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María Magdalena Manuel Badal


/ˈhæn(d)bʊk əv fəˈnetɪks/

This is a Handbook of phonetics here you will find all the symbols represented with a

color, each sound has its respective description with its 3 criteria, either vowels sound or

consonant sound.

I also present you with an image, which represents the way you must articulate the soun


After you'll find a few examples.,Words written in phonetic transcription, this represents

the phonetic symbol, you will notice where the sound leads, from that moment you can s

tart practicing pronunciation.

it is very important that you know everything that comes with the use of phonetic sound,

know every detail.that is why it is necessary that people who study languages have phys

ically or digitally a manual that contains everything about phonetic sounds.

Why study phonetic sounds?

it is very important to recognize that without the study of these we will never be able to s

peak the English language and we would not be able to interpret it.

study phonetics is very necessary for a good pronunciation and listening, that's why I inv

ite you to read this book completely,study phonetics is very necessary for a good pronun

ciation and listening, that's why I invite you to read this handbook of

phonetics completely.
(Hancock, 2013, p. 20).
It is a high; tongue height can be

changed by moving the tongue up or down (Roach p. , 1998, pág. 11). It’s a font, we

could therefore describe as front vowels (Roach p. ,

1998, pág. 12). It’s an Unrounded, were the corners of

the lips are brought towards each other and the lips

pushed forwards (Roach p. , 1998, pág. 13).

Word Transcription Spanish

Meat /Mіːt/ Carne

Least /lіːst/ Menos

Beat /bіːt/ Latido


it’s a short vowel “ schwa” , it’s a mid vowel

sound (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14)

it’s a central vowel sound (Roach P. , 1998, pág.


it’s a mid –rounded vowel sound

Word Transcription Spanish

Banana /bəˋnaːnə/ Platano

Sugar /ˋꭍʊgəʳ/ Azucar

Carrot /ˋkӕrət/ Zanahoria

(Hancock, 2013, p.22)

It is a short vowel (Hancock, 2013, pág. 22)

This vowel is in the close front area (Roach p. , 1998,

pág. 14)

The lips are slightly spread (Roach p. , 1998, pág. 14)

Word Transcription Spanish

Music /ˊmϳuː̣ͺzɪk Musica

Walking /ˊwɔːͺkɪɧ/ Caminar

Orange /ˊɒrͺɪndʒ/ Naranja

This is a long vowel sound

(Hancock, 2013, p.44)

(Hancock, 2013, pág. 44)

The highest point is called a back vowel. It is fully close

and back (roach, 1998, pág. 13)

It is Rounded, the lips are brought towards each other

and the lips pushed forwards (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 13)

Word Transcription Spanish

Boot /buːt/ Arranque

Fool /fuːl/ Tonto

Rude /ruːd/ Grosero

Hancock (2013, p.44).
It is a High, is a short vowel sound

(Hancock, 2013, pág. 44).

It is a back, is more open and nearer to central (Roach P.

, 1998, pág. 14).

It is rounded; the lips are rounded (Roach P. , 1998, pág.


Word Transcription Spanish

Pull /pᶷl/ tirar

Good /gᶷd/ Bueno

Would /wᶷd/ seria

(Hancock, 2013, p.40)
It is a long vowel sound.

Is defined as the most open and back vowel that it is possible to make, the lips are

slightly spread (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14)

It is a vowel in which the back of the tongue is the highest points is called a back vowel

(Roach P. , 1998, pág. 12).

The lip position is neutral (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 17)

the lips are rounded(a little) (Hnacock, 2013, pág. 40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Ask /ɑːsk/ Preguntar

Car /kɑːʳ/ Coche

Star /stɑːʳ/ Estrella

It is a short vowel sound
(Hancock, 2013, p.44)
(Hancock, 2013, pág. 44)

This is a central vowel; the open-mid tongue is height (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14)

The lips position is neutral (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14)

Word Transcription Spanish

Bus /b˄s/ Autobus

Colour /ˊk˄l˳Əʳ/ Color

Study /ˊst˄d˳i/ Estudio

It is a short vowel sound

(Hancock, 2013, pág. 40) (Hancock, 2013, p.40)

This vowel is not quite fully back, is between open-mid and opens in tongue height

(Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14)

The lips are slightly rounded (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14)

Word Transcription Spanish

Box /bɒks/ Caja

Hot /hɒt/ Caliente

Stop /stɒp/ Parada

Height. It is a long vowel sound

(Hancok, 2013, pág. 46)

Backnes.The tongue height for

(Hancock, 2013, p.46)

this vowel is between cardinal vowels (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 17).

