
Revision ID: 470
Copyright Notice
This document is a revision of the Automotive SPICE process assessment model 2.5 and the
process reference model 4.5, which has been developed under the Automotive SPICE initiative by
consensus of the car manufacturers within the Automotive Special Interest Group (SIG), a joint
special interest group of Automotive OEM, the Procurement Forum and the SPICE User Group.
It has been revised by the Working Group 13 of the Quality Management Center (QMC) in the
German Association of the Automotive Industry with the representation of members of the
Automotive Special Interest Group, and with the agreement of the SPICE User Group. This
agreement is based on a validation of the Automotive SPICE 3.0 version regarding any ISO copyright
infringement and the statements given from VDA QMC to the SPICE User Group regarding the
current and future development of Automotive SPICE.
This document reproduces relevant material from:
 ISO/IEC 33020:2015
Information technology -- Process assessment -- Process measurement framework for
assessment of process capability
ISO/IEC 33020:2015 provides the following copyright release statement:
‘Users of this International Standard may reproduce subclauses 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.6 as part of any
process assessment model or maturity model so that it can be used for its intended purpose.’
 ISO/IEC 15504-5:2006
Information Technology – Process assessment – Part 5: An exemplar Process Assessment
ISO/IEC 15504-5:2006 provides the following copyright release statement:
‘Users of this part of ISO/IEC 15504 may freely reproduce the detailed descriptions contained in the
exemplar assessment model as part of any tool or other material to support the performance of
process assessments, so that it can be used for its intended purpose.’
Relevant material from one of the mentioned standards is incorporated under the copyright release

The VDA, the VDA QMC and the Working Group 13 explicitly acknowledge the high quality work
carried out by the members of the Automotive Special Interest Group. We would like to thank all
involved people, who have contributed to the development and publication of Automotive SPICE®.

© VDA Quality Management Center 2

Derivative Works
You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work without the prior consent of both the SPICE
User Group and the VDA Quality Management Center. Such consent may be given provided ISO
copyright is not infringed.
The detailed descriptions contained in this document may be incorporated as part of any tool or other
material to support the performance of process assessments, so that this process assessment model
can be used for its intended purpose, provided that any such material is not offered for sale.
All distribution of derivative works shall be made at no cost to the recipient.

The Automotive SPICE® process assessment model may only be obtained by download from the web site.
It is not permitted for the recipient to further distribute the document.

Change Requests
Any problems or change requests should be reported through the defined mechanism at the web site.

Automotive SPICE® is a registered trademark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)
For further information about Automotive SPICE® visit

© VDA Quality Management Center 3

Document History
Version Date By Notes
2.0 2005-05-04 AutoSIG / SUG DRAFT RELEASE, pending final editorial review
Editorial review comments implemented
2.1 2005-06-24 AutoSIG / SUG
Updated to reflect changes in FDIS 15504-5
2.2 2005-08-21 AutoSIG / SUG Final checks implemented: FORMAL RELEASE
2.3 2007-05-05 AutoSIG / SUG Revision following CCB: FORMAL RELEASE
2.4 2008-08-01 AutoSIG / SUG Revision following CCB: FORMAL RELEASE
2.5 2010-05-10 AutoSIG / SUG Revision following CCB: FORMAL RELEASE
3.0 2010-07-16 VDA QMC WG13 Changes: See release notes

Release Notes
Version 3.0 of the process assessment model incorporates the following major changes:
Editorial adaption to ISO/IEC 330xx series, Notes regarding combined PRM/PAM in
Chapter 1
this document
Chapter 2 Adaption to ISO/IEC 330xx series
Chapter 3 Text optimized for better understanding and adapted to ISO/IEC 330xx series.
Renaming ENG to SYS/SWE, Structure of old ENG Processes changed, Rework of
AS 4.5 process reference model and AS 2.5 process performance indicators
Chapter 4
focusing on a set of highly significant processes assessed within the automotive
industry (HIS Scope).
Chapter 5 Adaption based on AS 2.5 to the measurement framework of ISO/IEC 33020
Annex A Conformity statement adapted to ISO/IEC 33004
Annex B Modifications on work product characteristics according to the changes in chapter 4.
Annex C Update to recent standards. Introduction of specific terms used in AS 3.0
Annex D Added the major concepts used for AS 3.0, incorporated Annex E of AS 2.5
Annex E Updated references to other standards

© VDA Quality Management Center 4

Table of contents
Copyright Notice ............................................................................................................................. 2
Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................... 2
Derivative Works ............................................................................................................................. 3
Distribution ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Change Requests ........................................................................................................................... 3
Trademark ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Document History ........................................................................................................................... 4
Release Notes ................................................................................................................................ 4
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ 5
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. 7
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. 7
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 8
1.1. Scope .............................................................................................................................. 8
1.2. Terminology..................................................................................................................... 9
1.3. Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 9
2. Statement of compliance........................................................................................................ 10
3. Process capability determination............................................................................................ 11
3.1. Process reference model ............................................................................................... 12
3.1.1. Primary Life Cycle Processes Category ................................................................. 13
3.1.2. Supporting Life Cycle Processes Category ............................................................ 14
3.1.3. Organizational Life Cycle Processes Category ...................................................... 14
3.2. Measurement framework ............................................................................................... 15
3.2.1. Process capability levels and process attributes .................................................... 15
3.2.2. Process Attribute Rating ........................................................................................ 16
3.2.3. Process capability level model ............................................................................... 20
3.3. Process assessment model ........................................................................................... 21
3.3.1. Process Performance Indicators ............................................................................ 21
3.3.2. Process Capability Indicators ................................................................................. 22
3.3.3. Understanding the Level of Abstraction of a PAM .................................................. 22
4. Process reference model and performance indicators (Level 1) ............................................. 24
4.1. Acquisition Process Group (ACQ) ................................................................................. 25
4.1.1. ACQ.3 Contract Agreement ................................................................................... 25
4.1.2. ACQ.4 Supplier Monitoring .................................................................................... 26
4.1.3. ACQ.11 Technical Requirements ........................................................................... 27
4.1.4. ACQ.12 Legal and Administrative Requirements ................................................... 29
4.1.5. ACQ.13 Project Requirements ............................................................................... 30
4.1.6. ACQ.14 Request for Proposals .............................................................................. 32
4.1.7. ACQ.15 Supplier Qualification ............................................................................... 34
4.2. Supply Process Group (SPL) ......................................................................................... 35
4.2.1. SPL.1 Supplier Tendering ...................................................................................... 35
4.2.2. SPL.2 Product Release.......................................................................................... 36
4.3. System Engineering Process Group (SYS).................................................................... 38
4.3.1. SYS.1 Requirements Elicitation ............................................................................. 38
4.3.2. SYS.2 System Requirements Analysis................................................................... 39
4.3.3. SYS.3 System Architectural Design ....................................................................... 41

© VDA Quality Management Center 5

4.3.4. SYS.4 System Integration and Integration Test...................................................... 43
4.3.5. SYS.5 System Qualification Test ........................................................................... 45
4.4. Software Engineering Process Group (SWE) ................................................................ 47
4.4.1. SWE.1 Software Requirements Analysis ............................................................... 47
4.4.2. SWE.2 Software Architectural Design .................................................................... 49
4.4.3. SWE.3 Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction ........................................ 50
4.4.4. SWE.4 Software Unit Verification ........................................................................... 52
4.4.5. SWE.5 Software Integration and Integration Test .................................................. 54
4.4.6. SWE.6 Software Qualification Test ........................................................................ 56
4.5. Supporting Process Group (SUP) .................................................................................. 58
4.5.1. SUP.1 Quality Assurance....................................................................................... 58
4.5.2. SUP.2 Verification .................................................................................................. 59
4.5.3. SUP.4 Joint Review ............................................................................................... 60
4.5.4. SUP.7 Documentation ........................................................................................... 62
4.5.5. SUP.8 Configuration Management......................................................................... 63
4.5.6. SUP.9 Problem Resolution Management ............................................................... 65
4.5.7. SUP.10 Change Request Management ................................................................. 67
4.6. Management Process Group (MAN) .............................................................................. 69
4.6.1. MAN.3 Project Management .................................................................................. 69
4.6.2. MAN.5 Risk Management ...................................................................................... 71
4.6.3. MAN.6 Measurement ............................................................................................. 72
4.7. Process Improvement Process Group (PIM) .................................................................. 74
4.7.1. PIM.3 Process Improvement .................................................................................. 74
4.8. Reuse Process Group (REU)......................................................................................... 76
4.8.1. REU.2 Reuse Program Management ..................................................................... 76
5. Process capability levels and process attributes .................................................................... 78
5.1. Process capability Level 0: Incomplete process ............................................................. 78
5.2. Process capability Level 1: Performed process ............................................................. 78
5.2.1. PA 1.1 Process performance process attribute ...................................................... 78
5.3. Process capability Level 2: Managed process ............................................................... 78
5.3.1. PA 2.1 Performance management process attribute .............................................. 79
5.3.2. PA 2.2 Work product management process attribute ............................................. 81
5.4. Process capability Level 3: Established process ............................................................ 82
5.4.1. PA 3.1 Process definition process attribute ............................................................ 82
5.4.2. PA 3.2 Process deployment attribute ..................................................................... 84
5.5. Process capability Level 4: Predictable process ............................................................ 86
5.5.1. PA 4.1 Quantitative analysis process attribute ....................................................... 86
5.5.2. PA 4.2 Quantitative control process attribute ......................................................... 87
5.6. Process capability Level 5: Innovating process .............................................................. 88
5.6.1. PA 5.1 Process innovation attribute ....................................................................... 89
5.6.2. PA 5.2 Process optimization attribute .................................................................... 90
Annex A Conformity of the process assessment and reference model ..................................... 92
A.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 92
A.2 Conformance to the requirements for process reference models ................................... 92
A.3 Conformance to the requirements for process assessment models ............................... 92
Annex B Work product characteristics ...................................................................................... 95
Annex C Terminology ............................................................................................................. 123

© VDA Quality Management Center 6

Annex D Key Concepts .......................................................................................................... 126
D.1 The "Plug-in" Concept ................................................................................................. 126
D.2 The Tip of the "V" ........................................................................................................ 127
D.3 Terms "Element", "Component", "Unit", and "Item" ...................................................... 127
D.4 Traceability and Consistency ....................................................................................... 128
D.5 "Agree" and "Summarize and Communicate" .............................................................. 129
D.6 "Evaluate", "Verification Criteria" and "Ensuring compliance" ...................................... 129
D.7 The Relation Between "Strategy" and "Plan" ............................................................... 130
Annex E Reference Standards ............................................................................................... 132

List of Figures
Figure 1 — Process assessment model relationship ..................................................................... 11
Figure 2 — Automotive SPICE process reference model - Overview ............................................ 12
Figure 3 — Relationship between assessment indicators and process capability.......................... 22
Figure 4 — Possible levels of abstraction for the term "process" ................................................... 23
Figure 5 — Performing a process assessment for determining process capability ........................ 23
Figure D.1 — The "Plug-in"-Concept........................................................................................... 126
Figure D.2 — The tip of the "V" ................................................................................................... 127
Figure D.3 — Element, Component, Unit, and Item .................................................................... 127
Figure D.4 — Bidirectional Traceability and Consistency ............................................................ 128
Figure D.5 — Agree, summarize and communicate .................................................................... 129
Figure D.6 — Evaluation, verification criteria and compliance ..................................................... 130
Figure D.7— Strategy and plan ................................................................................................... 131

List of Tables
Table 1 — Abbreviation List ............................................................................................................ 9
Table 2 — Primary Life Cycle Processes – ACQ process group ................................................... 13
Table 3 — Primary Life Cycle Processes – SPL process group .................................................... 13
Table 4 — Primary Life Cycle Processes – SYS process group .................................................... 13
Table 5 — Primary Life Cycle Processes – SWE process group ................................................... 14
Table 6 — Supporting Life Cycle Processes - SUP process group ............................................... 14
Table 7 — Organizational Life Cycle Processes - MAN process group ......................................... 14
Table 8 — Organizational Life Cycle Processes - PIM process group ........................................... 15
Table 9 — Organizational Life Cycle Processes - REU process group.......................................... 15
Table 10 — Process Capability Levels according to ISO/IEC 33020 ............................................. 16
Table 11 — Process Attributes according to ISO/IEC 33020 ......................................................... 16
Table 12 — Rating scale according to ISO/IEC 33020 .................................................................. 17
Table 13 — Rating scale percentage values according to ISO/IEC 33020 .................................... 17
Table 14 — Refinement of rating scale according to ISO/IEC 33020 ............................................ 17
Table 15 — Refined rating scale percentage values according to ISO/IEC 33020 ........................ 18
Table 16 — Process capability level model according to ISO/IEC 33020 ...................................... 20
Table C.1 — Terminology ........................................................................................................... 123
Table E.1 — Reference standards .............................................................................................. 132

© VDA Quality Management Center 7

1. Introduction

1.1. Scope
Process assessment is a disciplined evaluation of an organizational unit’s processes against a
process assessment model.
The Automotive SPICE process assessment model (PAM) is intended for use when performing
conformant assessments of the process capability on the development of embedded automotive
systems. It was developed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 33004.
Automotive SPICE has its own process reference model (PRM), which was developed based on the
Automotive SPICE process reference model 4.5. It was further developed and tailored considering
the specific needs of the automotive industry. If processes beyond the scope of Automotive SPICE
are needed, appropriate processes from other process reference models such as ISO/IEC 12207 or
ISO/IEC 15288 may be added based on the business needs of the organization.
The PRM is incorporated in this document and is used in conjunction with the Automotive SPICE
process assessment model when performing an assessment.
This Automotive SPICE process assessment model contains a set of indicators to be considered
when interpreting the intent of the Automotive SPICE process reference model. These indicators
may also be used when implementing a process improvement program subsequent to an

© VDA Quality Management Center 8

1.2. Terminology
Automotive SPICE follows the following precedence for use of terminology:
a) ISO/IEC 33001 for assessment related terminology
b) ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 terminology (as contained in Annex C)
c) Terms introduced by Automotive SPICE (as contained in Annex C)

1.3. Abbreviations
AS Automotive SPICE
BP Base Practice
CAN Controller Area Network
CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering,
CCB Change Control Board
CFP Call For Proposals
CPU Central Processing Unit
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
GP Generic Practice
GR Generic Resource
HIS Hersteller Initiative Software →
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/O Input / Output
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITT Invitation To Tender
LIN Local Interconnect Network
MISRA Motor Industry Software Reliability Association
MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport
PA Process Attribute
PAM Process Assessment Model
PRM Process Reference Model
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
SPICE Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination
SUG Spice User Group
USB Universal Serial Bus
WP Work Product
WPC Work Product Characteristic
Table 1 — Abbreviation List

© VDA Quality Management Center 9

2. Statement of compliance
The Automotive SPICE process assessment model and process reference model is conformant with
the ISO/IEC 33004, and can be used as the basis for conducting an assessment of process
ISO/IEC 33020 is used as an ISO/IEC 33003 compliant Measurement Framework.
A statement of compliance of the process assessment model and process reference model with the
requirements of ISO/IEC 33004 is provided in Annex A.

© VDA Quality Management Center 10

3. Process capability determination
The concept of process capability determination by using a process assessment model is based on
a two-dimensional framework. The first dimension is provided by processes defined in a process
reference model (process dimension). The second dimension consists of capability levels that are
further subdivided into process attributes (capability dimension). The process attributes provide the
measurable characteristics of process capability.
The process assessment model selects processes from a process reference model and supplements
with indicators. These indicators support the collection of objective evidence which enable an
assessor to assign ratings for processes according to the capability dimension.
The relationship is shown in Figure 1:

Measurement framework
(ISO/IEC 33020)
 Capability levels Process assessment model
 Process attributes
(Automotive SPICE)
 Rating
 Process capability indicators
 Scale
 Process performance indicators
 Rating method
 Aggregation method
 Process capability level model

Process1 Process2 Process3 Process4 ...

Process reference model

(Automotive SPICE)
 Domian and scopes
 Process purposes
 Process outcomes

Figure 1 — Process assessment model relationship

© VDA Quality Management Center 11

3.1. Process reference model
Processes are grouped by process category and at a second level into process groups according to
the type of activity they address.
There are 3 process categories: Primary Life Cycle Processes, Organizational Life Cycle Processes
and Supporting Life Cycle Processes.
Each process is described in terms of a purpose statement. The purpose statement contains the
unique functional objectives of the process when performed in a particular environment. For each
purpose statement a list of specific outcomes is associated, as a list of expected positive results of
the process performance.
For the process dimension, the Automotive SPICE process reference model provides the set of
processes shown in Figure 2.

Acquisition Process System Engineering Process Group (SYS) Management Process

Group (ACQ) Group (MAN)
Contract Agreement Requirements Elicitation Project Management


System Requirements System Qualification Test
Supplier Monitoring Analysis Risk Management

ACQ.11 SYS.3 SYS.4 MAN.6

Technical Requirements System Architectural System Integration and
Design Integration Test Measurement

Legal and Administrative Software Engineering Process Group (SWE)

ACQ.13 SWE.1 SWE.6

Project Requirements Software Requirements Software Qualification Test

ACQ.14 SWE.2 SWE.5

Request for Proposals Software Architectural Software Integration and
Design Integration Test
SWE.3 Reuse Process Group
ACQ.15 Software Detailed Design
Supplier Qualification Software Unit Verification
and Unit Construction
Reuse Program
Supply Process Group Supporting Process Group (SUP)
SPL.1 SUP.1 SUP.2 SUP.4 SUP.7 Process Improvement
Supplier Tendering Quality Assurance Verification Joint Review Documentation Process Group (PIM)

SPL.2 SUP.8 SUP.9 SUP.10 PIM.3

Configuration Problem Resolution Change Request Process Improvement
Product Release Management Management Management

Primary Life Cycle Processes Organizational Life Cycle Processes Supporting Life Cycle Processes

Figure 2 — Automotive SPICE process reference model - Overview

© VDA Quality Management Center 12

3.1.1. Primary Life Cycle Processes Category
The primary life cycle processes category consists of processes that may be used by the customer
when acquiring products from a supplier, and by the supplier when responding and delivering
products to the customer including the engineering processes needed for specification, design,
development, integration and testing.
The primary life cycle processes category consists of the following groups:
 the Acquisition process group;
 the Supply process group;
 the System Engineering process group;
 the Software Engineering process group.
The Acquisition process group (ACQ) consists of processes that are performed by the customer, or
by the supplier when acting as a customer for its own suppliers, in order to acquire a product and/or
ACQ.3 Contract Agreement
ACQ.4 Supplier Monitoring
ACQ.11 Technical Requirements
ACQ.12 Legal and Administrative Requirements
ACQ.13 Project Requirements
ACQ.14 Request for Proposals
ACQ.15 Supplier Qualification
Table 2 — Primary Life Cycle Processes – ACQ process group

The Supply process group (SPL) consists of processes performed by the supplier in order to supply
a product and/or a service.

SPL.1 Supplier Tendering

SPL.2 Product Release

Table 3 — Primary Life Cycle Processes – SPL process group

The System Engineering process group (SYS) consists of processes addressing the elicitation and
management of customer and internal requirements, the definition of the system architecture and
the integration and testing on the system level.

SYS.1 Requirements Elicitation

SYS.2 System Requirements Analysis
SYS.3 System Architectural Design
SYS.4 System Integration and Integration Test
SYS.5 System Qualification Test

Table 4 — Primary Life Cycle Processes – SYS process group

The Software Engineering process group (SWE) consists of processes addressing the management
of software requirements derived from the system requirements, the development of the

© VDA Quality Management Center 13

corresponding software architecture and design as well as the implementation, integration and
testing of the software.

SWE.1 Software Requirements Analysis

SWE.2 Software Architectural Design
SWE.3 Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction
SWE.4 Software Unit Verification
SWE.5 Software Integration and Integration Test
SWE.6 Software Qualification Test

Table 5 — Primary Life Cycle Processes – SWE process group

3.1.2. Supporting Life Cycle Processes Category

The supporting life cycle processes category consists of processes that may be employed by any of
the other processes at various points in the life cycle.

SUP.1 Quality Assurance

SUP.2 Verification
SUP.4 Joint Review
SUP.7 Documentation
SUP.8 Configuration Management
SUP.9 Problem Resolution Management
SUP.10 Change Request Management

Table 6 — Supporting Life Cycle Processes - SUP process group

3.1.3. Organizational Life Cycle Processes Category

The organizational life cycle processes category consists of processes that develop process,
product, and resource assets which, when used by projects in the organization, will help the
organization achieve its business goals.
The organizational life cycle processes category consists of the following groups:
 the Management process group;
 the Process Improvement process group;
 the Reuse process group.

The Management process group (MAN) consists of processes that may be used by anyone who
manages any type of project or process within the life cycle.

MAN.3 Project Management

MAN.5 Risk Management
MAN.6 Measurement

Table 7 — Organizational Life Cycle Processes - MAN process group

© VDA Quality Management Center 14

The Process Improvement process group (PIM) covers one process that contains practices to
improve the processes performed in the organizational unit.

PIM.3 Process Improvement

Table 8 — Organizational Life Cycle Processes - PIM process group

The Reuse process group (REU) covers one process to systematically exploit reuse opportunities in
organization’s reuse programs.

REU.2 Reuse Program Management

Table 9 — Organizational Life Cycle Processes - REU process group

3.2. Measurement framework

The measurement framework provides the necessary requirements and rules for the capability
dimension. It defines a schema which enables an assessor to determine the capability level of a
given process. These capability levels are defined as part of the measurement framework.
To enable the rating, the measurement framework provides process attributes defining a measurable
property of process capability. Each process attribute is assigned to a specific capability level. The
extent of achievement of a certain process attribute is represented by means of a rating based on a
defined rating scale. The rules from which an assessor can derive a final capability level for a given
process are represented by a process capability level model.
Automotive SPICE 3.0 uses the measurement framework defined in ISO/IEC 33020:2015.
NOTE: Text incorporated from ISO/IEC 33020 within this chapter is written in italic font and marked with a
left side bar.

3.2.1. Process capability levels and process attributes

The process capability levels and process attributes are identical to those defined in ISO/IEC 33020
clause 5.2. The detailed descriptions of the capability levels and the corresponding process attributes
can be found in chapter 5.
Process attributes are features of a process that can be evaluated on a scale of achievement,
providing a measure of the capability of the process. They are applicable to all processes.
A capability level is a set of process attribute(s) that work together to provide a major enhancement
in the capability to perform a process. Each attribute addresses a specific aspect of the capability
level. The levels constitute a rational way of progressing through improvement of the capability of
any process.
According to ISO/IEC 33020 there are six capability levels, incorporating nine process attributes:

Level 0: The process is not implemented, or fails to achieve its process

Incomplete process purpose.
Level 1: The implemented process achieves its process purpose
Performed process
Level 2: The previously described performed process is now implemented in a
Managed process managed fashion (planned, monitored and adjusted) and its work
products are appropriately established, controlled and maintained.

© VDA Quality Management Center 15

Level 3: The previously described managed process is now implemented using
Established process a defined process that is capable of achieving its process outcomes.
Level 4: The previously described established process now operates
Predictable process predictively within defined limits to achieve its process outcomes.
Quantitative management needs are identified, measurement data are
collected and analyzed to identify assignable causes of variation.
Corrective action is taken to address assignable causes of variation.
Level 5: The previously described predictable process is now continually
Innovating process improved to respond to organizational change.
Table 10 — Process Capability Levels according to ISO/IEC 33020

Within this process assessment model, the determination of capability is based upon the nine
process attributes (PA) defined in ISO/IEC 33020 and listed in Table 11.
Attribute ID Process Attributes
Level 0: Incomplete process
Level 1: Performed process
PA 1.1 Process performance process attribute
Level 2: Managed process
PA 2.1 Performance management process attribute
PA 2.2 Work product management process attribute
Level 3: Established process
PA 3.1 Process definition process attribute
PA 3.2 Process deployment process attribute
Level 4: Predictable process
PA 4.1 Quantitative analysis process attribute
PA 4.2 Quantitative control process attribute
Level 5: Innovating process
PA 5.1 Process innovation process attribute
PA 5.2 Process innovation implementation process attribute
Table 11 — Process Attributes according to ISO/IEC 33020

3.2.2. Process Attribute Rating

To support the rating of process attributes, the ISO/IEC 33020 measurement framework provides a
defined rating scale with an option for refinement, different rating methods and different aggregation
methods depending on the class of the assessment (e.g. required for organizational maturity
Rating Scale
Within this process measurement framework, a process attribute is a measureable property of
process capability. A process attribute rating is a judgement of the degree of achievement of the
process attribute for the assessed process.

The rating scale is defined by ISO/IEC 33020 as shown in table 12.

© VDA Quality Management Center 16

There is little or no evidence of achievement of the defined process
N Not achieved
attribute in the assessed process.
There is some evidence of an approach to, and some achievement of,
P Partially achieved the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Some aspects
of achievement of the process attribute may be unpredictable.
There is evidence of a systematic approach to, and significant
achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process.
L Largely achieved
Some weaknesses related to this process attribute may exist in the
assessed process.
There is evidence of a complete and systematic approach to, and full
achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process.
F Fully achieved
No significant weaknesses related to this process attribute exist in the
assessed process.

Table 12 — Rating scale according to ISO/IEC 33020

The ordinal scale defined above shall be understood in terms of percentage achievement of a
process attribute.
The corresponding percentages shall be:

N Not achieved 0 to ≤ 15% achievement

P Partially achieved > 15% to ≤ 50% achievement
L Largely achieved > 50% to ≤ 85% achievement
F Fully achieved > 85% to ≤ 100% achievement
Table 13 — Rating scale percentage values according to ISO/IEC 33020

The ordinal scale may be further refined for the measures P and L as defined below.

P- Partially achieved: There is some evidence of an approach to, and some achievement of,
the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Many aspects of
achievement of the process attribute may be unpredictable.
P+ Partially achieved: There is some evidence of an approach to, and some achievement of,
the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Some aspects of
achievement of the process attribute may be unpredictable.
L- Largely achieved: There is evidence of a systematic approach to, and significant
achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process.
Many weaknesses related to this process attribute may exist in the
assessed process.
L+ Largely achieved: There is evidence of a systematic approach to, and significant
achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process.
Some weaknesses related to this process attribute may exist in the
assessed process.
Table 14 — Refinement of rating scale according to ISO/IEC 33020

© VDA Quality Management Center 17

The corresponding percentages shall be:

P- Partially achieved - > 15% to ≤ 32.5% achievement

P+ Partially achieved + > 32.5 to ≤ 50% achievement
L- Largely achieved - > 50% to ≤ 67.5% achievement
L+ Largely achieved + > 67.5% to ≤ 85% achievement
Table 15 — Refined rating scale percentage values according to ISO/IEC 33020

Rating and aggregation method

ISO/IEC 33020 provides the following definitions:
A process outcome is the observable result of successful achievement of the process purpose.
A process attribute outcome is the observable result of achievement of a specified process
Process outcomes and process attribute outcomes may be characterised as an intermediate step
to providing a process attribute rating.
When performing rating, the rating method employed shall be specified relevant to the class of
assessment. The following rating methods are defined.
The use of rating method may vary according to the class, scope and context of an assessment.
The lead assessor shall decide which (if any) rating method to use. The selected rating method(s)
shall be specified in the assessment input and referenced in the assessment report.