It is a rounding. This vowel is almost fully back and has quite

strong lip-Rounding (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 17).

Word Transcription Spanish

All /ɔːl/ Todo

Talk /tɔːk/ Hablar

Fall /fɔːl/ Caida

(Hancock, 2013, p.20)

This is a short vowel sound (Hancock, 2013, pág. 20)

This is a front vowel between cardinal vowels (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14)

The back of the tongue down (a little) (Hancock, 2013, pág.


It is Unrounded. The lips are slightly spread (Roach P. ,

1998, pág. 14)

Word Transcription Spanish

Set /set/ Establecer

Head /hed/ cabeza

Met /met/ conocido

(Hancock, 2013, p.12)

It is a long vowel sound (Hancock, 2013, pág. 12)

This vowel is front but not quite as open as cardinal vowel (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14) it

is a back of down (Hancock, 2013, pág. 12)

This is an unrounded. The lips are slightly spread

(Roach P. , 1998, pág. 14)it’s wide open mouth

Word Transcription Spanish

Bank /bæɧk/ Banco

Can /kæn/ Poder

Catch /kætʅ/ Atrapar

It is a mid- vowel sound
(Hancock, 2013, p, 46)
(Hancock, 2013, pág. 46)

This is a mid-central vowel which (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 17).

The lip position is neutral (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 17).

Word Transcription Spanish

Were /wʒː/ Fueron

Burn /bʒːn/ Quemar

Her /hʒːʳ/ Su
It’s a diphthong. It’s a long
(Hancock, 2013, p.36)

vowel sounds (Hancock,

2013, pág. 36)

It’s a back of tongue down (a little) (Hancock, 2013, pág. 36)

This diphthong begins with a vowel sound that is more than

/e/ (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 18)

it is a wide mouth (Hancock, 2013, pág. 36)

Word Transcription Spanish

Bear /bеƏʳ/ Oso

Share /ʅеƏʳ/ Compartir

Stairs /stеƏz) Escaleras

(Hancock, 2013, p.12)
It is a diphthong sound . It is a

long vowel sound (Hancock, 2013, pág. 12) The closing diphthong have the

characteristic that they all end with a glide towards a closer vowel.Because the second

part of the diphthong is weak , they often do not reach a position that could be called

close. The important thing is that a glide from a relatively more

open towards a relatively more clouse vowel is produced (Roach

P. , 1998, pág. 18)

It is a move front of tongue up (Hancock, 2013, pág. 12)

It’s a wide mouth (Hancock, 2013, pág. 12)

Word Transcription Spanish

Mate /mеɪt/ Compañero

Wait /wеɪt/ Esperar

Came /kеɪm/ Vino

It is a diphthong sound.
(Hancock, 2013, p.30)
This a long vowel sound

(Hancock, 2013, pág. 30)

This diphthong begins with an open vowel which is between front and back. It is quite

similar to the /˄/ (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 18)

It is a wide open mouth (Hancock, 2013, pág. 30)

Word Transcription Spanish

Quite /kwaɪt/ Bastante

Might /maɪt/ Podria

Type taɪp/ Tipo

(Hancock, 2013, p.48)
It is a diphthong. This is

long vowel sound (Hancock, 2013, pág. 48)

It’s a Front of tongue starts down and moves up (Hancock, 2013, pág. 48)

The first part this diphthong is slightly more open than /ɔː/ (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 18)

The lips are rounded; the lips start forward and move back

(Hancock, 2013, pág. 48)

Word Transcription Spanish

Boy /bɔɪ/ Chico

Point /pɔɪnt/ Punto

Oil /ɔɪl/ Aceite

It is a diphthong .It is a long
(Hancock, 2013, p.40)
vowel sound (Hancock,

2013, pág. 40)

This diphthongs glide towards ʊ, so that as the tongue moves closer to the roof of the

mouth there is at the same time a rounding movement of the lips. This movement is not

a large one, again because the second part of the diphthong is weak. (Roach P. , 1998,

pág. 18)

The vowel position for the beginning of this is the same as for the


It is a rounded. The lips may be slightly rounded in anticipation of the

glide towards (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 18)

Word Transcription Spanish

Boat /bəʊt/ Barco

Blows /bləʊ/ Golpe

Bowl /bəʊl/ Tazon

(Hancock, 2013, p.48)
It is a diphthong .It is a long

vowel sound (Hancock, 2013, pág. 48)

This is a diphthong, since this is an open vowel, a glide to /ʊ/ begins but is not

completed, the end of the diphthong being somewhere between close-mid and open-mid

in tongue height would necessitate a large movement, and the tongue. (Roach P. ,

1998, pág. 18)

The back of tongue starts down and moves up (Hancock, 2013, pág.


There is only slight lip-rounding (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 18)

Word Transcription Spanish

Found /faʊnd/ Encontrado

Now /naʊ/ Ahora

Cow /kaʊ/ Vaca


It is a voiceless sound. The

(Hancock, 2013, p.14)

plosives are always voiceless (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 26)

It is a bilabial. The plosives are bilabial since the lips are pressed together (Roach P. ,

1998, pág. 26)

It is lips closed (stop air) (Hancock, 2013, pág. 14)

(Knight, 2012, p.39)

Word Transcription Spanish

Park /ˊpaːk/ Parque

Please /ˊpliːz/ Por favor

Price /ˊprʌɪz/ Precio

/b/ /b/

It is voiced; it’s sometimes

(Hancock, 2013, p.14)
fully voiced (Roach P. , 1998,

pág. 26)

It is bilabial .The plosives are bilabial since the lips are pressed together (Roach P. ,

1998, pág. 26)

It’s a lips closed (stop air) (Hancock, 2013, pág. 14)

(Knight, 2012, p.39)

Word Transcription Spanish

Buy /bʌɪ/ Comprar

Bird /bəːd/ Pajaro

Bread /brɛd/ Criado

I (Hancock, 2013, p.18)

It is a voiceless sound. The plosive /t/ is voiceless (Roach P. , 1998)

It is alveolar. All the alveolar ridge as the passive articulator, so are said to have an

alveolar place of articulation (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 28)

It’s tongue touches tooth ridge (stop air) (Hancock, 2013, pág. 18)

(Knight, 2012, p.39)

Word Transcription Spanish

Town /taʊn/ Ciudad

Wrote /rəʊt/ Escribio

Talk /tɔːk/ Hablar

It is voiced. It’s sometimes fully voiced
(Hancock, 2013, p.18)
(Roach P. , 1998, pág. 26)

it is alveolar. The passive articulator is the alveolar ridge (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 27)

The active articulator is the tip of the tongue , it’s tongue touches tooth ridge (Hancock,

2013, pág. 18)

(Knight, 2012, p.39)

Wrote Transcription Spanish

Day /deɪ/ Dia

Down /daʊn/ Hacia abajo

End /end/ Final

It is a voiceless; the plosive /k/ is (Hancock, 2013, p.26)

voiceless (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 26)

The place of articulation is velar (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 29)

It’s a stop, it’s back of tongue touches top of mouth (Hancock, 2013, pág. 26)

(Knight, 2012, p.39)

Word Transcription Spanish

Cap /kæp/ Tapa

Dock /dɒk/ Muelle

Quarter /ˊkwɔːͺtəʳ/ Cuarto

(Hancock, 2013, p.26)
It is voiced; it’s sometimes

fully voiced (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 26)

The place of articulation is velar (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 29)

The manner of articulation is stop; it’s back of tongue touches top of mouth (Hancock,

2013, pág. 26)

(Knight, 2012, p.39)

Word Transcription Spanish

Bag /bæg/ Bolsa

Gig /gɪg/ Concierto

Pig /pɪg/ Cerdo

(Hancock, 2013, p.24)
It is a Voiceless sound (Hancock,

2013, pág. 24)

It is a Labiodental sound; upper teeth and lower lip come together (Hancock, 2013, pág.