ISO/IEC 33020 provides the following 3 rating methods:

Rating method R1
The approach to process attribute rating shall satisfy the following conditions:
a) Each process outcome of each process within the scope of the assessment shall be
characterized for each process instance, based on validated data;
b) Each process attribute outcome of each process attribute for each process within the scope of
the assessment shall be characterised for each process instance, based on validated data;
c) Process outcome characterisations for all assessed process instances shall be aggregated to
provide a process performance attribute achievement rating;
d) Process attribute outcome characterisations for all assessed process instances shall be
aggregated to provide a process attribute achievement rating.
Rating method R2
The approach to process attribute rating shall satisfy the following conditions:
a) Each process attribute for each process within the scope of the assessment shall be
characterized for each process instance, based on validated data;
b) Process attribute characterisations for all assessed process instances shall be aggregated to
provide a process attribute achievement rating.
Rating method R3
Process attribute rating across assessed process instances shall be made without aggregation.

© VDA Quality Management Center 18

In principle the three rating methods defined in ISO/IEC 33020 depend on
a) whether the rating is made only on process attribute level (Rating method 3 and 2) or – with
more level of detail – both on process attribute and process attribute outcome level (Rating
method 1); and
b) the type of aggregation ratings across the assessed process instances for each process
If a rating is performed for both process attributes and process attribute outcomes (Rating method
1), the result will be a process performance attribute outcome rating on level 1 and a process attribute
achievement rating on higher levels.
Depending on the class, scope and context of the assessment an aggregation within one process
(one-dimensional, vertical aggregation), across multiple process instances (one-dimensional,
horizontal aggregation) or both (two-dimensional, matrix aggregation) is performed.
ISO/IEC 33020 provides the following examples:
When performing an assessment, ratings may be summarised across one or two dimensions.
For example, when rating a
 process attribute for a given process, one may aggregate ratings of the associated process
(attribute) outcomes – such an aggregation will be performed as a vertical aggregation (one
 process (attribute) outcome for a given process attribute across multiple process instances,
one may aggregate the ratings of the associated process instances for the given process
(attribute) outcome such an aggregation will be performed as a horizontal aggregation (one
 process attribute for a given process, one may aggregate the ratings of all the process
(attribute) outcomes for all the processes instances – such an aggregation will be performed
as a matrix aggregation across the full scope of ratings (two dimensions)

The standard defines different methods for aggregation. Further information can be taken from
ISO/IEC 33020.

© VDA Quality Management Center 19

3.2.3. Process capability level model
The process capability level achieved by a process shall be derived from the process attribute ratings
for that process according to the process capability level model defined in Table 16.
The process capability level model defines the rules how the achievement of each level depends on
the rating of the process attributes for the assessed and all lower levels.
As a general rule the achievement of a given level requires a largely achievement of the
corresponding process attributes and a full achievement of any lower lying process attribute.

Scale Process attribute Rating

Level 1 PA 1.1: Process Performance Largely
PA 1.1: Process Performance Fully
Level 2 PA 2.1: Performance Management Largely
PA 2.2: Work Product Management Largely
PA 1.1: Process Performance Fully
PA 2.1: Performance Management Fully
Level 3 PA 2.2: Work Product Management Fully
PA 3.1: Process Definition Largely
PA 3.2: Process Deployment Largely
PA 1.1: Process Performance Fully
PA 2.1: Performance Management Fully
PA 2.2: Work Product Management Fully
Level 4 PA 3.1: Process Definition Fully
PA 3.2: Process Deployment Fully
PA 4.1: Quantitative Analysis Largely
PA 4.2: Quantitative Control Largely
PA 1.1: Process Performance Fully
PA 2.1: Performance Management Fully
PA 2.2: Work Product Management Fully
PA 3.1: Process Definition Fully
Level 5 PA 3.2: Process Deployment Fully
PA 4.1: Quantitative Analysis Fully
PA 4.2: Quantitative Control Fully
PA 5.1: Process Innovation Largely
PA 5.2: Process Innovation Implementation Largely

Table 16 — Process capability level model according to ISO/IEC 33020

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3.3. Process assessment model
The process assessment model offers indicators in order to identify whether the process outcomes
and the process attribute outcomes (achievements) are present or absent in the instantiated
processes of projects and organizational units. These indicators provide guidance for assessors in
accumulating the necessary objective evidence to support judgments of capability. They are not
intended to be regarded as a mandatory set of checklists to be followed.
In order to judge the presence or absence of process outcomes and process achievements an
assessment obtains objective evidence. All such evidence comes from the examination of work
products and repository content of the assessed processes, and from testimony provided by the
performers and managers of the assessed processes. This evidence is mapped to the PAM
indicators to allow establishing the correspondence to the relevant process outcomes and process
attribute achievements.
There are two types of indicators:
 Process performance indicators, which apply exclusively to capability Level 1. They
provide an indication of the extent of fulfillment of the process outcomes

 Process capability indicators, which apply to Capability Levels 2 to 5. They provide an

indication of the extent of fulfillment of the process attribute achievements.
Assessment indicators are used to confirm that certain practices were performed, as shown by
evidence collected during an assessment. All such evidence comes either from the examination of
work products of the processes assessed, or from statements made by the performers and
managers of the processes. The existence of base practices and work products provide evidence of
the performance of the processes associated with them. Similarly, the existence of process capability
indicators provides evidence of process capability.
The evidence obtained should be recorded in a form that clearly relates to an associated indicator,
in order that support for the assessor’s judgment can be confirmed or verified as required by ISO/IEC

3.3.1. Process Performance Indicators

Types of process performance indicators are
 Base practices (BP)
 Work products (WP).
Both BPs and WPs relate to one or more process outcomes. Consequently, BPs and WPs are always
process-specific and not generic. BPs represent activity-oriented indicators. WPs represent result-
oriented indicators. Both BP and WP are used for judging objective evidence that an assessor is to
collect, and accumulate, in the performance of an assessment. In that respect BPs and WPs are
alternative indicator sets the assessor can use.
The PAM offers a set of work product characteristics (WPC, see Annex B) for each WP. These are
meant to offer a good practice and state-of-the-art knowledge guide for the assessor. Therefore, WP
and WPC are supposed to be a quickly accessible information source during an assessment. In that
respect WPs and WPCs represent an example structure only. They are neither a "strict must" nor
are they normative for organizations. Instead, the actual structure, form and content of concrete work
products and documents for the implemented processes must be defined by the project and
organization, respectively. The project and/or organization ensures that the work products are
appropriate for the intended purpose and needs, and in relation to the development goals.

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3.3.2. Process Capability Indicators
Types of process capability indicators are:
 Generic Practice (GP)
 Generic Resource (GR)
Both GPs and GRs relate to one or more PA Achievements. In contrast to process performance
indicators, however, they are of generic type, i.e. they apply to any process.
The difference between GP and GR is that the former represent activity-oriented indicators while the
latter represent infrastructure- oriented indicators for judging objective evidence. An assessor has to
collect and accumulate evidence supporting process capability indicators during an assessment. In
that respect GPs and GRs are alternative indicators sets the assessor can use.
In spite of the fact that level 1 capability of a process is only characterized by the measure of the
extent to which the process outcomes are achieved the measurement framework (see chapter 3.2)
requires each level to reveal a process attribute, and, thus, requires the PAM to introduce at least
one process capability indicator. Therefore, the only process performance attribute for capability
Level 1 (PA.1.1) has a single generic practice (GP 1.1.1) pointing as an editorial reference to the
respective process performance indicators (see Figure 3).

PA 5.2
CL 5 GPs, GRs
Measurement framework PA 5.1
(ISO/IEC 33020) PA 4.2 Process assessment model
CL 4
 Capability levels PA 4.1 (Automotive SPICE)
 Process attributes PA 3.2  Process capability indicators
 Rating CL 3
PA 3.1  Process performance indicators
 Scale
 Rating method PA 2.2
CL 2 GPs, GRs
 Aggregation method PA 2.1
 Process capability level model
CL 1 PA 1.1 GP BPs, WPs and WPCs

Outcomes of Outcomes of Outcomes of

process 1 process 2 process 3

Process reference model

(Automotive SPICE)
 Domian and scopes
 Process purposes
 Process outcomes

Figure 3 — Relationship between assessment indicators and process capability

3.3.3. Understanding the Level of Abstraction of a PAM

The term "process" can be understood at three levels of abstraction. Note that these levels of
abstraction are not meant to define a strict black-or-white split, nor is it the aim to provide a scientific
classification schema – the message here is to understand that, in practice, when it comes to the
term "process" there are different abstraction levels, and that a PAM resides at the highest.

© VDA Quality Management Center 22

The "What"  What is to be done
 Why it has to be done
(Goals of the process)  What are the technical dependencies

Process Assessment Model(s)

 Methods, tools, templates, metrics

The "How"
 Definitions of logical order, concrete
(How to achieve the goals)
 Authority and competence definitions

 Tailoring
The "Doing"
 Setup
 Performance according to the tailored
(Performing the tasks to achieve method
the goals by using the methods)

Figure 4 — Possible levels of abstraction for the term "process"

Capturing experience acquired during product development (i.e. at the DOING level) in order to
share this experience with others means creating a HOW level. However, a HOW is always specific
to a particular context such as a company, an organizational unit, or a product line. For example, the
HOW of a project, organizational unit, or company A is potentially not applicable as is to a project,
organizational unit, or company B. However, both might be expected to adhere the principles
represented by PAM indicators for process outcomes and process attribute achievements. These
indicators are at the WHAT level while deciding on solutions for concrete templates, proceedings,
and tooling etc. is left to the HOW level.

Methods Process Assessment Model(s)


… mapping the information to the indicators ...

Performing interviews on the actual "Doing",
Investigating work products and tool
repositories, … … and determine the capability profile.
Reading through the defined "How" 2
1 3

Figure 5 — Performing a process assessment for determining process capability

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4. Process reference model and performance indicators (Level 1)
The processes in the process dimension can be drawn from the Automotive SPICE process
reference model, which is incorporated in the tables below indicated by a red bar at the left side.
Each table related to one process in the process dimension contains the process reference model
(indicated by a red bar) and the process performance indicators necessary to define the process
assessment model. The process performance indicators consist of base practices (indicated by a
green bar) and output work products (indicated by a blue bar).

Process ID The individual processes are described in terms of


process name, process purpose, and process


Process name
outcomes to define the Automotive SPICE process
Process purpose reference model. Additionally a process identifier is
Process outcomes
Base practices A set of base practices for the process providing a
definition of the tasks and activities needed to

accomplish the process purpose and fulfill the process


Output work A number of output work products associated with
products each process
NOTE: Refer to Annex B for the characteristics
associated with each work product.

Table 17 — Template for the process description

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4.1. Acquisition Process Group (ACQ)

4.1.1. ACQ.3 Contract Agreement

Process ID ACQ.3
Process name Contract Agreement
Process purpose The purpose of Contract Agreement Process is to negotiate and approve
a contract/agreement with the supplier.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a contract/agreement is negotiated, reviewed, approved and awarded
to the supplier(s);
2) the contract/agreement clearly and unambiguously specifies the
expectations, responsibilities, work products/deliverables and liabilities
of both the supplier(s) and the acquirer;
3) mechanisms for monitoring the capability and performance of the
supplier(s) and for mitigation of identified risks are reviewed and
considered for inclusion in the contract conditions; and
4) proposers/tenderers are notified of the result of proposal/tender

Base practices ACQ.3.BP1: Negotiate the contract/agreement. Negotiate all relevant

aspects of the contract/agreement with the supplier. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: Relevant aspects of the procurement may include
 system requirements
 acceptance criteria and evaluation criteria
 linkage between payment and successful completion of acceptance testing
 process requirements, process interfaces and joint processes.
ACQ.3.BP2: Specify rights and duties. Unambiguously specify the
expectations, responsibilities, work products/deliverables and liabilities of
the parties in the contract/agreement. [OUTCOME 2]
ACQ.3.BP3. Review contract/agreement for supplier capability
monitoring. Review and consider a mechanism for monitoring the
capability and performance of the supplier for inclusion in the
contract/agreement conditions. [OUTCOME 3]
ACQ.3.BP4: Review contract/agreement for risk mitigation actions.
Review and consider a mechanism for the mitigation of identified risk for
inclusion in the contract/agreement conditions. [OUTCOME 3]
ACQ.3.BP5: Approve contract/agreement. The contract/agreement is
approved by relevant stakeholders. [OUTCOME 1]
ACQ.3.BP6: Award contract/agreement. The contract/agreement is
awarded to the successful proposer/tenderer. [OUTCOME 1]
ACQ.3.BP7: Communicate result to tenderers. Notify the result of the
proposal/tender selection to proposers/tenders. After contract award inform
all tenderers of the decision. [OUTCOME 4]

Output work 02-00 Contract → [OUTCOME 1, 2, 3]

products 02-01 Commitment/agreement → [OUTCOME 1]

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13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 4]
13-05 Contract review record → [OUTCOME 1]
13-09 Meeting support record → [OUTCOME 1]

4.1.2. ACQ.4 Supplier Monitoring

Process ID ACQ.4
Process name Supplier Monitoring
Process purpose The purpose of the Supplier Monitoring Process is to track and assess the
performance of the supplier against agreed requirements.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) joint activities, as agreed between the customer and the supplier, are
performed as needed;
2) all information, agreed upon for exchange, is communicated regularly
between the supplier and customer;
3) performance of the supplier is monitored against the agreements; and
4) changes to the agreement, if needed, are negotiated between the
customer and the supplier and documented in the agreement.

Base practices ACQ.4.BP1: Agree on and maintain joint processes, joint interfaces,
and information to be exchanged. Establish and maintain an agreement on
information to be exchanged and on joint processes and joint interfaces,
responsibilities, type and frequency of joint activities, communications,
meetings, status reports and reviews. [OUTCOME 1, 2, 4]
NOTE1: Joint processes and interfaces usually include project management,
requirements management, change management, configuration management,
problem resolution, quality assurance and customer acceptance.
NOTE 2: Joint activities to be performed should be mutually agreed between
the customer and the supplier.
NOTE 3: The term customer in this process refers to the assessed party. The
term supplier refers to the supplier of the assessed party.
ACQ.4.BP2: Exchange all agreed information. Use the defined joint
interfaces between customer and supplier for the exchange of all agreed
information. [OUTCOME 1, 2, 3]
NOTE 4: Agreed information should include all relevant work products.
ACQ.4.BP3. Review technical development with the supplier. Review
development with the supplier on the agreed regular basis, covering
technical aspects, problems and risks and also track open items to closure.
[OUTCOME 1, 3, 4]
ACQ.4.BP4: Review progress of the supplier. Review progress of the
supplier regarding schedule, quality, and cost on the agreed regular basis.
Track open items to closure and perform risk mitigation activities. [OUTCOME
1, 3, 4]
ACQ.4.BP5: Act to correct deviations. Take action when agreed
objectives are not achieved to correct deviations from the agreed project
plans and to prevent reoccurrence of problems identified. Negotiate
changes to objectives and document them in the agreements. [OUTCOME 4]

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Output work 02-01 Commitment/agreement → [OUTCOME 4]
products 13-01 Acceptance record → [OUTCOME 3]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 1, 2]
13-09 Meeting support record → [OUTCOME 1]
13-14 Progress status record → [OUTCOME 2]
13-16 Change request → [OUTCOME 4]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 2]
14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 4]
15-01 Analysis report → [OUTCOME 3]

4.1.3. ACQ.11 Technical Requirements

Process ID ACQ.11
Process name Technical Requirements
Process purpose The purpose of the Technical Requirements Process is to establish the
technical requirements of the acquisition. This involves the elicitation of
functional and non-functional requirements that consider the deployment
life cycle of the products so as to establish a technical requirement
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) the technical requirements, including environment effect evaluation,
safety and security requirements where appropriate, are defined and
developed to match needs and expectations;
2) the current and evolving acquisition needs are gathered and defined;
3) the requirements and potential solutions are communicated to all
affected groups;
4) a mechanism is established to incorporate changed or new
requirements into the established baseline;
5) a mechanism for identifying and managing the impact of changing
technology to the technical requirements is defined; and
6) the requirements include compliance with relevant standards,
including environment effect evaluation, safety and security standards
where appropriate.

Base practices ACQ.11.BP1: Elicit needs. Elicit the needs of all relevant user groups.
ACQ.11.BP2: Define technical requirements. Define and develop the
technical requirements and potential solutions (where relevant), including
environment effect evaluation, safety and security, performance,
supportability requirements to match the needs and expectations of the
relevant user groups. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: This may include
 the categorization, prioritization and indication of requirements
 the indication of mandatory requirements
 classification of requirements into functional areas
 using defined end user types to describe the functional requirements
within an organization.

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ACQ.11.BP3. Identify acquisition needs. Gather and define the current
and evolving acquisition needs. [OUTCOME 2]
ACQ.11.BP4: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency of the technical
requirements with the defined acquisition needs. [OUTCOME 2]
ACQ.11.BP5: Identify affected groups. Identify all groups to which the
technical requirements and potential solutions should be communicated.
ACQ.11.BP6: Communicate to affected groups. Communicate the
technical requirements and potential solutions to all affected groups.
NOTE 2: To ensure a better understanding:
 the requirements might be specified in business terms
 simulation and exploratory prototyping techniques might be used.
ACQ.11.BP7: Establish a change mechanism. Establish a mechanism
to incorporate changed or new technical requirements into the established
baseline. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 3: This may include analyzing, structuring and prioritizing technical
requirements according to their importance to the business.
ACQ.11.BP8: Track impact of changing technology. Define a
mechanism for identifying and managing the impact of changing
technology to the technical requirements and integrate the resulting
consequences into the technical requirements. [OUTCOME 5]
ACQ.11.BP9: Identify constraints and standards. Identify constraints
and standards applicable to the technical requirements (e.g. open systems
standards). [OUTCOME 6]
ACQ.11.BP10: Ensure compliance of stated requirements. Ensure that
the technical requirements include compliance with identified relevant
standards, including environment effect evaluation, safety and security
standards where appropriate. [OUTCOME 6]

Output work 08-28 Change management plan → [OUTCOME 4]

products 08-51 Technology monitoring plan → [OUTCOME 5]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 3]
13-17 Customer request → [OUTCOME 1]
13-21 Change control record → [OUTCOME 2]
13-24 Validation results → [OUTCOME 6]
14-01 Change history → [OUTCOME 2]
14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 2]
14-50 Stakeholder groups list → [OUTCOME 1]
17-00 Requirement specification → [OUTCOME 6]
17-03 Customer requirements → [OUTCOME 6]

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4.1.4. ACQ.12 Legal and Administrative Requirements
Process ID ACQ.12
Process name Legal and Administrative Requirements
Process purpose The purpose of the Legal and Administrative Requirements Process is to
define the awarding aspects – expectations, liabilities, legal and other
issues and which comply with national and international laws of contract.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a contractual approach is defined which is compliant with relevant
national, international and regulatory laws, guidance and policies;
2) an agreement, (contractual) terms and conditions are defined to
describe how the supplier will meet the needs and expectations;
3) acceptance criteria and mechanisms for handling of breaches to the
fulfillment of contract are established;
4) the rights of the acquirer to assume, modify or evaluate, directly or
indirectly Intellectual Property Rights are established;
5) warranties and service level agreements are provided for where
6) provision for the suppliers to deliver other requirements (e.g. quality
plan, escrow arrangements etc.) is defined; and
7) recognized criteria for proprietary, regulatory and other product
liabilities issues are established.

Base practices ACQ.12.BP1: Identify relevant regulations. Identify relevant national,

international and regulatory laws, guidance and policies. [OUTCOME 1]
ACQ.12.BP2: Consider relevant regulations. Consider identified
relevant laws, guidance and policy when defining a contractual approach.
ACQ.12.BP3: Agree on (contractual) terms and conditions.
NOTE 1: This may include
 responsibilities of the purchaser and supplier; and the basis for payments
 responsibility for maintenance and upgrades.
 a separate maintenance or support agreement
 kind of payment
ACQ.12.BP4: Ensure usage of agreed terms and conditions. Ensure
the usage of agreed terms and conditions when describing how the supplier
will meet the needs and expectations. [OUTCOME 2]
ACQ.12.BP5: Establish acceptance criteria. [OUTCOME 3]
ACQ.12.BP6: Establish escalation mechanisms. Establish mechanisms
for handling of breaches to the fulfillment of contract. [OUTCOME 3]
NOTE 2: This may include planning of the control of contract changes.
ACQ.12.BP7: Establish management of intellectual property rights.
Establish the rights of the acquirer to assume, modify or evaluate, directly
or indirectly, Intellectual Property Rights. [OUTCOME 4]

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ACQ.12.BP8: Provide for warranties and service level agreements.
Provide for warranties and service level agreements where applicable.
ACQ.12.BP9: Define provision for the suppliers. Define provision for the
suppliers to deliver other requirements such as quality plan or escrow
arrangements. [OUTCOME 6]
ACQ.12.BP10: Establish criteria for liability issues. Establish
recognized criteria for proprietary, regulatory and other product liability
issues. [OUTCOME 7]

Output work 02-00 Contract → [OUTCOME 1-7]

products 02-01 Commitment/agreement → [OUTCOME 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]
10-00 Process description → [OUTCOME 1, 3]
18-01 Acceptance criteria → [OUTCOME 3]
14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 3]
17-00 Requirement specification → [OUTCOME 1-7]

4.1.5. ACQ.13 Project Requirements

Process ID ACQ.13
Process name Project Requirements
Process purpose The purpose of the Project Requirements Process is to specify the
requirements to ensure the acquisition project is performed with adequate
planning, staffing, directing, organizing and control over project tasks and
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) consistency between financial, technical, contractual and project
requirements is established;
2) requirements for the organizational, management, controlling, and
reporting aspects of a project are defined;
3) requirements for adequate staffing of projects by a competent team
(e.g. resources with requisite legal, contractual, technical and project
competence) with clear responsibilities and goals are defined;
4) the needs for exchanging information between all affected parties are
5) requirements for the completion and acceptance of interim work
products and release of payments are established;
6) potential risks are identified;
7) requirements for ownership of interactions and relationships with
suppliers are defined;
8) rights for use and distribution of the product by the customer and
supplier are defined; and
9) support and maintenance requirements are established.
Base practices ACQ.13.BP1: Identify relevant groups. Identify relevant
parties/stakeholders and experts for financial, technical, contract and
project issues. [OUTCOME 1]

© VDA Quality Management Center 30

ACQ.13.BP2: Communicate with relevant groups. Communicate with
the relevant parties regarding the specification of financial, technical,
contract and project requirements. [OUTCOME 1]
ACQ.13.BP3. Define organizational requirements. Define requirements
for the organizational aspect of the project. [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 1: Requirements for the organizational aspects refer to the organization
of the people on the project e.g. who is responsible etc. at different levels.
ACQ.13.BP4: Define management requirements. Define requirements
for the management, controlling and reporting aspects of the project.
NOTE 2: Requirements for the management, controlling and reporting aspects
of the project may be
 the necessity to structure the acquisition process in logical phases
 the use of experience and skills of third parties
 the sketch of a work breakdown structure
 that all documentation conforms to appropriate standards, and should be
contractually agreed with the suppliers
 requirements to supplier’s processes, process interfaces and joint
ACQ.13.BP5: Identify required competency. Identify required
competency (e.g. legal, contractual, technical and project competencies)
for key resources. [OUTCOME 3]
ACQ.13.BP6: Define responsibilities and goals. Define responsibilities
and goals of the team members. [OUTCOME 3]
ACQ.13.BP7: Identify information needs. Identify information needs of
the relevant parties. [OUTCOME 4]
ACQ.13.BP8: Define exchange of information. Consider how exchange
of information may be affected. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 3: Techniques for supporting the exchange of information may include
electronic solutions, face-to-face interactions and decisions about the
ACQ.13.BP9: Establish criteria for interim work products. Establish
requirements for the completion and acceptance of interim work products.
ACQ.13.BP10: Establish payment requirements. Establish
requirements for the release of payments. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 4: This may include for example the decision to link the major proportion
of the supplier’s payment to successful completion of the acceptance test, the
definition of supplier performance criteria and ways to measure, test and link
them to the payment schedule or the decision that payments be made on
agreed results.
ACQ.13.BP11: Identify risks. Identify risks associated with project life
cycle and with suppliers. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 5: Potential risk areas are for example stakeholder (customer, user, and
sponsor), product (uncertainty, complexity), processes (acquisition,
management, support, and organization), resources (human, financial, time,

© VDA Quality Management Center 31

infrastructure), context (corporate context, project context, regulatory context,
location) or supplier (process maturity, resources, experience).
ACQ.13.BP12: Communicate risks. Assure that all identified risks are
communicated to the relevant parties. [OUTCOME 6]
ACQ.13.BP13: Define ownership of relationships. Define requirements
for ownership of interactions and relationships with suppliers. [OUTCOME 7]
NOTE 6: This may include for example who has the lead on which type of
interaction, who maintains an open-issue-list, who are the contact persons for
management, technical and contractual issues, the frequency and type of
interaction, to whom the relevant information is distributed.
ACQ.13.BP14: Define rights for use and distribution. Define rights for
use and distribution of the product by the customer and supplier. [OUTCOME
NOTE 7: This may include unrestricted right of product use or delivery of
source code trial installation for "sale or return".
ACQ.13.BP15: Establish support and maintenance requirements.
NOTE 8: This may include for example training requirements, the decision if
support and maintenance should be conducted in-house or by a third party or
the establishment of service level agreements.

Output work 02-00 Contract → [OUTCOME 1-9]

products 13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 1]
13-20 Risk action request → [OUTCOME 6]
17-00 Requirement specification → [OUTCOME 1-9]

4.1.6. ACQ.14 Request for Proposals

Process ID ACQ.14
Process name Request for Proposals
Process purpose The purpose of the Request for Proposals Process is to prepare and
issue the necessary acquisition requirements. The documentation will
include, but not be limited to, the contract, project, finance and technical
requirements to be provided for use in the Call For Proposals (CFP) /
Invitation To Tender (ITT).
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) rules are defined for proposal/tender invitation and evaluation which
comply with the acquisition policy and strategy;
2) the baseline technical and non-technical requirements are assembled
to accompany the CFP / ITT;
3) the agreement (contractual) terms of reference and conditions for CFP
/ ITT are established;
4) the financial terms of reference for costs and payments for CFP / ITT
are defined;
5) the project terms of reference for CFP / ITT are defined;
6) the technical terms of reference for CFP / ITT are defined; and

© VDA Quality Management Center 32

7) a CFP / ITT is prepared and issued in accordance with acquisition
policies and which complies with relevant national, international and
regulatory laws, requirements, and policies.

Base practices ACQ.14.BP1: Define rules for CFP / ITT. Define rules for proposal/tender
invitation and evaluation which comply with the acquisition policy and
strategy. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: Examples are:
 a rule that a multiphase tendering process should be used (reasonable
when uncertainty is high)
 pre-planned interactions with suppliers
 a rule that the supplier will be informed about the evaluation criteria
 a rule that a timetable should be stipulated to allow suppliers specified
times to respond to the call for tender
 a rule prescribing to use a two stage evaluation process (reduce a long list
of suppliers to a short list of suppliers who are invited to tender).
ACQ.14.BP2: Assemble requirements. Assemble the baseline technical
and non-technical requirements to accompany the CFP / ITT. [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 2: The goal is to provide the supplier with an in-depth understanding of
your business to enable him to offer the specified solution.
ACQ.14.BP3. Establish terms and conditions for CFP / ITT. Establish
the agreement (contractual) terms of reference and conditions for CFP /
ACQ.14.BP4: Define financial terms. Define the financial terms of
reference for costs and payments for CFP / ITT. [OUTCOME 4]
ACQ.14.BP5: Define project terms. Define the project terms of reference
for CFP / ITT. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 3: The overall purpose of this is to communicate the documented
business requirements of the acquisition to the suppliers.
ACQ.14.BP6: Define technical terms. Define the technical terms of
reference for CFP / ITT. [OUTCOME 6]
ACQ.14.BP7: Identify relevant regulations. Identify international and
regulatory laws, requirements and policies which are relevant for CFP
preparation. [OUTCOME 7]
ACQ.14.BP8: Prepare and Issue a CFP / ITT. Prepare and issue a CFP
/ ITT in accordance with acquisition policies, which complies with relevant
national, international and regulatory laws, requirements and policies.

Output work 02-01 Commitment/agreement → [OUTCOME 3]

products 12-01 Request for proposal → [OUTCOME 7]
17-00 Requirement specification → [OUTCOME 2, 4, 5, 6]
19-11 Validation strategy → [OUTCOME 1]

© VDA Quality Management Center 33

4.1.7. ACQ.15 Supplier Qualification
Process ID ACQ.15
Process name Supplier Qualification
Process purpose The purpose of the Supplier Qualification Process is to evaluate and
determine if the potential supplier(s) have the required qualification for
entering the proposal/tender evaluation process. In this process, the
technical background, quality system, servicing, user support capabilities
etc. will be evaluated.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) criteria are established for qualifying suppliers;
2) supplier capability determination is performed as necessary;
3) the suppliers which possess required qualification are short-listed for
tender solution(s) evaluation;
4) any shortfalls in capability are identified and evaluated; and
5) any corrective action required by the acquirer is evaluated and

Base practices ACQ.15.BP1: Establish qualification criteria. Establish criteria for

qualifying suppliers. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: This could include
 technical background of the supplier
 quality system on the supplier side
 servicing
 user support capabilities.
ACQ15.BP2: Evaluate supplier. Perform supplier capability determination
as necessary. [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 2: It is often required that the supplier should have an ISO 9001 and/or
an ISO 16949 certificate.
NOTE 3: Establish the specific target levels against which the supplier’s
capability will be measured.
ACQ.15.BP3. Short-list suppliers with required qualification. Short-list
the suppliers for tender solution(s) evaluation which possess required
qualification. [OUTCOME 3]
ACQ.15.BP4: Evaluate any shortfalls. Identify and evaluate any
shortfalls. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 4: This may include developing a method for evaluating risk related to
the supplier or the proposed solution.
ACQ.15.BP5: Perform corrective actions. Evaluate and perform
corrective action required by the acquirer. [OUTCOME 5]

Output work 14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 5]

products 14-05 Preferred suppliers register → [OUTCOME 3]
15-16 Improvement opportunity → [OUTCOME 4]
15-21 Supplier evaluation report → [OUTCOME 2]
18-50 Supplier qualification criteria → [OUTCOME 1]

© VDA Quality Management Center 34

4.2. Supply Process Group (SPL)

4.2.1. SPL.1 Supplier Tendering

Process ID SPL.1
Process name Supplier Tendering
Process purpose The purpose of the Supplier Tendering Process is to establish an
interface to respond to customer inquiries and requests for proposal,
prepare and submit proposals, and confirm assignments through the
establishment of a relevant agreement/contract.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a communication interface is established and maintained in order to
respond to customer inquiries and requests for proposal;
2) requests for proposal are evaluated according to defined criteria to
determine whether or not to submit a proposal;
3) the need to undertake preliminary surveys or feasibility studies is
4) suitable staff are identified to perform the proposed work;
5) a supplier proposal is prepared in response to the customer request;
6) formal confirmation of agreement is obtained.

Base practices SPL.1.BP1: Establish communication interface. A communication

interface is established and maintained in order to respond to customer
inquiries or requests for proposal. [OUTCOME 1]
SPL.1.BP2: Perform customer inquiry screening. Perform customer
enquiry screening to ensure validity of contract, ensuring the right person
is quickly identified to process the lead. [OUTCOME 1]
SPL.1.BP3: Establish customer proposal evaluation criteria. Establish
evaluation criteria to determine whether or not to submit a proposal based
on appropriate criteria. [OUTCOME 2]
SPL.1.BP4: Evaluate customer request for proposal. Requests for
proposal are evaluated according to appropriate criteria. [OUTCOME 2]
SPL.1.BP5: Determine need for preliminary pre-studies. Determine
need for preliminary pre-studies to ensure that a firm quotation can be
made based on available requirements. [OUTCOME 3]
SPL.1.BP6: Identify and nominate staff. Identify and nominate staff with
appropriate competence for the assignment. [OUTCOME 4]
SPL.1.BP7: Prepare supplier proposal response. A supplier proposal
response is prepared in response to the customer request. [OUTCOME 5]
SPL.1.BP8: Establish confirmation of agreement. Formally confirm the
agreement to protect the interests of customer and supplier. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE.1: The nature of the commitment should be agreed and evidenced in
writing. Only authorized signatories should be able to commit to a contract.

Output work 02-01 Commitment/agreement → [OUTCOME 6]

products 08-12 Project plan → [OUTCOME 4]

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12-04 Supplier proposal response → [OUTCOME 5]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 1, 6]
13-15 Proposal review record → [OUTCOME 3, 4]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 2]

4.2.2. SPL.2 Product Release

Process ID SPL.2
Process name Product Release
Process purpose The purpose of the Product Release Process is to control the release of a
product to the intended customer.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) the contents of the product release are determined;
2) the release is assembled from configured items;
3) the release documentation is defined and produced;
4) the release delivery mechanism and media are determined;
5) release approval is effected against defined criteria;
6) the product release is made available to the intended customer; and
7) confirmation of release is obtained.

Base practices SPL.2.BP1: Define the functional content of releases. Establish a plan
for releases that identifies the functionality to be included in each release.
[OUTCOME 1, 3]
NOTE 1: The plan should point out which application parameters influencing
the identified functionality are effective for which release.
SPL.2.BP2: Define release products. The products associated with the
release are defined. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 2 The release products may include programming tools where these are
stated. In automotive terms a release may be associated with a sample e.g. A,
B, C.
SPL.2.BP3: Establish a product release classification and numbering
scheme. A product release classification and numbering scheme are
established based upon the intended purpose and expectations of the
release(s). [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 3: A release numbering implementation may include
 the major release number
 the feature release number
 the defect repair number
 the alpha or beta release
 the iteration within the alpha or beta release.
SPL.2.BP4: Define the build activities and build environment. A
consistent build process is established and maintained. [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 4: A specified and consistent build environment should be used by all
SPL.2.BP5: Build the release from configured items. The release is built
from configured items to ensure integrity. [OUTCOME 2]

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NOTE 5: Where relevant the software release should be programmed onto the
correct hardware revision before release.
SPL2.BP6: Communicate the type, service level and duration of
support for a release. The type, service level and duration of support for
a release are identified and communicated. [OUTCOME 3]
SPL.2.BP7: Determine the delivery media type for the release. The
media type for product delivery is determined in accordance with the needs
of the customer. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 6: The media type for delivery may be intermediate (placed on an
adequate media and delivered to customer), or direct (such as delivered in
firmware as part of the package) or a mix of both. The release may be
delivered electronically by placement on a server. The release may also need
to be duplicated before delivery.
SPL.2.BP8: Identify the packaging for the release media. The
packaging for different types of media is identified. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 7: The packaging for certain types of media may need physical or
electronic protection for instance specific encryption techniques.
SPL.2.BP9: Define and produce the product release
documentation/release notes. Ensure that all documentation to support
the release is produced, reviewed, approved and available. [OUTCOME 3]
SPL.2.BP10: Ensure product release approval before delivery. Criteria
for the product release are satisfied before release takes place. [OUTCOME
SPL.2.BP11: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between software
release number, paper label and EPROM-Label (where relevant). [OUTCOME
SPL.2.BP12: Provide a release note. A release is supported by
information detailing key characteristics of the release. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 8: The release note may include an introduction, the environmental
requirements, installation procedures, product invocation, new feature
identification and a list of defect resolutions, known defects and workarounds.
SPL.2.BP13: Deliver the release to the intended customer. The product
is delivered to the intended customer with positive confirmation of receipt.
[OUTCOME 6, 7]
NOTE 9: Confirmation of receipt may be achieved by hand, electronically, by
post, by telephone or through a distribution service provider.
NOTE 10: These practices are typically supported by the SUP.8 Configuration
Management Process.

Output work 08-16 Release plan → [OUTCOME 1, 3]

products 11-04 Product release package → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 6]
11-07 Temporary solution → [OUTCOME 6]
13-06 Delivery record → [OUTCOME 6,7]
13-13 Product release approval record → [OUTCOME 5]
15-03 Configuration status report → [OUTCOME 2]
18-06 Product release criteria → [OUTCOME 5, 7]

© VDA Quality Management Center 37

4.3. System Engineering Process Group (SYS)

4.3.1. SYS.1 Requirements Elicitation

Process ID SYS.1
Process name Requirements Elicitation
Process purpose The purpose of the Requirements Elicitation Process is to gather,
process, and track evolving stakeholder needs and requirements
throughout the lifecycle of the product and/or service so as to establish a
requirements baseline that serves as the basis for defining the needed
work products.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) continuing communication with the stakeholder is established;
2) agreed stakeholder requirements are defined and baselined;
3) a change mechanism is established to evaluate and incorporate
changes to stakeholder requirements into the baselined requirements
based on changing stakeholder needs;
4) a mechanism is established for continuous monitoring of stakeholder
5) a mechanism is established for ensuring that customers can easily
determine the status and disposition of their requests; and
6) changes arising from changing technology and stakeholder needs are
identified, the associated risks assessed and their impact managed.

Base practices SYS.1.BP1: Obtain stakeholder requirements and requests. Obtain

and define stakeholder requirements and requests through direct
solicitation of customer input and through review of customer business
proposals (where relevant), target operating and hardware environment,
and other documents bearing on customer requirements. [OUTCOME 1, 4]
NOTE 1: Requirements elicitation may involve the customer and the supplier.
NOTE 2: The agreed stakeholder requirements and evaluation of any change
may be based on feasibility studies and/or cost and time analyzes.
NOTE 3: The information needed to keep traceability for each customer
requirement has to be gathered and documented.

SYS.1.BP2: Understand stakeholder expectations. Ensure that both

supplier and customer understand each requirement in the same way.
NOTE 4: Reviewing the requirements and requests with the customer supports
a better understanding of customer needs and expectations. Refer to the
process SUP.4 Joint Review.

SYS.1.BP3: Agree on requirements. Obtain an explicit agreement from

all relevant parties to work on these requirements. [OUTCOME 2]
SYS.1.BP4: Establish stakeholder requirements baseline. Formalize
the stakeholder's requirements and establish them as a baseline for project
use and monitoring against stakeholder needs. The supplier should
determine the requirements not stated by the stakeholder but necessary
for specified and intended use and include them in the baseline. [OUTCOME
2, 3]

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SYS.1.BP5: Manage stakeholder requirements changes. Manage all
changes made to the stakeholder requirements against the stakeholder
requirements baseline to ensure enhancements resulting from changing
technology and stakeholder needs are identified and that those who are
affected by the changes are able to assess the impact and risks and initiate
appropriate change control and mitigation actions. [OUTCOME 3, 6]
NOTE 5: Requirements change may arise from different sources as for
instance changing technology and stakeholder needs, legal constraints.
NOTE 6: An information management system may be needed to manage,
store and reference any information gained and needed in defining agreed
stakeholder requirements.

SYS.1.BP6: Establish customer-supplier query communication

mechanism. Provide means by which the customer can be aware of the
status and disposition of their requirements changes and the supplier can
have the ability to communicate necessary information, including data, in a
customer-specified language and format. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 7: Any changes should be communicated to the customer before
implementation in order that the impact, in terms of time, cost and functionality
can be evaluated.
NOTE 8: This may include joint meetings with the customer or formal
communication to review the status for their requirements and requests; Refer
to the process SUP.4 Joint Review.
NOTE 9: The formats of the information communicated by the supplier may
include computer-aided design data and electronic data exchange.

Output work 08-19 Risk management plan → [OUTCOME 6]

products 08-20 Risk mitigation plan → [OUTCOME 6]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 1, 4]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 4, 5]
13-21 Change control record → [OUTCOME 3, 4]
15-01 Analysis report → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 6]
17-03 Stakeholder Requirements → [OUTCOME 1, 2]

4.3.2. SYS.2 System Requirements Analysis

Process ID SYS.2
Process name System Requirements Analysis
Process purpose The purpose of the System Requirements Analysis Process is to
transform the defined stakeholder requirements into a set of system
requirements that will guide the design of the system.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a defined set of system requirements is established;
2) system requirements are categorized and analyzed for correctness
and verifiability;
3) the impact of system requirements on the operating environment is
4) prioritization for implementing the system requirements is defined;

© VDA Quality Management Center 39

5) the system requirements are updated as needed;
6) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between
stakeholder requirements and system requirements;
7) the stakeholder requirements are evaluated for cost, schedule and
technical impact; and
8) the system requirements are agreed and communicated to all affected

Base practices SYS.2.BP1: Specify system requirements. Use the stakeholder

requirements and changes to the stakeholder requirements to identify the
required functions and capabilities of the system. Specify functional and
non-functional system requirements in a system requirements
specification. [OUTCOME 1, 5, 7]
NOTE 1: Application parameter influencing functions and capabilities are part
of the system requirements.
NOTE 2: For changes to the stakeholder's requirements SUP.10 applies

SYS.2.BP2: Structure system requirements. Structure the system

requirements in the system requirements specification by e.g.
 grouping to project relevant clusters,
 sorting in a logical order for the project,
 categorizing based on relevant criteria for the project,
 prioritizing according to stakeholder needs.
[OUTCOME 2, 4]
NOTE 3: Prioritizing typically includes the assignment of functional content to
planned releases. Refer to SPL.2.BP1.

SYS.2.BP3: Analyze system requirements. Analyze the specified system

requirements including their interdependencies to ensure correctness,
technical feasibility and verifiability, and to support risk identification.
Analyze the impact on cost, schedule and the technical impact. [OUTCOME
1, 2, 7]
NOTE 4: The analysis of impact on cost and schedule supports the adjustment
of project estimates. Refer to MAN.3.BP5.

SYS.2.BP4: Analyze the impact on the operating environment. Identify

the interfaces between the specified system and other elements of the
operating environment. Analyze the impact that the system requirements
will have on these interfaces and the operating environment. [OUTCOME 3, 7]
SYS.2.BP5: Develop verification criteria. Develop the verification criteria
for each system requirement that define the qualitative and quantitative
measures for the verification of a requirement. [OUTCOME 2, 7]
NOTE 5: Verification criteria demonstrate that a requirement can be verified
within agreed constraints and is typically used as the input for the development
of the system test cases or other verification measures that ensures
compliance with the system requirements.
NOTE 6: Verification which cannot be covered by testing is covered by SUP.2.

SYS.2.BP6: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between stakeholder requirements and system requirements.

© VDA Quality Management Center 40

NOTE 7: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SYS.2.BP7: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between

stakeholder requirements and system requirements. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 8: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.

SYS.2.BP8: Communicate agreed system requirements. Communicate

the agreed system requirements and updates to system requirements to all
relevant parties. [OUTCOME 8]

Output work 13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 8]

products 13-21 Change control record → [OUTCOME 1]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 6]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 6]
15-01 Analysis report → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4, 7]
17-08 Interface requirements specification → [OUTCOME 1, 3]
17-12 System requirements specification → [OUTCOME 1, 5]
17-50 Verification criteria → [OUTCOME 2]

4.3.3. SYS.3 System Architectural Design

Process ID SYS.3
Process name System Architectural Design
Process purpose The purpose of the System Architectural Design Process is to establish a
system architectural design and identify which system requirements are to
be allocated to which elements of the system, and to evaluate the system
architectural design against defined criteria.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a system architectural design is defined that identifies the elements of
the system;
2) the system requirements are allocated to the elements of the system;
3) the interfaces of each system element are defined;
4) the dynamic behavior objectives of the system elements are defined;
5) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between
system requirements and system architectural design; and
6) the system architectural design is agreed and communicated to all
affected parties.

Base practices SYS.3.BP1: Develop system architectural design. Develop and

document the system architectural design that specifies the elements of the
system with respect to functional and non-functional system requirements.
NOTE 1: The development of system architectural design typically includes the
decomposition into elements across appropriate hierarchical levels.

SYS.3.BP2: Allocate system requirements. Allocate the system

requirements to the elements of the system architectural design. [OUTCOME

© VDA Quality Management Center 41

SYS.3.BP3: Define interfaces of system elements. Identify, develop and
document the interfaces of each system element. [OUTCOME 3]
SYS.3.BP4: Describe dynamic behavior. Evaluate and document the
dynamic behavior of the interaction between system elements. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 2: Dynamic behavior is determined by operating modes (e.g. start-up,
shutdown, normal mode, calibration, diagnosis, etc.).

SYS.3.BP5: Evaluate alternative system architectures. Define

evaluation criteria for architecture design. Evaluate alternative system
architectures according to the defined criteria. Record the rationale for the
chosen system architecture. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 3: Evaluation criteria may include quality characteristics (modularity,
maintainability, expandability, scalability, reliability, security and usability) and
results of make-buy-reuse analysis.

SYS.3.BP6: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between system requirements and elements of the system
architectural design. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 4: Bidirectional traceability covers allocation of system requirements to
the elements of the system architectural design.
NOTE 5: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SYS.3.BP7: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between system

requirements and the system architectural design. [OUTCOME 1, 2, 5, 6]
NOTE 6: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.
NOTE 7: System requirements typically include system architectural
requirements. Refer to BP5.

SYS.3.BP8: Communicate agreed system architectural design.

Communicate the agreed system architectural design and updates to
system architectural design to all relevant parties. [OUTCOME 6]

Output work 04-06 System architectural design → [OUTCOME 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

products 13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 6]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 5]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 5]
17-08 Interface requirements specification → [OUTCOME 3]

© VDA Quality Management Center 42

4.3.4. SYS.4 System Integration and Integration Test
Process ID SYS.4
Process name System Integration and Integration Test
Process purpose The purpose of the System Integration and Integration Test Process is to
integrate the system items to produce an integrated system consistent
with the system architectural design and to ensure that the system items
are tested to provide evidence for compliance of the integrated system
items with the system architectural design, including the interfaces
between system items.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a system integration strategy consistent with the project plan, the
release plan and the system architectural design is developed to
integrate the system items;
2) a system integration test strategy including the regression test
strategy is developed to test the system item interactions;
3) a specification for system integration test according to the system
integration test strategy is developed that is suitable to provide
evidence for compliance of the integrated system items with the
system architectural design, including the interfaces between system
4) system items are integrated up to a complete integrated system
according to the integration strategy;
5) test cases included in the system integration test specification are
selected according to the system integration test strategy and the
release plan;
6) system item interactions are tested using the selected test cases and
the results of system integration testing are recorded;
7) consistency and bidirectional traceability between the elements of the
system architectural design and test cases included in the system
integration test specification and bidirectional traceability between test
cases and test results is established; and
8) results of the system integration test are summarized and
communicated to all affected parties.

Base practices SYS.4.BP1: Develop system integration strategy. Develop a strategy for
integrating the system items consistent with the project plan and the
release plan. Identify system items based on the system architectural
design and define a sequence for integrating them. [OUTCOME 1]
SYS.4.BP2: Develop system integration test strategy including
regression test strategy. Develop a strategy for testing the integrated
system items following the integration strategy. This includes a regression
test strategy for re-testing integrated system items if a system item is
changed. [OUTCOME 2]
SYS.4.BP3: Develop specification for system integration test. Develop
the test specification for system integration test including the test cases for
each integration step of a system item according to the system integration
test strategy. The test specification shall be suitable to provide evidence for
compliance of the integrated system items with the system architectural
design. [OUTCOME 3]

© VDA Quality Management Center 43

NOTE 1: The interface descriptions between system elements are an input for
the system integration test cases.
NOTE 2: Compliance to the architectural design means that the specified
integration tests are suitable to prove that the interfaces between the system
items fulfill the specification given by the system architectural design.
NOTE 3: The system integration test cases may focus on
 the correct signal flow between system items
 the timeliness and timing dependencies of signal flow between system
 the correct interpretation of signals by all system items using an interface
 the dynamic interaction between system items
NOTE 4: The system integration test may be supported using simulation of the
environment (e.g. Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation, vehicle network
simulations, digital mock-up).

SYS.4.BP4: Integrate system items. Integrate the system items to an

integrated system according to the system integration strategy. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 5: The system integration can be performed step wise integrating
system items (e.g. the hardware elements as prototype hardware, peripherals
(sensors and actuators), the mechanics and integrated software) to produce a
system consistent with the system architectural design.

SYS.4.BP5: Select test cases. Select test cases from the system
integration test specification. The selection of test cases shall have
sufficient coverage according to the system integration test strategy and
the release plan. [OUTCOME 5]
SYS.4.BP6: Perform system integration test. Perform the system
integration test using the selected test cases. Record the integration test
results and logs. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 6: See SUP.9 for handling of non-conformances.

SYS.4.BP7: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between elements of the system architectural design and test
cases included in the system integration test specification.
Establish bidirectional traceability between test cases included in the
system integration test specification and system integration test results.
NOTE 7: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SYS.4.BP8: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between elements

of the system architectural design and test cases included in the system
integration test specification. [OUTCOME 7]
NOTE 8: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.

SYS.4.BP9: Summarize and communicate results. Summarize the

system integration test results and communicate them to all affected
parties. [OUTCOME 8]
NOTE 9: Providing all necessary information from the test case execution in a
summary enables other parties to judge the consequences.

© VDA Quality Management Center 44

Output work 08-50 Test specification → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
products 08-52 Test plan → [OUTCOME 1, 2]
11-06 System → [OUTCOME 4]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 8]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 7]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 7]
13-50 Test result → [OUTCOME 6, 8]

4.3.5. SYS.5 System Qualification Test

Process ID SYS.5
Process name System Qualification Test
Process purpose The purpose of the System Qualification Test Process is to ensure that the
integrated system is tested to provide evidence for compliance with the
system requirements and that the system is ready for delivery.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a system qualification test strategy including regression test strategy
consistent with the project plan and release plan is developed to test
the integrated system;
2) a specification for system qualification test of the integrated system
according to the system qualification test strategy is developed that is
suitable to provide evidence for compliance with the system
3) test cases included in the system qualification test specification are
selected according to the system qualification test strategy and the
release plan;
4) the integrated system is tested using the selected test cases and the
results of system qualification test are recorded;
5) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between
system requirements and test cases included in the system
qualification test specification and between test cases and test results;
6) results of the system qualification test are summarized and
communicated to all affected parties.

Base practices
SYS.5.BP1: Develop system qualification test strategy including
regression test strategy. Develop a strategy for system qualification test
consistent with the project plan and the release plan. This includes a
regression test strategy for re-testing the integrated system if a system item
is changed. [OUTCOME 1]
SYS.5.BP2: Develop specification for system qualification test.
Develop the specification for system qualification test including test cases
based on the verification criteria according to the system test strategy. The
test specification shall be suitable to provide evidence for compliance of the
integrated system with the system requirements. [OUTCOME 2]
SYS.5.BP3: Select test cases. Select test cases from the system
qualification test specification. The selection of test cases shall have

© VDA Quality Management Center 45

sufficient coverage according to the system test strategy and the release
plan. [OUTCOME 3]
SYS.5.BP4: Test integrated system. Test the integrated system using the
selected test cases. Record the system test results and logs. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 1: See SUP.9 for handling of non-conformances

SYS.5.BP5: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between system requirements and test cases included in the
system qualification test specification. Establish bidirectional traceability
between test cases included in the system qualification test specification
and system qualification test results. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 2: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SYS.5.BP6: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between system

requirements and test cases included in the system qualification test
specification. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 3: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.

SYS.5.BP7: Summarize and communicate results. Summarize the

system qualification test results and communicate them to all affected
parties. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 4: Providing all necessary information from the test case execution in a
summary enables other parties to judge the consequences.

Output work 08-50 Test specification → [OUTCOME 2, 3]

products 08-52 Test plan → [OUTCOME 1]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 6]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 5]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 5]
13-50 Test result → [OUTCOME 4, 6]

© VDA Quality Management Center 46

4.4. Software Engineering Process Group (SWE)

4.4.1. SWE.1 Software Requirements Analysis

Process ID SWE.1
Process name Software Requirements Analysis
Process purpose The purpose of the Software Requirements Analysis Process is to
transform the software related parts of the system requirements into a set
of software requirements.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) the software requirements to be allocated to the software elements of
the system and their interfaces are defined;
2) software requirements are categorized and analyzed for correctness
and verifiability;
3) the impact of software requirements on the operating environment is
4) prioritization for implementing the software requirements is defined;
5) the software requirements are updated as needed;
6) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between
system requirements and software requirements; and consistency and
bidirectional traceability are established between system architectural
design and software requirements;
7) the software requirements are evaluated for cost, schedule and
technical impact; and
8) the software requirements are agreed and communicated to all
affected parties.

Base practices SWE.1.BP1: Specify software requirements. Use the system

requirements and the system architecture and changes to system
requirements and architecture to identify the required functions and
capabilities of the software. Specify functional and non-functional software
requirements in a software requirements specification. [OUTCOME 1, 5, 7]
NOTE 1: Application parameter influencing functions and capabilities are part
of the system requirements.
NOTE 2: In case of software development only, the system requirements and
the system architecture refer to a given operating environment (see also
note 5). In that case, stakeholder requirements should be used as the basis for
identifying the required functions and capabilities of the software as well as for
identifying application parameters influencing software functions and

SWE.1.BP2: Structure software requirements. Structure the software

requirements in the software requirements specification by e.g.
 grouping to project relevant clusters,
 sorting in a logical order for the project,
 categorizing based on relevant criteria for the project,
 prioritizing according to stakeholder needs.
[OUTCOME 2, 4]
NOTE 3: Prioritizing typically includes the assignment of software content to
planned releases. Refer to SPL.2 BP1.

© VDA Quality Management Center 47

SWE.1.BP3: Analyze software requirements. Analyze the specified
software requirements including their interdependencies to ensure
correctness, technical feasibility and verifiability, and to support risk
identification. Analyze the impact on cost, schedule and the technical
impact. [OUTCOME 2, 7]
NOTE 4: The analysis of impact on cost and schedule supports the adjustment
of project estimates. Refer to MAN.3 BP5.

SWE.1.BP4: Analyze the impact on the operating environment.