It is Fricative sound, the top teeth on bottom lip (push air through gap) (Hancock, 2013,

pág. 24)

(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Few /fjuː/ Pocos

Leaf /liːf/ Hojas

Free /friː/ Gratis

it’s a Voiced
(Hancock, 2013, p.24)
It’s a Labiodental, the lower

lip is in contact with the upper teeth as ahown (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 40)

It’s a Fricative, the top teeth on bottom lip (push air through gap) (Hancok, 2013, pág.


(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word transcription spanish

Visa /ˊviːͺzə/ visa

Wave /weɪv/ Onda

Vote /vəʊt/ bota

It is voiceless sound
(Hancock, 2013,p.42)
(Hancock, 2013, pág. 42)

it is a Interdental sound , tongue in between upper and lower teeth

(hancock, 2013, pág. 42)

It’s a fricative sound, bottleneck of airflow (knight, 2012, pág. 40)

(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Three /ɵriː/ Tres

Thick /ɵɪk/ Grueso

Both /bəʊɵ/ Ambos

It’s a voiced sound
(Hancock, 2013, p.42)
(Hancock, 2013, pág. 42)

It’s a fricative sound , the dental fricative are sometimes described as if the tongue were

placed between the front teeth (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 40)

It’s a interdental sound, tongue in between upper and lower teeth (Hancock, 2013, pág.


(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Breathe /briːᶞ/ Respirar

Then /ᶞen/ Entonces

That /ᶞət/ Ese

(Hancock, 2013, p.16)
It’s a Voiceless, because is a

sound produced while the vocal folds are vibrating (Knight, 2012, pág. 18)

It’s Alveolar, the air escapes through a narrow passage along the centre of the tongue

and the sound produced is comparatively intense (Raoch, 1998, pág. 41)

It’s a Fricative, the push air through gap (Hancock, 2013, pág. 16)

(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Save /ˊseɪv/ Salvar

Science /ˊsaɪəns/ Ciencia

City /ˊsɪti/ Ciudad

(Hancock, 2013, p.16)
it’s a Voiced, it means

that the sound is produced while the vocal folds are vibrating (Knight, 2012, pág. 18)

It’s Alveolar , the air escapes through a narrow passage along the centre of the tongue

and the sound produced is comparatively intense (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 41)

It’s a fricative, the push air through gap (Hancock, 2013, pág. 16)

(Knight.2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Plays /pleɪz/ Juega

Bays /ˊbeɪz/ Bahias

Scissors /ˊsɪzəz/ Tijeras

(Hancock, 2013, p.32)
It’s a voiceless sound

(Hancock, 2013, pág. 32)

It is a palatal sound; it’s the front hard palate or roof of the mouth (Hancock, 2013, pág.


It’s a fricative, the tongue curved back behind tooth ridge (push air through gap)

(Hancock, 2013, pág. 32)

(Knight, 2012, p, 42)

Word Transcription Spanish

Short /ʅɔːt/ Corto

Shoot /ʅuːt/ Disparar

Shoes /ʅuː/ Zapatos

it’s a voiceless, because is

(Hancock, 2003, p.32)

a sound produced while the folds are not vibrating (Knight, 2012, pág. 18)

it’s a post-alveolar (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 40) the tongue is in contact with an area

slightly further back (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 41).

it’s affricate , the tongue moves behind tooth ridge (release air). The tongue touches

tooth ridge (stop air) (Hancock, 2013, pág. 32)

(Knight, 2012, p.42)

Word Transcription Spanish

Watch /wɒtʅ/ Reloj

Cheap /tʅiːp/ Barato

Chair /tʅeəʳ/ Silla

(Hancock, 2003, p.32)
It’s a Voiced (Roach P. ,

1998, pág. 40)

It’s a Post-alveolar; the tongue is in contact with an area slightly further back (Roach P. ,

1998, pág. 41)

It’s as affricate phoneme of English (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 40)

(Knight, 2012, p.42)

Word Transcription Spanish

Jeep /dʒiːp/ jeep

June /dʒuːn/ junio

Jaw /dʒɔː/ mandibula

(Hancock, 2003, p.38)

It’s a voiced; it means that the

sound is produced while vocal folds are vibrating (Knight, 2012, pág. 18)

It’s a Bilabial, it means that is produced when lips are together (Knight, 2012, pág. 29)

It is Nasal, its stop the gap with the lips, so air goes through nose (Hancock, 2013, pág.