Analyze the impact that the software requirements will have on interfaces
of system elements and the operating environment. [OUTCOME 3, 7]
NOTE 5: The operating environment is defined as the system in which the
software executes (e.g. hardware, operating system, etc.).

SWE.1.BP5: Develop verification criteria. Develop the verification

criteria for each software requirement that define the qualitative and
quantitative measures for the verification of a requirement. [OUTCOME 2, 7]
NOTE 6: Verification criteria demonstrate that a requirement can be verified
within agreed constraints and is typically used as the input for the development
of the software test cases or other verification measures that should
demonstrate compliance with the software requirements.
NOTE 7: Verification which cannot be covered by testing is covered by SUP.2.

SWE.1.BP6: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between system requirements and software requirements.
Establish bidirectional traceability between the system architecture and
software requirements. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 8: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SWE.1.BP7: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between system

requirements and software requirements. Ensure consistency between the
system architecture and software requirements. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 9: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.
NOTE 10: In case of software development only, the system requirements and
system architecture refer to a given operating environment (see also NOTE 2).
In that case, consistency and bidirectional traceability has to be ensured
between stakeholder requirements and software requirements.

SWE.1.BP8: Communicate agreed software requirements.

Communicate the agreed software requirements and updates to software
requirements to all relevant parties. [OUTCOME 8]

Output work 13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 8]

products 13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 6]
13-21 Change control record → [OUTCOME 5, 7]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 1, 6]
15-01 Analysis report → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4, 7]
17-08 Interface requirements specification → [OUTCOME 1]
17-11 Software requirements specification → [OUTCOME 1]

© VDA Quality Management Center 48

17-50 Verification criteria → [OUTCOME 2]

4.4.2. SWE.2 Software Architectural Design

Process ID SWE.2
Process name Software Architectural Design
Process purpose The purpose of the Software Architectural Design Process is to establish
an architectural design and to identify which software requirements are to
be allocated to which elements of the software, and to evaluate the
software architectural design against defined criteria.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a software architectural design is defined that identifies the elements
of the software;
2) the software requirements are allocated to the elements of the
3) the interfaces of each software element are defined;
4) the dynamic behavior and resource consumption objectives of the
software elements are defined;
5) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between
software requirements and software architectural design; and
6) the software architectural design is agreed and communicated to all
affected parties.

Base practices SWE.2.BP1: Develop software architectural design. Develop and

document the software architectural design that specifies the elements of
the software with respect to functional and non-functional software
requirements. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: The software is decomposed into elements across appropriate
hierarchical levels down to the software components (the lowest level
elements of the software architectural design) that are described in the
detailed design.

SWE.2.BP2: Allocate software requirements. Allocate the software

requirements to the elements of the software architectural design. [OUTCOME

SWE.2.BP3: Define interfaces of software elements. Identify, develop

and document the interfaces of each software element. [OUTCOME 3]
SWE.2.BP4: Describe dynamic behavior. Evaluate and document the
timing and dynamic interaction of software elements to meet the required
dynamic behavior of the system. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 2: Dynamic behavior is determined by operating modes (e.g. start-up,
shutdown, normal mode, calibration, diagnosis, etc.), processes and process
intercommunication, tasks, threads, time slices, interrupts, etc.
NOTE 3: During evaluation of the dynamic behavior the target platform and
potential loads on the target should be considered.

SWE.2.BP5: Define resource consumption objectives. Determine and

document the resource consumption objectives for all relevant elements of

© VDA Quality Management Center 49

the software architectural design on the appropriate hierarchical level.
NOTE 4: Resource consumption is typically determined for resources like
Memory (ROM, RAM, external / internal EEPROM or Data Flash), CPU load,

SWE.2.BP6: Evaluate alternative software architectures. Define

evaluation criteria for architecture design. Evaluate alternative software
architectures according to the defined criteria. Record the rationale for the
chosen software architecture. [OUTCOME 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
NOTE 5: Evaluation criteria may include quality characteristics (modularity,
maintainability, expandability, scalability, reliability, security and usability) and
results of make-buy-reuse analysis.

SWE.2.BP7: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between software requirements and elements of the software
architectural design. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 6: Bidirectional traceability covers allocation of software requirements to
the elements of the software architectural design.
NOTE 7: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SWE.2.BP8: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between software

requirements and the software architectural design. [OUTCOME 1, 2, 5, 6]
NOTE 8: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.
NOTE 9: Software requirements include software architectural requirements,
refer to BP6.

SWE.2.BP9: Communicate agreed software architectural design.

Communicate the agreed software architectural design and updates to
software architectural design to all relevant parties. [OUTCOME 6]

Output work 04-04 Software architectural design → [OUTCOME 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

products 13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 6]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 5]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 5]
17-08 Interface requirement specification → [OUTCOME 3]

4.4.3. SWE.3 Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction

Process ID SWE.3
Process name Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction
Process purpose The purpose of the Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction
Process is to provide an evaluated detailed design for the software units
and to produce the software units.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a detailed design is developed that describes software units;
2) interfaces of each software unit are defined;
3) the dynamic behavior of the software units is defined;

© VDA Quality Management Center 50

4) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between
software requirements and software units; and consistency and
bidirectional traceability are established between software
architectural design and software detailed design; and consistency
and bidirectional traceability are established between software
detailed design and software units;
5) the software detailed design and the relationship to the software
architectural design is agreed and communicated to all affected
parties; and
6) software units defined by the software detailed design are produced.

Base practices SWE.3.BP1: Develop software detailed design. Develop a detailed

design for each software component defined in the software architectural
design that specifies all software units with respect to functional and non-
functional software requirements. [OUTCOME 1]
SWE.3.BP2: Define interfaces of software units. Identify, specify and
document the interfaces of each software unit. [OUTCOME 2]
SWE.3.BP3: Describe dynamic behavior. Evaluate and document the
dynamic behavior of and the interaction between relevant software units.
NOTE 1: Not all software units have dynamic behavior to be described.

SWE.3.BP4: Evaluate software detailed design. Evaluate the software

detailed design in terms of interoperability, interaction, criticality, technical
complexity, risks and testability. [OUTCOME 1,2,3,4]
NOTE 2: The results of the evaluation can be used as input for software unit

SWE.3.BP5: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between software requirements and software units. Establish
bidirectional traceability between the software architectural design and the
software detailed design. Establish bidirectional traceability between the
software detailed design and software units. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 3: Redundancy should be avoided by establishing a combination of
these approaches that covers the project and the organizational needs.
NOTE 4: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SWE.3.BP6: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between software

requirements and software units. Ensure consistency between the software
architectural design, the software detailed design and software units.
NOTE 5: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.
SWE.3.BP7: Communicate agreed software detailed design.
Communicate the agreed software detailed design and updates to the
software detailed design to all relevant parties. [OUTCOME 5]
SWE.3.BP8: Develop software units. Develop and document the
executable representations of each software unit according to the software
detailed design. [OUTCOME 6]

© VDA Quality Management Center 51

Output work 04-05 Software detailed design → [OUTCOME 1, 2, 3]
products 11-05 Software unit → [OUTCOME 6]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 5]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 4]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 4]

4.4.4. SWE.4 Software Unit Verification

Process ID SWE.4
Process name Software Unit Verification
Process purpose The purpose of the Software Unit Verification Process is to verify software
units to provide evidence for compliance of the software units with the
software detailed design and with the non-functional software
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a software unit verification strategy including regression strategy is
developed to verify the software units;
2) criteria for software unit verification are developed according to the
software unit verification strategy that are suitable to provide evidence
for compliance of the software units with the software detailed design
and with the non-functional software requirements;
3) software units are verified according to the software unit verification
strategy and the defined criteria for software unit verification and the
results are recorded;
4) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between
software units, criteria for verification and verification results; and
5) results of the unit verification are summarized and communicated to
all affected parties.

Base practices SWE.4.BP1: Develop software unit verification strategy including

regression strategy. Develop a strategy for verification of the software
units including regression strategy for re-verification if a software unit is
changed. The verification strategy shall define how to provide evidence for
compliance of the software units with the software detailed design and with
the non-functional requirements. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: Possible techniques for unit verification include static/dynamic
analysis, code reviews, unit testing etc.

SWE.4.BP2: Develop criteria for unit verification. Develop criteria for

unit verification that are suitable to provide evidence for compliance of the
software units with the software detailed design and with the non-functional
requirements according to the verification strategy. For unit testing, criteria
shall be defined in a unit test specification. [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 2: Possible criteria for unit verification include unit test cases, unit test
data, static verification, coverage goals and coding standards such as the
MISRA rules.
NOTE 3: The unit test specification may be implemented e.g. as a script in an
automated test bench.

© VDA Quality Management Center 52

SWE.4.BP3: Perform static verification of software units. Verify
software units for correctness using the defined criteria for verification.
Record the results of the static verification. [OUTCOME 3]
NOTE 4: Static verification may include static analysis, code reviews, checks
against coding standards and guidelines, and other techniques.
NOTE 5: See SUP.9 for handling of non-conformances.

SWE.4.BP4: Test software units. Test software units using the unit test
specification according to the software unit verification strategy. Record the
test results and logs. [OUTCOME 3]
NOTE 6: See SUP.9 for handling of non-conformances.

SWE.4.BP5: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between software units and static verification results. Establish
bidirectional traceability between the software detailed design and the unit
test specification. Establish bidirectional traceability between the unit test
specification and unit test results. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 7: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SWE.4.BP6: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between the

software detailed design and the unit test specification. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 8: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.

SWE.4.BP7: Summarize and communicate results. Summarize the unit

test results and static verification results and communicate them to all
affected parties. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 9: Providing all necessary information from the test case execution in a
summary enables other parties to judge the consequences.

Output work 08-50 Test specification → [OUTCOME 2]

08-52 Test plan → [OUTCOME 1]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 5]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 3, 4]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 4]
13-25 Verification results → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
13-50 Test result → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
15-01 Analysis report → [OUTCOME 3]

© VDA Quality Management Center 53

4.4.5. SWE.5 Software Integration and Integration Test
Process ID SWE.5
Process name Software Integration and Integration Test
Process purpose The purpose of the Software Integration and Integration Test Process is
to integrate the software units into larger software items up to a complete
integrated software consistent with the software architectural design and
to ensure that the software items are tested to provide evidence for
compliance of the integrated software items with the software
architectural design, including the interfaces between the software units
and between the software items.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a software integration strategy consistent with the project plan,
release plan and the software architectural design is developed to
integrate the software items;
2) a software integration test strategy including the regression test
strategy is developed to test the software unit and software item
3) a specification for software integration test according to the software
integration test strategy is developed that is suitable to provide
evidence for compliance of the integrated software items with the
software architectural design, including the interfaces between the
software units and between the software items;
4) software units and software items are integrated up to a complete
integrated software according to the integration strategy;
5) Test cases included in the software integration test specification are
selected according to the software integration test strategy, and the
release plan;
6) integrated software items are tested using the selected test cases and
the results of software integration test are recorded;
7) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between the
elements of the software architectural design and the test cases
included in the software integration test specification and between test
cases and test results; and
8) results of the software integration test are summarized and
communicated to all affected parties.

Base practices SWE.5.BP1: Develop software integration strategy. Develop a strategy

for integrating software items consistent with the project plan and release
plan. Identify software items based on the software architectural design and
define a sequence for integrating them. [OUTCOME 1]
SWE.5.BP2: Develop software integration test strategy including
regression test strategy. Develop a strategy for testing the integrated
software items following the integration strategy. This includes a regression
test strategy for re-testing integrated software items if a software item is
changed. [OUTCOME 2]
SWE.5.BP3: Develop specification for software integration test.
Develop the test specification for software integration test including the test
cases according to the software integration test strategy for each integrated
software item. The test specification shall be suitable to provide evidence

© VDA Quality Management Center 54

for compliance of the integrated software items with the software
architectural design. [OUTCOME 3]
NOTE 1: Compliance to the architectural design means that the specified
integration tests are suitable to prove that the interfaces between the software
units and between the software items fulfill the specification given by the
software architectural design.
NOTE 2: The software integration test cases may focus on
 the correct dataflow between software items
 the timeliness and timing dependencies of dataflow between software
 the correct interpretation of data by all software items using an interface
 the dynamic interaction between software items
 the compliance to resource consumption objectives of interfaces

SWE.5.BP4: Integrate software units and software items. Integrate the

software units to software items and software items to integrated software
according to the software integration strategy. [OUTCOME 4]
SWE.5.BP5: Select test cases. Select test cases from the software
integration test specification. The selection of test cases shall have
sufficient coverage according to the software integration test strategy and
the release plan. [OUTCOME 5]
SWE.5.BP6: Perform software integration test. Perform the software
integration test using the selected test cases. Record the integration test
results and logs. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 4: See SUP.9 for handling of non-conformances
NOTE 5: The software integration test may be supported by using hardware
debug interfaces or simulation environments (e.g. Software-in-the-Loop-

SWE.5.BP7: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between elements of the software architectural design and test
cases included in the software integration test specification. Establish
bidirectional traceability between test cases included in the software
integration test specification and software integration test results. [OUTCOME
NOTE 6: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SWE.5.BP8: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between elements

of the software architectural design and test cases included in the software
integration test specification. [OUTCOME 7]
NOTE 7: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.

SWE.5.BP9: Summarize and communicate results. Summarize the

software integration test results and communicate them to all affected
parties. [OUTCOME 8]
NOTE 8: Providing all necessary information from the test case execution in a
summary enables other parties to judge the consequences.

© VDA Quality Management Center 55

Output work 01-03 Software item → [OUTCOME 4]
products 01-50 Integrated software → [OUTCOME 4]
08-50 Test specification → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
08-52 Test plan → [OUTCOME 1, 2]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 8]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 7]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 7]
13-50 Test result → [OUTCOME 6, 8]
17-02 Build list → [OUTCOME 4, 7]

4.4.6. SWE.6 Software Qualification Test

Process ID SWE.6
Process name Software Qualification Test
Process purpose The purpose of the Software Qualification Test Process is to ensure that
the integrated software is tested to provide evidence for compliance with
the software requirements.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a software qualification test strategy including regression test strategy
consistent with the project plan and release plan is developed to test
the integrated software;
2) a specification for software qualification test of the integrated software
according to the software qualification test strategy is developed that
is suitable to provide evidence for compliance with the software
3) test cases included in the software qualification test specification are
selected according to the software qualification test strategy and the
release plan;
4) the integrated software is tested using the selected test cases and the
results of software qualification test are recorded;
5) consistency and bidirectional traceability are established between
software requirements and software qualification test specification
including test cases and between test cases and test results; and
6) results of the software qualification test are summarized and
communicated to all affected parties.

Base practices SWE.6.BP1: Develop software qualification test strategy including

regression test strategy. Develop a strategy for software qualification
testing consistent with the project plan and the release plan. This includes
a regression test strategy for re-testing the integrated software if a software
item is changed. [OUTCOME 1]
SWE.6.BP2: Develop specification for software qualification test.
Develop the specification for software qualification test including test cases
based on the verification criteria, according to the software test strategy.
The test specification shall be suitable to provide evidence for compliance
of the integrated software with the software requirements. [OUTCOME 2]

© VDA Quality Management Center 56

SWE.6.BP3: Select test cases. Select test cases from the software test
specification. The selection of test cases shall have sufficient coverage
according to the software test strategy and the release plan. [OUTCOME 3]
SWE.6.BP4: Test integrated software. Test the integrated software using
the selected test cases. Record the software test results and logs. [OUTCOME
NOTE 1: See SUP.9 for handling of non-conformances

SWE.6.BP5: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional

traceability between software requirements and test cases included in the
software qualification test specification. Establish bidirectional traceability
between test cases included in the software qualification test specification
and software qualification test results. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 2: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and impact

SWE.6.BP6: Ensure consistency. Ensure consistency between software

requirements and test cases included in the software qualification test
specification. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 3: Consistency is supported by bidirectional traceability and can be
demonstrated by review records.

SWE.6.BP7: Summarize and communicate results. Summarize the

software qualification test results and communicate them to all affected
parties. [OUTCOME 6]
Note 4: Providing all necessary information from the test case execution in a
summary enables other parties to judge the consequences.

Output work 08-50 Test specification → [OUTCOME 2, 3]

products 08-52 Test plan → [OUTCOME 1]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 6]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 5]
13-22 Traceability record → [OUTCOME 5]
13-50 Test result → [OUTCOME 4, 6]
19-00 Strategy → [OUTCOME 1]

© VDA Quality Management Center 57

4.5. Supporting Process Group (SUP)

4.5.1. SUP.1 Quality Assurance

Process ID SUP.1
Process name Quality Assurance
Process purpose The purpose of the Quality Assurance Process is to provide independent
and objective assurance that work products and processes comply with
predefined provisions and plans and that non-conformances are resolved
and further prevented.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
1) a strategy for performing quality assurance is developed,
implemented, and maintained;
2) quality assurance is performed independently and objectively without
conflicts of interest;
3) non-conformances of work products, processes, and process activities
with relevant requirements are identified, recorded, communicated to
the relevant parties, tracked, resolved, and further prevented;
4) conformance of work products, processes and activities with relevant
requirements is verified, documented, and communicated to the
relevant parties;
5) authority to escalate non-conformances to appropriate levels of
management is established; and
6) management ensures that escalated non-conformances are resolved.

Base practices SUP.1.BP1: Develop a project quality assurance strategy. Develop a

strategy in order to ensure that work product and process quality assurance
is performed at project level independently and objectively without conflicts
of interest. [OUTCOME 1, 2]
NOTE 1: Aspects of independence may be financial and/or organizational
NOTE 2: Quality assurance may be coordinated with, and make use of, the
results of other processes such as verification, validation, joint review, audit
and problem management.
NOTE 3: Process quality assurance may include process assessments and
audits, problem analysis, regular check of methods, tools, documents and the
adherence to defined processes, reports and lessons learned that improve
processes for future projects.
NOTE 4: Work product quality assurance may include reviews, problem
analysis, reports and lessons learned that improve the work products for
further use.
SUP.1.BP2: Assure quality of work products. Perform the activities
according to the quality assurance strategy and the project schedule to
ensure that the work products meet the defined work product requirements
and document the results. [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4]
NOTE 5: Relevant work product requirements may include requirements from
applicable standards.

© VDA Quality Management Center 58

NOTE 6: Non-conformances detected in work products may be entered into
the problem resolution management process (SUP.9) to document, analyze,
resolve, track to closure and prevent the problems.
SUP.1.BP3: Assure quality of process activities. Perform the activities
according to the quality assurance strategy and the project schedule to
ensure that the processes meet their defined goals and document the
results. [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4]
NOTE 7: Relevant process goals may include goals from applicable standards.
NOTE 8: Problems detected in the process definition or implementation may
be entered into a process improvement process (PIM.3) to describe, record,
analyze, resolve, track to closure and prevent the problems.
SUP.1.BP4: Summarize and communicate quality assurance activities
and results. Regularly report performance, deviations, and trends of
quality assurance activities to relevant parties for information and action
according to the quality assurance strategy. [OUTCOME 3, 4]
SUP.1.BP5: Ensure resolution of non-conformances. Deviations or
non-conformance found in process and product quality assurance activities
should be analyzed, tracked, corrected, and further prevented.

SUP.1.BP6: Implement an escalation mechanism. Establish and

maintain an escalation mechanism according to the quality assurance
strategy that ensures that quality assurance may escalate problems to
appropriate levels of management and other relevant stakeholders to
resolve them. [OUTCOME 5, 6]

Output work 08-13 Quality plan → [OUTCOME 1, 2]

products 13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5]
13-07 Problem record → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
13-18 Quality record → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4]
14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 3, 5, 6]
18-07 Quality criteria → [OUTCOME 1]

4.5.2. SUP.2 Verification

Process ID SUP.2
Process name Verification
Process purpose The purpose of the Verification Process is to confirm that each work
product of a process or project properly reflects the specified
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a verification strategy is developed, implemented and maintained;
2) criteria for verification of all required work products are identified;
3) required verification activities are performed;
4) defects are identified, recorded and tracked; and
5) results of the verification activities are made available to the customer
and other involved parties.

© VDA Quality Management Center 59

Base practices SUP.2.BP1: Develop a verification strategy. Develop and implement a
verification strategy, including verification activities with associated
methods, techniques, and tools; work product or processes under
verification; degrees of independence for verification and schedule for
performing these activities. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: Verification strategy is implemented through a plan.
NOTE 2: Software and system verification may provide objective evidence that
the outputs of a particular phase of the software development life cycle (e.g.
requirements, design, implementation, testing) meet all of the specified
requirements for that phase.
NOTE 3: Verification methods and techniques may include inspections, peer
reviews (see also SUP.4), audits, walkthroughs and analysis.

SUP.2.BP2: Develop criteria for verification. Develop the criteria for

verification of all required technical work products. [OUTCOME 2]
SUP.2.BP3: Conduct verification. Verify identified work products
according to the specified strategy and to the developed criteria to confirm
that the work products meet their specified requirements. The results of
verification activities are recorded. [OUTCOME 3]
SUP.2.BP4: Determine and track actions for verification results.
Problems identified by the verification should be entered into the problem
resolution management process (SUP.9) to describe, record, analyze,
resolve, track to closure and prevent the problems. [OUTCOME 4]
SUP.2.BP5: Report verification results. Verification results should be
reported to all affected parties. [OUTCOME 5]

Output work 13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 5]

products 13-07 Problem record → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5]
13-25 Verification results → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4, 5]
14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 4]
18-07 Quality criteria → [OUTCOME 2]
19-10 Verification strategy → [OUTCOME 1]

4.5.3. SUP.4 Joint Review

Process ID SUP.4
Process name Joint Review
Process purpose The purpose of the Joint review process is to maintain a common
understanding with the stakeholders of the progress against the
objectives of the agreement and what should be done to help ensure
development of a product that satisfies the stakeholders. Joint reviews
are at both project management and technical levels and are held
throughout the life of the project.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) management and technical reviews are held based on the needs of
the project;

© VDA Quality Management Center 60

2) the status and products of an activity of a process are evaluated
through joint review activities between the stakeholders;
3) review results are made known to all affected parties;
4) action items resulting from reviews are tracked to closure; and
5) problems are identified and recorded.
NOTE 1: Joint review should be performed at specific milestones during
project/product development. The scope and the goals of joint review may be
different dependent on project/product development phase (for example, in the
early stage of a project joint review may be "conceptual" in order to analyze
the customer requirements; in later stages joint review may be concerned with
the implementation).
NOTE 2: Joint review should be performed to verify different aspects (for
example: hardware resources utilization; the introduction of new requirements
and new technologies; modification to the working team structure; technology

Base practices SUP.4.BP1: Define review elements. Based on the needs of the project,
identify the schedule, scope and participants of management and technical
reviews, agree all resources required to conduct the reviews (this includes
personnel, location and facilities) and establish review criteria for problem
identification, resolution and agreement. [OUTCOME 1]
SUP.4.BP2: Establish a mechanism to handle review outcomes.
Establish mechanisms to ensure that review results are made available to
all affected parties that problems detected during the reviews are identified
and recorded and that action items raised are recorded for action.
SUP.4.BP3: Prepare joint review. Collect, plan, prepare and distribute
review material as appropriate in preparation for the review. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: The following items may be addressed: Scope and purpose of the
review; Products and problems to be reviewed; Entry and exit criteria; Meeting
agenda; Roles and participants; Distribution list; Responsibilities; Resource
and facility requirements; Used tools (checklists, scenario for perspective
based reviews etc.).
SUP.4.BP4: Conduct joint reviews. Conduct joint management and
technical reviews as planned. Record the review results. [OUTCOME 1, 2]
SUP.4.BP5: Distribute the results. Document and distribute the review
results to all the affected parties. [OUTCOME 3]
SUP.4.BP6: Determine actions for review results. Analyze the review
results, propose actions for resolution and determine the priority for actions.
SUP.4.BP7: Track actions for review results. Track actions for resolution
of identified problems in a review to closure. [OUTCOME 4]
SUP.4.BP8: Identify and record problems. Identify and record the
problems detected during the reviews according to the established
mechanism. [OUTCOME 5]

Output work 13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 3]

products 13-05 Contract review record → [OUTCOME 1, 2, 3]

© VDA Quality Management Center 61

13-07 Problem record → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
13-09 Meeting support record → [OUTCOME 1, 2]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME ALL]
14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5]
14-08 Tracking system → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5]
15-01 Analysis report → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
15-13 Assessment/audit report → [OUTCOME 1, 2]
15-16 Improvement opportunity → [OUTCOME 3, 4]

4.5.4. SUP.7 Documentation

Process ID SUP.7
Process name Documentation
Process purpose The purpose of the Documentation Process is to develop and maintain the
recorded information produced by a process.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) a strategy identifying the documentation to be produced during the life
cycle of the product or service is developed;
2) the standards to be applied for the development of the documentation
are identified;
3) documentation to be produced by the process or project is identified;
4) the content and purpose of all documentation is specified, reviewed
and approved;
5) documentation is developed and made available in accordance with
identified standards; and
6) documentation is maintained in accordance with defined criteria.

Base practices SUP.7.BP1: Develop a documentation management strategy. Develop

a documentation management strategy which addresses where, when and
what should be documented during the life cycle of the product/service.
NOTE 1: A documentation management strategy may define the controls
needed to approve documentation for adequacy prior to issue; to review and
update as necessary and re-approve documentation; to ensure that changes
and the current revision status of documentation are identified; to ensure that
relevant versions of documentation are available at points of issue; to ensure
that documentation remain legible and readily identifiable; to ensure the
controlled distribution of documentation; to prevent unintended use of obsolete
documentation ; and may also specify the levels of confidentiality, copyright or
disclaimers of liability for the documentation.
SUP.7.BP2: Establish standards for documentation. Establish
standards for developing, modifying and maintaining documentation.
SUP.7.BP3: Specify documentation requirements. Specify
requirements for documentation such as title, date, identifier, version
history, author(s), reviewer, authorizer, outline of contents, purpose, and
distribution list. [OUTCOME 2]

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SUP.7.BP4: Identify the relevant documentation to be produced. For
any given development life cycle, identify the documentation to be
produced. [OUTCOME 3]
SUP.7.BP5: Develop documentation. Develop documentation at required
process points according to established standards and policy, ensuring the
content and purpose is reviewed and approved as appropriate.
[OUTCOME 4, 5]
SUP.7.BP6: Check documentation. Review documentation before
distribution, and authorize documentation as appropriate before distribution
or release. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 2: The documentation intended for use by system and software users
should accurately describe the system and software and how it is to be used in
clear and useful manner for them.
NOTE 3: Documentation should be checked through verification or validation
SUP.7.BP7: Distribute documentation. Distribute documentation
according to determined modes of distribution via appropriate media to all
affected parties, confirming delivery of documentation, where necessary.
SUP.7.BP8: Maintain documentation. Maintain documentation in
accordance with the determined documentation strategy. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 4: If the documentation is part of a product baseline or if its control and
stability are important, it should be modified and distributed in accordance with
process SUP.8 Configuration management.

Output work 08-26 Documentation plan → [OUTCOME 1, 2]

products 13-01 Acceptance record → [OUTCOME 4, 5]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 4, 5]
14-01 Change history → [OUTCOME 5, 6]
14-11 Work product list → [OUTCOME 3]

4.5.5. SUP.8 Configuration Management

Process ID SUP.8
Process name Configuration Management
Process purpose The purpose of the Configuration Management Process is to establish
and maintain the integrity of all work products of a process or project and
make them available to concerned parties.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
1) a configuration management strategy is developed;
2) all configuration items generated by a process or project are identified,
defined and baselined according to the configuration management
3) modifications and releases of the configuration items are controlled;
4) modifications and releases are made available to affected parties;

© VDA Quality Management Center 63

5) the status of the configuration items and modifications is recorded and
6) the completeness and consistency of the baselines is ensured; and
7) storage of the configuration items is controlled.
Base practices SUP.8.BP1: Develop a configuration management strategy. Develop a
configuration management strategy, including
 responsibilities and resources;
 tools and repositories;
 the identification of the configuration items and their naming
 access rights;
 the history of configuration items and baselines including
- required/optional baselines,
- naming conventions,
- methods for branching, merging and building baselines and
- procedures for their release/approval.
NOTE 1: The configuration management strategy typically supports the
handling of product/software variants which may be caused by different sets of
calibration parameters or by other causes.

SUP.8.BP2: Identify configuration items. Identify and document

configuration items according to the configuration management strategy.
NOTE 2: Configuration control is typically applied for the products that are
delivered to the customer, designated internal work products, acquired
products, tools and other configuration items that are used in creating and
describing these work products.

SUP.8.BP3: Establish a configuration management system. Establish

a configuration management system according to the configuration
management strategy. [OUTCOME 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]
SUP.8.BP4: Establish branch management strategy. Develop a branch
management strategy where applicable for parallel developments that use
the same base. [OUTCOME 1, 3, 4, 6, 7]
NOTE 3: The branch management strategy specifies in which cases branching
is permissible, whether authorization is required, how branches are merged,
and which activities are required to verify that all changes have been
consistently integrated without damage to other changes or to the original

SUP.8.BP5: Control modifications and releases. Establish mechanisms

for control of the configuration items according to the configuration
management strategy, and control modifications and releases using these
mechanisms. [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5]
SUP.8.BP6: Establish baselines. Establish baselines for internal
purposes and for external delivery according to the configuration
management strategy. [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 4: For baseline issues refer also to the product release process SPL.2.

© VDA Quality Management Center 64

SUP.8.BP7: Report configuration status. Record and report status of
configuration items to support project management and other relevant
processes. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 5: Regular reporting of the configuration status (e.g. how many
configuration items are currently under work, checked in, tested, released,
etc.) supports project management activities and dedicated project phases like
software integration.

SUP.8.BP8: Verify the information about configured items. Verify that

the information about configured items, and their baselines is complete and
ensure the consistency of baselines. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 6: A typical implementation is performing baseline and configuration
management audits.

SUP.8.BP9: Manage the storage of configuration items and baselines.

Ensure the integrity and availability of configuration items and baselines
through appropriate scheduling and resourcing of storage, archiving (long
term storage) and backup of the used CM systems. [OUTCOME 4, 5, 6, 7]
NOTE 7: Backup, storage and archiving may need to extend beyond the
guaranteed lifetime of available storage media. Relevant configuration items
affected may include those referenced in NOTE 2 and NOTE 3. Availability
may be specified by contract requirements.

Output work 01-00 Configuration item → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 7]

products 06-02 Handling and storage guide → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5, 7]
08-04 Configuration management plan → [OUTCOME 1, 2, 7]
08-14 Recovery plan → [OUTCOME 1, 7]
13-08 Baseline → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
13-10 Configuration management record → [OUTCOME 2, 5, 7]
14-01 Change history → [OUTCOME 3]
16-03 Configuration management system → [OUTCOME 1, 3, 4]

4.5.6. SUP.9 Problem Resolution Management

Process ID SUP.9
Process name Problem Resolution Management
Process purpose The purpose of the Problem Resolution Management Process is to
ensure that problems are identified, analyzed, managed and controlled to
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
1) a problem resolution management strategy is developed;
2) problems are recorded, uniquely identified and classified;
3) problems are analyzed and assessed to identify an appropriate
4) problem resolution is initiated;
5) problems are tracked to closure; and
6) the status of problems and their trend are known.

© VDA Quality Management Center 65

Base practices SUP.9.BP1: Develop a problem resolution management strategy.
Develop a problem resolution management strategy, including problem
resolution activities, a status model for the problems, alert notifications,
responsibilities for performing these activities and an urgent resolution
strategy. Interfaces to affected parties are defined and definitions are
maintained. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: Problem resolution activities can be different during the product life
cycle, e.g. during prototype construction and series development.

SUP.9.BP2: Identify and record the problem. Each problem is uniquely

identified, described and recorded. Supporting information should be
provided to reproduce and diagnose the problem. [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 2: Supporting information typically includes the origin of the problem,
how it can be reproduced, environmental information, by whom it has been
detected, etc.
NOTE 3: Unique identification supports traceability to changes made.

SUP.9.BP3: Record the status of problems. A status according to the

status model is assigned to each problem to facilitate tracking. [OUTCOME 6]
SUP.9.BP4: Diagnose the cause and determine the impact of the
problem. Investigate the problem and determine its cause and impact in
order to categorize the problem and to determine appropriate actions.
[OUTCOME 2, 3]
NOTE 4: Problem categorization (e.g. A, B, C, light, medium, severe) may be
based on severity, impact, criticality, urgency, relevance for the change
process, etc.

SUP.9.BP5: Authorize urgent resolution action. If according to the

strategy a problem requires an urgent resolution, authorization shall be
obtained for immediate action also according to the strategy. [OUTCOME 4]
SUP.9.BP6: Raise alert notifications. If according to the strategy the
problem has a high impact on other systems or other affected parties, an
alert notification needs to be raised also according to the strategy.

SUP.9.BP7: Initiate problem resolution. Initiate appropriate actions

according to the strategy to resolve the problem including review of those
actions, or initiate a change request. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 5: Appropriate actions may include the initiating of a change request.
See SUP.10 for managing of change requests.

SUP.9.BP8: Track problems to closure. Track the status of problems to

closure including all related change requests. A formal acceptance has to
be authorized before closing the problem. [OUTCOME 5, 6]
SUP.9.BP9: Analyze problem trends. Collect and analyze problem
resolution management data, identify trends, and initiate project related
actions, according to the strategy. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 6: Collected data typically contains information about where the
problems occurred, how and when they were found, what were their impacts,

© VDA Quality Management Center 66

NOTE 7: The implementation of process improvements (to prevent problems)
is done in the process improvement process (PIM.3).The implementation of
generic project management improvements (e.g. lessons learned) are part of
the project management process (MAN.3). The implementation of generic
work product related improvements are part of the quality assurance process

Output work 08-27 Problem management plan → [OUTCOME 1]

products 13-07 Problem record → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4, 5]
15-01 Analysis report → [OUTCOME 3]
15-05 Evaluation report → [OUTCOME 3]
15-12 Problem status report → [OUTCOME 6]

4.5.7. SUP.10 Change Request Management

Process ID SUP.10
Process name Change Request Management
Process purpose The purpose of the Change Request Management Process is to ensure
that change requests are managed, tracked and implemented.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
1) a change request management strategy is developed;
2) requests for changes are recorded and identified;
3) dependencies and relationships to other change requests are
4) criteria for confirming implementation of change requests are defined;
5) requests for change are analyzed, and resource requirements are
6) changes are approved and prioritized on the basis of analysis results
and availability of resources;
7) approved changes are implemented and tracked to closure;
8) the status of all change requests is known; and
9) bi-directional traceability is established between change requests and
affected work products.

Base practices SUP.10.BP1: Develop a change request management strategy.

Develop a change request management strategy, including change request
activities, a status model for the change requests, analysis criteria, and
responsibilities for performing these activities. Interfaces to affected parties
are defined and maintained. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: A status model for change requests may contain: open, under
investigation, approved for implementation, allocated, implemented, fixed,
closed, etc.
NOTE 2: Typical analysis criteria are: resource requirements, scheduling
issues, risks, benefits, etc.
NOTE 3: Change request activities ensure that change requests are
systematically identified, described, recorded, analyzed, implemented, and

© VDA Quality Management Center 67

NOTE 4: The change request management strategy may cover different
proceedings across the product life cycle, e.g. during prototype construction
and series development.

SUP.10.BP2: Identify and record the change requests. Each change

request is uniquely identified, described, and recorded according to the
strategy, including the initiator and reason of the change request. [OUTCOME
2, 3]

SUP.10.BP3: Record the status of change requests. A status according

to the status model is assigned to each change request to facilitate tracking.

SUP.10.BP4: Analyze and assess change requests. Change requests

are analyzed according to the strategy including their dependencies to
affected work products and other change requests. Assess the impact of
the change requests and establish criteria for confirming implementation.
[OUTCOME 3, 4, 5, 9]

SUP.10.BP5: Approve change requests before implementation.

Change requests are prioritized based on analysis results and availability
of resources before implementation and approved according to the
strategy. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 5: A Change Control Board (CCB) is a common mechanism used to
approve change requests.
NOTE 6: Change requests may be allocated to releases.

SUP.10.BP6: Review the implementation of change requests.

The implementation of change requests is reviewed before closure to
ensure that their criteria for confirming implementation are satisfied, and
that all relevant processes have been applied. [OUTCOME 7, 8]
SUP.10.BP7: Track change requests to closure. Change requests are
tracked until closure. Feedback to the initiator is provided. [OUTCOME 7, 8]
SUP.10.BP8: Establish bidirectional traceability. Establish bidirectional
traceability between change requests and work products affected by the
change requests. In case that the change request is initiated by a problem,
establish bidirectional traceability between change requests and the
corresponding problem reports. [OUTCOME 9]
NOTE 7: Bidirectional traceability supports consistency, completeness and
impact analysis.

Output work 08-28 Change management plan → [OUTCOME 1]

products 13-16 Change request → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 7]
13-21 Change control record → [OUTCOME 8, 9]

© VDA Quality Management Center 68

4.6. Management Process Group (MAN)

4.6.1. MAN.3 Project Management

Process ID MAN.3
Process name Project Management
Process purpose The purpose of the Project Management Process is to identify, establish,
and control the activities and resources necessary for a project to produce
a product, in the context of the project’s requirements and constraints.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
1) the scope of the work for the project is defined;
2) the feasibility of achieving the goals of the project with available
resources and constraints is evaluated;
3) the activities and resources necessary to complete the work are sized
and estimated;
4) interfaces within the project, and with other projects and
organizational units, are identified and monitored;
5) plans for the execution of the project are developed, implemented and
6) progress of the project is monitored and reported; and
7) corrective action is taken when project goals are not achieved, and
recurrence of problems identified in the project is prevented.

Base practices MAN.3.BP1: Define the scope of work. Identify the project's goals,
motivation and boundaries. [OUTCOME 1]
MAN.3.BP2: Define project life cycle. Define the life cycle for the project,
which is appropriate to the scope, context, magnitude and complexity of the
project. [OUTCOME 2]
NOTE 1: This typically means that the project life cycle and the customer's
development process are consistent with each other.

MAN.3.BP3: Evaluate feasibility of the project. Evaluate the feasibility of

achieving the goals of the project in terms of technical feasibility within
constraints with respect to time, project estimates, and available resources.

MAN.3.BP4: Define, monitor and adjust project activities. Define,

monitor and adjust project activities and their dependencies according to
defined project life cycle and estimations. Adjust activities and their
dependencies as required. [OUTCOME 3, 5, 7]
NOTE 2: A structure and a manageable size of the activities and related work
packages support an adequate progress monitoring.
NOTE 3: Project activities typically cover engineering, management and
supporting processes.

MAN.3.BP5: Determine, monitor und adjust project estimates and

resources. Define, maintain, and adjust project estimates of effort and
resources based on project's goals, project risks, motivation and
boundaries. [OUTCOME 2, 3, 7]
NOTE 4: Appropriate estimation methods should be used.

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NOTE 5: Examples of necessary resources are people, infrastructure (such as
tools, test equipment, communication mechanisms...) and hardware/materials.
NOTE 6: Project risks (using MAN.5) and quality criteria (using SUP.1) may be
NOTE 7: Estimations and resources typically include engineering,
management and supporting processes.

MAN.3.BP6: Ensure required skills, knowledge, and experience.

Identify the required skills, knowledge, and experience for the project and
make sure the selected individuals and teams either have or acquire these
in time. [OUTCOME 3, 7]
NOTE 8: In the case of deviations from required skills and knowledge trainings
are typically provided.

MAN.3.BP7: Identify, monitor and adjust project interfaces and agreed

commitments. Identify and agree interfaces of the project with other (sub-
) projects, organizational units and other affected stakeholders and monitor
agreed commitments. [OUTCOME 4, 7]
NOTE 9: Project interfaces relate to engineering, management and supporting

MAN.3.BP8: Define, monitor and adjust project schedule. Allocate

resources to activities, and schedule each activity of the whole project. The
schedule has to be kept continuously updated during lifetime of the project.
[OUTCOME 3, 5, 7]
NOTE 10: This relates to all engineering, management and supporting

MAN.3.BP9: Ensure consistency. Ensure that estimates, activities,

schedules, plans, interfaces, and commitments for the project are
consistent across affected parties. [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5, 7]
MAN.3.BP10: Review and report progress of the project. Regularly
review and report the status of the project and the fulfillment of activities
against estimated effort and duration to all affected parties. Prevent
recurrence of problems identified. [OUTCOME 6, 7]
NOTE 11: Project reviews may be executed at regular intervals by the
management. At the end of a project, a project review contributes to identifying
e.g. best practices and lessons learned.

Output work 08-12 Project plan → [OUTCOME 1, 3, 4, 5]

products 13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 4, 6]
13-16 Change request → [OUTCOME 7]
13-19 Review record → [OUTCOME 2, 7]
14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 7]
14-06 Schedule → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
14-09 Work breakdown structure → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5]
14-50 Stakeholder groups list → [OUTCOME 4]
15-06 Project status report → [OUTCOME 4, 6]

© VDA Quality Management Center 70

4.6.2. MAN.5 Risk Management
Process ID MAN.5
Process name Risk Management
Process purpose The purpose of the Risk Management Process is to identify, analyze, treat
and monitor the risks continuously.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) the scope of the risk management to be performed is determined;
2) appropriate risk management strategies are defined and implemented;
3) risks are identified as they develop during the conduct of the project;
4) risks are analyzed and the priority in which to apply resources to
treatment of these risks is determined;
5) risk measures are defined, applied, and assessed to determine
changes in the status of risk and the progress of the treatment
activities; and
6) appropriate treatment is taken to correct or avoid the impact of risk
based on its priority, probability, and consequence or other defined
risk threshold.

Base practices MAN.5.BP1: Establish risk management scope. Determine the scope of
risk management to be performed for the project, in accordance with
organizational risk management policies. [OUTCOME 1]
NOTE 1: Risks may include technical, economic and timing risks.
MAN.5.BP2: Define risk management strategies. Define appropriate
strategies to identify risks, mitigate risks and set acceptability levels for
each risk or set of risks, both at the project and organizational level.
MAN.5.BP3: Identify risks. Identify risks to the project both initially within
the project strategy and as they develop during the conduct of the project,
continuously looking for risk factors at any occurrence of technical or
managerial decisions. [OUTCOME 2, 3]
NOTE 2: Examples of risk areas that are typically analyzed for potential risk
reasons or risks factors include: cost, schedule, effort, resource, and technical.
NOTE 3: Examples of risk factors may include: unsolved and solved trade-offs,
decisions of not implementing a project feature, design changes, lack of
expected resources.
MAN.5.BP4: Analyze risks. Analyze risks to determine the priority in which
to apply resources to mitigate these risks. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 4: Risks are normally analyzed to determine their probability,
consequence and severity.
NOTE 5: Different techniques may be used to analyze a system in order to
understand if risks exist, for example, functional analysis, simulation, FMEA,
FTA etc.
MAN.5.BP5: Define risk treatment actions. For each risk (or set of risks)
define, perform and track the selected actions to keep/reduce the risks to
acceptable level. [OUTCOME 5, 6]
MAN5.BP6: Monitor risks. For each risk (or set of risks) define measures
(e.g. metrics) to determine changes in the status of a risk and to evaluate

© VDA Quality Management Center 71

the progress of the of mitigation activities. Apply and assess these risk
measures. [OUTCOME 5, 6]
NOTE 6: Major risks may need to be communicated to and monitored by
higher levels of management.
MAN.5.BP7: Take corrective action. When expected progress in risk
mitigation is not achieved, take appropriate corrective action to reduce or
avoid the impact of risk. [OUTCOME 6]
NOTE 7: Corrective actions may involve developing and implementing new
mitigation strategies or adjusting the existing strategies.

Output work 07-07 Risk measure → [OUTCOME 5]

products 08-14 Recovery plan → [OUTCOME 4, 6]
08-19 Risk management plan → [OUTCOME ALL]
08-20 Risk mitigation plan → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 5, 6]
13-20 Risk action request → [OUTCOME 1, 2, 6]
14-02 Corrective action register → [OUTCOME 6]
14-08 Tracking system → [OUTCOME 5, 6]
15-08 Risk analysis report → [OUTCOME 4]
15-09 Risk status report → [OUTCOME 4, 5]

4.6.3. MAN.6 Measurement

Process ID MAN.6
Process name Measurement
Process purpose The purpose of the Measurement Process is to collect and analyze data
relating to the products developed and processes implemented within the
organization and its projects, to support effective management of the
processes and to objectively demonstrate the quality of the products.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) organizational commitment is established and sustained to implement
the measurement process;
2) the measurement information needs of organizational and
management processes are identified;
3) an appropriate set of measures, driven by the information needs are
identified and/or developed;
4) measurement activities are identified and performed;
5) the required data is collected, stored, analyzed, and the results
6) information products are used to support decisions and provide an
objective basis for communication; and
7) the measurement process and measures are evaluated and
communicated to the process owner.

Base practices MAN.6.BP1: Establish organizational commitment for measurement.

A commitment of management and staff to measurement is established
and communicated to the organizational unit. [OUTCOME 1]

© VDA Quality Management Center 72

MAN.6.BP2: Develop measurement strategy. Define an appropriate
measurement strategy to identify, perform and evaluate measurement
activities and results, based on organizational and project needs.
MAN.6.BP3: Identify measurement information needs. Identify the
measurement information needs of organizational and management
processes. [OUTCOME 2]
MAN.6.BP4: Specify measures. Identify and develop an appropriate set
of measures based on measurement information needs. [OUTCOME 3]
MAN.6.BP5: Perform measurement activities. Identify and perform
measurements activities. [OUTCOME 4]
MAN.6.BP6: Retrieve measurement data. Collect and store data of both
base and derived measures, including any context information necessary
to verify, understand, or evaluate the data. [OUTCOME 5]
MAN.6.BP7: Analyze measures. Analyze and interpret measurement
data and develop information products. [OUTCOME 5]
MAN.6.BP8: Use measurement information for decision-making. Make
accurate and current measurement information accessible for any
decision-making processes for which it is relevant. [OUTCOME 6]
MAN.6.BP9: Communicate measures. Disseminate measurement
information to all affected parties who will be using them and collect
feedback to evaluate appropriateness for intended use. [OUTCOME 5, 6]
MAN.6.BP10: Evaluate information products and measurement
activities. Evaluate information products and measurement activities
against the identified information needs and measurement strategy.
Identify potential improvements. [OUTCOME 7]
NOTE 1: Information products are produced as a result analysis of data in
order to summarize and communicate information.
MAN.6.BP11: Communicate potential improvements. Communicate to
the affected people the identified potential improvements concerning the
processes they are involved in. [OUTCOME 7]

Output work 02-01 Commitment/agreement → [OUTCOME 1]

products 03-03 Benchmarking data → [OUTCOME 5]
03-04 Customer satisfaction data → [OUTCOME 5]
03-06 Process performance data → [OUTCOME 6]
07-01 Customer satisfaction survey → [OUTCOME 3, 7]
07-02 Field measure → [OUTCOME 3, 7]
07-03 Personnel performance measure → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 7]
07-04 Process measure → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 7]
07-05 Project measure → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 7]
07-06 Quality measure → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 7]
07-07 Risk measure → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 7]
07-08 Service level measure → [OUTCOME 3, 4, 7]
15-01 Analysis report → [OUTCOME 2, 5]

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15-05 Evaluation report → [OUTCOME 5, 7]
15-18 Process performance report → [OUTCOME 5, 7]

4.7. Process Improvement Process Group (PIM)

4.7.1. PIM.3 Process Improvement

Process ID PIM.3
Process name Process Improvement
Process purpose The purpose of the Process Improvement Process is to continually
improve the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency through the
processes used and aligned with the business need.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) commitment is established to provide resources to sustain
improvement actions;
2) issues arising from the organization's internal/external environment
are identified as improvement opportunities and justified as reasons
for change;
3) analysis of the current status of the existing process is performed,
focusing on those processes from which improvement stimuli arise;
4) improvement goals are identified and prioritized, and consequent
changes to the process are defined, planned and implemented;
5) the effects of process implementation are monitored, measured and
confirmed against the defined improvement goals;
6) knowledge gained from the improvement is communicated within the
organization; and
7) the improvements made are evaluated and consideration given for
using the solution elsewhere within the organization.

Base practices PIM.3.BP1: Establish commitment. Commitment is established to

support the process group, to provide resources and further enablers
(trainings, methods, infrastructure, etc.) to sustain improvement actions.
NOTE 1: The process improvement process is a generic process, which can
be used at all levels (e.g. organizational level, process level, project level, etc.)
and which can be used to improve all other processes.
NOTE 2: Commitment at all levels of management may support process
improvement. Personal goals may be set for the relevant managers to enforce
management commitment.
PIM.3.BP2: Identify issues. Processes and interfaces are continuously
analyzed to identify issues arising from the organization’s internal/external
environment as improvement opportunities, and with justified reasons for
change. This includes issues and improvement suggestions addressed by
the customer. [OUTCOME 2, 3]
NOTE 3: Continuous analysis may include problem report trend analysis (see
SUP.9), analysis from Quality Assurance and Verification results and records
(see SUP.1 – SUP.2), validation results and records, and product quality
measures like ppm and recalls.

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NOTE 4: Information sources providing input for change may include: process
assessment results, audits, customer's satisfaction reports, organizational
effectiveness/efficiency, cost of quality.
PIM.3.BP3: Establish process improvement goals. Analysis of the
current status of the existing process is performed, focusing on those
processes from which improvement stimuli arise, resulting in improvement
objectives for the processes being established. [OUTCOME 3]
NOTE 5: The current status of processes may be determined by process
PIM.3.BP4: Prioritize improvements. The improvement objectives and
improvement activities are prioritized. [OUTCOME 4]
PIM.3.BP5: Plan process changes. Consequent changes to the process
are defined and planned. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 6: Process changes may only be possible if the complete supply chain
improves (all relevant parties).
NOTE 7: Traditionally process changes are mostly applied to new projects.
Within the automotive industry, changes could be implemented per project
phase (e.g. product sample phases A, B, C), yielding a higher improvement
rate. Also, the principle of low hanging fruit (that is implementing easy
improvements first) may be considered when planning process changes.
NOTE 8: Improvements may be planned in continuous incremental small
steps. Also, improvements are usually piloted before roll out at the
PIM.3.BP6: Implement process changes. The improvements to the
processes are implemented. Process documentation is updated and
people are trained. [OUTCOME 4]
NOTE 9: This practice includes defining the processes and making sure these
processes are applied. Process application can be supported by establishing
policies, adequate process infrastructure (tools, templates, example artifacts,
etc.), process training, process coaching and tailoring processes to local
PIM.3.BP7: Confirm process improvement. The effects of process
implementation are monitored, measured and confirmed against the
defined improvement goals. [OUTCOME 5]
NOTE 10: Examples of measures may be metrics for goal achievement,
process definition and process adherence.
PIM.3.BP8: Communicate results of improvement. Knowledge gained
from the improvements and progress of the improvement implementation
is communicated outside of the improvement project across relevant parts
of the organization and to the customer (as appropriate). [OUTCOME 6]
PIM.3.BP9: Evaluate the results of the improvement project. Evaluate
the results of the improvement project to check whether the solution was
successful and can be used elsewhere in the organization. [OUTCOME 7]

Output work 02-01 Commitment/agreement → [OUTCOME 1]

products 05-00 Goals → [OUTCOME 4]
06-04 Training material → [OUTCOME 4, 6]

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07-04 Process measure → [OUTCOME 6]
08-00 Plan → [OUTCOME 2, 4, 7]
08-29 Improvement plan → [OUTCOME 4]
10-00 Process description → [OUTCOME 4]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 6]
13-16 Change request → [OUTCOME 2]
15-05 Evaluation report → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]
15-13 Assessment/audit report → [OUTCOME 3, 5]
15-16 Improvement opportunity → [OUTCOME 2, 3, 4, 7]
16-06 Process repository → [OUTCOME 4]

4.8. Reuse Process Group (REU)

4.8.1. REU.2 Reuse Program Management

Process ID REU.2
Process name Reuse Program Management
Process purpose The purpose of the Reuse Program Management Process is to plan,
establish, manage, control, and monitor an organization’s reuse program
and to systematically exploit reuse opportunities.
Process As a result of successful implementation of this process:
outcomes 1) the reuse strategy, including its purpose, scope, goals and objectives,
is defined;
2) each domain is assessed to determine its reuse potential;
3) the domains in which to investigate reuse opportunities, or in which it
is intended to practice reuse, are identified;
4) the organization's systematic reuse capability is assessed;
5) reuse proposals are evaluated to ensure the reuse product is suitable
for the proposed application;
6) reuse is implemented according to the reuse strategy;
7) feedback, communication, and notification mechanisms are
established, that operate between affected parties; and
8) the reuse program is monitored and evaluated.

Base practices REU.2.BP1: Define organizational reuse strategy. Define the reuse
program and necessary supporting infrastructure for the organization.
[Outcome 1]
REU.2.BP2: Identify domains for potential reuse. Identify set(s) of
systems and their components in terms of common properties that can be
organized into a collection of reusable assets that may be used to construct
systems in the domain. [OUTCOME 2]
REU.2.BP3: Assess domains for potential reuse. Assess each domain
to identify potential use and applications of reusable components and
products. [OUTCOME 3]

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REU.2.BP4: Assess reuse maturity. Gain an understanding of the reuse
readiness and maturity of the organization, to provide a baseline and
success criteria for reuse program management. [OUTCOME 4]
REU.2.BP5: Evaluate reuse proposals. Evaluate suitability of the
provided reusable components and product(s) to proposed use.
REU.2.BP6: Implement the reuse program. Perform the defined activities
identified in the reuse program. [OUTCOME 6]
REU.2.BP7: Get feedback from reuse. Establish feedback, assessment,
communication and notification mechanism that operate between affected
parties to control the progress of reuse program. [OUTCOME 7, 8]
NOTE 1: Affected parties may include reuse program administrators, asset
managers, domain engineers, developers, operators, and maintenance
REU.2.BP8: Monitor reuse. Monitor the implementation of the reuse
program periodically and evaluate its suitability to actual needs.
[OUTCOME 6, 8]
NOTE 2: The quality requirements for re-use work products should be defined.