(Knight, 2012, p.43)

Word Transcription Spanish

Mice /maɪs/ Ratones

Swim /swɪm/ Nadar

Ham /hæm/ Jamon

(Hancock, 2003, p.38)
It’s a voiced, it means that

the sound is produced while the vocal folds are vibrating (Knight, 2012, pág. 18)

It’s alveolar (Knight, 2012, pág. 29)

The manner articulation is Nasal, it’s stop the gap with tongue and tooth ridge , so air

goes through nose (Hancock, 2013, pág. 38)

(Knight, 2012, p.43)

Word Transcription Spanish

Night /naɪt/ Noche

Win /wɪn/ Ganar

Ran /ræn/ Corrio

It’s a voiced sound,it means

that the sound is produced

while the vocal folds are

(Hancock, 2003, p.38)

vibrating (Knight, 2012, pág. 18)

It’s a velar, it means that the air is at velum or soft palate (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 62)

It’s a nasal, its stop the gap with back of tongue and top mouth, so air goes through

nose (Hancock, 2013, pág. 38)

(Knight, 2012, p.43)

Word Transcription Spanish

Sing /kɪɧ/ Rey

Think /ɵɪɧk/ Cantar

King /kɪɧ/ Pensar

(Hancock, 2003, p.28)
It is a voiceless, this means

that the narrowing that produces the friction noise is between the vocal folds (Raoch,

1998, pág. 42)

The place of articulation of this consonant is glottal (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 42)

The manner of articulation slightly fricative, sound called breathy voice (Roach P. , 1998,

pág. 42)

(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Heat /hiːt/ Calor

Hold /həʊd/ Mantener

Heart /haːt/ Corazon

It’s a voiced

It’s a lateral approximant, the

(Hancock, 2003, p.34)

lateral approximant is therefore

somewhat different from other approximants in which there is usually much less contact

between the articulators (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 48) It’s a liquid , this is a consonant in

which the passage of air through the mouth does not go in the usual way along the

centre of the tongue (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 48)

(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Flies /flaɪz/ Moscas

Lent /Lent/ Prestado

Cold /kəʊld/ Frio

(Hancock.2003, p.34)
It’s a voiced sound.

This happens because there is vibration (Hancock, 2013, pág. 34)

It’s Post-alveolar sound (Knight, 2012, pág. 41)

It’s alveolar sound (Knight, 2012, pág. 41)

(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Rate /reɪt/ Tasa

Pray /preɪ/ Orar

Draw /drɔː/ Dibujar

(Hancock, 2003, p.28)

It’s a Voiced, it means that the sound is produced while the vocal folds are vibrating

(Knight, 2012, pág. 18)

The place of articulation is bilabial. It is produced with equal constriction of airflow at two

places in the vocal tract (Knight, 2012, p.30)

It’s a Glide, it’s make a gap small at back of mouth (Hancock, 2013, pág. 28)

(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

West /west/ Oeste

Would /wʊd/ Seria

Win /wɪn/ Ganar

(Hancock, 2003, p.28)

It’s a voiceless sound (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 51)

It’s a palatal (Roach P. , 1998, pág. 51)

It’s a Glide , it’s make a gap small at top of mouth (Hancock, 2013, pág. 28)

(Knight, 2012, p.40)

Word Transcription Spanish

Your /jɔːʳ/ Usted

Yolk /jəʊk/ Yema

Fuel /ˊfjuːəl/ Combustible


This Hanbook of phonetics helps you a lot,to study not only in classes , but also at any

time you have available.

It’s not just for students, but not for all people who want to acquire it for their language


Focus on learning to know and so in the future you can master phonetic sounds, you

can also transcribe without errors,

It’s time for you to buy it digitally, you can download it and take it with you on your cell

phone or computer or how it’s provide to you.

This Handbook of phonetics describes vowels and consonants in total are 42 sounds

you´ve seen with their respective descriptions and also the images that represent how to

articulate the sound.

All of this is what this Handbook of phonetics.

I hope and you liked the sound.

Thanks! …

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