Output work 04-02 Domain architecture → [OUTCOME 2]

products 04-03 Domain model → [OUTCOME 2]
08-17 Reuse plan → [OUTCOME 5, 6]
09-03 Reuse policy → [OUTCOME 1]
12-03 Reuse proposal → [OUTCOME 4]
13-04 Communication record → [OUTCOME 7]
15-07 Reuse evaluation report → [OUTCOME 5, 6, 8]
15-13 Assessment/audit report → [OUTCOME 3, 4]
19-05 Reuse strategy → [OUTCOME 1]

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5. Process capability levels and process attributes
Process capability indicators are the means of achieving the capabilities addressed by the
considered process attributes. Evidence of process capability indicators supports the judgment of
the degree of achievement of the process attribute.
The capability dimension of the process assessment model consists of six capability levels matching
the capability levels defined in ISO/IEC 33020. The process capability indicators for the 9 process
attributes included in the capability dimension for process capability level 1 to 5 are described.
Each of the process attributes in this process assessment model is identical to the process attribute
defined in the process measurement framework. The generic practices address the characteristics
from each process attribute. The generic resources relate to the process attribute as a whole.
Process capability level 0 does not include any type of indicators, as it reflects a non-implemented
process or a process which fails to partially achieve any of its outcomes.
NOTE: ISO/IEC 33020 process attribute definitions and attribute outcomes are duplicated from ISO/IEC
33020 in italic font and marked with a left side bar.

5.1. Process capability Level 0: Incomplete process

The process is not implemented, or fails to achieve its process purpose. At this level there is little
or no evidence of any systematic achievement of the process purpose.

5.2. Process capability Level 1: Performed process

The implemented process achieves its process purpose. The following process attribute
demonstrates the achievement of this level

5.2.1. PA 1.1 Process performance process attribute

The process performance attribute is a measure of the extent to which the process purpose is
achieved. As a result of full achievement of this attribute:
a) the process achieves its defined outcomes

Generic practices GP 1.1.1 Achieve the process outcomes [ACHIEVEMENT a]

Achieve the intent of the base practices.
Produce work products that evidence the process outcomes.
Generic Resources are used to achieve the intent of process specific
resources base practices [ACHIEVEMENT a]

5.3. Process capability Level 2: Managed process

The previously described Performed process is now implemented in a managed fashion (planned,
monitored and adjusted) and its work products are appropriately established, controlled and
The following process attributes, together with the previously defined process attribute,
demonstrate the achievement of this level:

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5.3.1. PA 2.1 Performance management process attribute
The performance management process attribute is a measure of the extent to which the
performance of the process is managed. As a result of full achievement of this process attribute:
a) Objectives for the performance of the process are identified;
b) Performance of the process is planned;
c) Performance of the process is monitored;
d) Performance of the process is adjusted to meet plans;
e) Responsibilities and authorities for performing the process are defined, assigned and
f) Personnel performing the process are prepared for executing their responsibilities;
g) Resources and information necessary for performing the process are identified, made available,
allocated and used;
h) Interfaces between the involved parties are managed to ensure both effective communication
and clear assignment of responsibility.

Generic practices GP 2.1.1 Identify the objectives for the performance of the process.

Performance objectives are identified based on process requirements.

The scope of the process performance is defined.
Assumptions and constraints are considered when identifying the
performance objectives.
NOTE 1: Performance objectives may include
(1) timely production of artifacts meeting the defined quality criteria,
(2) process cycle time or frequency
(3) resource usage; and
(4) boundaries of the process.
NOTE 2: At minimum, project performance objectives for resources, effort
and schedule should be stated.

GP 2.1.2 Plan the performance of the process to fulfill the identified

objectives. [ACHIEVEMENT b]
Plan(s) for the performance of the process are developed.
The process performance cycle is defined.
Key milestones for the performance of the process are established.
Estimates for process performance attributes are determined and
Process activities and tasks are defined.
Schedule is defined and aligned with the approach to performing the
Process work product reviews are planned.
GP 2.1.3 Monitor the performance of the process against the plans.

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The process is performed according to the plan(s).
Process performance is monitored to ensure planned results are
achieved and to identify possible deviations
GP 2.1.4 Adjust the performance of the process. [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Process performance issues are identified.
Appropriate actions are taken when planned results and objectives are
not achieved.
The plan(s) are adjusted, as necessary.
Rescheduling is performed as necessary.
GP 2.1.5 Define responsibilities and authorities for performing the
process. [ACHIEVEMENT e]
Responsibilities, commitments and authorities to perform the process
are defined, assigned and communicated.
Responsibilities and authorities to verify process work products are
defined and assigned.
The needs for process performance experience, knowledge and skills
are defined.
GP 2.1.6 Identify, prepare, and make available resources to
perform the process according to plan. [ACHIEVEMENT f, g]
The human and infrastructure resources, necessary for performing the
process are identified made available, allocated and used.
The individuals performing and managing the process are prepared by
training, mentoring, or coaching to execute their responsibilities.
The information necessary to perform the process is identified and
made available.
GP 2.1.7 Manage the interfaces between involved parties.

The individuals and groups involved in the process performance are

Responsibilities of the involved parties are assigned.
Interfaces between the involved parties are managed.
Communication is assured between the involved parties.
Communication between the involved parties is effective.
Generic resources Human resources with identified objectives, responsibilities and
authorities [ACHIEVEMENT e, f]
Facilities and infrastructure resources [ACHIEVEMENT g]
Project planning, management and control tools, including time and
cost reporting [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, c, d]
Workflow management system [ACHIEVEMENT d, f, g]

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Email and/or other communication mechanisms
[ACHIEVEMENT b, c, d, f, g]

Information and/or experience repository [ACHIEVEMENT b, d, e]

Problem and issues management mechanisms [ACHIEVEMENT c]

5.3.2. PA 2.2 Work product management process attribute

The work product management process attribute is a measure of the extent to which the work
products produced by the process are appropriately managed. As a result of full achievement of
this process attribute:
a) Requirements for the work products of the process are defined;
b) Requirements for documentation and control of the work products are defined;
c) Work products are appropriately identified, documented, and controlled;
d) Work products are reviewed in accordance with planned arrangements and adjusted as
necessary to meet requirements.
NOTE 1: Requirements for documentation and control of work products may include requirements for the
identification of changes and revision status, approval and re-approval of work products, distribution
of work products, and for making relevant versions of applicable work products available at points
of use.
NOTE 2: The work products referred to in this Clause are those that result from the achievement of the
process purpose through the process outcomes.

Generic practices GP 2.2.1 Define the requirements for the work products.

The requirements for the work products to be produced are defined.

Requirements may include defining contents and structure.
Quality criteria of the work products are identified.
Appropriate review and approval criteria for the work products are

GP 2.2.2 Define the requirements for documentation and control of

the work products. [ACHIEVEMENT b]
Requirements for the documentation and control of the work products
are defined. Such requirements may include requirements for
(1) distribution,
(2) identification of work products and their components and
(3) traceability .
Dependencies between work products are identified and understood.
Requirements for the approval of work products to be controlled are

GP 2.2.3 Identify, document and control the work products.


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The work products to be controlled are identified.
Change control is established for work products.
The work products are documented and controlled in accordance with
Versions of work products are assigned to product configurations as
The work products are made available through appropriate access
The revision status of the work products may readily be ascertained.

GP 2.2.4 Review and adjust work products to meet the defined

requirements. [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Work products are reviewed against the defined requirements in
accordance with planned arrangements.
Issues arising from work product reviews are resolved.
Generic resources Requirement management method/toolset [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, c]
Configuration management system [ACHIEVEMENT b, c]
Documentation elaboration and support tool [ACHIEVEMENT b, c]
Document identification and control procedure [ACHIEVEMENT b, c]
Work product review methods and experiences [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Review management method/toolset [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Intranets, extranets and/or other communication mechanisms

Problem and issue management mechanisms [ACHIEVEMENT d]

5.4. Process capability Level 3: Established process

The previously described Managed process is now implemented using a defined process that is
capable of achieving its process outcomes.
The following process attributes, together with the previously defined process attributes,
demonstrate the achievement of this level:

5.4.1. PA 3.1 Process definition process attribute

The process definition process attribute is a measure of the extent to which a standard process is
maintained to support the deployment of the defined process. As a result of full achievement of this
process attribute:
a) A standard process, including appropriate tailoring guidelines, is defined and maintained that
describes the fundamental elements that must be incorporated into a defined process;
b) The sequence and interaction of the standard process with other processes is determined.

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c) Required competencies and roles for performing the process are identified as part of the
standard process;
d) Required infrastructure and work environment for performing the process are identified as part
of the standard process;
e) Suitable methods and measures for monitoring the effectiveness and suitability of the process
are determined.

Generic practices GP 3.1.1 Define and maintain the standard process that will support
the deployment of the defined process. [ACHIEVEMENT a]
A standard process is developed and maintained that includes the
fundamental process elements.
The standard process identifies the deployment needs and deployment
Guidance and/or procedures are provided to support implementation of
the process as needed.
Appropriate tailoring guideline(s) are available as needed.

GP 3.1.2 Determine the sequence and interaction between

processes so that they work as an integrated system of processes.

The standard process’s sequence and interaction with other processes

are determined.
Deployment of the standard process as a defined process maintains
integrity of processes.

GP 3.1.3 Identify the roles and competencies, responsibilities, and

authorities for performing the standard process. [ACHIEVEMENT c]
Process performance roles are identified
Competencies for performing the process are identified.
Authorities necessary for executing responsibilities are identified.

GP 3.1.4 Identify the required infrastructure and work environment

for performing the standard process. [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Process infrastructure components are identified (facilities, tools,
networks, methods, etc.).
Work environment requirements are identified.

GP 3.1.5 Determine suitable methods and measures to monitor the

effectiveness and suitability of the standard process. [ACHIEVEMENT

Methods and measures for monitoring the effectiveness and suitability

of the process are determined.
Appropriate criteria and data needed to monitor the effectiveness and
suitability of the process are defined.

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The need to conduct internal audit and management review is
Process changes are implemented to maintain the standard process.
Generic resources Process modeling methods/tools [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, c, d]
Training material and courses [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, c, d]
Resource management system [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Process infrastructure [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, d]
Audit and trend analysis tools [ACHIEVEMENT e]
Process monitoring method [ACHIEVEMENT e]

5.4.2. PA 3.2 Process deployment attribute

The process deployment process attribute is a measure of the extent to which the standard process
is deployed as a defined process to achieve its process outcomes. As a result of full achievement
of this process attribute:
a) A defined process is deployed based upon an appropriately selected and/or tailored standard
b) Required roles, responsibilities and authorities for performing the defined process are assigned
and communicated;
c) Personnel performing the defined process are competent on the basis of appropriate education,
training, and experience;
d) Required resources and information necessary for performing the defined process are made
available, allocated and used;
e) Required infrastructure and work environment for performing the defined process are made
available, managed and maintained;
f) Appropriate data are collected and analysed as a basis for understanding the behaviour of the
process, to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the process, and to evaluate where
continual improvement of the process can be made.

Generic practices GP 3.2.1 Deploy a defined process that satisfies the context specific
requirements of the use of the standard process. [ACHIEVEMENT a]
The defined process is appropriately selected and/or tailored from the
standard process.
Conformance of defined process with standard process requirements is

GP 3.2.2 Assign and communicate roles, responsibilities and

authorities for performing the defined process. [ACHIEVEMENT b]
The roles for performing the defined process are assigned and
The responsibilities and authorities for performing the defined process
are assigned and communicated.

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GP 3.2.3 Ensure necessary competencies for performing the
defined process. [ACHIEVEMENT c]
Appropriate competencies for assigned personnel are identified.
Suitable training is available for those deploying the defined process.

GP 3.2.4 Provide resources and information to support the

performance of the defined process. [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Required human resources are made available, allocated and used.
Required information to perform the process is made available,
allocated and used.

GP 3.2.5 Provide adequate process infrastructure to support the

performance of the defined process. [ACHIEVEMENT e]
Required infrastructure and work environment is available.
Organizational support to effectively manage and maintain the
infrastructure and work environment is available.
Infrastructure and work environment is used and maintained.

GP 3.2.6 Collect and analyze data about performance of the process

to demonstrate its suitability and effectiveness. [ACHIEVEMENT f]
Data required to understand the behavior, suitability and effectiveness
of the defined process are identified.
Data is collected and analyzed to understand the behavior, suitability
and effectiveness of the defined process.
Results of the analysis are used to identify where continual
improvement of the standard and/or defined process can be made.
NOTE 1: Data about process performance may be qualitative or

Generic resources Feedback mechanisms (customer, staff, other stakeholders)

Process repository [ACHIEVEMENT a]
Resource management system [ACHIEVEMENT b, c, d]
Knowledge management system [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, d, f]
Problem and change management system [ACHIEVEMENT f]
Working environment and infrastructure [ACHIEVEMENT d, e]
Data collection analysis system [ACHIEVEMENT f]
Process assessment framework [ACHIEVEMENT f]
Audit/review system [ACHIEVEMENT f]

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5.5. Process capability Level 4: Predictable process
The previously described Established process now operates predictively within defined limits to
achieve its process outcomes. Quantitative management needs are identified, measurement data
are collected and analysed to identify assignable causes of variation. Corrective action is taken to
address assignable causes of variation.
The following process attributes, together with the previously defined process attributes,
demonstrate the achievement of this level:

5.5.1. PA 4.1 Quantitative analysis process attribute

The quantitative analysis process attribute is a measure of the extent to which information needs
are defined, relationships between process elements are identified and data are collected. As a
result of full achievement of this process attribute:
a) The process is aligned with quantitative business goals;
b) Process information needs in support of relevant defined quantitative business goals are
c) Process measurement objectives are derived from process information needs;
d) Measurable relationships between process elements that contribute to the process
performance are identified;
e) Quantitative objectives for process performance in support of relevant business goals are
f) Appropriate measures and frequency of measurement are identified and defined in line with
process measurement objectives and quantitative objectives for process performance;
g) Results of measurement are collected, validated and reported in order to monitor the extent to
which the quantitative objectives for process performance are met.
NOTE 1 Information needs typically reflect management, technical, project, process or product needs.

Generic practices GP 4.1.1 Identify business goals. [ACHIEVEMENT a]

Business goals are identified that are supported by the quantitatively
measured process.
GP 4.1.2 Establish process information needs. [ACHIEVEMENT a, b]
Stakeholders of the identified business goals and the quantitatively
measured process, and their information needs are identified, defined
and agreed.

GP 4.1.3 Derive process measurement objectives from process

information needs. [ACHIEVEMENT a, c]
The process measurement objectives to satisfy the established process
information needs are derived.
GP 4.1.4 Identify measurable relationships between process
elements. [ACHIEVEMENT a, d]
Identify the relationships between process elements, which contribute
to the derived measurement objectives.

GP 4.1.5 Establish quantitative objectives. [ACHIEVEMENT a, e]

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Establish quantitative objectives for the identified measurable process
elements and their relationships. Agreement with process stakeholders
is established.

GP 4.1.6 Identify process measures that support the achievement

of the quantitative objectives. [ACHIEVEMENT a, f]
Detailed measures are defined to support monitoring, analysis and
verification needs of the quantitative objectives.
Frequency of data collection is defined.
Algorithms and methods to create derived measurement results from
base measures are defined, as appropriate.
Verification mechanism for base and derived measures is defined.
NOTE 1: Typically, the standard process definition is extended to include the
collection of data for process measurement.

GP 4.1.7 Collect product and process measurement results through

performing the defined process. [ACHIEVEMENT a, g]
Data collection mechanism is created for all identified measures.
Required data is collected within the defined frequency, and recorded.
Measurement results are analyzed, and reported to the identified
NOTE 2: A product measure can contribute to a process measure, e.g. the
productivity of testing characterized by the number of defects found in a
given timeframe in relation to the product defect rate in the field.

Generic resources Management information (cost, time, reliability, profitability, customer

benefits, risks etc.) [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, c, d, e, f]
Applicable measurement techniques [ACHIEVEMENT a, d]
Product and Process measurement tools and results databases
[ACHIEVEMENT a, d, e, f, g]

Process measurement framework [ACHIEVEMENT a, d, e, f, g]

Tools for data analysis and measurement [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, c, d, e, f]

5.5.2. PA 4.2 Quantitative control process attribute

The quantitative control process attribute is a measure of the extent to which objective data are
used to manage process performance that is predictable. As a result of full achievement of this
process attribute:
a) Techniques for analyzing the collected data are selected;
b) Assignable causes of process variation are determined through analysis of the collected data;
c) Distributions that characterize the performance of the process are established;
d) Corrective actions are taken to address assignable causes of variation;

© VDA Quality Management Center 87

e) Separate distributions are established (as necessary) for analyzing the process under the
influence of assignable causes of variation.

Generic practices GP 4.2.1 Select analysis techniques. [ACHIEVEMENT a]

Analysis methods and techniques for control of the process
measurements are defined.

GP 4.2.2 Establish distributions that characterize the process

performance. [ACHIEVEMENT c]
Expected distributions and corresponding control limits for measurement
results are defined.

GP 4.2.3 Determine assignable causes of process variation.


Each deviation from the defined control limits is identified and recorded.
Determine assignable causes of these deviations by analyzing collected
data using the defined analysis techniques.
All deviations and assigned causes are recorded.

GP 4.2.4 Identify and implement corrective actions to address

assignable causes. [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Corrective actions are determined, recorded, and implemented to
address assignable causes of variation.
Corrective action results are monitored and evaluated to determine their
GP 4.2.5 Establish separate distributions for analyzing the process

Separate distributions are used to quantitatively understand the variation

of process performance under the influence of assignable causes.
Generic resources Process control and analysis techniques [ACHIEVEMENT a, c]
Statistical analysis tools/applications [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, c, e]
Process control tools/applications [ACHIEVEMENT d, e]

5.6. Process capability Level 5: Innovating process

The previously described Predictable process is now continually improved to respond to change
aligned with organizational goals.
The following process attributes, together with the previously defined process attributes,
demonstrate the achievement of this level:

© VDA Quality Management Center 88

5.6.1. PA 5.1 Process innovation attribute
The process innovation process attribute is a measure of the extent to which changes to the
process are identified from investigations of innovative approaches to the definition and deployment
of the process. As a result of full achievement of this process attribute:
a) Process innovation objectives are defined that support the relevant business goals;
b) Appropriate data are analysed to identify opportunities for innovation;
c) Innovation opportunities derived from new technologies and process concepts are identified;
d) An implementation strategy is established to achieve the process innovation objectives.

Generic practices GP 5.1.1 Define the process innovation objectives for the process
that support the relevant business goals. [ACHIEVEMENT a]
New business visions and goals are analyzed to give guidance for new
process objectives and potential areas of process innovation.

GP 5.1.2 Analyze data of the process to identify opportunities for

innovation. [ACHIEVEMENT b]
Common causes of variation in process performance are identified and
analyzed to get a quantitative understanding of their impact.
Identify opportunities for innovation based on the quantitative
understanding of the analyzed data.

GP 5.1.3 Analyze new technologies and process concepts to

identify opportunities for innovation. [ACHIEVEMENT c]
Industry best practices, new technologies and process concepts are
identified and evaluated.
Feedback on opportunities for innovation is actively sought.
Emergent risks are considered in evaluating improvement opportunities.

GP 5.1.4 Define and maintain an implementation strategy based on

innovation vision and objectives. [ACHIEVEMENT d]
Commitment to innovation is demonstrated by organizational
management including the process owner(s) and other relevant
Define and maintain an implementation strategy to achieve identified
opportunities for innovation and objectives.
Based on implementation strategy process changes are planned,
prioritized based on their impact on defined innovations.
Measures that validate the results of process changes are defined to
determine the expected effectiveness of the process changes and the
expected impact on defined business objectives.
Generic resources Process improvement framework [ACHIEVEMENT c, d]
Process feedback and analysis system (measurement data, causal
analysis results etc.) [ACHIEVEMENT b, c]

© VDA Quality Management Center 89

Piloting and trialing mechanism [ACHIEVEMENT c, d]

5.6.2. PA 5.2 Process optimization attribute

The process innovation process implementation attribute is a measure of the extent to which
changes to the definition, management and performance of the process achieves the relevant
process innovation objectives. As a result of full achievement of this process attribute:
a) Impact of all proposed changes is assessed against the objectives of the defined process and
standard process;
b) Implementation of all agreed changes is managed to ensure that any disruption to the process
performance is understood and acted upon;
c) Effectiveness of process change on the basis of actual performance is evaluated against the
defined product requirements and process objectives.

Generic practices GP 5.2.1 Assess the impact of each proposed change against the
objectives of the defined and standard process. [ACHIEVEMENT a]
Objective priorities for process innovation are established.
Specified changes are assessed against product quality and process
performance requirements and goals.
Impact of changes to other defined and standard processes is

GP 5.2.2. Manage the implementation of agreed changes.


A mechanism is established for incorporating accepted changes into

the defined and standard process(es) effectively and completely.
The factors that impact the effectiveness and full deployment of the
process change are identified and managed, such as:
 Economic factors (productivity, profit, growth, efficiency, quality,
competition, resources, and capacity );
 Human factors (job satisfaction, motivation, morale,
conflict/cohesion, goal consensus, participation, training, span of
 Management factors (skills, commitment, leadership, knowledge,
ability, organizational culture and risks);
 Technology factors (sophistication of system, technical expertise,
development methodology, need of new technologies).
Training is provided to users of the process.
Process changes are effectively communicated to all affected parties.
Records of the change implementation are maintained.

GP 5.2.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of process change.


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Performance and capability of the changed process are measured and
evaluated against process objectives and historical data.
A mechanism is available for documenting and reporting analysis
results to management and owners of standard and defined process.
Measures are analyzed to determine whether the process performance
has improved with respect to common causes of variations.
Other feedback is recorded, such as opportunities for further innovation
of the predictable process.
Generic resources Change management system [ACHIEVEMENT a, b, c]
Process evaluation system (impact analysis, etc.) [ACHIEVEMENT a, c]

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Annex A Conformity of the process assessment and reference model
A.1 Introduction
The Automotive SPICE process assessment and process reference model are meeting the
requirements for conformance defined in ISO/IEC 33004. The process assessment model can be
used in the performance of assessments that meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 33002.
This clause serves as the statement of conformance of the process assessment and process
reference models to the requirements defined in ISO/IEC 33004.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 5.5 and 6.4]

Due to copyright reasons each requirement is only referred by its number. The full text of the
requirements can be drawn from ISO/IEC 33004.

A.2 Conformance to the requirements for process reference models

Clause 5.3, "Requirements for process reference models"
The following information is provided in chapter 1 and 3 of this document:
 the declaration of the domain of this process reference model;
 the description of the relationship between this process reference model and its intended
context of use; and
 the description of the relationship between the processes defined within this process reference
The descriptions of the processes within the scope of this process reference model meeting the
requirements of ISO/IEC 33004 clause 5.4 is provided in chapter 4 of this document.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 5.3.1]

The relevant communities of interest and their mode of use and the consensus achieved for this
process reference model is documented in the copyright notice and the scope of this document.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 5.3.2]

The process descriptions are unique. The identification is provided by unique names and by the
identifier of each process of this document.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 5.3.3]

Clause 5.4, "Process descriptions"

These requirements are met by the process descriptions in Clause 4 of this document.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 5.4]

A.3 Conformance to the requirements for process assessment models

Clause 6.1, "Introduction"

The purpose of this process assessment model is to support assessment of process capability within
the automotive domain using the process measurement framework defined in ISO/IEC 33020.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.1]

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Clause 6.2, "Process assessment model scope"

The process scope of this process assessment model is defined in the process reference model
included in chapter 3.1 of this document. The Automotive SPICE process reference model is
satisfying the requirements of ISO/IEC 33004, Clause 5 as described in Annex A.2.
The process capability scope of this process assessment model is defined in the process
measurement framework specified in ISO/IEC 33020, which defines a process measurement
framework for process capability satisfying the requirements of ISO/IEC 33003.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.2]

Clause 6.3, "Requirements for process assessment models"

The Automotive SPICE process assessment model is related to process capability.

[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.1]

This process assessment model incorporates the process measurement framework specified in
ISO/IEC 33020, which satisfies the requirements of ISO/IEC 33003.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.2]

This process assessment model is based on the Automotive SPICE Reference Model included in
this document.
This process assessment model is based on the Measurement Framework defined in ISO/IEC
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.3]

The processes included in this process assessment model are identical to those specified in the
Process Reference Model
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.4]

For all processes in this process assessment model all levels defined in the process measurement
framework from ISO/IEC 33020 are addressed.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.5]

This process assessment model defines

 the selected process quality characteristic;
 the selected process measurement framework;
 the selected process reference model(s);
 the selected processes from the process reference model(s)
in chapter 3 of this document.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.5 a-d]

In the capability dimension, this process assessment model addresses all of the process attributes
and capability levels defined in the process measurement framework in ISO/IEC 33020.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.5 e]

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Clause 6.3.1, "Assessment indicators"

Note: Due to an error in numbering in the published version of ISO/IEC 33004 the following reference
numbers are redundant to those stated above. To refer to the correct clauses from ISO/IEC 33004, the
text of clause heading is additionally specified for the following three requirements.

The Automotive SPICE process assessment model provides a two-dimensional view of process
capability for the processes in the process reference model, through the inclusion of assessment
indicators as defined in chapter 3.3. The assessment indicators used are:
 Base practices and output work products
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.1 a, "Assessment indicators"]

 Generic practices and Generic resources

[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.1 b, "Assessment indicators"]

Clause 6.3.2, "Mapping process assessment models to process reference models"

The mapping of the assessment indicators to the purpose and process outcomes of the processes
in the process reference model is included in each description of the base practices in chapter 4.
The mapping of the assessment indicators to the process attributes in the process measurement
framework including all of the process attribute achievements is included in each description of the
generic practices in chapter 5.
Each mapping is indicated by a reference in square brackets.
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.2, "Mapping process assessment models"]

Clause 6.3.3, "Expression of assessment results"

The process attributes and the process attribute ratings in this process assessment model are
identical to those defined in the measurement framework. As a consequence, results of assessments
based upon this process assessment model are expressed directly as a set of process attribute
ratings for each process within the scope of the assessment. No form of translation or conversion is
[ISO/IEC 33004, 6.3.3, "Expression of assessment results"]

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Annex B Work product characteristics
Work product characteristics listed in this Annex can be used when reviewing potential outputs of
process implementation. The characteristics are provided as guidance for the attributes to look for,
in a particular sample work product, to provide objective evidence supporting the assessment of a
particular process.
A documented process and assessor judgment is needed to ensure that the process context
(application domain, business purpose, development methodology, size of the organization, etc.) is
considered when using this information.
Work products are defined using the schema in table B.1. Work products and their characteristics
should be considered as a starting point for considering whether, given the context, they are
contributing to the intended purpose of the process, not as a check-list of what every organization
must have.

Work product An identifier number for the work product which is used to reference the work product.
Work product Provides an example of a typical name associated with the work product
name characteristics. This name is provided as an identifier of the type of work product the
practice or process might produce. Organizations may call these work products by
different names. The name of the work product in the organization is not significant.
Similarly, organizations may have several equivalent work products which contain the
characteristics defined in one work product type. The formats for the work products can
vary. It is up to the assessor and the organizational unit coordinator to map the actual
work products produced in their organization to the examples given here.
Work product Provides examples of the potential characteristics associated with the work product
characteristics types. The assessor may look for these in the samples provided by the organizational
Table B.1 — Structure of WPC tables

Work products (with the ID NN-00) are sets of characteristics that would be expected to be evident
in work products of generic types as a result of achievement of an attribute. The generic work
products form the basis for the classification of specific work products defined as process
performance indicators.
Specific work product types are typically created by process owners and applied by process
deployers in order to satisfy an outcome of a particular process purpose.
NOTE: The generic work products denoted with * are not used in the Automotive SPICE process
assessment model but are included for completeness.

Table B.2 — Work product characteristics

WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
01-00 Configuration item  Item which is maintained under configuration control:
- may include components, subsystems, libraries, test cases,
compilers, data, documentation, physical media, and external
 Version identification is maintained
 Description of the item is available including the:
- type of item

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
- associated configuration management library, file, system
- responsible owner
- date when placed under configuration control
- status information (i.e., development, baselined, released)
- relationship to lower level configured items
- identification of the change control records
- identification of change history
01-03 Software item  Integrated software consisting of:
- source code
- software elements
- executable code
- configuration files
 Documentation, which:
- describes and identifies source code
- describes and identifies software elements
- describes and identifies configuration files
- describes and identifies executable code
- describes software life-cycle status
- describes archive and release criteria
- describes compilation of software units
- describes building of software item
01-50 Integrated Software  An aggregate of software items
 A set of executables for a specific ECU configuration and possibly
associated documentation and data
01-51 Application  Name
Parameter  Description
 Value domain, threshold values, characteristic curves
 Owner
 Means of data application (e.g. flashing interfaces)
 If necessary a grouping/a categorization:
- name of the category/group/file name
- description
 Actual value or characteristic curve applied
02-00 Contract  Defines what is to be purchased or delivered
 Identifies time frame for delivery or contracted service dates
 Identifies any statutory requirements
 Identifies monetary considerations
 Identifies any warranty information
 Identifies any copyright and licensing information
 Identifies any customer service requirements
 Identifies service level requirements
 References to any performance and quality
 Standards and procedures to be used
 Evidence of review and approval
 As appropriate to the contract the following are considered:

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
- References to any acceptance criteria
- References to any special customer needs (i.e., confidentiality
requirements, security, hardware, etc.)
- References to any change management and problem resolution
- Identification of any interfaces to independent agents and
- Identification of customer's role in the development and
maintenance process
- Identification of resources to be provided by the customer
02-01 Commitment /  Signed off by all parties involved in the commitment/agreement
agreement  Establishes what the commitment is for
 Establishes the resources required to fulfill the commitment, such as:
- time
- people
- budget
- equipment
- facilities
03-00 * Data  Result of applying a measure
03-03 Benchmarking data  Results of measurement of current performance that allow comparison
against historical or target values
 Relates to key goals/process/product/market need criteria and
information to be benchmarked
03-04 Customer  Determines levels of customer satisfaction with products and services
satisfaction data  Mechanism to collect data on customer satisfaction:
- results of field performance data
- results of customer satisfaction survey
- interview notes
- meeting minutes from customer meetings
03-06 Process  Data comparing process performance against expected levels
performance data  Defined input and output work products available
 Meeting minutes
 Change records
 Task completion criteria met
 Quality criteria met
 Resource allocation and tracking
04-00 * Design  Describes the overall product/system structure
 Identifies the required product/system elements
 Identifies the relationship between the elements
 Consideration is given to:
- any required performance characteristics
- any required interfaces
- any required security characteristics
04-02 Domain architecture  Identified domain model(s) tailored from
 Identified asset specifications

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
 Definition of boundaries and relationships with other domains (Domain
Interface Specification)
 Identification of domain vocabulary
 Identification of the domain representation standard
 Provides an overview of the functions, features capabilities and
concepts in the domains
04-03 Domain model  Must provide a clear explanation and description, on usage and
properties, for reuse purposes
 Identification of the management and structures used in the model
04-04 Software  Describes the overall software structure
architectural design  Describes the operative system including task structure
 Identifies inter-task/inter-process communication
 Identifies the required software elements
 Identifies own developed and supplied code
 Identifies the relationship and dependency between software elements
 Identifies where the data (such as parameters) are stored and which
measures (e.g. checksums, redundancy) are taken to prevent data
 Describes how variants for different model series or configurations are
 Describes the dynamic behavior of the software (Start-up, shutdown,
software update, error handling and recovery, etc.)
 Identifies where the data (such as parameters) are stored and which
measures (e.g. checksums, redundancy) are taken to prevent data
 Describes which data is persistent and under which conditions
 Consideration is given to:
- any required software performance characteristics
- any required software interfaces
- any required security characteristics required
- any database design requirements
04-05 Software detailed  Provides detailed design (could be represented as a prototype, flow
design chart, entity relationship diagram, pseudo code, etc.)
 Provides format of input/output data
 Provides specification of CPU, ROM, RAM, EEPROM and Flash needs
 Describes the interrupts with their priorities
 Describes the tasks with cycle time and priority
 Establishes required data naming conventions
 Defines the format of required data structures
 Defines the data fields and purpose of each required data element
 Provides the specifications of the program structure
04-06 System architectural  Provides an overview of all system design
design  Describes the interrelationship between system elements
 Describes the relationship between the system elements and the
 Specifies the design for each required system element, consideration is
given to aspects such as:
- memory/capacity requirements
- hardware interface requirements
- user interface requirements
- external system interface requirements

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
- performance requirements
- command structures
- security/data protection characteristics
- system parameter settings
- manual operations
- reusable components
 Mapping of requirements to system elements
 Description of the operation modes of the system components (startup,
shutdown, sleep mode, diagnosis mode, etc.)
 Description of the dependencies among the system components
regarding the operation modes
 Description of the dynamic behavior of the system and the system
05-00 Goals  Identifies the objective to be achieved
 Identifies who is expected to achieve the goal
 Identifies any incremental supporting goals
 Identifies any conditions/constraints
 Identifies the timeframe for achievement
 Are reasonable and achievable within the resources allocated
 Are current, established for current project, organization
 Are optimized to support known performance criteria and plans
06-00 User documentation  Identifies:
- external documents
- internal documents
- current site distribution and maintenance list maintained
 Documentation kept synchronized with latest product release
 Addresses technical issues
06-01 Customer manual  Takes account of:
- audience and task profiles
- the environment in which the information will be used
- convenience to users
- the range of technical facilities, including resources and the
product, available for developing and delivering on-screen
- information characteristics
- cost of delivery and maintainability
 Includes information needed for operation of the system, including but
not limited to:
- product and version information
- instructions for handling the system
- initial familiarization information
- long examples
- structured reference material, particularly for advanced features of
the software
- checklists
- guides to use input devices

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
06-02 Handling and  Defines the tasks to perform in handling and storing products including:
storage guide - providing for master copies of code and documentation
- disaster recovery
- addressing appropriate critical safety and security issues
 Provides a description of how to store the product including:
- storage environment required
- the protection media to use
- packing materials required
- what items need to be stored
- assessments to be done on stored product
 Provides retrieval instructions
06-04 Training material  Updated and available for new releases
 Coverage of system, application, operations, maintenance as
appropriate to the application
 Course listings and availability
07-00 Measure  Available to those with a need to know
 Understood by those expected to use them
 Provides value to the organization/project
 Non-disruptive to the work flow
 Appropriate to the process, life cycle model, organization:
- is accurate
- source data is validated
- results are validated to ensure accuracy
 Has appropriate analysis and commentary to allow meaningful
interpretation by users
07-01 Customer  Identification of customer and customer information
satisfaction survey  Date requested
 Target date for responses
 Identification of associated hardware/software/product configuration
 Ability to record feedback
07-02 Field measure  Measures attributes of the performance of system's operation at field
locations, such as:
- field defects
- performance against defined service level measures
- system ability to meet defined customer requirements
- support time required
- user complaints (may be third party users)
- customer requests for help
- performance trends
- problem reports
- enhancements requested
07-03 Personnel  Real time measures of personnel performance or expected service
performance level
measure  Identifies aspects such as:
- capacity
- throughput

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
- operational performance
- operational service
- availability
07-04 Process measure  Measures about the process' performance:
- ability to produce sufficient work products
- adherence to the process
- time it takes to perform process
- defects related to the process
 Measures the impact of process change
 Measures the efficiency of the process
07-05 Project measure  Monitors key processes and critical tasks, provides status information
to the project on:
- project performance against established plan
- resource utilization against established plan
- time schedule against established plan
- process quality against quality expectations and/or criteria
- product quality against quality expectations and/or criteria
- highlight product performance problems, trends
 Measures the results of project activities:
- tasks are performed on schedule
- product's development is within the resource commitments
 References any goals established
07-06 Quality measure  Measures quality attributes of the work products defined:
 functionality
 reliability
 usability
 efficiency
 maintainability
 portability
 Measures quality attributes of the "end customer" product quality and
NOTE: Refer ISO/IEC 25010 for detailed information on measurement of
product quality.

07-07 Risk measure  Identifies the probability of risk occurring

 Identifies the impact of risk occurring
 Establishes measures for each risk defined
 Measures the change in the risk state
07-08 Service level  Real time measures taking while a system is operational, it measures
measure the system's performance or expected service level
 Identifies aspects such as:
- capacity
- throughput
- operational performance
- operational service
- service outage time

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
- up time
- job run time
08-00 Plan As appropriate to the application and purpose:
 Identifies what objectives or goals there are to be satisfied
 Establishes the options and approach for satisfying the objectives, or
 Identification of the plan owner
 Includes:
- the objective and scope of what is to be accomplished
- assumptions made
- constraints
- risks
- tasks to be accomplished
- schedules, milestones and target dates
- critical dependencies
- maintenance disposition for the plan
 Method/approach to accomplish plan
 Identifies:
- task ownership, including tasks performed by other parties (e.g.
supplier, customer)
- quality criteria
- required work products
 Includes resources to accomplish plan objectives:
- time
- staff (key roles and authorities e.g. sponsor)
- materials/equipment
- budget
 Includes contingency plan for non-completed tasks
 Plan is approved
08-04 Configuration  Defines or references the procedures to control changes to
management plan configuration items
 Defines measurements used to determine the status of the
configuration management activities
 Defines configuration management audit criteria
 Approved by the configuration management function
 Identifies configuration library tools or mechanism
 Includes management records and status reports that show the status
and history of controlled items
 Specifies the location and access mechanisms for the configuration
management library
 Storage, handling and delivery (including archival and retrieval)
mechanisms specified
08-12 Project plan  Defines:
- work products to be developed
- life cycle model and methodology to be used
- customer requirements related to project management
- project resources

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
 milestones and target dates
- estimates
- quality criteria
- processes and methods to employ
- contingency actions
08-13 Quality plan  Objectives/goal for quality
 Defines the activities tasks required to ensure quality
 References related work products
 References any regulatory requirements, standards, customer
 Identifies the expected quality criteria
 Specifies the monitoring and quality checkpoints for the defined life
cycle and associated activities planned
 Defines the methods of assuring quality
 Identifies the quality criteria for work products and process tasks
 Specifies the threshold/tolerance level allowed prior to requiring
corrective actions
 Defines quality measurements and timing of the collection
 Specifies mechanism to feed collected quality record back into process
impacted by poor quality
 Defines the approach to guaranteeing objectivity
 Approved by the quality responsible organization/function:
- Identifies escalations opportunities and channels
- Defines the cooperation with customer and supplier QA
08-14 Recovery plan  Identifies what is to be recovered:
- procedures/methods to perform the recovery
- schedule for recovery
- time required for the recovery
- critical dependencies
- resources required for the recovery
- list of backups maintained
- staff responsible for recovery and roles assigned
- special materials required
- required work products
- required equipment
- required documentation
- locations and storage of backups
- contact information on who to notify about the recovery
- verification procedures
- cost estimation for recovery
08-16 Release plan  Identifies the functionality to be included in each release
 Identifies the associated elements required (i.e., hardware, software,
documentation etc.)
 Mapping of the customer requests, requirements satisfied to particular
releases of the product
08-17 Reuse plan  Defines the policy about what items to be reused
 Defines standards for construction of reusable objects:

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
- defines the attributes of reusable components
- quality/reliability expectations
- standard naming conventions
 Defines the reuse repository (library, CASE tool, file, data base, etc.)
 Identifies reusable components:
- directory of component
- description of components
- applicability of their use
- method to retrieve and use them
- restrictions for modifications and usage
 Method for using reusable components
 Establishes goal for reusable components
08-18 Review plan  Defines:
- what to be reviewed
- roles and responsibilities of reviewers
- criteria for review (check-lists, requirements, standards)
- expected preparation time
- schedule for reviews
 Identification of:
- procedures for conducting review
- review inputs and outputs
- expertise expected at each review
- review records to keep
- review measurements to keep
- resources, tools allocated to the review
08-19 Risk management  Project risks identified and prioritized
plan  Mechanism to track the risk
 Threshold criteria to identify when corrective action required
 Proposed ways to mitigate risks:
- risk mitigator
- work around
- corrective actions activities/tasks
- monitoring criteria
- mechanisms to measure risk
08-20 Risk mitigation plan  Planned risk treatment activities and tasks:
- describes the specifics of the risk treatment selected for a risk or
combination of risks found to be unacceptable
- describes any difficulties that may be found in implementing the
 Treatment schedule
 Treatment resources and their allocation
 Responsibilities and authority:
- describes who is responsible for ensuring that the treatment is
being implemented and their authority

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
 Treatment control measures:
- defines the measures that will be used to evaluate the
effectiveness of the risk treatment
 Treatment cost
 Interfaces among parties involved:
- describes any coordination among stakeholders or with the
project’s master plan that must occur for the treatment to be
properly implemented
 Environment/infrastructure:
- describes any environmental or infrastructure requirements or
impacts (e.g., safety or security impacts that the treatment may
 Risk treatment plan change procedures and history
08-26 Documentation plan  Identifies documents to be produced
 Defines the documentation activities during the life cycle of the
software product or service
 Identifies any applicable standards and templates
 Defines requirements for documents
 Review and authorization practices
 Distribution of the documents
 Maintenance and disposal of the documents
08-27 Problem  Defines problem resolution activities including identification, recording,
management plan description and classification
 Problem resolution approach: evaluation and correction of the problem
 Defines problem tracking
 Mechanism to collect and distribute problem resolutions
08-28 Change  Defines change management activities including identification,
management plan recording, description, analysis and implementation
 Defines approach to track status of change requests
 Defines verification and validation activities
 Change approval and implication review
08-29 Improvement plan  Improvement objectives derived from organizational business goals
 Organizational scope
 Process scope, the processes to be improved
 Key roles and responsibilities
 Appropriate milestones, review points and reporting mechanisms
 Activities to be performed to keep all those affected by the
improvement program informed of progress
08-50 Test specification  Test Design Specification
 Test Case Specification
 Test Procedure Specification
 Identification of test cases for regression testing
 Additionally for system integration:
- Identification of required system elements (hardware elements,
wiring elements, parameter settings, data bases, etc.)
- Necessary sequence or ordering identified for integrating the
system elements
08-51 Technology No requirements additional to Plan (Generic)
monitoring plan
08-52 Test plan  Test Plan according to ISO29119-3

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
 Context
- Project/Test sub-process
- Test item(s)
- Test scope
- Assumptions and constraints
- Stakeholder
- Testing communication
 Test strategy
- Identifies what needs there are to be satisfied
- Establishes the options and approach for satisfying the needs
(black-box and/or white-box-testing, boundary class test
determination, regression testing strategy, etc.)
- Establishes the evaluation criteria against which the strategic
options are evaluated
- Identifies any constraints/risks and how these will be addressed
- Test design techniques
- Test completion criteria
- Test ending criteria
- Test start, abort and re-start criteria
- Metrics to be collected
- Test data requirements
- Retesting and regression testing
- Suspension and resumption criteria
- Deviations from the Organizational Test Strategy
 Test data requirements
 Test environment requirements
 Test sub-processes
 Test deliverables
 Testing activities and estimates
09-00 Policy  Authorized
 Available to all personnel impacted by the policy
 Establishes practices/rules to be adhered to
09-03 Reuse policy  Identification of reuse requirements
 Establishes the rules of reuse
 Documents the reuse adoption strategy including goals and objectives
 Identification of the reuse program
 Identification of the name of the reuse sponsor
 Identification of the reuse program participants
 Identification of the reuse steering function
 Identification of reuse program support functions
10-00 Process description  A detailed description of the process/procedure which includes:
- tailoring of the standard process (if applicable)
- purpose of the process
- outcomes of the process
- task and activities to be performed and ordering of tasks
- critical dependencies between task activities

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WP ID WP Name WP Characteristics
- expected time required to execute task
- input/output work products
- links between input and outputs work products
 Identifies process entry and exit criteria
 Identifies internal and external interfaces to the process
 Identifies process measures
 Identifies quality expectations
 Identifies functional roles and responsibilities
 Approved by authorized personnel
11-00 Product  Is a result/deliverable of the execution of a process, includes services,
systems (software and hardware) and processed materials
 Has elements that satisfy one or more aspects of a process purpose
 May be represented on various media (tangible and intangible)
11-03 Product release  Coverage for key elements (as appropriate to the application):
information  Description of what is new or changed (including features removed)
 System information and requirements
 Identification of conversion programs and instructions
 Release numbering implementation may include:
- the major release number
- the feature release number
- the defect repair number
- the alpha or beta release; and the iteration within the alpha or beta
 Identification of the component list (version identification included):
- Hardware / software / product elements, libraries, etc.
- associated documentation list
 New/changed parameter information and/or commands
 Backup and recovery information
 List of open known problems, faults, warning information, etc.
 Identification of verification and diagnostic procedures
 Technical support information
 Copyright and license information
 The release note may include an introduction, the environmental
requirements, installation procedures, product invocation, new feature
identification and a list of defect resolutions, known defects and
11-04 Product release  Includes the hardware/software/product
package  Includes and associated release elements such as:
- system hardware/software/product elements
- associated customer documentation
- parameter definitions defined
- command language defined
- installation instructions
- release letter
11-05 Software unit  Follows established coding standards (as appropriate to the language
and application):
- commented

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- structured or optimized
- meaningful naming conventions
- parameter information identified
- error codes defined
- error messages descriptive and meaningful
- formatting - indented, levels
 Follows data definition standards (as appropriate to the language and
- variables defined
- data types defined
- classes and inheritance structures defined
- objects defined
 Entity relationships defined
 Database layouts are defined
 File structures and blocking are defined
 Data structures are defined
 Algorithms are defined
 Functional interfaces defined
11-06 System  All elements of the product release are included
 Any required hardware
 Integrated product
 Customer documentation
 Fully configured set of the system elements:
- parameters defined
- commands defined
- data loaded or converted
11-07 Temporary solution  Problem identification
 Release and system information
 Temporary solution, target date for actual fix identified
 Description of the solution:
- limitations, restriction on usage
- additional operational requirements
- special procedures
- applicable releases
 Backup/recovery information
 Verification procedures
 Temporary installation instructions
12-00 Proposal  Defines the proposed solution
 Defines the proposed schedule
 Identifies the coverage identification of initial proposal:
- identifies the requirements that would be satisfied
- identifies the requirements that could not be satisfied, and provides
a justification of variants
 Defines the estimated price of proposed development, product, or
12-01 Request for proposal  Reference to the requirements specifications
 Identifies supplier selection criteria

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 Identifies desired characteristics, such as:
- system architecture, configuration requirements or the
requirements for service (consultants, maintenance, etc.)
- quality criteria or requirements
- project schedule requirements
- expected delivery/service dates
- cost/price expectations
- regulatory standards/requirements
 Identifies submission constraints:
- date for resubmission of the response
- requirements with regard to the format of response
12-03 Reuse proposal  Identifies the project name
 Identifies the project contact
 Identifies the reuse goals and objectives
 Identifies the list of reuse assets
 Identifies the issues/risks of reusing the component including specific
requirements (hardware, software, resource and other reuse
 Identifies the person who will be approving the reuse proposal
12-04 Supplier proposal  Defines the suppliers proposed solution
response  Defines the suppliers proposed delivery schedule
 Identifies the coverage identification of initial proposal:
- identifies the requirements that would be satisfied
- identifies the requirements that could not be satisfied, and provides
a justification of variants
 Defines the estimated price of proposed development, product, or
13-00 Record  Work product stating results achieved or provides evidence of activities
performed in a process
 An item that is part of a set of identifiable and retrievable data
13-01 Acceptance record  Record of the receipt of the delivery
 Identification of the date received
 Identification of the delivered components
 Records the verification of any customer acceptance criteria defined
 Signed by receiving customer
13-04 Communication  All forms of interpersonal communication including:
record - letters
- faxes
- e-mails
- voice recordings
- podcast
- blog
- videos
- forum
- live chat
- wikis

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- photo protocol
- meeting support record
13-05 Contract review  Scope of contract and requirements
record  Possible contingencies or risks
 Alignment of the contract with the strategic business plan of the
 Protection of proprietary information
 Requirements which differ from those in the original documentation
 Capability to meet contractual requirements
 Responsibility for subcontracted work
 Terminology
 Customer ability to meet contractual obligations.
13-06 Delivery record  Record of items shipped/delivered electronically to customer
 Identification of:
- who it was sent to
- address where delivered
- the date delivered
 Record receipt of delivered product
13-07 Problem record  Identifies the name of submitted and associated contact details
 Identifies the group/person(s) responsible for providing a fix
 Includes a description of the problem
 Identifies classification of the problem (criticality, urgency, relevance
 Identifies the status of the reported problem
 Identifies the target release(s) in which the problem will be fixed
 Identifies the expected closure date
 Identifies any closure criteria
 Identifies re-review actions
13-08 Baseline  Identifies a state of one or a set of work products and artifacts which
are consistent and complete
 Basis for next process steps
 Is unique and may not be changed
NOTE: This should be established before a release to identify consistent
and complete delivery

13-09 Meeting support  Agenda and minutes that are records that define:
record - purpose of meeting
- attendees
- date, place held
- reference to previous minutes
- what was accomplished
- identifies issues raised
- any open issues
- next meeting, if any
13-10 Configuration  Status of the work products/items and modifications
management record  Identifies items under configuration control
 Identifies activities performed e.g. backup, storage, archiving, handling
and delivery of configured items

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 Supports consistency of the product
13-13 Product release  Content information of what is to be shipped or delivered
approval record  Identification of:
- for whom it is intended
- the address where to deliver
- the date released
 Record of supplier approval
13-14 Progress status  Record of the status of a plan(s) (actual against planned) such as:
record - Status of actual tasks against planned tasks
- Status of actual results against established objectives/goals
- Status of actual resources allocation against planned resources
- Status of actual cost against budget estimates
- Status of actual time against planned schedule
- Status of actual quality against planned quality
 Record of any deviations from planned activities and reason why
13-15 Proposal review  Scope of proposal and requirements
record  Possible contingencies or risks
 Alignment of the proposal with the strategic business plan of the
 Protection of proprietary information
 Requirements which differ from those in the original documentation
 Capability to meet contractual requirements
 Responsibility for subcontracted work
 Terminology
 Supplier ability to meet obligations
 Approved
13-16 Change request  Identifies purpose of change
 Identifies request status (e.g., open, allocated, implemented, closed)
 Identifies requester contact information
 Impacted system(s)
 Impact to operations of existing system(s) defined
 Impact to associated documentation defined
 Criticality of the request, due date
13-17 Customer request  Identifies request purpose, such as:
- new development
- enhancement
- internal customer
- operations
- documentation
- informational
 Identifies request status information, such as:
- date opened
- current status
- date assigned and responsible owner
- date verified
- date closed

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 Identifies priority/severity of the request
 Identifies customer information, such as:
- company/person initiating the request
- contact information and details
- system site configuration information
- impacted system(s)
- impact to operations of existing systems
- criticality of the request
- expected customer response/closure requirements
 Identifies needed requirements/standards
 Identifies information sent with request (i.e., RFPs, dumps, etc.)
13-18 Quality record  Defines what information to keep
 Defines what tasks/activities/process produce the information
 Defines when the data was collected
 Defines source of any associated data
 Identifies the associated quality criteria
 Identifies any associated measurements using the information
 Identifies any requirements to be adhered to create the record, or
satisfied by the record
13-19 Review record  Provides the context information about the review:
- what was reviewed
- lists reviewers who attended
- status of the review
 Provides information about the coverage of the review:
- check-lists
- review criteria
- requirements
- compliance to standards
 Records information about:
- the readiness for the review
- preparation time spent for the review
- time spent in the review
- reviewers, roles and expertise
 Review findings:
- non-conformances
- improvement suggestions
 Identifies the required corrective actions:
- risk identification
- prioritized list of deviations and problems discovered
- the actions, tasks to be performed to fix the problem
- ownership for corrective action
- status and target closure dates for identified problems
13-20 Risk action request  Date of initiation
 Scope
 Subject

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 Request originator
 Risk management process context:
- this section may be provided once, and then referenced in
subsequent action requests if no changes have occurred
- process scope
- stakeholder perspective
- risk categories
- risk thresholds
- project objectives
- project assumptions
- project constraints
 Risks:
- this section may cover one risk or many, as the user chooses
- where all the information above applies to the whole set of risks,
one action request may suffice
- where the information varies, each request may cover the risk or
risks that share common information
- risk description(s)
- risk probability
- risk consequences
- expected timing of risk
 Risk treatment alternatives:
- alternative descriptions
- recommended alternative(s)
- justifications
 Risk action request disposition:
- each request should be annotated as to whether it is accepted,
rejected, or modified, and the rationale provided for whichever
decision is taken
13-21 Change control  Used as a mechanism to control change to baselined
record products/products in official project release libraries
 Record of the change requested and made to a baselined product
(work products, software, customer documentation, etc.):
- identification of system, documents impacted with change
- identification of change requester
- identification of party responsible for the change
- identification of status of the change
 Linkage to associated customer requests, internal change requests,
 Appropriate approvals
 Duplicate requests are identified and grouped
13-22 Traceability record  All requirements (customer and internal) are to be traced
 Identifies a mapping of requirement to life cycle work products
 Provides the linkage of requirements to work product decomposition
(i.e., requirement  design  code  test  deliverables, etc.)

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 Provides forward and backwards mapping of requirements to
associated work products throughout all phases of the life cycle
NOTE: this may be included as a function of another defined work
product (example: A CASE tool for design decomposition may have a
mapping ability as part of its features)

13-24 Validation results  Validation check-list

 Passed items of validation
 Failed items of validation
 Pending items of validation
 Problems identified during validation
 Risk analysis
 Recommendation of actions
 Conclusions of validation
 Signature of validation
13-25 Verification results  Verification check-list
 Passed items of verification
 Failed items of verification
 Pending items of verification
 Problems identified during verification
 Risk analysis
 Recommendation of actions
 Conclusions of verification
 Signature of verification
13-50 Test result  Level Test Log
 Anomaly Report
 Level Test Report (Summary)
- test cases not passed
- test cases not executed
- information about the test execution (date, tester name etc.)
Additionally where necessary:
 Level Interim Test Status Report
 Master Test Report (Summary)
14-00 * Register  A register is a compilation of data or information captured in a defined
sequence to enable:
- an overall view of evidence of activities that have taken place
- monitoring and analyzes
- provides evidence of performance of a process over time
14-01 Change history  Historical records of all changes made to an object (document, file,
software component, etc.):
- description of change
- version information about changed object
- date of change
- change requester information
- change control record information
14-02 Corrective action  Identifies the initial problem
register  Identifies the ownership for completion of defined action
 Defines a solution (series of actions to fix problem)
 Identifies the open date and target closure date

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 Contains a status indicator
 Indicates follow up audit actions
14-05 Preferred suppliers  Subcontractor or supplier history
register  List of potential subcontractor/suppliers
 Qualification information
 Identification of their qualifications
 Past history information when it exists
14-06 Schedule  Identifies the tasks to be performed
 Identifies the expected and actual start and completion date for
required tasks against progress/completion of tasks
 Allows for the identification of critical tasks and task dependencies
 Identifies task completion status, vs. planned date
 Has a mapping to scheduled resource data
NOTE: A schedule is consistent with the work breakdown structure, see

14-08 Tracking system  Ability to record customer and process owner information
 Ability to record related system configuration information
 Ability to record information about problem or action needed:
- date opened and target closure date
- severity/criticality of item
- status of any problem or actions needed
- information about the problem or action owner
- priority of problem resolution
 Ability to record proposed resolution or action plan
 Ability to provide management status information
 Information is available to all with a need to know
 Integrated change control system(s)/records
14-09 Work breakdown  Defines tasks to be performed, and their amendments
structure  Documents ownership for tasks
 Documents critical dependencies between tasks
 Documents inputs and output work products
 Documents the critical dependencies between defined work products
NOTE: A work breakdown structure may be integrated into/part of the
schedule, see 14-06

14-11 Work product list  Identifies:

- name of work product
- work product reference ID
- work product revision
- when updated
- work product status
- when approved
- reference to approval source
- file reference
14-50 Stakeholder groups  Identifies:
list - relevant stakeholder groups
- weight/importance of each stakeholder group

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- representative(s) for each stakeholder group
- information needs of each stakeholder group
15-00 * Report  A work product describing a situation that:
- includes results and status
- identifies applicable/associated information
- identifies considerations/constraints
- provides evidence/verification
15-01 Analysis report  What was analyzed?
 Who did the analysis?
 The analysis criteria used:
- selection criteria or prioritization scheme used
- decision criteria
- quality criteria
 Records the results:
- what was decided/selected
- reason for the selection
- assumptions made
- potential risks
 Aspects of correctness to analyze include:
- completeness
- understandability
- testability
- verifiability
- feasibility
- validity
- consistency
- adequacy of content
15-03 Configuration status  Identification of the number of items under configuration management
report  Identification of risks associated to configuration management
 Identification of the number of configuration management items lost
and reason for their loss
 Identification of problem and issues related to configuration
 Identification of receiving parties
 Identification of baselines made
15-05 Evaluation report  States the purpose of evaluation
 Method used for evaluation
 Requirements used for the evaluation
 Assumptions and limitations
 Identifies the context and scope information required:
- date of evaluation
- parties involved
- context details
- evaluation instrument (check-list, tool) used
 Records the result:

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- data
- identifies the required corrective and preventive actions
- improvement opportunities, as appropriate
15-06 Project status report  A report of the current status of the project
 Schedule:
- planned progress (established objectives/goals) or completion
(dates/deadlines) of tasks against
- actual progress of tasks
- reasons for variance from planned progress
- threats to continued progress
- contingency plans to maintain progress
 Resources (human resources, infrastructure, hardware/materials,
- planned expenditure against actual expenditure
- reasons for variance between planned and actual expenditure
- expected future expenditure
- contingency plans to achieve budget goals
 Quality goals:
- actual quality measures
- reasons for variance from planned quality measures
- contingency plans to achieve quality goals
 Project issues:
- issues which may affect the ability of the project to achieve its
- contingency plans to overcome threats to project goals
15-07 Reuse evaluation  Identification of reuse opportunities
report  Identification of investment in Reuse
 Identification of current skills and experience
 Identification of reuse infrastructure
 The evaluation report must represent current status in implementation
of the reuse program
15-08 Risk analysis report  Identifies the risks analyzed
 Records the results of the analysis:
- potential ways to mitigate the risk
- assumptions made
- constraints
15-09 Risk status report  Identifies the status of an identified risk:
- related project or activity
- risk statement
- condition
- consequence
- changes in priority
- duration of mitigation, when started
- risk mitigation activities in progress

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- responsibility
- constraints
15-12 Problem status  Presents a summary of problem records
report - by problem categories/classification
 Status of problem solving
- development of solved vs. open problems
15-13 Assessment/audit  States the purpose of assessment
report  Method used for assessment
 Requirements used for the assessment
 Assumptions and limitations
 Identifies the context and scope information required:
- date of assessment
- organizational unit assessed
- sponsor information
- assessment team
- attendees
- scope/coverage
- assessees’ information
- assessment Instrument (check-list, tool) used
 Records the result:
- data
- identifies the required corrective actions
- improvement opportunities
15-16 Improvement  Identifies what the problem is
opportunity  Identifies what the cause of a problem is
 Suggest what could be done to fix the problem
 Identifies the value (expected benefit) in performing the improvement
 Identifies the penalty for not making the improvement
15-18 Process No requirements additional to Evaluation report (Generic)
performance report
15-21 Supplier evaluation No requirements additional to Evaluation report (Generic)
16-00 * Repository  Repository for components
 Storage and retrieval capabilities
 Ability to browse content
 Listing of contents with description of attributes
 Sharing and transfer of components between affected groups
 Effective controls over access
 Maintain component descriptions
 Recovery of archive versions of components
 Ability to report component status
 Changes to components are tracked to change/user requests
16-03 Configuration  Supports the configuration management strategy
management system  Correct configuration of products
 Can recreate any release or test configuration
 Ability to report configuration status
 Has to cover all relevant tools

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16-06 Process repository  Contains process descriptions
 Supports multiple presentations of process assets
17-00 Requirement  Each requirement is identified
specification  Each requirement is unique
 Each requirement is verifiable or can be assessed (see 17-50)
 Includes statutory and regulatory requirements
 Includes issues/requirements from (contract) reviews
17-02 Build list  Identification of aggregates of the software application system
 Identification of required system elements (parameter settings, macro
libraries, data bases, job control languages, etc.)
 Necessary sequence ordering identified for compiling the software
 Input and output source libraries identified
17-03 Stakeholder  Purpose/objectives defined
requirements  Includes issues/requirements from (contract) reviews
 Identifies any:
- time schedule/constraints
- required feature and functional characteristics
- necessary performance considerations/constraints
- necessary internal/external interface considerations/constraints
- required system characteristics/constraints
- human engineering considerations/constraints
- security considerations/constraints
- environmental considerations/constraints
- operational considerations/constraints
- maintenance considerations/constraints
- installation considerations/constraints
- support considerations/constraints
- design constraints
- safety/reliability considerations/constraints
- quality requirements/expectations
17-05 * Documentation  Purpose/objectives defined
requirements  Proposed contents (coverage) defined
 Intended audience defined
 Identification of supported hardware/software/product release, system
 Identification of associated hardware/software/product requirements
and designs satisfied by document
 Identification of style, format, media standards expected definition of
the intended distribution requirement
 Includes storage requirements
17-08 Interface  Defines relationships between two products, process or process tasks
requirements  Defines criteria and format for what is common to both
specification  Defines critical timing dependencies or sequence ordering
 Description of the physical interfaces of each system component like
- Bus interfaces (CAN, MOST, LIN, Flexray etc.)
- Transceiver (type, manufacturer, etc.)
- Analogue interfaces

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- Digital interfaces (PWM, I/O)
- additional interfaces (IEEE, ISO, Bluetooth, USB, etc.)
 Identification of the software interfaces of software components and
other software item in terms of
- Inter-process communication mechanisms
- Bus communication mechanisms
17-11 Software  Identifies standards to be used
requirements  Identifies any software structure considerations/constraints
specification  Identifies the required software elements
 Identifies the relationship between software elements
 Consideration is given to:
- any required software performance characteristics
- any required software interfaces
- any required security characteristics required
- any database design requirements
- any required error handling and recovery attributes
- any required resource consumption characteristics
17-12 System  System requirements include: functions and capabilities of the system;
requirements business, organizational and user requirements; safety, security,
specification human-factors engineering (ergonomics), interface, operations, and
maintenance requirements; design constraints and qualification
 Identifies the required system overview
 Identifies any interrelationship considerations/constraints between
system elements
 Identifies any relationship considerations/constraints between the
system elements and the software
 Identifies any design considerations/constraints for each required
system element, including:
- memory/capacity requirements
- hardware interface requirements
- user interface requirements
- external system interface requirements
- performance requirements
- command structures
- security/data protection characteristics
- system parameter settings
- manual operations
- reusable components
 Describes the operation capabilities
 Describes environmental capabilities
 Documentation requirements
 Reliability requirements
 Logistical Requirements
 Describes security requirements
 Diagnosis requirements
17-50 Verification Criteria  Each requirement is verifiable or can be assessed

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 Verification criteria define the qualitative and quantitative criteria for
verification of a requirement.
 Verification criteria demonstrate that a requirement can be verified
within agreed constraints. (Additional Requirement to 17-00
Requirements specification)
18-00 * Standard  Identification of to whom/what they apply
 Expectations for conformance are identified
 Conformance to requirements can be demonstrated
 Provisions for tailoring or exception to the requirements are included
18-01 Acceptance criteria  Defines expectations for acceptance like e.g.:
- interfaces
- schedules
- messages
- documents
- meetings
- joint reviews
18-06 Product release  Defines expectations for product release:
criteria - release type and status
- required elements of the release
- product completeness including documentation
- adequacy and coverage of testing
- limit for open defects
- change control status
18-07 Quality criteria  Defines expectations for quality:
- establishes what is an adequate work product (required elements,
completeness expected, accuracy, etc.)
- identifies what constitutes the completeness of the defined tasks
- establishes life cycle transition criteria and the entry and exit
requirements for each process and/or activity defined
- establishes expected performance attributes
- establishes product reliability attributes
18-50 Supplier qualification  Expectations for conformance, to be fulfilled by competent suppliers,
criteria are identified
 Links from the expectations to national/international/domains-specific
standards/laws/regulations are described
 Conformance to requirements can be demonstrated by the potential
suppliers or assessed by the acquiring organization
 Provisions for tailoring or exception to the requirements are included
19-00 Strategy  Identifies what needs and objectives or goals there are to be satisfied
 Establishes the options and approach for satisfying the needs,
objectives, or goals
 Establishes the evaluation criteria against which the strategic options
are evaluated
 Identifies any constraints/risks and how these will be addressed
19-05 Reuse strategy  Identify the goals for reuse
 Identify the commitment for creating reusable components

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 Determine which product lines and type of artifacts should be
supported with reuse
 Identify system and hardware/software/product elements which can be
reused within the organization
 Identify the reuse repository and tools
19-10 Verification strategy  Verification methods, techniques, and tools
 Work product or processes under verification
 Degrees of independence for verification
 Schedule for performing the above activities
 Identifies what needs there are to be satisfied
 Establishes the options and approach for satisfying the need
 Establishes the evaluation criteria against which the strategic options
are evaluated
 Identifies any constraints/risks and how these will be addressed
 Verification ending criteria
 Verification start, abort and re-start criteria
19-11 Validation strategy  Validation methods, techniques, and tools
 Work products under validation
 Degrees of independence for validation
 Schedule for performing the above activities
 Identifies what needs there are to be satisfied
 Establishes the options and approach for satisfying the need
 Establishes the evaluation criteria against which the strategic options
are evaluated
 Identifies any constraints/risks and how these will be addressed
20-00 Template  Defines the attributes associated with a work product to be created as
a consequence of a process execution
 Identifies technical elements typically associated with this product type
 Defines expected form and style
21-00 Work product  Defines the attributes associated with an artifact from a process
- key elements to be represented in the work product

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Annex C Terminology
Annex C lists the applicable terminology references from ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 and ISO/IEC/IEEE
29119. It also provides terms which are specifically defined within Automotive SPICE. Some of these
definitions are based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765.
Table C.1 — Terminology

Term Origin Description

Acceptance testing ISO/IEC/IEEE Formal testing conducted to enable a user, customer, or authorized
24765 entity to determine whether to accept a system or component.
Application Automotive An application parameter is a parameter containing data applied to
parameter SPICE V3.0 the system or software functions, behavior or properties. The notion
of application parameter is expressed in two ways: firstly, the logical
specification (including name, description, unit, value domain or
threshold values or characteristic curves, respectively), and,
secondly, the actual quantitative data value it receives by means of
data application.
Architecture Automotive Result of the decomposition of the architecture on system and
element SPICE V3.0 software level:
 The system is decomposed into elements of the system
architecture across appropriate hierarchical levels.
 The software is decomposed into elements of the software
architecture across appropriate hierarchical levels down to
the software components (the lowest level elements of the
software architecture).
Baseline ISO/IEC/IEEE A specification or product that has been formally reviewed and
24765 agreed upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further
development, and can be changed only through formal change
control procedures.
Black-box testing Automotive Method of requirement testing where tests are developed without
SPICE V3.0 knowledge of the internal structure and mechanisms of the tested
Code review Automotive A check of the code by one or more qualified persons to determine
SPICE V3.0 its suitability for its intended use and identify discrepancies from
specifications and standards.
Coding ISO/IEC/IEEE The transforming of logic and data from design specifications (design
24765 descriptions) into programming language.
Consistency Automotive Consistency addresses content and semantics and ensures that work
SPICE V3.0 products are not in contradiction to each other. Consistency is
supported by bidirectional traceability.
Defect → [FAULT]
Dynamic analysis ISO/IEC/IEEE A process of evaluating a system or component based on its behavior
24765 during execution.
Element Automotive Elements are all structural objects on architectural and design level
SPICE V3.0 on the left side of the "V". Such elements can be further decomposed
into more fine-grained sub-elements of the architecture or design
across appropriate hierarchical levels.
Error ISO/IEC/IEEE The difference between a computed, observed, or measured value or
24765 condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or

© VDA Quality Management Center 123

Fault ISO/IEC/IEEE A manifestation of an error in software.
Functional ISO/IEC/IEEE A statement that identifies what a product or process must
requirement 24765 accomplish to produce required behavior and/or results.
Functional ISO/IEC/IEEE A document that specifies the functions that a system or component
specification 24765 must perform. Often part of a requirements specification.
Functional testing ISO/IEC/IEEE Testing conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or
24765 component with specified functional requirements.
Hardware ISO/IEC/IEEE Physical equipment used to process, store, or transmit computer
24765 programs or data.
Hardware item Automotive A physical representation of a hardware element.
Integration Automotive A process of combining items to larger items up to an overall system.
Integrated software Automotive A set of software units or items that are integrated into a larger
item SPICE V3.0 assembly for the purpose of integration testing.
Integration testing Automotive Testing in which items (software items, hardware items, or system
SPICE V3.0 items) are combined and tested to evaluate the interaction among
Integrated system Automotive A set of items that are integrated into a larger assembly for the
item SPICE V3.0 purpose of integration testing.
Quality assurance ISO/IEC/IEEE A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide
24765 adequate confidence that an item or product conforms to established
technical requirements.
Regression testing Automotive Selective retesting of a system or item to verify that modifications
SPICE V3.0 have not caused unintended effects and that the system or item still
complies with its specified requirements.
Requirement Automotive A property or capability that must be achieved or possessed by a
SPICE V3.0 system, system item, product, or service to satisfy a contract,
standard, specification or other formally imposed documents.
Requirements Automotive A document that specifies the requirements for a system or item.
specification SPICE V3.0 Typically included are functional requirements, performance
requirements, interface requirements, design requirements, and
development standards.
Software ISO/IEC/IEEE Computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated
24765 documentation and data pertaining to the operation of a computer
Software Automotive In Automotive SPICE V3.0 the term "software component" is used for
component SPICE V3.0 the lowest level elements of the software architecture for which finally
the detailed design is defined. A software "component" consists of
one or more software "units".
Software element → [ARCHITECTURE ELEMENT]
Software item ISO/IEC/IEEE Identifiable part of a software product.
Software unit → [UNIT]

© VDA Quality Management Center 124

Static analysis Automotive A process of evaluating an item based on its form, structure, content,
SPICE V3.0 or documentation.
System Automotive A collection of interacting items organized to accomplish a specific
SPICE V3.0 function or set of functions within a specific environment.
System item Automotive Identifiable part of the system.
System test ISO/IEC/IEEE Testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the
24765 system's compliance with its specified requirements.
Testing Automotive Activity in which an item (system, hardware, or software) is executed
SPICE V3.0 under specific conditions; and the results are recorded, summarized
and communicated.
Traceability ISO/IEC/IEEE The degree to which a relationship can be established between two
24765 or more products of the development process, especially products
having a predecessor-successor or master-subordinate relationship
to one another.
Unit Automotive A software component that is not further subdivided.
Unit test Automotive The testing of individual software units or a set of combined software
SPICE V3.0 units.
Validation ISO/IEC/IEEE Validation demonstrates that the work item can be used by the users
29119 for their specific tasks.
Verification ISO/IEC/IEEE Verification is confirmation, through the provision of objective
29119 evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled in a given
work item.
White-box testing Automotive Method of testing where tests are developed based on the knowledge
SPICE V3.0 of the internal structure and mechanisms of the tested item.

© VDA Quality Management Center 125

Annex D Key Concepts
The following sections describe the key concepts that have been introduced in the Automotive
SPICE PRM resp. PAM 3.0. They relate to the terminology described in Annex C Terminology.

D.1 The "Plug-in" Concept

The following figure shows the basic principle of the "plug-in" concept. The top-level comprises all
system engineering processes organized in a system "V". Depending on the product to be developed
the corresponding engineering disciplines with their domain-specific processes (e.g. hardware
engineering HWE, mechanical engineering MEE, or software engineering SWE) can be added to
the assessment scope. All other processes such as management processes and supporting
processes are domain-independent and are therefore designed in a way that they can be applied to
both the system level and the domain levels.

Figure D.1 — The "Plug-in"-Concept

All processes printed in bold are part of the Automotive SPICE 3.0 PAM whereas the other processes
(mechanical engineering and hardware engineering) are not developed under VDA QMC mandate.

© VDA Quality Management Center 126

D.2 The Tip of the "V"
All engineering processes (i.e. system engineering and software engineering) have been organized
according to the "V model" principle in such a way that each process on the left side is corresponding
to exactly one process on the right side. Therefore, the process SWE.3 "Software Detailed Design
and Unit Construction" is separated from the process SWE.4 "Software Unit Verification".

System Requirements System Qualification Test

System Architectural System Integration and
Design Integration Test

Software Requirements Software Qualification Test

Software Architectural Software Integration and
Design Integration Test

Software Detailed Design Software Unit Verification
and Unit Construction

Figure D.2 — The tip of the "V"

D.3 Terms "Element", "Component", "Unit", and "Item"

The following figure depicts the relationships between element, component, software unit, and item,
which are used consistently in the engineering processes.

Element Item

System Requirements System Qualification Test

System Architectural System Integration and
Design Integration Test

Software Requirements Software Qualification Test

Software Architectural Software Integration and
Design Integration Test
Software Detailed Design Software Unit Verification
Unit and Unit Construction

Figure D.3 — Element, Component, Unit, and Item

© VDA Quality Management Center 127

An architecture consists of architectural "elements" that can be further decomposed into more fine-
grained architectural sub-"elements" across appropriate hierarchical levels. The software
"components" are the lowest-level "elements" of the software architecture for which finally the
detailed design is defined. A software "component" consists of one or more software "units".
"Items" on the right side of the V-model correspond to "elements" on the left side (e.g. a software
"item" can be an object file, a library or an executable). This can be a 1:1 or m:n relationship, e.g. an
"item" may represent more than one architectural "element".

D.4 Traceability and Consistency

Traceability and consistency are addressed by two separate base practices in the Automotive SPICE
3.0 PAM. Traceability refers to the existence of references or links between work products thereby
further supporting coverage, impact analysis, requirements implementation status tracking etc. In
contrast, consistency addresses content and semantics.
Furthermore, bidirectional traceability has been explicitly defined between
 test cases and test results, and
 change requests and work products affected by these change requests.
An overview of bidirectional traceability and consistency is depicted in the following figure.

Stakeholder bidirectional traceability

requirements consistency

SYS.5 BP5 System qualification
SYS.5 BP6 test specification
System requirements
SYS.5 BP5 System qualification
Test cases
test results
SYS.4 BP7 System integration
SYS.4 BP8 test specification
System architecture
SYS.4 BP7 System integration
Test cases
test results
SWE.1 BP6 Software qualification
SWE.1 BP7 Software requirements test specification

Test cases SWE.6 BP5 Software qualification

SWE.2 BP7 test results
SWE.5 BP8 Software integration
Software architecture test specification
SWE.5 BP7 Software integration
Test cases
SWE.3.BP5 test results
SWE.3 BP6 Software detailed SWE.4 BP6 SWE.4 BP5
SWE.3 BP5 Unit test specification Unit test results
Static verification
Software units
SWE.4 BP5 results

To affected work products

Change requests
SUP.10 BP8

Figure D.4 — Bidirectional Traceability and Consistency

© VDA Quality Management Center 128

D.5 "Agree" and "Summarize and Communicate"
The information flow on the left side of the "V" is ensured through a base practice "Communicate
agreed ‘work product x’". The term "agreed" here means that there is a joint understanding between
affected parties of what is meant by the content of the work product.
The information flow on the right side of the "V" is ensured through a base practice "Summarize and
communicate results". The term "Summarize" refers to abstracted information resulting from test
executions made available to all relevant parties.
Note that these communication-oriented base practices do not necessarily require a formal approval,
confirmation, or release as rather targeted at by GP 2.1.7 on capability level 2. At capability level 1
the communication-oriented base practices mean that the work products (or their content) are to be
disseminated to relevant parties.
An overview of these aspects is shown in the following figure:

BP: „communicate agreed…“ BP: „summarize and communicate…“

System Requirements System Qualification Test

System Architectural System Integration and
Design Integration Test

Software Requirements Software Qualification Test

Software Architectural Software Integration and
Design Integration Test

Software Detailed Design Software Unit Verification
and Unit Construction

Figure D.5 — Agree, summarize and communicate

D.6 "Evaluate", "Verification Criteria" and "Ensuring compliance"

This section describes relations, differences, and commonalities between verification, testing,
evaluation, and compliance. The following Figure D.6 provides an overview.
Verification criteria are used as input for the development of the test cases or other verification
measures that ensures compliance with the requirements. Verification criteria are only used in the
context of System Requirements Analysis (SYS.2) and Software Requirements Analysis (SWE.1)
processes. Verification aspects which cannot be covered by testing are covered by the verification
process (SUP.2).
Criteria for unit verification ensure compliance of the source code with the software detailed design
and the non-functional requirements. Possible criteria for unit verification include unit test cases, unit
test data, coverage goals and coding standards and coding guidelines, e.g. MISRA. For unit testing,
such criteria shall be defined in a unit test specification. This unit test specification may be
implemented e.g. as a script in an automated test bench.

© VDA Quality Management Center 129

SYS.2 SYS.2.BP5: Verification criteria
System Requirements System Qualification Test
Analysis SYS.5.BP2: Compliance

System Architectural System Integration and
Design SYS.4.BP3: Compliance Integration Test

SYS.3.BP5: Evaluate

SWE.1 SWE.1.BP5: Verification criteria

Software Requirements Software Qualification Test
Analysis SWE.6.BP2: Compliance

Software Architectural Software Integration and
Design SWE.5.BP3: Compliance Integration Test

SWE.2.BP6: Evaluate

SWE.3 SWE.4.BP2: Compliance

Software Detailed Design
and Unit Construction Software Unit Verification

SWE.3.BP4: Evaluate SWE.4.BP2: Criteria for unit verification

Figure D.6 — Evaluation, verification criteria and compliance

Evaluation of alternative solutions is required for system and software architectures as well as for
software detailed designs. The evaluation has to be done according to defined criteria. Such
evaluation criteria may include quality characteristics like modularity, reliability, security, and
usability, or results of make-or-buy or reuse analysis. The evaluation result including a rationale for
the architecture/design selection has to be recorded.
Compliance with an architectural design means that the specified integration tests are capable of
proving that interfaces and relevant interactions between
 the software units,
 the software items and
 the system items
fulfill the specification given by the architectural design.

D.7 The Relation Between "Strategy" and "Plan"

Both terms "Strategy" and "Plan" are commonly used across following processes of the Automotive
 SYS.4 System Integration and Integration Test
 SYS.5 System Qualification Test
 SWE.4 Software Unit Verification
 SWE.5 Software Integration and Integration Test
 SWE.6 Software Qualification Test
 SUP.1 Quality Assurance
 SUP.8 Configuration Management
 SUP.9 Problem Resolution Management
 SUP.10 Change Request Management

© VDA Quality Management Center 130

The following figure shows the general relationship between strategy and plan in any of these

Generic plan
WP 08-00
BP1: CL >= 2
Develop Strategy CL = 1
Process specific plan
WP 08-nn

Figure D.7— Strategy and plan

Capability Level 1:
Each of these processes requires the development of a process-specific strategy. The strategy
always corresponds to a process-specific "Plan". For each process-specific "Plan" there are process-
specific work product characteristics defined (e.g. "08-52 Test Plan", "08-04 Configuration
Management Plan").
Capability Level 2 or higher:
Each process-specific "Plan" (WP 08-nn) inherits the work product characteristics represented by
the Generic Plan (WP 08-00). This means that for a process-specific "Plan" both the process-specific
characteristics (WP 08-nn) and the generic characteristics (WP 08-00) apply.

© VDA Quality Management Center 131

Annex E Reference Standards
Annex E provides a list of reference standards and guidelines that support implementation of the
Automotive SPICE PAM / PRM.

ISO/IEC 33001:2015 Information technology -- Process assessment –

Concepts and terminology
ISO/IEC 33002:2015 Information technology -- Process assessment –
Requirements for performing process assessment
ISO/IEC 33003:2015 Information technology -- Process assessment –
Requirements for process measurement frameworks
ISO/IEC 33004:2015 Information technology -- Process assessment –
Requirements for process reference, process assessment and
maturity models
ISO/IEC 33020:2015 Information technology -- Process assessment –
Process measurement framework for assessment of process
ISO/IEC 15504-5:2006 Information Technology – Process assessment – Part 5: An
exemplar Process Assessment Model
ISO/IEC 12207:2008 Systems and software engineering -- Software life cycle processes
ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-1:2013 Software and systems engineering -- Software testing -- Part 1:
Concepts and definitions
ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-3:2013 Software and systems engineering -- Software testing -- Part 3:
Test documentation
ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and software engineering -- Vocabulary
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software
Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- System and
software quality models
Table E.1 — Reference standards

© VDA Quality Management Center 132

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